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1、义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学英语第三册 Unit 6 FamilyLesson 1 My father has short hair.毓璜顶小学 崔晓燕 Whats Toms father like? (Tom 的爸爸什么样子?的爸爸什么样子?)Watch and answer.字母组合all我学过的单词 我还会读单词tallhall ball mall fall call wall字母组合ong我学过的单词 我还会读单词songlong strong字母组合air我学过的单词 我还会读单词我会读绕口令chair hairpairairrepairstair开气fair (晴朗),凉爽air

2、(空气), 吹拂hair(头发)崭新chair (椅子),滚下stair(楼梯), 需要repair(修理) Whats Toms mother like? (Tom 的妈妈什么样子?的妈妈什么样子?)Watch and answer.Read by yourselves.(自己(自己读课读课文。)文。)Toms father is _and _.He has _hair.Toms mother has_hair.Tom loves his _.Lets retell (复述课文复述课文).Can you dub(配音配音)?( ) He isnt tall. He isnt strong.

3、He has yellow hair.( ) He has long hair.( ) He has short hair. Hes tall and strong.Read and finish.(读一读,把对应的图片序号填在括号里读一读,把对应的图片序号填在括号里)( )She has long hair. ( ) She has short hair. This is my mother She is She has Look! This is my father. He is . He has . Lets talk.Talk about your family.(谈谈你的家人谈谈你的

4、家人)She has short hair. She has big eyes. Shes short. Lets guess which teacher it is.(猜一猜(猜一猜, 这是哪位老师?)这是哪位老师?)He has short hair. Hes strong. Hes tall.He likes playing the basketball.Lets guess which teacher it is.(猜一猜(猜一猜, 这是哪位老师?)这是哪位老师?)Lets guess which boy it is.(猜一猜(猜一猜, 这是咱班哪个男孩?)这是咱班哪个男孩?)He i

5、s short. He is thin. He has short hair. He can speak English very well.Lets do.vWho is he/she?v(请描述一位同学,看谁猜得准。请描述一位同学,看谁猜得准。)Its an animal. Its big and strong. It has two big ears. It has a long nose. Riddles:(谜语谜语)Its an animal. Its small. It has two long ears. It has two red eyes. And it has a sho

6、rt tail. Check itI can readhas tall strong hair parentIs that your father?My father is short and strong.My father has short hair.My mother has long hair.vGood children make glad Good children make glad parents.parents. 孩子好父母笑孩子好父母笑! !vLove your Love your parents,loveparents,love your your family!family! Homework 1.Listen to the tape and recite the dialogue.2. (听录音,背诵对话)听录音,背诵对话)2. Talk about your family with your friends. (和朋友们谈谈你的家人和朋友们谈谈你的家人)



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