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1、ir bird girlskirt er but-ter-flylad-der ham-merlet-terfernurcurlhurtburnearpearlslearnearnworworm workword worldthearth bathmoth thinshdish shipbrush shellfish eesheepsleepbeethreesweepteethtreeay play spraycray-fish lay airain sailstrain paint ow blow clownmower cowowl flowercloud oumouthcloud moun

2、-tain oy boy joy toyoiboilcoinjoinpointauas-tro-naut au-tumnlaundryawclaw crawldraw sawngswing wingsing slinghangerchchincheekchestoofootbookwood moonbroom rootstool bootspoon ew grewflewscrewuisuitfruitarshark cartart cardstararm darkcard cart or cork horntorch forkcorn cktruck neckchick-en duckclo

3、ck sockchop-sticksloaf soapoagoat coatroad boatwhwhip wheelwheatwhis-skersighnight highlightedpast tense endingey don-key mon-eymon-keywrwreath wristwreck wrenchkn knnot knitknee knightRead the sentences1.Go up a ladder.A butterfly is on my hand.A hammer can hit.He has a letter in his hand.Can Sam o

4、f-fer me din-ner? 6.Do is a verb.do7.Fern is a kind of plant.23My dog is big-ger, fat-ter and bet-ter. 1. It is a dir-ty skirt. 2. Herb talks to his bird.43. Jan is a girl.4. Can a bird fly?5. A bird rests in a fern.6. Is a dog in dirt?7. Yes, sir. I will do it.38. She is first, not last.A nurse is

5、next to a girl.=2.Turn left at the next turn.3. We will plant tur-nips.4.A girl lost her purse.?Jim has a pursePa-per burns.Sam hurt him-self.A big ball bursts.1. A girl has pearls on.2.Sam gets up ear-ly.3. I can learn.4. Jan earns pearls.5. A rat went in a hole.2=6. We went to swim in a pond.7. Do

6、 not get wet!8.A tax-i dri-ver lost his job.1.We learn words in the first term.I am a worker.A bird ate a worm.A big worm is in dirt.5.I did my work last term.3Dad-dy is a word. 7. Jon works at home.=28. Bert wants wa-ter to drink.541.This is a moth.2.He has thin legs.23.He is in a bath.34.This is m

7、y moth-er.425.That is myfa-ther.326.The girl is with her father and mother. 7.Lis-ten to thethun-der.00=8.A moth is not a but-ter-fly.1.I put on my shirt.2.I wash my hands.53.I will try to get a fresh fish.4.Put the shirts on the shelf.5.I will get shrimp from the shop.1. A bird is in a tree.2. This

8、 is a sheep. 0 2 23. He can sweep. 24. A bee can fly. 0 26. I can see three bees by the green tree.7. A bee has feet. A sheep al-so has feet. 0 4 28. If we feel sleep-y, we want to sleep. 51.It is my birth-day to-day.02.Hap-py birthday,Fay.3.Hens lay eggs.24.Sam plays with a cat.5.Ted got a cray-fis

9、h in the riv-er.6.Did Daddy pray,Mummy?We get hay from the shed.Do not de-lay,May.231.It rains.2.I will not get wet.3.Get on a train.4.I think with my brain.5.We can paint6.She can play.7.She can hit it.8.A hen can lay an egg.1. A flow-er can grow. 0 22. The owl can fly. 2 0 23. The wind can blow. 2

10、 0 24. Get milk from the cow.5. Mum put the flowers in a bowl. 2 2 26. May-be it will snow. 2 27. Jon owns his own bowl. 2 2 2 2 28. Show me the win-dow. 2 2 2 0 21.My mouth has lips.2.A cloud is in the sky.3.Go up the moun-tain.24.This is a bowl of soup.235.Rain falls from the clouds.4206.We learn

11、to say the sound of the word.7.The round ball drops to the ground.48.A mouse is in my house.2=021.I en-joy toys.222.Troy has a box of shells.223.Floyd is a big boy.5.A doll is a toy.2006.A boy is not a toy.7.Can Sam lift the toy bus?8.I see the group in the foy-er.31. A boy plays with a toy. 2 22. I

12、 can point.3. This is a coin.4. We can join hands5. Plants grow in the soil. 3 26. Do not let the oil spoil. 3 2 07. The boy is ver-y nois-y. 2 0 2 228.If we boil cold water, it will be hot.2421751.My lunch is in a box 2.This is my cheek.3.This is my chin.4.This is my chest.225.Sit on the bench and

13、chat with me. 26.How much is this lunch?2 27.That girl is rich.10.I go to church on Christ-mas Day201. Paul is a boy.2. Can an as-tro-naut fly?3. Can he go to the sun?4. Take the dirt-y shirts to the laun-dry.2=6. Win-ter is cold-er than au-tumn.07.Paul has a pain in his leg.8.He ate hot-dog with sa

14、uce.2=221.Can an ant crawl? Yes,it can.2.Can a boy crawl? Yes,he can.3.Can an ant draw?4.Can a boy draw?5.Can a girl draw?6.This is a saw.7.A lob-ster has big claws.20His birth-day is in Au-gust.201.A bird has wings.22.A bird can sing.3.A girl is on a swing.4.Can an ant sing?5.The bell rang.8.We wan

15、t to shout and sing.532. Can an as-tro-naut go to the moon?3. I sweep with a broom.4. I can hop with my foot,I stand on my feet. 5. His mo-ther is cook-ing the food.426. In the af-ter-noon we ti-dy the room.2037. The boy stood on the stool.8. I en-joy good food.21. A tree grew.2. The birds flew.3. T

16、his book is new.224. I can see dew on the grass.235. The rain fell, the wind blew.6. Lew, see the new class-mates.23=21. We en-joy fresh fruit.2. I want fresh juice.2=53. Dad put on his suit.34. The new fruit on the tree grew big-ger and big-ger.05. The bird flew to the south when it was win-ter.526

17、. The cook on the ship made good stew. 22=7. Cats mew, and cows moo.228. The wolf blew a-way the straw house.30=1. We can eat fruit.2. We can eat meat.3. We can eat bread.24. A bird has a beak.25. I got a peach at the beach.6. Can I teach you how to read the book?37. Neal dreams of eat-ing meat.28.

18、Look at the green leaves on the tree.21.We can go in a car.2.A star is in the sky.3.She can swing her arms.4.This is a card.6.Look at the card and say the sound.7.The weath-er is get-ting warm now.2 228. We do not want the war to start.52024/9/251.We like to eat corn.2024/9/252.We grow corn in the g

19、ar-den.02024/9/253.We can eat corn with a fork.2024/9/256.Nor-ma blows the horn.2028.We heard the new-born ba-by cry.2221.I can go in a truck.3.A duck has wings.24.A duck has a beak.5.Jack is a black boy.6.Mack is sick with fe-ver.01. A truck can go on the road. A boat can float on the wa-ter.43. A

20、goat has legs and horns.224. Joan has a green coat.25. Wash hands with a bar of soap.1.The truck has wheels.23.Has a duck got wheels?4.Dad has whiskers.1.The moon is high in the sky.2.Birds can fly high.4.The moon is a light.1. My mum cooked food yes-ter-day.2. We played with toys yes-ter-day.01. Mu

21、m sighed.21.This is a donkey.2.The monkey is on the tree.3.The mon-key and don-key can not fly.4.The donkey is grey.25.The monkey is brown.6.They live in a val-ley.=21.A wren is a bird.2.My wrist is hurt.4.Do not wreck the car.6.He got the wrong wrench.7.Wring out the cloth.8.Hang the wreath on the wall.This is my knee.I can bend my knee.This is a knot.The knight is read-y to fight.Jon holds the knob.Knock first and then turn the knob.The knight will kneel in front of the king.She knows how to knit.



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