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1、Business Contract Translation of Purchase Contract陈樱,周玲玲祝婧,廖婷婷1商业合同翻译This contract is made on the _ day of _ 20 _ _ , by and between _ Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) and_ Company (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer). Through friendly negotiation, both Parties have hereby agreed on the

2、 terms and conditions stipulated hereunder:本合同由XX公司(以下简称卖方)和XX公司(以下简称买方)于XXX日签订。双方通过友好协商特此同意下列条款:调整语序、倒译、减词法翻译二:买卖双方于XX日签订本合同,通过友好协商,一致同意如下条款:2商业合同翻译1. Contract Products: 合同货物2. Specification: 规 格3. Quantity: 数 量4. Unit Price: 单 价5. Total Value: 总 价6. Country of Origin: 原 产 国7. Shipping Marks: 唛头/运输

3、标志8. Shipment: 装运9. F.O.B: 离岸价3商业合同翻译To be shipped on or before _subject to acceptable Letter of Credit (L/C) reaches Sellers before the end of _, and partial shipments allowed, transshipment allowed.XXX日前装运,但以可接受信用证在XXX日前到达卖方处为前提,允许分批装运和转运。顺译法4商业合同翻译 9. Grace Period: Should last shipment have to be

4、 extended for fulfilment of this contract, the Buyer shall give the Seller a grace period of 30 days upon submitting evidence by the Seller.10. Insurance: To be effected by the Buyer.11. Packing: In new Kraft paper bags of _kg/bag or in wooden cases of _kg/case, free of charge.9. 优惠期限:为了履行合同,若最后一次装船

5、时需延期,在卖方提交凭证情况下,买方需给卖方提供30天的优惠期限。10. 保 险:由买方办理。11.包装:免包装费,用容量为XXX公斤/袋的新牛皮纸袋包装或XXX公斤/箱的木箱装。调整语序、转换词性、直译5商业合同翻译12. Payment: The Buyer shall open a 100% confirmed, irrevocable, divisible and negotiable and partial shipment permitted Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller within 5 calendar days from th

6、e date of the agreement through the Issuing Bank. The L/C shall be drawn against draft at sight upon first presentation of the following documents: (1) Full set of Sellers Commercial Invoices; (2) Full set of clean, blank, endorsed Bill of Lading6; (3) Inspection Certificates of quality and weight.1

7、2. 付 款:签订合同后5天内买方需通过开证行开出以卖方为受益人的全额保兑的、不可撤销的、可分割的、可议付的、允许分批转运的第一提示的见票即付的信用证,并出示下列单据:(1)全套卖方商业发票(2)全套清洁、空白背书货运提单(3)质量、重量检验证书调整语序、直译6商业合同翻译13. Notice of Readiness: The Buyer shall advise the Seller by telex the scheduled time of arrival of cargo vessel at least seven days prior to the arrival of the v

8、essel at the loading port.14. Performance Guarantee: (1) Upon receipt of Buyer s Irrevocable L/C by the Advising Bank, the Seller shall perform a Performance Guarantee representing _ % of the L/C value. 13. 装船通知:买方在货物到达装货港的前7天,将船只到达的时间用电传通知卖方。14.履约保证金: (1)在通知行收到买方开立的不可撤销信用证,卖方需缴纳信用证金额的XXX%,作为履约保证金。逆

9、译法7商业合同翻译(2) The Performance Guarantee shall be returned in full to the Seller after completion of shipment and delivery of the contracted goods. In case of non-delivery of ( all or part) of the goods for reasons other than those specified in clause 12, the Performance Guarantee shall be forfeited i

10、n favor of the Buyer in proportion to the quantity in default.(2)合同货物装船和交货后,履约保证金将如数的退回给卖方。如果货物因第12条款以外的原因造成无法交货(全部或部分),将履约保证金按数量缺少的比例偿付给买家。逆译法、直译8商业合同翻译(3) Should the Buyer breach the contract or fail to open the L/C in favor of the Seller within the period specified in clause 9 (except for clause

11、12), the Buyer has to pay the Seller the same value as the Performance Guarantee. (3)如果由于买方违约或者不按本合同第9条规定的时间内(第12条规定除外)开具以卖方为受益人的信用证,必须按照保证金相同的金额付给卖方。直译、转换词性9商业合同翻译(4) The Letter of Credit must fulfill all the terms and conditions of this contract. The terms of the L/C should be clear, fair and made

12、 payable to the Seller. Upon acceptance of L/C by the Advising Bank, the Advising Bank shall send the Performance Guarantee to the Issuing Bank.(4)信用证必须满足合同规定的所有条款内容。信用证中的条件应该精确,公道,卖方可以予以承兑。通知银行收到信用证后,应寄履约保函给开证银行。直译10商业合同翻译15. Force Majeure: The Seller or the Buyer shall not be responsible for non-d

13、elivery or breach of contract for any reason due to Force Majeure incidents. In case the time of delivery or shipment has to be extended, the Buyer or the Seller shall have to provide evidence for such event.15.不可抗力: 卖方或者买方均不承担由不可抗力的任何原因所造成的无法交货或者违约。如果必须延迟交货或装运日期,卖方应提供的证明。调整语序、直译、减译11商业合同翻译16.Arbitr


15、idCommission.16.仲裁:所有由合同执行时所造成的纠纷或分歧应通过双方友好协商解决。若协商未达成一致,可向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会提出仲裁,按其仲裁规定进行仲裁。直译、转换词性12商业合同翻译The award by the said Commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both Parties. The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party. In course of Arbitration, the contract shall continu

16、ously be executed by both Parties except for the part under Arbitration.17. Currency Devaluation: In the event of any official devaluation of U. S. Currency, the Seller reserves the right to readjust the contract price in proportion to the devaluation ratio. 仲裁委员会的仲裁是最终的裁决,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费用应由败诉方承担。除进行仲裁

17、的部分外,在仲裁执行的同时,双方将继续执行合同的其余部分。 17.货币贬值:若美元货币发生法定贬值,卖方保留按贬值比率对合同价格权利予以合同的其余部分。直译13商业合同翻译18. Valid Period: This contract will automatically become null and void should the Buyer fail to open a L/C in favor of the Seller within seven days after signing this contract. However, the Buyer shall still be re

18、sponsible for the payment of compensation in accordance with the terms in clause 11, items 2 and 3.This contract is made in duplicate, both Parties have read carefully and agreed to abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated. The contract is signed by both Parties in the presence of witnesses. 18.有效期限:本合同自生效日起,在7日内买方如果不能开出以卖方为受益人的信用证,本合同将自动失效。但买方仍然对第11条中第(2)(3)项规定的内容负责支付补偿。本合同一式两份,经双方认真审阅并遵守合同规定的全部条款,在见证人出席下由双方签字。直译14商业合同翻译在翻译的过程中,遇到以下问题:1. 专业名词2.文体翻译问题3.有其固定的翻译模式15商业合同翻译THANKS!16商业合同翻译此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!17商业合同翻译



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