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1、 Exposition means explaining or expounding. An expository paper explains something, such as how something is made, why something has happened, in what ways two persons or thing are similar or different and so on. Exposition下一页下一页2021/6/71 In a narrative paper of a historical event, we tell what happ

2、ened, when and where it happened, and who took part in it. In an expository paper, we discuss its cause and effect, its nature, and its significance in history. Expository papers are perhaps the type of writing that is most frequently used by a student, a scientist, or a professional. 下一页下一页 Things

3、can be explained in many ways, for instance, by process(过过程程介介绍绍), illustration (举举例例/列列举举法法), classification and division (分分类类/分分项项法法), comparison and contrast (对对比比/比比较较法法), an analysis of their causes and effects (因果法因果法) etc. 2021/6/72 The most important quality of exposition is clarity. To ach

4、ieve this the writer should: 下一页下一页1.Limit his subject or the scope of discussion, for it is impossible to explain many things clearly in a short essay.2.Prepare enough material (details or examples) to help his explanation; the ordinary reader often finds abstract discussion hard to follow if they

5、are not illustrated by concrete examples.3.present his facts and views in proper order, in the order of time or of logical sequence depending on the nature of the subject.4.Pay attention to the accuracy and clarity of words and sentences; avoid ornamental as well as ambiguous expressions.5.Make his

6、exposition, if possible, interesting or movingan experienced writer can often instruct and move or entertain his reader at the same time. 2021/6/73Week 1: 图表类说明文图表类说明文Week 2: 实例实例/ 过程说明文过程说明文Week 3: 因果说明文因果说明文Week 4: 对比对比-比较说明文比较说明文Week 5: 分类分项说明文分类分项说明文 2021/6/74 图图表表作作文文在在近近年年的的大大学学英英语语四四六六级级考考试试和

7、和研研究究生生考考试试中中使使用用较较多多。图图表表作作文文通通常常为为一一幅幅或或两两幅幅图图表表,要要求求考考生生能能从从图图表表的的说说明明或或数数字字中中看看出出各各个个表表达达项项目目的的内内在在联联系系及及趋趋势势,并并用用文文字字表表述述出出来来。文文章章的的重重点点应应根根据据提提纲纲要要求求放放在在阐阐述述个个人人见见解解方方面面:说说明明原原因因,提提供解决问题的办法等。供解决问题的办法等。下一页下一页图表类作文图表类作文 图表作文的基本写作模式:图表作文的基本写作模式:1. 描述图表内容,将图表信息转化成文字信息;描述图表内容,将图表信息转化成文字信息;2. 对图表进行分

8、析,说明原因。对图表进行分析,说明原因。3. 写自己的看法、见解,或者预测事物的发展趋势。写自己的看法、见解,或者预测事物的发展趋势。2021/6/75图表类作文图表类作文图表类作文图表类作文 The Changes in Great Natural Disasters Worldwide 1. 简述所给图表中的变化。简述所给图表中的变化。 2. 说明引起变化的主要原因。说明引起变化的主要原因。 3. 分析这些变化对全球的影响。分析这些变化对全球的影响。下一页下一页上一页上一页2021/6/76Changes in Great Natural Disasters Worldwide下一页下一页

9、Back图表图表图表图表上一页上一页2021/6/77Writing modeWriting mode(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页写作模式(原因分析类)写作模式(原因分析类) 1) As can be seen from the graph / table / diagram, there have been drastic / considerable / unfavorable changes in ( (议议论的主题论的主题) )over the past period from _ to _. 2) To be concrete, only in _(y

10、ear) while / whereas the ratio(s) went up toin _ (year).( (变化概述变化概述) ) 3) These changes are most disturbing, so it is necessary for us to go into the whys and wherefores of them first. (Para. 1) 4) Some changes, such as , result from , but many others have much to do with 5) In the first place, mans

11、 excessive exploitation of has done a lasting damage to , only to (原因原因分析分析I)I)6) (进一步说明进一步说明) 7) In the second, in order to , man has had to overwork , which in turn has accelerated ( (原因原因分析分析II)II) Back2021/6/78Writing modeWriting mode(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页8) In the third, mans blind appl

12、ication of has caused permanent changes in ( (原因原因分析分析III)III) 9) Among these changes are . ( (进一步说明进一步说明) )(Para. 2) 10) The list of causes could go on, but they are already enough to indicate that these changes are producing more and more negative effects on the world. 11) They have not only made

13、it impossible for the natural systems to recover their balance but also made it harder for man to ensure his better survival. 12) If allowed to run its course, I am afraid, this trend will certainly bring more serious threats to all the living things on the Earth, mankind included.Back2021/6/79 1) A

14、s can be seen from the graph, there have been rapid changes in the great natural disasters worldwide over the past period from 1960s to 1990s. 2) To be concrete, there were only 16 terrible natural disasters, causing 300,000 deaths in 1960s while the ratios went up respectively to 131 and 1,100,000

15、in 1990s. 3) The changes are disturbing, so it is necessary for us to go into the whys and wherefores of them first. 4) Some changes, such as those in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, result from the movement of plates along the weaknesses in the earths crust, but many others have much to do with

16、 mans activities. 5) In the first place, mans mindless and excessive exploitation of natural resources has done a lasting damage to the ecosystem, only to invite more floods, landslides and mud-rock flows.Model WritingModel Writing下一页下一页Back2021/6/7106) The rare flood to which China was subjected in

17、 1998 is typical of the evil seeds man had sowed for himself. 7) In the second, in order to feed their more and larger families, people from all over the world have had to overwork their farming land as well as their grassland, which in turn has accelerated the desertification of the land on which t

18、hey have been relying for existence. 8) In the third, mans blind application of scientific findings has caused unfavorable and permanent changes in the global living environment. 9) Among these changes are the depletion of ozone layer, the worsening of greenhouse effect, the recurrence of hurricanes

19、 and the extinction of more species.Model WritingModel Writing下一页下一页Back2021/6/711 10) The list of causes could go on, but they are already enough to indicate that these changes are producing more and more negative effects on the world. 11) They have not only made it impossible for the natural syste

20、ms to recover their balance but also made it harder for man to ensure his better survival. 12) If allowed to run its course, I am afraid, this trend will certainly bring more serious threats to all the living things on the Earth, mankind included. Model WritingModel WritingAssignmentWrite on the top

21、ic: The Changes in Great Natural Disasters WorldwideTHE ENDTHE END上一页上一页2021/6/712Illustration (实例说明文)(实例说明文)Illustration is the use of examples to explain a point. It is the most common, and often the most efficient pattern of exposition. Indeed, it is hard to write a good paper of any kind without

22、 using at least some examples. Good examples help to clarify a writers thought by making the general specific, and the abstract concrete. They also add interest and help to persuade or convince the reader.下一页下一页2021/6/713 Another way in which new words come into the English language is through the p

23、rocess of blending. Blends are words formed by combining the beginning of one word with the end of another. One example of this process is the word smog, which combines the beginning of smoke with the end of fog. The word motel is a blend of motor and hotel. Other commonly heard blends are smash (sm

24、ack plus mash), squash (squeeze and crash) and brunch (breakfast plus lunch). Most blends pass out of the language quickly; only a small percentage, such as those noted above, survive for any considerable length of time.此此段段文文字字用用实实例例将将英英语语的的一一种种构构词词现现象象合合成成词词表表述述得得异常生动和清晰。异常生动和清晰。 Paragraph example

25、Paragraph example下一页下一页Back上一页上一页2021/6/714 Computers are playing an increasingly part in modern society. They can do very complicated work, solve the most difficult mathematical problems and put thousands of facts in order in a very short time. Since they work accurately and at high speed, they sav

26、e research workers years of hard work. Computers seen indispensable in many areas, such as commerce, industry, transportation, and education. Here are some examples. First, in clerical work, computers are very good at handling repetitive work efficiently. For instance, in handling academic records,

27、details about each student such as his name, age, courses, credits, etc. are fed into the computer. The computer makes all the necessary calculation. Passage examplePassage example下一页下一页BackComputers2021/6/715 Another example of the same sort of process has been the use of computers in banking to de

28、al with all the financial work. Secondly, we have the use of computers in information system. Accountants and statisticians can be relieved of all dull and routine work, for the figures can be worked out and checked entirely by the machine. For instance, computers are effectively used in railway sta

29、tions and airlines to sell tickets and control seat reservation. Thirdly, computers have brought about great changes in our life. With more and more personal computers connected to the Internet, people can get or send whatever information they need on the inter-net. Our teachers often download infor

30、mation about current events and so on for us to read. Besides, multimedia software is widely used in education. For exampleFor example下一页下一页Back上一页上一页2021/6/716Process (过程说明文过程说明文) 过过程程有有两两种种:人人为为过过程程,如如:出出国国申申请请、装装卸卸轮轮胎胎等等。人人为为过过程程的的说说明明文文的的目目的的是是给给予予指指令令和和建建议议;自自然然过过程程,如如:人人体体血血夜夜流流动动、鸟鸟类类迁迁徙徙等等。这

31、这类类过过程程的的说说明明文文的的目目的的是是提提供供信信息息和和分析。分析。 下一页下一页 Although computers work much faster and much more accurately than human beings, they cannot replace human brain, for they operate by detailed instructions from human beings. They can never become our masters. 2021/6/717(介绍过程的说明文)(介绍过程的说明文)参考范文参考范文How to

32、 Do Something通过介绍如何做某事的过程,通过介绍如何做某事的过程,使读者受到启发。使读者受到启发。下一页下一页上一页上一页2021/6/718下一页下一页How to Carry Out Your Career Planning通过介绍如何谋划职业生涯的过程通过介绍如何谋划职业生涯的过程, 使读者从中受益。使读者从中受益。上一页上一页2021/6/719下一页下一页 1) The process of your career planning can be broken up into the steps as follows. 2) The first one is to kno

33、w yourself. 3) A critical study of your strengths and weaknesses, your goals in life, and the trends in your personal development is the basis for all career planning, this is because the self-knowledge you gain from this step enables you to figure out what careers may best fit your interests, abili

34、ties, and goals. 4) The second step is to write down a list of career goals you How to Carry Out Your Career Planning 上一页上一页2021/6/720have ever dreamed of or you are likely to set for yourself. 5) This may lead to new ideas about your possibilities and may help you to see the connections between the

35、 impossible and the possible. 6) The third step is to talk over your plans with your parents or friends periodically in order to adjust your plans to the best of your advantage. 7) As the ripe experience proves, taking stock of your situation as well as exchanging ideas with the aged will go a long

36、way toward your effective response to the changes that are going on in the job market. 8) If you have turned out to be “a square peg in a round hole”, therefore, you may start over from the very beginning and try the steps as mentioned above. Model Writing2021/6/721Assignment WritingWriting上一页上一页Stu

37、dents can write on either of the following topics:1.How to Carry Out Your Career Planning2.Computers.THE ENDTHE END2021/6/722Cause and Effect (因果说明文)(因果说明文)(因果说明文)(因果说明文) A cause-effect essay explains the cause and effect of something. 因因果果关关系系是是事事物物之之间间的的特特定定关关系系。因因果果关关系系回回答答诸诸如如下下列列的的问问题题:“这这件件事事为

38、为何何发发生生?”“吸吸烟烟为为何何影影响响人人的的健健康康?”“Why Chinas single-child policy is necessary?”等等等等。通通过过分分析析事事物物的的因因果果关关系系阐阐明明事事物物性性质质或或经经过过的的文文章章称称为因果说明文。为因果说明文。 2021/6/723Cause and Effect (因果说明文)(因果说明文)(因果说明文)(因果说明文) (原因分析类)(原因分析类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文What Causes Something New1. 1. 近几年在社会上出现了近几年在社会上出现了2. 2. 导致该现象的原因导致该

39、现象的原因3. 3. 分析该现象的社会影响分析该现象的社会影响2021/6/724写作模式写作模式(原因分析类)(原因分析类)Para.1: 1) Believe it or not/Like it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in/a popularity (resurgence/worsening/crisis/ decline/growth/revival/spread ) ofin our society/on the Chinese campus. 2) According to, people, especially coll

40、ege students, are showing more and more interest in 3) To get a better sense of it, it is necessary for us to find out its causes. (划线部分可被替换划线部分可被替换)Back下一页下一页上一页上一页2021/6/725Para. 2: 4) A closer analysis/study/ observation of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concer

41、n/should call for more of our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of, for which(原因原因I) 6) In the second, it is seen, among, as an ideal way of, since (原因原因II) 7) And above all, it is an inevitable result of(原因原因III) 8) While, in fact,(划线部分可被替换划线部分可被替换)写作模式写作模式Back下一页下一页上一页上一页2021/6/726

42、Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our social/college life are positive/ negative/a mixed one. 10) On the one hand,.(分析分析I) 11) On the other,.(分析分析II) 12) With more and moreadded / attached to the trend, I am fully convinced / I am deeply worried, it will certainly / is bound toin the time to

43、 come.(划线部分可被替换划线部分可被替换)写作模式写作模式Back下一页下一页上一页上一页2021/6/727WritingWriting下一页下一页上一页上一页What Causes a Boom in Celebrating Foreign Festivals1. 1. 近几年大学校园出现了近几年大学校园出现了 一股过洋节热。一股过洋节热。2. 2. 阐明导致该现象的原因。阐明导致该现象的原因。3. 3. 分析该现象的社会影响。分析该现象的社会影响。2021/6/728Para. 1: 1) Believe it or not, these years have witnessed

44、a boom in celebrating foreign festivals on the Chinese campus. 2) According to an official report/survey, young people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in such festivals as Valentines Day, April Fools Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 3) To get a better sense o

45、f the boom, it is necessary for us to find out its causes. Para. 2: 4) A closer analysis of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of students seeking after individuality and novelty, for which the college campus offers an

46、 ideal climate. (原因原因I)Model WritingModel Writing下一页下一页上一页上一页2021/6/7296) In the second, it is seen, among the students, as an ideal way of freeing themselves from stress for the time being, since most college students, single child of each family, are subjected to the unprecedented pressures from a

47、ll sides although they enjoy the abundance of material wealth. (原因原因II) 7) And above all, it is an inevitable result of more and more exchanges between Western and Eastern cultures. (原因原因III) 8) While the Chinese watch their children thirst for the joy derived from foreign festivals, in fact, the Am

48、ericans are discussing whether or not to list the Chinese Spring Festival among their official holidays.Model WritingModel Writing下一页下一页上一页上一页2021/6/730Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our college life are positive. 10) On the one hand, it has created more chances for students to gain a bet

49、ter insight into other cultures. (分析分析I) 11) On the other, it has enriched the college life, thus making the campus a more pleasant place to live on. (分析分析II) 12) With more and more health and color added to the trend, I firmly believe, it will certainly bring more benefits to our campus life in the

50、 time to come.Model WritingModel Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE END2021/6/731Comparison and contrast A comparison explains how things are similar, and a contrast shows how they are different. We make comparisons and contrasts every day for special purposes in mind. For instance, when we are shopping, we co

51、mpare and contrast the price, quality, style, etc. of two products either in the same store or in two different stores in order to decide which one to buy. Similarly, when you write a comparison/ contrast essay, you explain or clarify for one of the three following purposes:To present information ab

52、out something unfamiliar by comparing it with something familiar.To show the superiority of one thing by comparing it with another.To show the reader of the similarities and differences of two things to help the reader understand or evaluate them. 2021/6/732 归归结结起起来来, 比比较较/对对比比说说明明文文有有三三种种基基本本模模式式:集

53、集中中比比较较法法、逐逐点点比比较较法法和和异异同同比比较较法法。如如果果用用A和和B代代表表两两种种事事物物,这这三三种种模模式式的的写作结构可这样表示:写作结构可这样表示: 下一页下一页 集中比较法:集中比较法:introduction discussion of Adiscussion of Bconclusion 逐点比较法逐点比较法:introductiondiscussion of point 1 about A and Bdiscussion of point 2 about A and Bconclusion 异同比较法:异同比较法:introductiondiscussion

54、 of similarities between A and Bdiscussion of differences between A and Bconclusion2021/6/733 In this modern world of ours, people travel a lot, either on business or for pleasure. And the two most popular means of transportation are the train and the plane. Though they both can carry passengers fro

55、m place to place, they differ in many ways. Traveling by train is relatively inexpensive. That is why those who travel at their own expenses prefer to ride on a train in spite of the fact that it is slower and time-consuming. Besides, on the train the passengers can see a lot more when they go from

56、one station to another. If the time and the season are right, they probably can watch the glorious sunrise, the verdant fields or the blooming wild flowers. 下一页下一页Traveling by Train and by Plane 2021/6/734But in hot summer, they have to put up with the sweltering compartments, the uncomfortable seat

57、s and the limited facilities. The long distance travelers, if they are not lucky enough to get tickets for sleepers, are certain to find that sitting for a long time will cause aching back and swollen feet. Expensive as it is, traveling by plane has the advantages of being quick and comfortable. And

58、 the plane makes it possible for people of two different nations to exchange visits when there is no land or water transportation between their countries. Most people choose to take the plane because of its cosy atmospherethe brightly-lit cabin, the delicious food and the perfect service. 下一页下一页2021

59、/6/735Sitting comfortably in the seats, they can read books or magazines, watch entertainment program on TV, listen to lovely music through ear-phone or just doze off. When the plane gets to the destination, they will find themselves refreshed and vitalized, ready for work. Moreover, air travel is m

60、uch safer than land travel according to the official statistics. It goes without saying that I personally have strong inclination for flying. When I soar into the blue sky at a breath-taking speed, and have a birds eye view of the cities, mountains and seas, I get such an exciting experience that no

61、 other form of travel can give me. 下一页下一页2021/6/736Students can choose one from the following topics to write on:1.Traveling by Train or by Plane2. By Phone or By LetterTHE ENDTHE ENDHomework2021/6/737Classification and Division We use classification and division to sort things out. Division is used

62、 to separate one thing into parts; for instance, the personnel in a factory can be divided into workers, staff and administrators. Classification, on the other hand, is used to organize things which have something in common; it groups things systematically. A division essay lays emphasis on the dist

63、inction or differences between things, and a classification essay, on the similarities. 分类分项说明文分类分项说明文分类分项说明文分类分项说明文下一页下一页2021/6/738 When using division or classification in your writing, keep in mind the following guidelines:1.Choose an appropriate principle of division/ classification suited to yo

64、ur purpose.2.Apply your principle consistently and thoroughly, and avoid overlapping. 下一页下一页2021/6/739 Students in our school have one thing in commonan interest in sports. According to their intentions in taking part in sports, they fall into three groups. Many students go to the playground when th

65、ey feel tired after a few hours of study. These students put much more stress on their study efficiency than the fun of sports. They just want to go back to their classrooms from the playground with a clearer and quicker mind. Thus they dont actually care whether they can enjoy themselves on the pla

66、yground. WritingWritingReference model:What We Want from Sports下一页下一页2021/6/740Most of them choose long-distance running, the kind of exercise which few real sports enthusiasts like. So this group of students can be well labeled as study-oriented participants. Students that make up the second group

67、are real sports lovers. Sometimes they even put aside their studies for a match. They take part in sport that interests them most, not caring whether it is most beneficial to their health. They may be called fun-oriented sports participants.The third group want beauty from sports. Boys want to becom

68、e strong; girls want to be slim and graceful. WritingWriting上一页上一页下一页下一页2021/6/741Those who consider sports the only way of reducing weight also belong to this group. They are very careful in choosing the kind of exercise they do, and are afraid that certain sports may ruin their figures. Horizontal

69、 bars and parallel bars are the boys choice, and the hula hoop is now the girls favorite. The appropriate name for this group may be beauty-oriented sports participants. No matter which group we belong to, we all benefit from sports. If you look around the campus, you will find that bookworms have d

70、isappeared, and, instead, there are healthy, strong, clever, modernized students everywhere. WritingWriting上一页上一页下一页下一页2021/6/742Three Types of ParentsAnother Model Writing2021/6/743 It is universally true that all parents in the world love their children. However, as parents views of life vary, the

71、y show their love in different ways. Generally speaking, parents can be classified into three typesthe monarch type, the servant type, and the friend typeaccording to their different ways of showing their love. The monarch type of parents are intolerant, autocratic, and self-centered. They lay down

72、regulations in the family for children to obey. They enjoy making decisions and arrangements for the “ignorant” children, believing that the young ones will never grow up. WritingWritingReference model:Three Types of Parents 下一页下一页2021/6/744Furthermore, they insist that their children should accept

73、all these without question. When their authority is challenged, they become infuriated. With firm conviction in their own philosophy of life, they have little respect for others opinions, least of all, their childrens. Their most frequent words to their children are, “You should do this.” Contrary t

74、o the monarch-type parents, the servant-type parents revolve around their children all the time. They are soft, good-natured, and easy-going. They never deny their children any wish, and will cheerfully run to buy anything their children ask for. They are happy so long as their children are content.

75、 WritingWriting下一页下一页2021/6/745With the sincere belief that love means sacrifice, they are ready to give up everything for their childrens sake. With their children at the center of their lives, they always ask, ”What else can we do for you?” The friend-type parents, as the term implies, treat their

76、 children as friends. They are generous and wise. Like good friends, they discuss with their children the latest news, share their childrens many interests, and listen attentively to their childrens expression of emotion, whether it is anger, fear, joy or sorrow. They have an intimate relationship w

77、ith their children while adhering to their principled stand. WritingWriting上一页上一页下一页下一页2021/6/746They discuss problems with their children rather than provide ready solutions. They respect their children as their equals. The words they often say are, “Lets put our heads together and see what we can

78、do.” There is no doubt that children welcome the third type of parents, for a free, friendly and sympathetic atmosphere at home is best for the development of youngsters sound both in body and in mind. All parents should re-examine and change some of their ways of showing their love if they want the

79、ir children to grow up happy and healthy. WritingWriting上一页上一页下一页下一页2021/6/747Assignment WritingWriting上一页上一页Students are free to choose one from the following topics to write on:1. Types of Students2. Three Types of Parents3. What We Want from Sports.THE ENDTHE END2021/6/748部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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