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1、Unit 2 Wheres the post office? Wheres the ball? Wheres=Where isIts on the box. Its under the box.Its in the box.Its behind the box.library - Is there a library near here? - Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. Whats this?supermarket - Is there a supermarket near here? - Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. ho

2、tel - Is there a hotel near here? - Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. post office - Is there a post office near here? - Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. bank Is there a bank near here? - Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. park - Is there a park near here? - Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. pay phone - Is t

3、here a pay phone near here? - Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. 1a 1b Match the words with the places in the pictures.1.post office _2.library _3.hotel _4.restaurant _5.bank _6.supermarket _7.street _8.pay phone _9.park _fabcdehigTapescriptConversation 1 A: Is there a restaurant on Fifth Avenue? B: Ye

4、s, there is.Conversation 2 A: Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, there is. Theres one on Bridge Street.Conversation 3 A: Is there a supermarket on Center Street? B: No, there isnt. The pay phone is on Green Street.The pay phone is behind the library.Where is the pay phone?The pay phone is nex

5、t to the library.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.The pay phone is in front of the library.The pay phone is across from the library.1.The library is _ the restaurant _ the supermarket.2.The park is _ the bank.3.The supermarket is _ Fifth Avenue.4. The pay phone is _ the post

6、office.5.The restaurant is _ the post office.6.The hotel is _ the library.2b Listening betweenandacross fromonnext toin front ofbehindTapescriptConversation 1 A: Excuse me. Is there a library around here? B: Yes. Its between the restaurant and the supermarket.Conversation 2 A: Wheres the park? B: Th

7、e park? Oh, its across from the bank.Conversation 3 A: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket around here? B: Yes, its on Fifth Avenue.Conversation 4 A: Wheres the pay phone? B: Its next to the post office.Conversation 5 A: Excuse me. Is there a restaurant around me? B: Yes. Its in front of the post offi

8、ce.Conversation 6 A: Wheres the hotel? B: The hotel? Its behind the library.How to ask directionsIs there near hear?Is there in the neighborhood?Where is?Can you tell me how to get to?Can you tell me the way to?Can you tell me how I can get to?Can you tell me where is?How to give directions Go along

9、/ down Turn right/ left at the turning/ crossing= Take the turning on the right/ left. It s on the left/ right.Group work Where is the ?Explanation 1. There be 句型:句型: (1)用法用法:“ 某地存在某物某地存在某物 /人人 ” 即即强调某人或某物与某地的位置关系。强调某人或某物与某地的位置关系。 (2)结构:)结构:“ There be + 主语主语 + 介词介词短语短语 ” 存在存在(有有)某人某人/物在某地。物在某地。 说明说明

10、1:There be有有There is和和 There are 两种形式。由最近一个主语来决定两种形式。由最近一个主语来决定be的单复数。当最近一个主语为单数或的单复数。当最近一个主语为单数或不可数名词时,用不可数名词时,用There is;为复数时,为复数时,用用There are。 如:如:There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。桌上有一本书。 There are some trees near the river. 河的附近有一些树。河的附近有一些树。 There is a desk and two chairs in the room. 房间里有一张桌

11、子和两把椅子。房间里有一张桌子和两把椅子。 (最近一个主语是:(最近一个主语是:a desk) There are two chairs and a desk in the room. 房间里有两把椅子和一张桌子。房间里有两把椅子和一张桌子。 (最近一个主语是(最近一个主语是two chairs) 说明说明2:“介词短语介词短语”表示表示“地点地点”,即即 “方位介词方位介词” ,可置于句首。学过的可置于句首。学过的有:有:on, in, under, behind, between (and), next to, in front of 如如: There is a clock on the

12、 wall. Under the tree there are some girls. (3)There be句型的一般疑问句及其句型的一般疑问句及其 回答。一般疑问句把回答。一般疑问句把be动词提前。动词提前。 如如: Is there an egg on the desk? Yes, there is / No, there isnt. Are there any birds in the tree? Yes, there are. (4)There be句型的否定句。直接在句型的否定句。直接在be 动词后加动词后加not. 如:如:There arent any books on the

13、 desk. (5)对)对There be句型中的方位介词短语句型中的方位介词短语提问时,常用提问时,常用where. 如:如:There is a park on Green Street. Where is a park?(去掉(去掉there) (6)对)对there be句型中的主语提问时,句型中的主语提问时,常省略常省略there。 如如: There is a desk in the teachers room. Whats in the teachers room? There are two pens in the pencil case. Whats in the penci

14、l case? (注意常用单数)(注意常用单数) (7)There be 句型与句型与have的区别:的区别:前者强调的是一种位置关系;前者强调的是一种位置关系;have强调的是一种所属关系。强调的是一种所属关系。 如如: There is a pen on my desk. 我桌子上有一支笔。我桌子上有一支笔。 (笔在我桌子上,但不一定是我笔在我桌子上,但不一定是我 的。的。)I have a pen.我有一支笔。我有一支笔。(不管笔在哪(不管笔在哪, 都是属于我的。)都是属于我的。)Is there a near here? 附近有一个附近有一个吗?常用来问路。吗?常用来问路。如:如:Is

15、 there a bank near here ? near here 附近附近 Its on Center Street. 它在中央大街。它在中央大街。 在街上美国英语常用在街上美国英语常用on。(英国英用英国英用 in )。 如:如:There is a restaurant on Bridge Street. across from 在在对面对面 = on the other side of如:如:The house is across from the street. = The house is on the other side of the street.next to 紧挨紧挨

16、; 邻近邻近如:如:He sits next to me. 他紧挨着我坐。他紧挨着我坐。betweenand 与与之间。之间。用于两者之间,注意用宾格。用于两者之间,注意用宾格。如:如:He is between Tom and me. 他在我和汤姆之间。他在我和汤姆之间。in front of 在在前面(物体外部)前面(物体外部)如:如:There is a tree in front of our classroom.我们教室前有一棵树。我们教室前有一棵树。(树在教室外)(树在教室外)in the front of 在在前面。前面。 (物体内部)(物体内部)如:如:There is a d

17、esk in the front of our classroom. 我们教室前有一张桌子。我们教室前有一张桌子。 (教室内部)(教室内部) behind 在在后面。方位介词。后面。方位介词。 如:如:behind the chair. 在椅子后。在椅子后。 Fifth Avenue. 第五大街。第五大街。 专有名词专有名词, 前不用定冠词前不用定冠词the。 询问地点用询问地点用 Wheres +地点?地点? 回答用回答用 Its 如:如:Wheres the supermarket? Its on Center Street. 超市在什么地方?超市在什么地方? 在中央大街。在中央大街。 2

18、. Excuse me 对不起;打扰了;请原谅对不起;打扰了;请原谅 Excuse me / sorry. 前者为客套语,前者为客套语,常用于常用于“向人问路向人问路”、“要离开(会要离开(会场,活动等)场,活动等)”、“插话插话”、“请求请求许可许可”、“向对方询问情况,可能引向对方询问情况,可能引起对方不快等场合。起对方不快等场合。” sorry 侧重于事后对所犯的过错侧重于事后对所犯的过错或不能满足对方要求而向对方表示歉意或不能满足对方要求而向对方表示歉意的场合。的场合。 in the neighborhood 在附近在附近 附近有一个公园。附近有一个公园。There is a park

19、 in the neighborhood. 3. Just 用在祈使句中,意为:用在祈使句中,意为:“就就 请请 吧;尽管吧;尽管好了好了”。 如如: Just let me help you. 就让我帮助你吧。就让我帮助你吧。 go straight 一直走。一直走。 straight “一直一直”,副词,放动词后,副词,放动词后, 常用于指示方向。常用于指示方向。 go straight down the road. 沿着这条路走下去。沿着这条路走下去。 4. turn left / right 向左向左/右转。右转。 turn left / right at the turning /c

20、rossing . 在第个路口向左在第个路口向左/右转。右转。 如如: Turn right at the first crossing. 在第一个路口向右转。在第一个路口向右转。 Turn left/right on/at +街道街道(地点地点)在某地向左在某地向左/右转。右转。 如:如:Turn left at New Park. 在新公园向左转。在新公园向左转。 Turn right on Green Street. 在格林大街向右转。在格林大街向右转。5. down 1)副词。副词。“向下向下, 下去下去”。位于动词。位于动词后。后。 如:如:Sit down 坐下坐下 2)介词。)介

21、词。“沿着沿着”。 如:如:Go down this street. 沿着这条街走。沿着这条街走。 6. on the left/right 在左在左/右边右边 on ones left/right 在某人的左在某人的左/右边右边 on the left/right of 在在的左右边的左右边如如: There is a supermarket on the left. 在左边有一家超市。在左边有一家超市。 Lucy sits on Lilys right. 露西坐在莉莉右边。露西坐在莉莉右边。 You can see a school on the right of the bank. 你能

22、看到银行右边有一所学校。你能看到银行右边有一所学校。LucyLilyMarySunnyKittybetweennext toTommyin front ofbehind1.径直走径直走2.在十字路口在十字路口3.在交通处在交通处4.向右转向右转5.向左转向左转6.斑马线斑马线7.在你的左边在你的左边8.在你的右边在你的右边Translate the following into English.go straight on at the crossroads at the traffic lightsturn right turn leftzebra crossingon your left

23、on your right 9.正确的一个正确的一个10.过马路过马路11.当你来到十字当你来到十字路口时路口时12.在街道角落处在街道角落处13.在教室的角落在教室的角落处处the correct one go / walk across the roadwhen you come to the corner of the road (crossroads)at the street cornerin the corner of the classroom随堂练习随堂练习: 1.我的书包里有我的书包里有2本词典。本词典。2. _3._4.2. 这附近有超市吗这附近有超市吗? 没有。没有。5.

24、 _6._ There are two dictionaries in my schoolbag. Is there a supermarket near here?/ No, there isnt.Where is the pay phone?are next to is across from3.The pay phone is across from the library. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_4. The keys _ (在在 .近旁近旁) the books on the table.5. The WC_( 在在的的对面对面) our classroom.Thanks for Thanks for listening! listening!



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