新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2What’s the matterPeriod 2

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《新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2What’s the matterPeriod 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语八年级上册课件Unit 2What’s the matterPeriod 2(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Period1(SectionA2a2c)Unit 2Whats the matter?illnesshave a coldfevertoothacheheadachestomachachesore throatsore backhoneylie (lay, lain)rest have a restIll give you some advice.You should drink lots of water.You should see a dentist.You should drink some hot tea with honey.You should lie down and re

2、st.You should take some medicine and rest.AdviceYou shouldnt go to the party .You shouldnt eat anything.You should go to bed early.Listen. Match the problems with the advice.1. fever a. lie down and rest2.sore throat b. hot tea with honey3.stomachache c.see a dentist4. toothache d. drink lots of wat

3、er2ahot tea with honey toothache see a dentiststomachachelie down and rest fever drink lots of waterListen and fill Conversation 1Girl 1 :_?Girl 2 : I have a fever.Girl 1 : Yes,you dont look well. You should_.Girl 2 : Yes, youre right.Whats the matterdrink lots of waterConversation 2Girl 1 : Whats t

4、he matter ?Girl 2 : I_.Girl 1 : You should drink some hot tea with honeyGirl 2 : That _a good idea.have a sore throatsounds likeConversation 3Girl : Whats the matter ?Boy : I have a stomachache.Girl : Thats too bad.You should _. And dont eat anything for two hours.Boy : I guess I should.lie down and

5、 restConversation 4Girl : Whats the matter ?Boy : Oh,I have a toothache.Girl : _see a dentistBoy : I guess I should.You shouldA: Whats the matter?B: I have a A: Maybe you shouldB: Thats a good idea.神医义诊活动A: Good morning!B: Morning!A: Whats the matter? B: Im/My granny is not feeling well.A: Do you/ D

6、oes she have a ?B: No, I dont/ she doesnt.A: Do you/ Does she have a ?B: Yes, .A: Maybe you / she should .B: .NameIllnessesAdviceA:Whats the matter?Do you have a _?a toothacheB:Yes, I do.A:You should_. You shouldnt _.see a dentisteat hard or sweet thingssuch as candies and walnuts.Whats the matter?I

7、 have a_.sore backYou should _.see a doctorYou shouldnt_.exerciseWhats the matter?I have a _.You should_.You shouldnt_.feverdrink lots of water and go to bedgo out and exerciseA:Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should _,or_. You shouldnt_or _.sore throatdrink some hot tea with honeygo to see the doctoreat dry food such as cookiesspeak too loudlyA:Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should_. You shouldnt _.stomachachelie down and have a resteat anything for two hours



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