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1、Do you know American football ?Hello everyone!IntroductionIntroduction American football from rugby is a football. Mid-nineteenth century, the eastern United States often hold a similar football game. participants just kicked the ball that scored the other goal line. Participating team members are u

2、p to 30 people, sometimes more. Since this can only kick the first American football, so called FOOTBALL, meaning that football is still in use. it was still known as American football to this football . 由于球赛中往往会与对方球员有身体冲撞,因此球员需穿保护衣及头盔出赛由于球赛中往往会与对方球员有身体冲撞,因此球员需穿保护衣及头盔出赛。 The game will often have a p

3、hysical collision with the other players, so players should wear protective clothing and helmet to play. 这运动的目的是要把球带到对手的这运动的目的是要把球带到对手的“ 达阵达阵 区区” 得得 分,主要用持球或抛球两种方式分,主要用持球或抛球两种方式。 The purpose of this exercise is to kick the ball to the opponents of the touchdown zone mainly in two ways with the ball

4、or drop. 得分方法有多种,包括持球越过底线,抛得分方法有多种,包括持球越过底线,抛球到在底线后的队友,或把直放在地上的球踢过两枝门柱中间,又叫射门。球到在底线后的队友,或把直放在地上的球踢过两枝门柱中间,又叫射门。 There are several scoring methods, including the ball over the bottom line, drop to the bottom line after teammate, or to direct the ball over on the ground between two goal posts, The dev

5、elopment of competitionUniversityoftheUnitedStatesledthegrowthofAmericanfootball.ThefirstintercollegiatefootballgameonNovember6,1869,byNewJerseysRutgersUniversity竞赛的发展竞赛的发展美国的大学带动美式足球的增长。第一场校际足球赛于1869年。 The types of modern football at Harvard University in 1874, McGill University in Montreal three-g

6、ame series developed. McGill McGill played rugby football at that time, while Harvard is a more approximate (UK) Footballs Boston -style. 现代美式足球的型式在1874年哈佛大学对蒙特利尔McGill大学的三场系列赛中发展起来。McGill当时玩橄榄球式足球,而哈佛则采用较近似(英式)足球的波士顿式Americanfootballandrugbywiththeballslightlysmallerthansome,theball11to11.5incheslo


8、canthenget1point.theballoutofthedefendingteamisendline,andkeepgains2pointsPrevalenceSince the 1960s, football has surpassed basketball in the United States become the most popular sport. 由由 32 支球队所组成的美国橄榄球联盟是最受欢迎也是美国支球队所组成的美国橄榄球联盟是最受欢迎也是美国目前唯一的主要职业橄榄球联盟。目前唯一的主要职业橄榄球联盟。 Composed of 32 teams from the

9、United States Football League is the most popular is the only major professional American football league. 其冠军赛超级杯拥有超过一其冠军赛超级杯拥有超过一半美国家庭的电视收视率,同时全世界有超过半美国家庭的电视收视率,同时全世界有超过 150 个国家个国家电视转播这场比赛。电视转播这场比赛。 The championship has more than half of the Super Bowl television ratings of U.S. households, while

10、more than 150 countries worldwide televised game. 超级杯星期天已经成为年度超级杯星期天已经成为年度大戏,其举办时间介于一月底二月初之间。大戏,其举办时间介于一月底二月初之间。 Super Bowl Sunday has become an annual drama, and its holding time between the end of January early February. 该赛事同时也是全美国收视率最高的电视体育该赛事同时也是全美国收视率最高的电视体育节目。节目。Rugby star Competition RulesTar



13、willbesentineverygameplayedinthegame.因此,球队将球员们分成三种队员属性,分别为进攻队员、防守队员与特别队员。Therefore,theteamwillbedividedintothreemembersattributetheplayerswereoffensiveplayers,defensiveandspecialteamplayers.比赛时间比赛时间Match Time一场标准的比赛进行四节,每节15分钟的比赛(中学比赛每节为12分钟)以及包含第二、三节之间的中场休息。Astandardgameforfoursections,each15minute



16、方的三码线Clubontheothersideofthethree-yardline(NFLatwo-yardline)on.得分队可选择把球射进门柱之内,加分; 职业赛射入加职业赛射入加 1 分的成功率为分的成功率为 94% ,大,大学亦有学亦有 93.8% 。 add 1 point in career success rate of Injection, 94%, the University is also 93.8%. 而加分的成功率只有而加分的成功率只有 43% 左右左右。 The success rate plus 2 points, only 43% or so. 若果防守一方

17、成功阻止加分若果防守一方成功阻止加分,并且把,并且把球抢到手,并且实时成功达成阵,可得球抢到手,并且实时成功达成阵,可得 2 分分 ( 不适用于不适用于 NFL) 。 If the defense successfully stopped one plus 2 points, and grabbed the hand of the ball, and the successful conclusion of real-time array, we can get 2 points (does not apply to NFL)This is a American The Blind Side

18、background music which is about rugby片尾曲片尾曲chances 歌词:歌词:Chances are when said and done机会是属于言出必行的人的机会是属于言出必行的人的Who will be the lucky ones谁会是那些幸运儿谁会是那些幸运儿Who make it all the way?从始至终谁来决定从始至终谁来决定Though you say I could be your answer尽管你说我会是你的答案尽管你说我会是你的答案Nothing lasts forever没有东西是永恒的没有东西是永恒的No matter h

19、ow it feels today不管今天是什么样的感觉不管今天是什么样的感觉Chances are well find a new equation机会是我们会发现一个新的等式机会是我们会发现一个新的等式Chances roll away from me机会远离我消散而去机会远离我消散而去Chances are all they hope to be机会是所有他们希望拥有的机会是所有他们希望拥有的To get it wrong and never say never错了的话错了的话 就永远不要说永远就永远不要说永远Cause though love can change the weathe

20、r因为即便爱能改变天气因为即便爱能改变天气No act of God can pull me away from you除非上帝才能把我从你身边拉走除非上帝才能把我从你身边拉走Im just a realistic man我只是一个现实主义的男人我只是一个现实主义的男人I buy my fill with shells and sand我买贝壳和沙子来满足我买贝壳和沙子来满足Afraid to look beyond what I can lose when it comes to you当降临到你的时候,我不敢想象我会失去什么当降临到你的时候,我不敢想象我会失去什么And though I see us through yeah虽然这样,我想我们能够度过去虽然这样,我想我们能够度过去Chances are well find two destinations机会是机会是 我们发现两个目的地我们发现两个目的地Chances roll away from me机会远离我而去机会远离我而去Chances are more than expectations机会不仅仅是期盼机会不仅仅是期盼A possibility一个可能一个可能We are Liu Yan and Ben Dang TANK YOU Bay-Bay Bay-Bay



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