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1、Unit 1 HelloUnit 1 HelloLets get to lead-in.1 Unit 1 Hello Teaching Plan Li Suying English Education, Class Two,509 .Pupil Description:A class of 45 primary school grade four pupils. .Level of English: Learned English for 1 years in school. .Teaching Objectives:1.Pupils are able to spell the four-sk

2、ill words: pen, pencil, book,eraser,ruler.22.Pupils are able to understand and use the sentence pattern :I have a/an.3.Pupils can use the new words and sentences to describe what they have.Key points:1.Using the four-skill words freely.2.Using the sentence pattern:I have a/an to describe what they h

3、ave. .Difficult points:Using the sentence pattern:I have a/an to describe what they have,.Teaching aids:Chalk,blackboard,pictures,video,ppt3 .Main activities of the lesson :listening, speaking,chanting. . Teaching Methods :Total Physical, Response, Communication Method,Action Method.Teaching Time :4

4、0 min .Teaching StepsStep One:Revision(3)a)Warming up: Sing a song: Play the video“Hello”and the whole class sing the song.4b)Chanting: T: Hello,boys and girls. Ss: Hello,Miss Li. T: My name is Soey.May I have your name? (Pick several students to practice it.)Step Two:Presentation(18) a)Show a pen a

5、nd a pencil then ask the pupils:Whats this? separatly. (通过直观教具让学生感性认知pen和pencil怎么说,学习pen和pencil;1;全班活动。) Write the new words “pen” and “pencil” on the Bb,then lead pupils to read and spell the words 3 times.5b) Show a picture of pen and pencil and ask:What do you have? separatly. Teach the sentence:

6、I have a pen/pencil.c) Ask the pupils to open their bags to take out the “尺子”and “书”,then ask them:Whats this in English? separately. (通过感性认知让学生知道“尺子”、“书”用英文怎么说;2;全班活动) Write the new words “ruler”and “book”on the Bb, then lead the pupils to readand spell the words 3 times6 (通过教师带读、拼ruler和book让学生能初步认

7、读;1;全班活动。)d) Show a picture of ruler and book and ask:What do you have?Then teach the sentence:I have a ruler/book. (通过教具与学生问答从而学习句型I have a/an;1;全班活动。)e) Show an eraser and ask pupils “Whats this?” Ss: 橡皮擦/eraser. (通过问答从而学习eraser;2;个别提问。) Write the new word “eraser”on the Bb,then lead the pupils to

8、 read and spell it 3 times.7f) Show a picture of eraser and ask:What do you have? (通过教师带读、拼写eraser让学生能初步认读并学习句型I have a/an;2;全班活动。) Ss: I have a eraser.(Thats wrong.) Emphasize that is “I have an eraser” not “I have a eraser”. (通过强调“I have an eraser”让学生知道eraser是用an的;1;全班活动。) g) Lead the pupils read

9、the five new words two times each. (通过让学生跟读新单词进一步复习新单词;2;全班活动。)8h) Say “Show me your pen/pencil/ruler/book/”and lead the pupils do it. (通过让学生听指令并按指令做考察学生对新单词读音的熟悉程度;2; 全班活动)i) Practice the dialogue: A:What do you have? B:I have a/an (通过对话联系让学生进一步学习句型I have a/an ;2;双人活动。)9Step Three: Practice (14)a)

10、Put 5 pictures of pen,pencil,ruler,book,eraser on the ppt that cover with rantangles.Show it bit by bit and let pupils guess what it is. (通过猜一猜游戏考查学生对新单词的记忆情况,有利于进一步学习;8;全班活动。)b) Put pen, pencil,ruler,book,eraser into a pencil-case.Ask one pupil to go out every time and pick one of the stationery th

11、en hide it behind back.Others guesswhat it is. (通过游戏考查学生是否对今节课所学的新单词有所记忆,复习新单词;6;全班活动。)10Step Four:Homework (1) a)Read the 5 new words and copy each word six times we have learned after class. (通过布置让学生课后读和抄写新单词的作业,学生复习学过的新单词,加深记忆;0.5 个别完成。) b) Work with your deskmate to practice: A:What do you have?

12、 B:I have a/an (通过布置让学生课后联系对话,复习巩固I have a/an句型;0.5;两人活动。)11XI. Layout Unit 1 I Have a PenA: What do you have?B: I have a/anpenbookrulerpencileraser12My reflections after class: This is a new term,so I reviewed some knowledge we have learned last term. Therefore,the pupils can pay attention to the n

13、ew lesson. Pupils answered my question actively. When I led the to read the words and sentences, they read earnestly. But I think I should ask more pupils to repeat the words and sentences in orderto check their pronunciation.I think its too little games to play, so they might feel bored. Next time

14、I will plan more activities to let them play.I also found its very important to encourage children, then they will show more actively.13Lets sing!Lets sing!Hello! Hello,Sarah,do oh do. Hello,John,do oh do. Hello,Mike,do oh do. Hello, hello, hello.Hello!14Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: T: My n

15、ame is Soey . May I have your name?S:15penI have a pen.Lets learn.16pencilI have a pencil.17rulerI have a ruler.18bookI have a book.19eraserI have an eraser.20Show me your pencil.Show me your ruler.Show me your eraser.Show me your book.Show me your pen.Lets do.21Lets talk.Lets talk.What do you have?I have a/an22Lets play !23Whats missing?24252627282930313233HomeworkA. Memorize the 5 new words and copy each word two lines we have learned after class.34HomeworkB. Work with your partner to practice: What do you have?I have a/an35Thatsall!Thankyou!36



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