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1、zzzzHow to write a Thank-you LetterExpress our gratitude on Thanksgiving DayBy Kate He2021/6/71Introduction to Thanksgiving Day1Introduction to a Thank-you Letter234CONTENTSHow to write a Thank-you LetterWrite a Thank-you Letter2021/6/72Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. People giv

2、e thanks to God for the food.Thanksgiving feastturkey 火鸡火鸡Pray(祈祷祈祷) before dinner2021/6/73 In 1620,102 people sailed to America from Britain on the Mayflower.The history of Thanksgiving Day2021/6/74In the first winter, over half of them died of starvation(饥饿饥饿) or epidemics(流行疾病流行疾病). 2021/6/75Then

3、 the Indians taught them how to fish, farm, and hunt.2021/6/76In the fall of 1621, they and the Indians celebrated the good harvest and thanked God. Then Thanksgiving Day came into being.2021/6/77What happened to the Thanksgiving Day later?How do people nowadays celebrate Thanksgiving Day?2021/6/78T

4、hinking aboutWhat are some things you are thankful for? Good health?Family?Good education?Food?Good life?People in your life?2021/6/79To express our gratitude to someone, we can write a Thank-you Letter.-Writing a Thank-you Letter should be caring and straight from the heart. You need to write why y

5、ou are thanking that person and you can be specific. Writing Thank-you Letters to others is very nice.A Thank-you Letter2021/6/7102021/6/711Samples of a Thank-you Letter【Book1Unit3学案作文学案作文】假设你是李雷,你和你在家假设你是李雷,你和你在家人去朋友人去朋友Mary所在的城市伦敦旅游,回来后你想对所在的城市伦敦旅游,回来后你想对她表达自己的感激之情。请根据以下要点给她表达自己的感激之情。请根据以下要点给Mary写

6、写一封信:一封信:1. 感谢感谢Mary的热情款待的热情款待;2. 在伦敦玩得非常开心;在伦敦玩得非常开心;3. 伦敦的风景和美食令人印象深刻;伦敦的风景和美食令人印象深刻;4. 邀请邀请Mary来中国旅游。来中国旅游。2021/6/712Dear Mary, How are you doing these days? My family and I are really grateful to you for being our guide and showing us around when we visited London last week. We had a fantastic a

7、nd unforgettable time there. Without your help, we couldnt have had such a wonderful trip because none of us had been to London before. We visited the British Museum and other well-known buildings, and we had the delicious local food. It was the breath-taking(美得令人惊叹的美得令人惊叹的) scenery and the tasty fo

8、od that left us a deep impression. We enjoyed ourselves very much. We hope to visit London again. If you have a chance to come to China in the future, we would be extremely happy to be your guide and show you around in our city. It would be a great honour and joy for us to have you as our guest in C

9、hina and have dinner together. We can hardly wait to see you again! Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Lei 2021/6/713Sample 2: A Thank-you Letter to teacherDear Mr. Li, I am writing to you to express my sincere thanks for your help and guidance in my learning English. Thank you for being there for me

10、when I have any problems. Thank you for your devotion and willingness to help me when I am in trouble. During these days in your class, not only have I learned much from you, but also I have made great progress in learning English. Most importantly, you let me know the importance of expanding(扩展扩展,扩

11、大扩大) my vocabulary and gave me lots of useful and helpful advice to master the new words and expressions. As what you told us before, this can help us with our reading comprehension(理解理解) as well as communication with people in English. Whats more, it was with your help and encouragement that I have

12、 built up (建立建立,增强增强) my confidence in speaking English. Now, I always express my ideas in English as possible as I can, which makes me feel so great about myself. Last but not least, gradually, I find it interesting to learn English, from which I gain a great deal of fun since learning English is n

13、o longer just a task for examination but the thing that really interests me. Above all, I feel most obliged(必须的必须的,有必要的有必要的) to thank you once more. Many thanks for all the things that you have done in helping me with my English. Yours sincerely,Wang Ming2021/6/714Sample 2: Good sentences and expres

14、sions1.【感谢信句型感谢信句型】 I am writing to you to express my sincere thanks for your help and guidance in my learning English. 2.【倒装句倒装句】Not only have I learned much from you, but also I have made great progress in learning English. 3.【强调句强调句】It was with your help and encouragement that I have built up (建立

15、建立,增强增强) my confidence in speaking English. 4.【定语从句定语从句】Now, I always express my ideas in English as possible as I can, which makes me feel so great about myself. 5.【形式宾语形式宾语it&定语从句定语从句】I find it interesting to learn English, from which I gain a great deal of fun6.【感谢信句型感谢信句型】 I feel most obliged(必须

16、的必须的,有必要的有必要的) to thank you once more. 7.【感谢信句型感谢信句型】 Many thanks for all the things that you have done in helping me with my English. Useful expressions:Most importantly, Whats more, Last but not least, Above all, 最重要的是最重要的是2021/6/715Structure of a Thank-you LetterDear _, Paragraph 1Begin with a st

17、atement of thanks and express why you are writing such a Thank-you Letter. Paragraph 2List the things that you are thankful for and sincerely express your feeling of gratitude. Paragraph 3End with positive and genuine wishes and repeat your thankfulness again.Yours sincerely,_2021/6/716Sentence patt

18、erns used in a Thank-you Letter1.At the beginning of a Thank-you Letter: a statement of thanks and express why you are writing such a Thank-you LetterI am writing to extend(给予给予)/express my sincere gratitude(感恩感恩,感激感激) to for.I would like to convey(表达表达) in this letter my heartfelt(衷心的衷心的,真挚的真挚的) th

19、anks to for.2021/6/717Practice the sentence patterns1. 我写这封信是为了表达我对在我受伤时照顾我的护士和我写这封信是为了表达我对在我受伤时照顾我的护士和医生们的衷心感谢。医生们的衷心感谢。_2. 在信中在信中,我要对六中的老师们表达我真挚的谢意,因为我要对六中的老师们表达我真挚的谢意,因为他们的无私奉献与真诚教导。他们的无私奉献与真诚教导。_I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude to the nurses and doctors for taking good care of me when

20、 I was injured. I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers in Dongguan No.6 Senior High School for their selfless devotion and sincere guidance. 2021/6/7182. List the things that you are thankful for or the reason why you are thankfulIf it had not been for/ Had it

21、not been for/ Without(要不是有要不是有) , I would/could (not) haveIt is/was you that (为你所做的事为你所做的事) (正是正是你你/你们你们)2021/6/7193. 要不是有你的支持与鼓励,在我失望沮丧的时候,我不要不是有你的支持与鼓励,在我失望沮丧的时候,我不可能那么快重拾可能那么快重拾(regain)信心。信心。_4. 正是你们当我在学习上遭遇挫折正是你们当我在学习上遭遇挫折(meet with setbacks)时时给予我无私的爱与鼓励。给予我无私的爱与鼓励。_Had it not been for your supp

22、ort and encouragement, I couldnt have regained my confidence when I lost heart.It was you that gave me your selfless love and encouragement when I met with setbacks in study. Practice the sentence patternsWithout your support and encouragement, I couldnt have regained my confidence when I lost heart

23、.2021/6/7203. At the end of a Thank-you Letter: positive and genuine wishes or repeat your thankfulness againNo words are strong enough to express my to . 语言已经无法表达我对语言已经无法表达我对Many thanks for all the good things has/ have done in helping me to.非常感谢非常感谢为帮助我为帮助我所所做的一切。做的一切。表达祝愿:表达祝愿:May you(祝愿你(祝愿你) Wi

24、sh you I hope that2021/6/721Practice the sentence patterns5. 语言已经无法表达我对父母的感恩之情。语言已经无法表达我对父母的感恩之情。_6. 非常感谢父母为照顾和教育我成才所做的一切。非常感谢父母为照顾和教育我成才所做的一切。_No words are strong enough to express my gratitude to my parents. Many thanks for all the good things my parents have done in taking care of me and teaching

25、 me to be a better person. 2021/6/722What our parents have done for us?Giving thanks to our parents2021/6/723Write a Thank-you Letter to your parents2021/6/724请你给你的父母写一封英文感谢信,表达对父母的感恩请你给你的父母写一封英文感谢信,表达对父母的感恩之情以及对父母的真挚祝愿。内容要点如下:之情以及对父母的真挚祝愿。内容要点如下:1 1)感恩父母在生活上对自己的悉心照料)感恩父母在生活上对自己的悉心照料2 2)感恩父母在学习上对自己的

26、热切鼓励)感恩父母在学习上对自己的热切鼓励3 3)表达对父母的真挚祝愿)表达对父母的真挚祝愿注意:注意: 1. 词数词数100左右。左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 2021/6/725EvaluationPeer- evaluationPresentationStandards: (In total 25 points)Hand-writing书写书写 (2 points)Content 内容内容(15 points) 3 parts-Whether all the three parts are included in the Thank-you

27、 Letter?Grammar 语法语法 (8 points) -Are there any grammatical mistakes? Tense? Spelling? Is it a complete sentence? -Whether he or she has used some clauses or good sentences correctly? 是否有使用高级句型:定语从句、强调句、是否有使用高级句型:定语从句、强调句、倒装句等。倒装句等。2021/6/726Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing this letter to express my he

28、artfelt gratitude to you for your devotion and love on such a special day, Thanksgiving Day in November. First of all, thank you so much for giving me my life and bringing me to this world! During the 16 years, thank you for taking good care of me. You have devoted your time and love to bringing me

29、up, for which I am so grateful. Besides, it is you that give me your selfless love and encouragement when I meet with setbacks in study. Had it not been for your support and guidance, I couldnt have made such great progress in study and become a better me. I believe that no words are strong enough t

30、o express my gratitude to you. Many thanks for all the good things that you have done for me in my life. Please accept my sincere gratitude, now and always. Best wishes to you and may you lead a happy life as always.Yours sincerely,Daughter2021/6/727AssignmentDesign and complete a Thank-you Letter on the Thanksgiving card for someone to whom you are thankful.2021/6/7282021/6/729部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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