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1、动词动词 时态时态 语态语态1). 一般现在时一般现在时 常用时间状语常用时间状语 : always, usually, often, sometimes , seldom, never, every day, in the morning, etc.第三人称单数的构成:第三人称单数的构成: (1)直接在词尾加直接在词尾加-s e.g. play-plays (2)以字母以字母-s, -x, -ch, -sh, -o结尾的在词尾加结尾的在词尾加es e.g. wash-washes, go-goes (3)以以“辅音字母辅音字母y结尾的,去结尾的,去y变变i加加-es e.g. fly-fli

2、es, cry-cries时间、条件状语从句中的时态时间、条件状语从句中的时态1) -When will your brother return? -I dont know. Ill let you know if he _ back.A. getting B. gets C. has comes D. will get2) -Could you please tell Peter that I want to talk to him? -Sure. Ill let him know as soon as he _ back. A. comes B. came C. has come D. w

3、ill come3)The teacher said that the earth _ round the sun中考链接中考链接goes客观真理在从句中用一般现在时客观真理在从句中用一般现在时2. 2. 现在进行时现在进行时常用时间状语常用时间状语 : now, right now, at once, at present, at the moment, Listen! / Look!时态构成时态构成: am/ is /are +doing(现在分词)现在分词)现在分词构成形式:现在分词构成形式:(1)直接加直接加ing cook-cooking(2)不发音不发音e结尾结尾去去e加加ing

4、take-taking (注意:注意:see-seeing)(3)重读闭音节重读闭音节双写双写最后一个字母加最后一个字母加ing run-running, swimswimming(4) 特殊特殊 lie lying, die dying , tie - tying没有去没有去y为为i的形式的形式 playing carrying3). 一般过去时一般过去时常用时间状语常用时间状语 : yesterday, last night, 时间段时间段+ ago, in 2000, before, when等引导的含过去时的句子。等引导的含过去时的句子。谓语动词构成:谓语动词构成:(1)直接在词尾加直

5、接在词尾加-ed e.g. plant-planted(2)以以e结尾的结尾的, 加加-d e.g. change-changed(3)重读闭音节最后只有重读闭音节最后只有一个辅音字母一个辅音字母结尾结尾,双写双写这个辅这个辅音字母再加音字母再加-ed e.g. prefer-preferred(4)以以“辅音字母辅音字母y”结尾的,变结尾的,变y为为i加加-ed e.g. try-tried(5)不规则变化不规则变化 e.g. see-saw, buy-bought1. I know a little about Thailand, as I _ there three years ago.

6、 (12徐州徐州) A. have been B. have gone C. will go D. went 2. If the robot _ wrong, you can get a new one for free or get all your money back. (12无无锡) A. went B. goes C. would go D. will go 3. She _(掉落掉落the plate and it broke into pieces. (12苏州州) 4. I asked her if she was ready to go, and she _. (nod) (

7、12扬州)州)5. We were discussing the details of the charity show when the teacher _ (come) into the classroom. (12淮安)淮安)dropped nodded came中考链接中考链接DB4 4) 一般将来时一般将来时常用时间状语常用时间状语 : this evening, tomorrow, soon, next month, in a few minutes时态构成时态构成: (1) will / shall + 动词原形动词原形 (2)am /is / are going to + 动词

8、原形动词原形特殊情况:特殊情况:(1) 一般现在时代替将来时一般现在时代替将来时 用于时刻表,日历等用于时刻表,日历等 (2)个别动词用现在进行时代替将个别动词用现在进行时代替将 来时,来时,此类动词有:此类动词有:come, go, leave, stay, start, begin1. -Joan, you are late! -Sorry, I _ next time. A. dont B. wont C. am not D. havent中考链接中考链接 2. Attention, please. There _ a football game between China and Ko

9、rea this evening. A. is going to be B. has been C. has D. will have 3. Dont worry about your boy too much. His temperature _(drop) back to normal if he takes this medicine. (12无锡无锡) will drop5. 现在完成时现在完成时常用时间状语:常用时间状语:1) already, just, never, before, recently, ever , never2) for+时间段时间段3) since+过去的时间

10、点过去的时间点,4) in the past few years, so far 时态构成:时态构成: have / has +过去分词过去分词(P.P); (规则动词的过去分词和过去式相同,不规则的可以看规则动词的过去分词和过去式相同,不规则的可以看词汇表词汇表)1. 表示表示过去的去的发生生过了了动作作对现在仍有影响的在仍有影响的动作作时, 时间状状语有:有:already, yet, just, once, twice, ever, never, three times, before等。等。2.表示表示过去去发生的一直生的一直延延续到到现在在(可能会可能会继续延延续下去下去) 的的动作

11、或状作或状态, 时间状状语有:有:for (two years), since 1990, since (two weeks ago)和和since引引导的状的状语从句。从句。如:如:I have been away from my hometown for 3 years. = I have been away from my hometown since 3 years ago.= It is 3 years since I left my hometown.3. 口口语中中have got往往表示往往表示have(有有)的意思。的意思。如:如:They have got thousand

12、s of books in their library. (他他们图书馆有上万本有上万本书)现在完成时用法现在完成时用法1. Do you know the moving story of Jack and Rose? Of course. I _ the film Titanic several times.(11南京南京) A. see B. saw C. have seen D. had seen2.Your English is good. Thank you. I _ it for three years. (12宿迁宿迁) A. learn B. learned C. have l

13、earned D. had learned3. Do you miss your parents far away? Yes, very much. They _ the hometown for over two years. (12泰州泰州) A. left B. have left C. were away from D. have been away from4. Alice in Wonderland _ for 15 days and many of us like the film very much. (12镇江镇江) A. begins B. has begun C. beg

14、an D has been on中考链接中考链接 since two years ago1)-I want to return the book to Jack, but I cant find him. -He _ the library. You can find him there.(12无锡无锡) A. has been to B. has gone to C. has left D. went to中考链接中考链接2)The film began 20 minutes ago. (同义句转换同义句转换) The film _ for 20 minutes3)The life we w

15、ere used to _ greatly since 1992. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changedhave gone to sp. 已经去了已经去了.have been to sp. 已经去过已经去过has been on6.6. 过去进行时过去进行时常用时间状语常用时间状语 : this / that time yesterday, at six yesterday, fromto yesterday,when + 含有过去时的从句含有过去时的从句时态构成时态构成: was/were +doing(现在分词)现在分词)

16、1. You were not in when I went to see you yesterday. -Oh, I _ for a friend from England at the airport at that moment. (12镇江江) A. had waited B. was waiting C. am waiting D. have waited 2. The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it. (12盐城)城) A. travels B. traveled C. was traveling D

17、. has traveled 3. I saw Jim in the office at ten yesterday morning. Thats impossible. He _ an English party with us then. (12南京南京) A. has B. had C. was having D. has had中考链接中考链接7 7. . 过去完成时过去完成时常用时间状语:常用时间状语: 1)by the time , by the end of , 2)when / before + 含有含有过去时的从句过去时的从句时态构成:时态构成: had +过去分词过去分词(

18、P.P); (规则动词的过去分词和过去式相同,规则动词的过去分词和过去式相同, 不规则的可以看词汇表不规则的可以看词汇表)1.They _ about eight hundred English words by the end of last term. A. will learn B. had learned C. are going to learn D. have learned2. I guess you were in a hurry. You _ your sweater inside out. A. had worn B. wore C. were wearing D. wea

19、ring 中考链接:中考链接:1. My father _ on business for two weeks. A. left B. has left C. has gone D. has been away2. -Im sorry you have missed the bus. It _ five minutes ago. -What a pity! A. was leaving B. has left C. left D. leaves3. -What were you doing yesterday evening? -We _ in the classroom. A. read B

20、. were reading C. are reading D. have read4. The plane _ at 7:00p.m., so I have to be at the airport by 6:40 at the latest. A. has left B. is to leave C. will have left D. leaves综合训练综合训练语态语态: 主动语态和被动语态主动语态和被动语态 1. 被动语态的基本结构:被动语态的基本结构:be+ done 2. 被动语态的各种被动语态的各种时态时态构成:构成:1)一般现在时:一般现在时: am/is/are + don

21、e 2)一般过去时:一般过去时: was/ were +done 3)一般将来时:一般将来时: will be + done 4)现在完成时:现在完成时: have/has been + done 3.情态动词被动语态的构成:情态动词被动语态的构成: should/must/may/can + be + done中考链接:中考链接:1.A large number of engineers _ to Africa by our government to help the people there every year. A. have sent B. will send C. are sen

22、t 2.Look , what an old palace! It looks so great! Yeah, it _ nearly 800 years ago. A. was building B. was built C. has built D. is built 3.In the past few years, thousands of films _ all over the world. (12盐城)盐城) A. have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced 4.Alice _

23、 some advice on how to improve her listening skills, and she gladly accepted Miss Greens. 【 12淮安淮安】 A. gave B. was given C. gives D. is given5.Yaxi,a quiet village in Gaochun, _ Chinas first “Slow City” in November 2011. A. names B. named C. is named D. was named 【 12南京南京】6.Do you like reading books? 【12泰州泰州】 Yes. Each of us to do more reading in and after class. A. are encouraged B. encourage C. is encouraged D. is encouraging含有情态动词的被动语态含有情态动词的被动语态 -Dont put off todays work for tomorrow. -You mean, todays work _ today. A. may do B. must do C. may be done D. must be done



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