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1、课标人教实验版课标人教实验版高一高一Module2Unit1Unit one Cultural Relics Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)n nIt is located in pairs , It is located in pairs , FranceFrancen nIt s the biggest arch It s the biggest arch in the world.in the world.n nIt is grand and It is grand and beautiful in the night beautiful in the night light.l

2、ight.TAJ MAHAL(泰姬陵)n nIt is located in India.n nIt is the grave a king built for his wife.n nIt showed the deep love of the king and queen.The Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔)n nIt is the famous Italy building.n nBecause it leans to the earth it got the name leaning towern nIt actually used for telling p

3、eople time. . Versailles(凡尔赛宫) 1)Thebeautiful)Thebeautifulsceneryattractedsceneryattractedmanypeopleallmanypeopleallovertheworld.overtheworld.2)Itwasfirstusedfor2)Itwasfirstusedforthekingwhentheythekingwhentheyhuntedinthehuntedinthecountryside.countryside.3)butat193)butat19ththcentury,itcentury,iton

4、cebecametheoncebecamethecenterofFrance,thecenterofFrance,theFrancecongressFrancecongressannouncedFranceannouncedFrancewaswasfoundedthere.Louvre Museum(卢浮宫)vvIt is also called It is also called musee du louvre in musee du louvre in French.French.vvIt was built in the It was built in the 1313thth cent

5、ury. century.vvIt was a castle for It was a castle for the king of France.the king of France.vvIn 1793,it opened to In 1793,it opened to the public and the public and became a museumbecame a museum. .The Great Pyramid of Giza (吉扎金字塔) The great The great pyramid of Gizapyramid of Giza One of the One

6、of the eight wonders eight wonders in the world.in the world. It is located It is located in Egypt nowin Egypt now Usually it Usually it became the became the grave after the grave after the king died.king died.London Tower(伦敦塔)n nIt was built in the It was built in the 1000s. The workers 1000s. The

7、 workers spent nearly 12years spent nearly 12years to finish it.to finish it.n nIt was once used as the It was once used as the castle,the prison, the castle,the prison, the museum,etc.museum,etc.n nNow, it becomes the Now, it becomes the scenery for the people scenery for the people all over the wo

8、rld.all over the world.Some Cultural Relics in ChinaDiscussion:nThere are some other cultural relics home and abroad,discuss one of your favorites in your own little group,and be ready to present your idea to the whole class.Unit2CulturalrelicsReading B DB A CNSSSNSNSListentothetextonce,thenputthefo

9、llowingstatementsinrightorder:InsearchoftheAmberRoom FredrickWilliamgavetheAmberRoomtoFredrickWilliamgavetheAmberRoomtoPetertheGreatasagift.PetertheGreatasagift.TheCzargaveFredrickWilliam55soldiers.TheCzargaveFredrickWilliam55soldiers.TheAmberRoomwasmadeforFredrick.TheAmberRoomwasmadeforFredrick.The


11、berRoomtotheCatherinemovedtheAmberRoomtothepalaceoutsideStPetersburg.palaceoutsideStPetersburg.15632784Listentothepassageagainandanswerthefollowingquestionsn n1.Whatisamber?1.Whatisamber?n n2.HowlongwastheAmberRoommade?2.HowlongwastheAmberRoommade?n n3.WhywastheAmberRoomgiventoPeterthe3.WhywastheAmb

12、erRoomgiventoPetertheGreat?Great?n n4.WhatdidCatherinedototheAmberRoom?4.WhatdidCatherinedototheAmberRoom?n n5.DidtheRussiansmovetheAmberRoomaway?5.DidtheRussiansmovetheAmberRoomaway?n n6.WhathappenedtotheAmberRoomnext?6.WhathappenedtotheAmberRoomnext?n n7.IstheAmberRoomfound?7.IstheAmberRoomfound?n

13、 n8.Whatwasusedtocelebratethebirthdayofthecity8.WhatwasusedtocelebratethebirthdayofthecityStPetersburg?StPetersburg?Language points1.couldneverhaveimaginedthat情情态态动动词词(could/might/must/should)+havedone表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,反悔等意思表示对过去发生的事情的推测,批评,反悔等意思eg.Thegroundiswet,itmusthaverainedlastnight.Youshouldha








21、ughtD.consideredAnswer key for Exercise 1 :1 A person with a big heart means a person who is very kind to others. Feng Jicai shows this when he searched for his friends during the Tangshan earth- quake to make sure they are safe.2 He asks the local government to protect things of cultural interest.

22、He works very hard to save all the old buildings of his hometown, Tianjin.3 His first project was to save the oldest commercial street in Tianjin.6 Possible ways to help Feng Jicai: put up posters announcing his latest campaign make speeches that support Feng Jicai go with him when he approaches the local government4 He saved the oldest building but the street was rebuilt.5 He thinks more people follow what he does than what he says.Answer key for Exercise 2:Picture 1 : Temple of ConfuciusPicture 2: Mount HuangshanPicture 3: Historic Ensemble of the Potala PalacePicture 4: City wall of Xian



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