1、第五章第五章材料与方法的写作材料与方法的写作Contents材料与方法写作内容1材料与方法英文表达2Click to add Title3Click to add Title41.Materialsandmethods:写作内容明确描述实验对象和方法的选择, 医学论文中还应说明实验过程是否符合伦理学要求详细描述实验方法和实验步骤,详略得当、重点突出 包括所有必要的细节(以便他人能够重复实验) 描述要准确(“room temperature” is not an accurate description) 参考拟投稿期刊的表达方式写作内容列举建立方法的参考文献,并做简要描述(但不需全部重复描述)
2、如果对已有方法进行了新的或实质性的改进,就要清楚地说明改进的理由明确写出实验条件,实验试剂的规格、制造厂家等写明数据处理和分析方法。2.材料与方法:英文表达不可遗漏动作的执行者:不可遗漏动作的执行者:To determine its respiratory quotient, the organism was (the organism determine?)Having completed the study, the bacteria were of no further interest. (the bacteria completed the study?)文献引用尽量准确、具体:文献
3、引用尽量准确、具体: cells were broken by as previously described9 应改为:cells were broken by ultrasonic treatment as previously described9. 材料与方法部分的时态材料与方法部分的时态(1)材材料料与与方方法法部部分分多多属属回回顾性性叙叙述述,一一般般用用过去去时表表示示,有有时也可用也可用现在完成在完成时,且,且多用被多用被动语态。例如:。例如: The study was conducted in the tertiary level Neonatal Unit of a t
4、eaching hospital over one year period. 本本项目目对冠冠心心病病猝猝死死的的男男性性心心脏进行行前前瞻瞻性性研研究究。1994年年1月月至至1997年年5月月马里里兰州州的的医医学学人人员对这些些心心脏进行行过研研究究。冠冠状状动脉脉固固定定术、心心脏解解剖剖以以及及组织标本本制制作作情情况况如前所述。如前所述。 Hearts from men who died of sudden coronary death were studied in a prospective fashion. These hearts were seen in consulta
5、tion with the medical examiner in the state of Maryland between January 1994 and May 1997. Coronary artery fixation, cardiac dissection, and tissue sampling were performed as previously described.(2)说明明研研究究或或实验之之前前发生生的的动作作或或情情况况,用用过去去完完成成时;表示表示过去以前一直去以前一直进行的行的动作,用作,用过去完成去完成进行行时。例如:。例如: 受受试者者就就座座至至少少
6、5分分钟后后,由由训练有有素素的的观察察者者用用标准准水水银血血压计测量两次血量两次血压。 BP was measured twice by trained observers using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer after the subject had been seated for at least 5 minutes. 877例胃癌患者中,有例胃癌患者中,有9例原已确例原已确诊为恶性性贫血。血。 Among 877 patients with gastric cancer, pernicious anaemia had previousl
7、y been diagnosed in 9. 12名名儿儿童童患患者者中中有有7名名患患者者在在进行行胆胆囊囊切切除除术时年年龄不不足足6岁。年年龄最最小小的的是是一一名名9个个月月的的男男孩孩,在在出出生生后后不不久久便便因因十二指十二指肠创伤一直接受全胃一直接受全胃肠外外营养。养。 Seven of the 12 children were less than 6 years of age at the time of cholecystectomy, and the youngest was a 9-month-old boy who had been receiving total p
8、arenteral nutrition since shortly after birth after duodenal trauma.(3) 说明明图表内容和数表内容和数值表示法等,用表示法等,用一般一般现在在时。 所所有有标本本均均在在-20下下冷冷冻,用用酶联免免疫疫吸吸附附测定定法法测定。定。 All samples has been frozen at -20 until tested by conventional ELISA -The abbreviation(s) is /are the same as that/those in Tab. 1. - Results are expressed as Mean SD -Data are given as the mean number of monocytes per high power field standard deviation.2.材料与方法:注意问题Materials and methods部分的写作应与Results部分相对应。任何一个实验结果都要有相应的实验方法Examples: