2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future Period One Welcome to the unit Reading课件 牛津译林版选修10

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2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future Period One Welcome to the unit Reading课件 牛津译林版选修10_第1页
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《2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future Period One Welcome to the unit Reading课件 牛津译林版选修10》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future Period One Welcome to the unit Reading课件 牛津译林版选修10(52页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高中英语高中英语选修选修10译林版译林版Unit 1 Building the futureThe direction of our lives is determined by the choices we make every day.They accumulate(积累积累)and lead to our final destination.Success in life is not a gift that just falls on people like a ripe pawpaw!It is a choice you have to make.The life you are g

2、oing to live tomorrow is just a direct product of your choices today.It is pointless to waste our time today and hope for a successful tomorrow.Everything that happens in your lifedepends on what you are doing today.Your future begins with a choice.Here are some tips that help you create a life of f

3、ulfillment and prosperity in the future. Choose to be positive.A positive mental attitude will put you miles ahead of your peers(同辈同辈)Never say never.Your attitude determines your altitude.It is more valuable than skills.Choose a positive attitude and things will start to work for you. Choose to alw

4、ays treat others right.We come across all sorts of people,many of whom will treat us poorly.We canchoose to treat them right,no matter how they treat us.When they lie,we will tell the truth.When they cheat,we will play by the rules.We may get the short end of the stick sometimes,but in the long run

5、we will win. Choose to sow more than you reap.There are many takers in this world,but our lives will be better as we become givers,Give away your time,your money and your love and you will most likely get it back sooner or later! Choose to break bad habits.Take the big ones first,Make every effort t

6、o break them.Forget about the others,as you will get to them later.Stop smoking,get out of debt and lose your extra weight.Exercise the power to choose!Choose to get home for dinner more often.The family is the most important group of people you will ever belong to.Make a decision today to develop y

7、our relationship with your family.This is one choice you will never regret.You have a chance today to change your life forever.Make the right choices.1We should make wise choices today because _Athey have deep effects on our futureBthey have nothing to do with our careerCwe are faced with choices ev

8、erywhereDwe should not waste our precious time2The purpose of writing this article is to _Apersuade readers to make changesBillustrate how to succeed in careerCtell readers to live a meaningless lifeDoffer some tips on making choices答案答案1.A2.DPeriod One Welcome to the unit & Reading高中英语高中英语选修选修10译林版

9、译林版.Words:1_adj.短期的,近期的短期的,近期的_adj.长期长期的,长远的的,长远的2_ n降雨,降雨量降雨,降雨量_ vi.下雨下雨n雨雨_ n瀑布瀑布3_ n严重性,重力严重性,重力4_n大标题大标题_ n最后期限最后期限Shortterm Longtermrainfall rainwaterfallgravityheadlinedeadline5_n从政者,政客从政者,政客_ adj.政治的政治的_ n政治政治6_ n政治家政治家7_vt.& vi.努力对付或解决;摔跤努力对付或解决;摔跤_n摔跤摔跤8_ n窘境,困境窘境,困境9_ n(政府的政府的)专门机构;服务机构专门

10、机构;服务机构10_ adj.怀孕的怀孕的11_prep.超出超出()之外之外12_n一条一条(面包面包)politicianpoliticalpolitics statesmanwrestlewrestlingdilemmaagencypregnantbeyondloaf13_ adj.永久的,长久的永久的,长久的14_n灌溉灌溉_ v灌溉灌溉_ adj.可可灌溉的灌溉的15_ n结构,框架结构,框架16_ n经济活动;企业经济活动;企业17_ n家庭主妇家庭主妇_n家务家务18_n解决问题解决问题19_ adj.传统的传统的_ adv.惯例地,惯例地,常规地常规地20_ n牛,公牛牛,公牛

11、_ n母牛,奶牛母牛,奶牛permanentirrigationirrigateirrigable frameworkenterprisehousewifehouseworkproblemsolving conventionalconventionallyoxcow21_ n拖拉机拖拉机22_n水坝水坝23_ n费用,开销费用,开销_ adj.费用大的,昂贵费用大的,昂贵的的tractordam expenseexpensive.Phrases:1_成为重要新闻成为重要新闻2_促使,迫使促使,迫使3_毫无疑问毫无疑问4_处于关键时刻处于关键时刻5_艺术品艺术品6_导致导致7_依赖,依靠依赖,依

12、靠8_ (谚语,消息等谚语,消息等)说法是说法是make the headlinesput pressure on somebody(to do something) beyond doubt at a crossroadswork of artlead todepend onThere is a saying that goes.Fast Reading:根据课文内容选择最佳答案根据课文内容选择最佳答案1Geldof held a concert for the purposes of _Araising money for the hungry people and for himself

13、Bproviding opportunities for the stars to become better known and entertainment for the hungry peopleCraising money for the hungry people and letting the world know what hunger meansDproviding entertainment for a wider circle2If you are a helpless old man in a poor country,which of the following is

14、most likely to help you?AThe FoodforLife programmeBThe FoodforGrowth programmeCThe FoodforWork programmeDA charity concert called Live Aid3When the writer says in the third paragraph,“It is beyond doubt an amazing achievement,but is it enough?”he uses the question to mean in the following paragraphs

15、 that _Athe amount of the offered food and money is not enough for the hungry peopleBthere are not enough numbers of organizations willing to help the poor peopleCit is important to teach the poor people how to help themselvesDit is better to teach the poor people how to catch fish to feed4Which of

16、the following is the longterm solution to the problem of poverty?ATo provide more food and medicine.BTo teach the people how to catch fish to feed.CTo let development aid and food aid go hand in hand.DTo improve a countrys infrastructure.5Which of the following is mentioned to help poor countries fi

17、ght poverty?AProviding food,improving infrastructure and education.BProviding work force,improving the environment and training workers.CHelping build infrastructure and feeding the elder and young.DProviding food and medicine,improve medical care and building infrastructure.答案答案1.C2.B3.C4.C5.A.Care

18、ful Reading:根据课文内容完成下表,每空一词根据课文内容完成下表,每空一词A charity concert is _1_$100 million was _2_.It received so much attention around the world.It put great pressure on politicians and statesmen.The United Nations _3_ programmesThe FoodforLife programme _4_ emergency food aid to countries during times of cris

19、is.The FoodforGrowth targets people most at risk.The FoodforWork helps the _5_.答案答案1.organized2.raised3.founded4.sends5unemployed6.longterm7.food8.improvement9Conclusion10.themselvesThe _6_ solution_7_ aidinfrastructure _8_education development_9_The best way to help poor countries is to help them h

20、elp _10_.1A _solution to the problem of poverty?解决贫困问题的长期办法?解决贫困问题的长期办法?归纳拓展归纳拓展longterm复合形容词,意为复合形容词,意为“长期的长期的”shortterm短期的短期的复合形容词的构成形式复合形容词的构成形式(1)名词现在分词名词现在分词Key WordsLongterm Englishspeaking讲英语的;讲英语的;selfgenerating自然发生的;自然发生的;freedomloving热爱自由的;热爱自由的;peaceloving爱好和平的;爱好和平的;earthshaking震撼世界的;震撼世





25、nd百万英镑;百万英镑;100metre(dash)100米米(短跑短跑);tenthrate最劣等的。最劣等的。(11)数词名词形容词数词名词形容词180foothigh 180英尺高的;英尺高的;fiveinchtall 5英寸高的;英寸高的;7yearold 7岁的。岁的。(12)数词名词数词名词edtenstoreyed十层的;十层的;oneeyed一只眼的;一只眼的;threelegged三条腿的;三条腿的;fourstoreyed四层的。四层的。(13)形容词形容词形容词形容词redhot炽热的;炽热的;darkblue深蓝的。深蓝的。语境感悟语境感悟(1)下周有一个为期两天的会议

26、。下周有一个为期两天的会议。There will be _next week.(2)大厅里有一张三条腿的桌子。大厅里有一张三条腿的桌子。There is _in the hall.a twoday meeting a threelegged table 即时跟踪即时跟踪翻译句子翻译句子(1)当地政府在努力净化那条臭气冲天的河。当地政府在努力净化那条臭气冲天的河。_(2)他真是一位好心肠的人。他真是一位好心肠的人。_The local government is trying to clear the badsmelling riverHe is really a kindhearted man

27、2There are hundreds of success stories from all over the developing world,showing that a lot is being done to fight poverty,yet we cannot _ that the fight is over.在发在发展中国家中有数以百计的这样的成功故事,表明人们正在展中国家中有数以百计的这样的成功故事,表明人们正在做许多事情与贫困作斗争,但我们不能自欺欺人地说斗争做许多事情与贫困作斗争,但我们不能自欺欺人地说斗争已经结束。已经结束。归纳拓展归纳拓展pretend v假装,其后可

28、接从句,也常接不定式的三种形假装,其后可接从句,也常接不定式的三种形式:式:pretend语境感悟语境感悟(1)_he was ill so that he could stay at home.他假装病了以便能待在家里。他假装病了以便能待在家里。(2)Im sorry,but _it hasnt happened.我很抱歉,但我不能当这件事没有发生过。我很抱歉,但我不能当这件事没有发生过。(3)He _an important paper when his boss entered.老板进来时他假装在看一份重要的报纸。老板进来时他假装在看一份重要的报纸。He pretended that I

29、 cant just pretend pretended to be reading 即时跟踪即时跟踪(1)翻译句子翻译句子她假装看过那部电影。她假装看过那部电影。_(2)单项填空单项填空She pretended _ when her mother came in.Ato read BreadingCto be reading Dto have read She pretended to have seen the film.答案答案C解析解析“当她的母亲进来时当她的母亲进来时”为一时间点,在此时刻,为一时间点,在此时刻,“她她假装正在读书假装正在读书”,两个动作同时发生,因此使用不定式的,

30、两个动作同时发生,因此使用不定式的进行式。进行式。3Although this is a bit different from _ businesses,the programme has a rapidly growing output and many people have been quite successful.尽管这有一点尽管这有一点点不同于传统的商业,但它的产量迅速增长,许多人都很点不同于传统的商业,但它的产量迅速增长,许多人都很成功。成功。归纳拓展归纳拓展conventional adj.传统的,常规的传统的,常规的convention n公约;协议;常规;大会公约;协议;常

31、规;大会conventionally adv.惯例地;常规地惯例地;常规地conventional语境感悟语境感悟(1)People who _will not agree.有传有传统观点的人们会不同意。统观点的人们会不同意。(2)For peace,_should be also forbidden.为了和平,常规武器也应被禁止。为了和平,常规武器也应被禁止。(3)Generally speaking,_after a conference.一般说来,大会之后应签署一份协定。一般说来,大会之后应签署一份协定。have conventional opinions the conventiona

32、l weapons a convention should be signed 即时跟踪即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子翻译句子人们常按惯例生活着。人们常按惯例生活着。_(2)单项填空单项填空Its just a social _ that men dont wear skirts.Areport BconventionCdiscussion Dconference答案答案B解析解析句意句意为“男人不穿裙子,男人不穿裙子,这是一个社会是一个社会惯例例”,故,故选B。People often live their life conventionally.1The concert also made th

33、e headlines around the world,and_great _ politicians and statesmen to do something about the problem of world hunger.音乐会也受音乐会也受到了全世界媒体的极大关注,这给政客和政治家施加了巨到了全世界媒体的极大关注,这给政客和政治家施加了巨大压力,迫使他们为世界饥荒问题采取行动。大压力,迫使他们为世界饥荒问题采取行动。归纳拓展归纳拓展put pressure on给给施加压力施加压力pressure n压力,压力,v.压,按,熨平压,按,熨平(衣服衣服);逼迫;逼迫relieve

34、the pressure on sb减轻对某人的压力减轻对某人的压力 Key Phrasesput pressure on add to ones pressure增加某人的压力增加某人的压力under the pressure of在在的压力下的压力下live with pressure忍受压力忍受压力语境感悟语境感悟(1)_ the boy;he is only a child.不要给这个男孩施加太大压力,他只是个孩子。不要给这个男孩施加太大压力,他只是个孩子。(2)He didnt_him to take the job.他没有对他施加压力要他接受这份工作。他没有对他施加压力要他接受这份

35、工作。Dont put much pressure on put any pressure on 即时跟踪即时跟踪(1)翻译句子翻译句子请按下按钮打开收音机。请按下按钮打开收音机。_(2)单项填空单项填空In modern times,people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.Akeep with Bstay withCmeet with Dlive withPlease press this button to start the radio.答案答

36、案D解析解析句意句意为“在在现代,代,虽然人然人们过着舒适的生活,但他着舒适的生活,但他们也也不得不学会忍受各种不得不学会忍受各种压力力”。stay with与与暂住在一起;住在一起;meet with偶遇;偶遇;获得;得;live with忍受,容忍。由句意可知忍受,容忍。由句意可知D项正确。正确。2This is _an amazing achievement,but is it enough?勿需置疑,这是惊人的成就,但是这就足够了吗?勿需置疑,这是惊人的成就,但是这就足够了吗?归纳拓展归纳拓展beyond doubt毫无疑问毫无疑问doubt可用作名词,也可用作动词。在肯定句中,后面从

37、可用作名词,也可用作动词。在肯定句中,后面从句常用句常用whether,if,when,what等连接;在疑问句、否等连接;在疑问句、否定句中,后面从句常用定句中,后面从句常用that连接。连接。I dont doubt that.我不怀疑我不怀疑I doubt whether/if.我怀疑是否我怀疑是否 beyond doubt I have no doubt that.我不怀疑我不怀疑I have some doubt whether.我有些怀疑是否我有些怀疑是否There is no doubt that.毫无疑问毫无疑问语境感悟语境感悟(1)This meeting has been,

38、_,one of the most useful we have had so far.毫无疑问这次会议是我们到目前所开过的最实用的会议之毫无疑问这次会议是我们到目前所开过的最实用的会议之一。一。(2)We _he can do a good job.我们不怀疑他能做一个好工作。我们不怀疑他能做一个好工作。(3)Your life is in danger.There is _你的生活处于危险中,这一点毫无疑问。你的生活处于危险中,这一点毫无疑问。(4)She _that was what he wanted.她怀疑那是否是他所要的。她怀疑那是否是他所要的。beyond doubtdont d

39、oubt that no doubt about itdoubted whether/if 即时跟踪即时跟踪(1)翻译句子翻译句子我不怀疑我做出了一个好的决定。我不怀疑我做出了一个好的决定。_(2)单项填空单项填空There was no _ in her mind that Rick was innocent of Coughlins murder.Awonder Bneed Cpoint Ddoubt答案答案DI have no doubt that I have made a good decision.解析解析There is no doubt that.意为意为“毫无疑问毫无疑问”。

40、It is no wonder that.意为意为“难怪难怪”;There is no need to do sth.没没有必要做某事;有必要做某事;There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义。做某事没有意义。3Today,some developing countries in Africa,Asia and South America stand _今天,非洲、亚今天,非洲、亚洲和南美洲的一些发展中国家正处于关键时刻。洲和南美洲的一些发展中国家正处于关键时刻。归纳拓展归纳拓展at a crossroads(人生、经历等人生、经历等)处于关键时期,面临重大抉

41、处于关键时期,面临重大抉择。择。at a crossroads语境感悟语境感悟(1)Our business is _:if this deal succeeds,our future is assured;if not,we shall be bankrupt.我们的我们的商号正处在紧要关头:倘若此番交易成功,前途自无问题;商号正处在紧要关头:倘若此番交易成功,前途自无问题;否则就要破产。否则就要破产。(2)Now farming is _in the European Community.现在,欧盟的农业正处在十字路口。现在,欧盟的农业正处在十字路口。at the crossroadsat

42、 a crossroads 即时跟踪即时跟踪 单项填空单项填空An accident happened at _ crossroads a few metres away from _ bank.Aa,a B/,aC/,the Dthe,/答案答案A解析解析句意句意为“一一场事故事故发生在离一家生在离一家银行只有几米行只有几米远的十字的十字路口路口”,故,故选A。_“Give a man a fish,and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish,and you feed him for the rest of his life”有句俗语是这样说

43、的:授人以鱼,三餐有句俗语是这样说的:授人以鱼,三餐之需;授人以渔,终身之用。之需;授人以渔,终身之用。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)本句为本句为there be句型,句中句型,句中that引导的是定语从句,修饰先引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词行词a saying,构成句式,构成句式“There is a saying that从句从句”。that定语从句中谓语动词定语从句中谓语动词go意为意为“(谚语、消息等谚语、消息等)说法是说法是”。Key StructuresThere is a saying that goes(2)There is a saying that goes意为意为“(谚语、消息等

44、谚语、消息等)说法是说法是”,与,与As the old saying goes.(常言说道常言说道)用法相似。用法相似。(3)结构相似的结构相似的There be句型有:句型有:There is no denying that.不可否认不可否认There is a chance that.有可能有可能There is a possibility that.有可能有可能There is no point(in)doing sth.做某事没有意义。做某事没有意义。There is no sense(in)doing sth.做某事没有意义。做某事没有意义。There is no need for

45、 sb to do sth.某人没必要做某事。某人没必要做某事。There is no use/good doing sth.做某事没有用处做某事没有用处/好处。好处。语境感悟语境感悟(1)_,a problem shared is a problem halved.正如这句俗语所说的一样,分享苦难,苦难减半。正如这句俗语所说的一样,分享苦难,苦难减半。(2)_honesty is the best policy.有句俗语是这样说的:诚实是上策。有句俗语是这样说的:诚实是上策。As the saying goesTheres/Its an old saying that 即时跟踪即时跟踪(1)

46、翻译句子翻译句子不可否认他是一个聪明人。不可否认他是一个聪明人。_你没必要考虑这个问题。你没必要考虑这个问题。_(2)单项填空单项填空Heres a new pair of shoes for you.Thank you,but theres no need _ a new pair for me.There is no denying that he is clever.There is no need for you to consider this problem.Ato have bought Bto buyCbuying Dto be buying答案答案B解析解析There is no need to do sth没有必要做某事。没有必要做某事。再见再见



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