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1、初三英语动词期专项复习初三英语动词期专项复习动 词Verbs类别类别意义意义例句例句行为动词行为动词Action Verbs系系 动动 词词Link Verbs助助 动动 词词Auxiliary Verbs情态动词情态动词Modal Verbs含有实在的意义,表示动作或状态,在句中能独立作谓语。如:put run laugh本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语。如:be look get本身没有词义,不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,表示否定、疑问、时态或其他语法形式。如:be does did本身有一动的意义,但不能独立作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动

2、词,表示说话人的语气和情态。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。如:can must mayShe has some bananas.They eat a lot of potatoes.Im reading an English book now.His father is a teacher.Twins usually look the same.The teacher became angry.He doesnt speak English.(否定)否定)We are playing basketball. (进行时态)进行时态)Do you have a brother?(疑问)疑问)You

3、can keep them for two weeks.May I smoke here?We must go new.动词种类动词种类返回返回1、有些动词后面可跟不定式作宾补:、有些动词后面可跟不定式作宾补: ask sb (not) to do sth tell sb (not) to do sth want sb (not) to dot sth2、有些动词后面可跟双宾语,间宾置前时,相应加有些动词后面可跟双宾语,间宾置前时,相应加上介词上介词to或或for: give sb sthe = give shte to sb buy sb sth = buy sth for sb teach

4、 sb sth3、有些动词后面只可跟动词有些动词后面只可跟动词-ing,不可跟动词不定不可跟动词不定式:式: enjoy doing sth mind doing sth行为动词行为动词4、有些动词后面可跟不定式也可跟动词有些动词后面可跟不定式也可跟动词-ing,但其但其义不同:义不同:go on doing sthgo on to do sthforget doing sthforget to do sthlike doing sthlike to do sthstop doing sthstop to do sth、有些动词宾语后面可跟动词,也可跟动词原形,有些动词宾语后面可跟动词,也可跟

5、动词原形,其义大不同:其义大不同:watch sb/sth doing sthwatch sb/sth do sthsee sb/sth doing sthse sb/sth do sth行为动词行为动词返回返回情态动词情态动词特点:特点:情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能可能”、“应当应当”、“必要必要”等,但本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语动词,必须等,但本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语动词,必须和不带和不带”to”的动词不定式(即动词原形)连用。情态动词没有人称和数的动词不定式(即动词原形)连用。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。朗读

6、时,情态动词的肯定式一般不重读,有些情态动词没有过去的变化。朗读时,情态动词的肯定式一般不重读,有些情态动词没有过去式,如式,如must;有些有过去式,如:有些有过去式,如:cancould,maymight,have to had to等。等。情态动词的否定式一般是在它们的后面加否定词构成,但情态动词的否定式一般是在它们的后面加否定词构成,但have to需需借助动词借助动词does、do、 did not。情态动词情态动词否定式否定式否定式简略形式否定式简略形式cancouldmaymustshallshouldwillcannot/can notcould notmay notmust

7、notshall not should notwill notcant /ka:nt/couldnt /kudnt/maynt /meint/mustnt / msnt/shant /a:nt/shouldnt /udnt/wont /wunt/1、can和和could:表示表示“能力能力”、“许可许可”、“可能性可能性”。 口语中的可替口语中的可替may,而而may较为正式,较为正式,could可替可替can,使语气更委婉,使语气更委婉, eg :Some of us can speak Russian now,but we couldnt speak it 5 years ago. Can

8、/could I borrow these books? I thought the story could not be true.2、may: (1)表示讲可或征求对方许可,表示讲可或征求对方许可,有有“可以可以”之意,但之意,但用作此意时它的否定形式用用作此意时它的否定形式用may not,但表示但表示“不允不允许许”、“禁止禁止”、“阻止阻止”等意思时用等意思时用mustnt+代替:代替:例:例:you may go now. May I play games in class? No,you mustnt. (2)还表示可能性,有还表示可能性,有“或许或许”、“可能可能”的意思的意思

9、 eg:He may be English,but Im not sure.情态动词情态动词情态动词情态动词、must和和have to用法用法例句例句1)Must表示表示“必须必须”;“应该应该”。否否定式定式must not/mustnt表示表示“不应该不应该”;“不许可不许可”;“不准不准”;“禁止禁止”等。在回答带有等。在回答带有must的问句时,否的问句时,否定式常用定式常用 need no/neednt或或dont have to,表示表示“不必不必”,而不用,而不用 must not,因为因为 must not表示表示“不不可以可以”。表示推测。表示推测“一定一定”;“必定必定”

10、,只用在肯定句中。,只用在肯定句中。 2)have to表示表示“必须必须”;“不得不不得不”。在这个意义上与在这个意义上与 must很接近,但很接近,但 must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而表示的是说话人的主观看法,而 have to表示的却是客观需要。表示的却是客观需要。have to比比 must有更多的形式,在转换句有更多的形式,在转换句型时须借助助动词。型时须借助助动词。1)the work must be finished as soon as possible.2)you mustnt speak like that.3)must I be home before eight o

11、clock? Yes,you must. No,you neednt./No,you dont have to.4)there must be some mistake.5)I must go now.6)I have to go now.7)you dont have to worry about that.8)the students will have to know how to use the computers.返回返回1. I take the newspaper away? No, you mustnt.You read it only here. A.Must,can B.M

12、ay,can C.Need,must D.Must,must2. you sing the song? Yes,I .but It wo years ago.3. A. B. C. D.3.Must I reture the book at once? No,you .but you teturn it after school. A.neednt,must B.mustnt,can C.mustnt,may D.cant,need4.Our teacher often tells us in the sereet. A.no play B.not playing C.not to play

13、D.not to playing5.My mother is out,so I look after my little sister. A.may B.must C.have to D.can6.The students stopped when the teacher came in. A.to talk B.talking C.talks D.talked练习巩固练习巩固BBBBBB练习巩固练习巩固7.Everybody is busy ready for the exams. A.get B.to get C.getting D.get8.Please dont forget the

14、door when you leave. A.pocked B.lock C.to lock D.locking9.Please walk fast, well be late. A.or B.and C.so D.then10.The old lady saw me the pen on the floor. A.dropped B.drop C.dropping D.to drop11.I saw toe old woman here when I was walking . A.sit,pass B.sitting,past C.sitting,pass D.sit,past12. the morning of september,our school begins. A.In B.On C.At D.ToBBBBBBGood-bye!



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