2、质量u享用优质资源享用优质资源u抓住更多时机抓住更多时机英语学科的本质是什么?英语学科的本质是什么?u与人交流的工具与人交流的工具u传播文化的媒介传播文化的媒介英语课堂的特点: 实际性、交际性学生是怎样学会英语的?学生是怎样学会英语的?u英语是用会的英语是用会的u英语的工具性决议了学生只需在反复运英语的工具性决议了学生只需在反复运用用u英语的过程中才干掌握英语。英语的过程中才干掌握英语。u必备根底必备根底u英语的根底知识、根本才干、文化认识、英语的根底知识、根本才干、文化认识、交际才干是运用英语这门工具的必备根底。交际才干是运用英语这门工具的必备根底。u模拟才干模拟才干u英语是将单词按照商定俗
4、语的环境创设运用英语的环境生态英语学习环境的设计者、生态英语学习环境的设计者、建立者、维护者。建立者、维护者。什么样的英语学习环境是生态的?什么样的英语学习环境是生态的?u什么叫生态?u 生态是指一切生物的生存形状,以及它们之间和它与环境之间环环相扣的关系。生态系统是开放系统。u生态英语学习环境 u指在学校的一定空间内,学生与英语教师和学u校构成的一致整体。在这个整体中,学生与英u语教师和学校之间相互影响,相互制约,相互u学习。这个生态系统具有互动性、开放性和成u长性等特点。生态英语学习环境中的要素生态英语学习环境中的要素学校生态英语学习系统的内容生态英语学习系统的内容+ +生态英语学习环境中
6、资源网络、报刊等。u相互尊重、教师主导、学生主体、智慧交流、才干相长生态英语学习环境中的课程层级生态英语学习环境中的课程层级u教师根据学生所表现出的不同英语才干,开教师根据学生所表现出的不同英语才干,开设分层级的课程;设分层级的课程;认知过程维度认知过程维度知识维度知识维度才干、情感才干、情感了解记忆/回想运用分析评价发明现实概念程序元认知英语学习的活动观生态英语学习环境中的课堂活动层级生态英语学习环境中的课堂活动层级布鲁姆的教学目的分类认知情感动作生态英语学习环境中的学习资料生态英语学习环境中的学习资料学学习资料料: 多元、开放、民主多元、开放、民主国家教材国家教材校本教材校本教材教教师资源
7、源学生学生资源源网网络、报刊刊 等。等。提提纲纲我的英语教学观我的英语教学观我的教学实际我的教学实际124我的教学实际我的教学实际u词汇教学战略词汇教学战略u语法教学战略语法教学战略u阅读课堂阅读课堂u听说课堂听说课堂u写作课堂写作课堂 由于英由于英语单词语单词,不会随便背上,不会随便背上,所以英所以英语还语还是初中的摸是初中的摸样样;由;由于于词汇词汇量,根本不生量,根本不生长长,喝两,喝两杯啤酒就能全部忘光;由于杯啤酒就能全部忘光;由于单单词词,总总是背完就忘,我曾疑心是背完就忘,我曾疑心我我脑脑子里装的是豆子里装的是豆浆浆;由于由于单词单词在那个地方,就算他在那个地方,就算他背的背的疯疯
10、atsaboutthetenthalienIve(7)roundedupthisweek.uHe(8)roundedoffhisspeechwithabowConsultation v. gather people or things 聚聚拢拢;围围歼歼 v.end or complete sth. Satisfactorilyvi. 顺利完成 第一步 判别词性第二步 查找适宜的解释第三步 察看用法uThatsaboutthetenthalienIve(7)roundedupthisweek.uHe(8)roundedoffhisspeechwithabowConsultation v. ca
11、use to come together 聚聚拢拢;围围歼歼 v.end or complete sth. Satisfactorilyvi. 顺利完成 第一步 判别词性第二步 查找适宜的解释第三步 察看用法Use Chooseproperdictionaries督促学生育成积累词汇的习惯督促学生育成积累词汇的习惯Categories归类学习归类学习词汇学习词汇学习2与实物或图片联络,印象深化与实物或图片联络,印象深化9.Thecreatureturnedandranintotheforest,andbeforeHenrycouldstophim,Billstumbledafterit.(P1
16、ly.(表达不满心情表达不满心情)方式:方式:意义:意义:用法:用法:语用观下的语法教学语用观下的语法教学Form,meaning,useuGrammarDimensionsuTeachingLanguagefromGrammartoGrammaringuby Diane Larsen-Freeman学习语法的意义学习语法的意义语法是法是对言言语表达表达习惯的的归纳。总结出来的出来的规律是律是为了人了人们可以更准确,更有意可以更准确,更有意义,更,更恰当,地运用言恰当,地运用言语。DianeLarsen-Freeman:Grammaristheabilitytousegrammarstruct
17、uresaccurately,meaningfully,andappropriately.“ 语用观下的倒装句教学Angry BrownBabydontcryThank God that irritating drummer is gone for good. I had seldom suffered that much before I moved into his neighborhood. The annoying drumming was driving us all crazy. As soon as we had moved in, our miserable life bega
18、n. I could rarely get any good sleep at all, which made me sleepy all day. I could not put up with the noise, and I could not stand staying awake all night either. He is so selfish and inconsiderate. However, if I hadnt had this experience, I would not appreciate the normal life I am now enjoying.I
19、totally agree with Angry Brown. Seldom had I suffered that much before I moved into his neighborhood. The drumming was indeed irritating. No sooner had we moved in than our miserable life began. Rarely did my one-year-old baby get any good sleep at all. Neither could I put up with the noise or bear
20、the pain seeing what my poor baby had been going through. Not until I met him did I realize that there could be somebody that inconsiderate and selfish. I had seldom suffered that much before I moved into his neighborhood.As soon as we had moved in, our miserable life began.I could not put up with t
21、he noise, and I could not stand staying awake all night either. If I hadnt had this experience, I would not appreciate the normal life I am now enjoying.Seldom had I suffered that much before I moved into his neighborhood.No sooner had we moved in than our miserable life began.Neither could I put up
22、 with the noise or bear the pain seeing what my poor baby had been going through.Had I not had this experience, I would not appreciate the normal life I am now living every day. I had seldom suffered that much before I moved into his neighborhood.As soon as we had moved in, our miserable life began.
23、I could not put up with the noise, and I could not stand staying awake all night either. If I hadnt had this experience, I would not appreciate the normal life I am now enjoying.Seldom had I suffered that much before I moved into his neighborhood.No sooner had we moved in than our miserable life beg
24、an.Neither could I put up with the noise or bear the pain seeing what my poor baby had been going through.Had I not had this experience, I would not appreciate the normal life I am now living every day. S.+V.V+SNatural orderPartly Inverted order部分倒装部分倒装be/Aux. V. /Mod. V.+ S.Were/had/should/could +
25、SI could not put up with the noise, and I could not stand staying awake all night either. Neither could I put up with the noise or bear the pain seeing what my poor baby had been going through.If I hadnt had this experience, I would not appreciate the normal life I am now enjoying. Had I not had thi
26、s experience, I would not appreciate the normal life I am now living.They could not relax or read without plugging their ears, either. The structure of Inversion for EmphasisObserve the following sentences in inverted order, and try to find out what they have in common:1. Seldom has drumming caused
27、such conflict.2. No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full nights sleep. 3. Neither could they relax or read a book without plugging their ears. 4. Not only is he a keen gardener, he is also a fish collector. 5. Neither could we get rid of the smell of fish. 6.
28、Rarely had Laurene seen McKay move so fast.Put the following sentences into inverted order:They started to argue soon after they had gotten married. (No sooner)No sooner had they gotten married than they started to argue.2. I will not admit that, but I will not deny it, either. (Neither)Neither will
29、 I admit that or deny it. Practice of the StructureuI did not have the time and awareness to think about what I had done until I was stuck in the hotel room alone.u I was stuck in the hotel room alone did I have the time and awareness to think about what I had done.uTry One More:uI did not realize t
30、hat there could be somebody that uinconsiderate and selfish until I met him.uNot until I met him did I realize that there could be somebody that inconsiderate and selfish.didNot untilDear neighbors,I would like to express to you through this letter my deepest apology for what I have done to the whol
31、e neighborhood by having been practicing my drumming under inappropriate circumstances. If I had been more sensitive and considerate, I would not have behaved like that. As soon as I moved into the lonely hotel room, I felt lost . Even the best room service could hardly make that up. I did not have
32、the time and awareness to think about what I had done until I was stuck in the hotel room alone.I had seldom thought about others, and I had never been grateful to you my lovely neighbors for creating such a homy atmosphere. Now I dont feel happy, and I dont enjoy my drumming either. I miss living w
33、ith you. I hope you will forgive me, and I promise I will not drum in the community again until I soundproof my apartment perfectly. Could you take me back and give me a second chance?Sincerely Yang Ming 只需把只需把语语法作法作为为技技艺艺来学来学习习,我,我们们才干真才干真正掌握正掌握和运用和运用语语法,才干更准确地了解法,才干更准确地了解别别人和准确得体地表达本人。人和准确得体地表达本人。
34、阅读教学的实际阅读教学的实际阅读教学的原那么:学以致用阅读教学的原那么:学以致用阅读的目的阅读的目的阅读的四个层次阅读的四个层次根底阅读根底阅读(Elementaryreading)发现阅读发现阅读(Inspectionalreading)分析阅读分析阅读(analyticalreading)比较阅读比较阅读(Comparativereaidng)获取资讯学习了解Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren阅读的本质阅读的本质作为读者,我们首先要准确了解作者所要传达的意思。Nuttall, C. 2002, Teaching Reading Skills in a
35、 Foreign Language阅读的过程阅读的过程uMeaningdoesnotresideontheprintedpage.Itrequiresthereadertocombinetheprintedwordswithhisbackgroundknowledgeandexperiences.作者想说什么?他如何说?作者想说什么?他如何说?u这里的思想导图就是作者的写作思绪这里的思想导图就是作者的写作思绪思想导图辅助下的阅读活动思想导图辅助下的阅读活动一读标题一读标题预测文章内容预测文章内容二览全文二览全文了解文章构造了解文章构造三找关键词三找关键词明确语篇意思明确语篇意思四查主旨四查主旨
37、oductivity,butbecausetheyareeasilydistractedandcantfocusononeactivity.And“thosepeopleturnouttobetheworstathandlingdifferentthings,saidDavidSanbonmatsu,apsychologistattheUniversityofUtah.阐明文报道实验发现Reportingfindings What (Findings) How How important important possible prospect whyLimitationSanbonmatsua
39、eringasetofletters.How实验如何进展participants reportthenevaluate themNotsurprisingly,thescientistssaid,mostpeoplethoughttheywerebetterthanaverageatmultitasking,andthosewhothoughttheywerebetteratitweremorelikelytoreportusingacellphonewhiledrivingorviewingmultiplekindsofmediaatonce.Butthosewhofrequentlydea
40、lwithmanythingsatthesametimewerefoundtoperformtheworstattheactualmultitaskingtest.Theyalsoweremorelikelytoadmittosensation-seekingandimpulsivebehavior,whichconnectswithhoweasilypeoplegetboredanddistracted.Findingsin detail & analysis“Peoplemultitasknotbecauseitsgoingtoleadtogreaterproductivity,butbe
41、causetheyre,distractibleandtheygetsuckedintothingsthatarenotasimportant.Sanbonmatsusaid.Further analysisAdamGazzaley,aresearcherattheUniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco,whowasnotamemberoftheresearchgroup,saidonelimitationofthestudywasthatitcouldntfindoutwhetherpeoplewhostartoutlessfocusedtowardmulti
43、nerallylesssensitivetoriskysituations.saidPaulAtchley,anotherresearchernotinthegroup.“Thismaypartlyexplainwhypeoplegoinforthesesituationseventhoughtheyredangerous.ImplicationReportingfindingsMultitasking-distracttesting limitation implicationdata explanationPsychological explanation 阅读了解的六项微技艺阅读了解的六
44、项微技艺 1 1、 了解主旨和要义;了解主旨和要义; 2 2、 了解文中详细信息;了解文中详细信息; 3 3、 根据上下文推断生词的词义;根据上下文推断生词的词义;4 4、 作出判别和推理;作出判别和推理; 5 5、 了解文章的根本构造;了解文章的根本构造; 6 6、 了解作者的意图、观念和态度。了解作者的意图、观念和态度。阅读讨论阅读讨论各层次的问题各层次的问题学生提出的问题?学生提出的问题?教师提出的问题?教师提出的问题?1.Whatarethefindings?2.Whodidtheexperiment?3.Howdidthescientistsgetthefindings?4.Doyo
45、uthinkthefindingsarewellsupported?5.Doyouacceptthefindings?Why?思想导图辅助阅读的意义思想导图辅助阅读的意义u阅阅读读不不再再仅仅仅仅停停留留在在字字面面意意义义上上u有有利利于于读读者者关关注注文文本本的的意意义义u读读者者更更关关注注文文本本思思想想逻逻辑辑u可可以以实实现现深深度度阅阅读读u有有利利于于思思想想质质量量的的开开展展u有有利利于于写写作作才才干干的的开开展展u有有利利于于提提高高阅阅读读考考试试的的成成果果七选五阅读七选五阅读u篇章逻辑篇章逻辑u句间逻辑句间逻辑Urbanization 5,500 Rapid t
46、ransformation evidence How Influence 71-75 EDBAF考场七选五应对技巧考场七选五应对技巧一读文体一读文体二读大意二读大意structure三读选项三读选项配入段落配入段落四四找准提示找准提示确定答案确定答案五重读文章五重读文章关注逻辑关注逻辑主题句提示、意群提示、代词提示、时间提示主题句提示、意群提示、代词提示、时间提示UrbanizationUntilrelativelyrecently,thevastmajorityofhumanbeingslivedanddiedwithouteverseeingacity.Thefirstcitywaspro
47、bablyfoundednomorethan5,500yearsago71_.Infact,nearlyeveryonelivedonfarmsorintinyruralvillages.Itwasnotuntilthe20thcenturythatGreatBritainbecamethefirsturbansocietyinhistory-asocietyinwhichthemajorityofpeopleliveincitiesanddonotfarmforaliving.What is urban society slow start uBritainwasonlythebeginni
48、ng. 72_.Theprocessofurbanization-themigrationofpeoplefromthecountrysidetothecity-wastheresultofmodernization,whichhasrapidlytransformedhowpeopleliveandwheretheylive.uIn1990,fewerthan40%ofAmericanslivedinurbanareas.Today,over82%ofAmericansliveincities.Onlyabout2%liveonfarms.73.Cause&effectLargecities
51、nfarmerisabletofeedmorethanahundrednon-farmers.七选五阅读七选五阅读Urbanization slow process at the beginning Small cities Large cities agriculture- industrialized result of modernization 71-75 EDBAFFaster 1990/40% now 82% influenceA.Thatkeptcitiesverysmall.B.B.Therestliveinsmalltowns.C.C.Theeffectsofurbanliv
53、tcitywasprobablyfoundednomorethan5,500yearsago 71_.Infact,nearlyeveryonelivedonfarmsorintinyrural(乡村的乡村的)villages.Itwasnotuntilthe20thcenturythatGreatBritainbecamethefirsturbansocietyinhistory-asocietyinwhichthemajorityofpeopleliveincitiesanddonotfarmforaliving.B.Therestliveinsmalltowns.D.Soonmanyot
56、ncebetweenthecityandthecountry 75_Today,insteadofneedingninety-fivefarmerstofeedfivecitypeople,oneAmericanfarmerisabletofeedmorethanahundrednon-farmers.F. Modernization drew people to the cities and made farmers more productive.G. Modern cities have destroyed social relations and the health of human beings.F