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1、公开课公开课-名词性从句复习名词性从句复习-高二英语高二英语Noun clauses1. Thats how I know you go on.2. I believe that the heart does go on. Object Clause(宾语从句)(宾语从句)Predicative Clause(表语从句)(表语从句)3. Who will win the match is still unknown.4.The news that we won the game is exciting.Subject Clause(主语从句)(主语从句)Appositive Clause(同位

2、语从句)(同位语从句)Noun clauses1. Thats how I know you go on.2. I believe that the heart does go on.3. Who will win the match is still unknown.4.The news that we won the game is exciting.Noun clauses1. Thats how I know you go on. This predicative clause is in a sentence after the link verb(系动词系动词) and it is

3、 started by the conjunction(连接词) how谓语动词/介词 名 词When we shall hold the meeting depends on whether John can return tomorrow. 系动词The problem is when John will come back.We expressed our hope that we could visit the country again.名词性从句的引导词(名词性从句的引导词(conjunctions):):1.连接词连接词 :that、if、whether不作成分不作成分无意义无意

4、义2. 连接代词连接代词 :who、 whom 、whose、 what、 which、 whatever, whoever, whichever, 3. 连接副词:连接副词: when、 where、why、how“是否是否”作状语作状语作主作主/宾宾/表表由由_引导,在复合句中起引导,在复合句中起_作用的从句叫作用的从句叫名词从句名词从句 ( Noun Clauses) ( Noun Clauses)。它在复合句中能担任。它在复合句中能担任_等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为句又可分别称为_。名词性从句名词性从句连接词连接词名

5、词名词主语、宾语主语、宾语、表语、同位语表语、同位语主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句Subject、 Object、 Predicative、 Appositive 看看从句从句中缺少什么成分,根据意思选择适当中缺少什么成分,根据意思选择适当连接词语;如不缺成分且句意完整,则选用连接词语;如不缺成分且句意完整,则选用that.一找二查三选:从句从句:缺少什么成分缺少什么成分:意思适合的连接词意思适合的连接词连词选择总原则:连词选择总原则:Who will be the winner?First First First First RoundRou

6、ndRoundRoundPart A: Have a try: Choose a proper conjunction.1. _ has been announced is that we must hand in our graduation papers before the end of June.What2. _ he always serves the people is well-known.3. _ the English evening will be held, on Monday or Tuesday, has not yet been decided. 4. I want

7、 to know _ he has told you.5. Everything depends on _ we have money.6. That is _ he didnt come to the meeting.7. The news _ we won the game was exciting.ThatWhenwhatwhetherwhythatSecond Second Second Second RoundRoundRoundRound Pick up one number and finish the task in it, then you can get some poin

8、ts.12345678910We students love Justin Biever. The reason is _. 301. Can they speak English? 2. We want to knowJoin two sentences into one noun clauseWe want to know if/whether they can speak English.20Pay attention:名词性从句的语序用名词性从句的语序用陈述语序陈述语序 The news that Liu Xiang won the 110 hurdlesbrought Chinese

9、 great happiness.News , brought Chinese great happiness.Liu Xiangthe 110 hurdlesMake a sentence301.I doubt_ he can speak English.2.I dont doubt _ he can speak English.whether/ ifthat10Correct or not?*When the meeting will be held havent been known yet. be held hasnt been known yet.Pay attention:主语从句

10、的谓语用主语从句的谓语用单数单数形式形式 10 the cat domade What the cat did made the baby cry.WhatcryMake a sentence301.Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a diet. 2.The fact worries their parents and teachers a lot.Join two sentences into one noun clauseThe fact that two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a d

11、iet worries their parents and teachers a lot.201.The question is _ the film is worth seeing.2._ we shall attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet. 用用whetherif填空填空whetherWhether10Translate the sentence*_(他他们很需要帮助们很需要帮助)is quite clear. That they are badly in need of help20 Correct or not?Pay attentio

12、n:此主语从句此主语从句缺少成分缺少成分-宾语,宾语,故用作成分的故用作成分的what来引导,而不用来引导,而不用that。What she wants to know is.*That she wants to know is when the party will be held . 10is worth doing well. You never know what you are till you try. Children are what the mothers are. Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. T

13、here is a proverb that every dog has his day. What glitters is not gold. What is worth doing Write 1 or 2 sentences about your school, teachers, family or anything/ anybody in the room now. Do use a noun clause in your sentence. Eg: What impressed me most is that he never lose heart. That is why he

14、made it. My name is , I am happy to introduce myself to you. . 我最喜欢的是远动和英语我最喜欢的是远动和英语 ( (主语主语从句),从句),我也喜欢交朋友和乐于助人。我也喜欢交朋友和乐于助人。在我看来,在我看来,生活中的成功主要取决于是否能与他人融洽相处生活中的成功主要取决于是否能与他人融洽相处(宾语从句(宾语从句 ) ),我确信我能成为你们的好朋友我确信我能成为你们的好朋友( 宾语从句宾语从句 ) 。 众所周知,有明确目标众所周知,有明确目标 (a a settled purpose)的人一定会成功的人一定会成功( (主语从句),

15、主语从句),我的愿望是被我梦想中的重点大学录取,我的愿望是被我梦想中的重点大学录取,(表语(表语从句)从句)可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(可是事实是我的成绩不是很理想(同位从同位从句句)。总之,我必须加倍努力)。总之,我必须加倍努力 来实现我的梦想。来实现我的梦想。参考信息:参考信息: Homework : 使用使用5个句子介绍以下所给内容。个句子介绍以下所给内容。 众所周知,众所周知,3月月11日日本发生了地震日日本发生了地震, 地震发生地震发生的原因是大陆运动,结果造成许多人无家可归,的原因是大陆运动,结果造成许多人无家可归,最令我吃惊的是许多汽车也被水冲走了。我不最令我吃惊的是许多汽车也

16、被水冲走了。我不知道他们是否能重建家园,但我认为竭尽所能知道他们是否能重建家园,但我认为竭尽所能帮助他们是我们的责任。我们国家已经提供了帮助他们是我们的责任。我们国家已经提供了帮助的消息使我感到自豪。帮助的消息使我感到自豪。 Translation using noun clauses.1.众所周知,众所周知,3月月11日日本发生了地震。日日本发生了地震。2. 地震发生的原因是大陆的运动。地震发生的原因是大陆的运动。3.最令我吃惊的是看到许多汽车被水冲走。最令我吃惊的是看到许多汽车被水冲走。4.许多人无家可归,我不知道他们许多人无家可归,我不知道他们是否是否能重建能重建家园。家园。5. 我们国

17、家已经提供了帮助的消息使我感到自我们国家已经提供了帮助的消息使我感到自豪。豪。 6. 我认为竭尽所能帮助他们是我们的责任。我认为竭尽所能帮助他们是我们的责任。The news thatI think it our duty to It is well known that .As we all know, .What is known to us all is that .众所周知,众所周知,3月月11日日本发生了地震。日日本发生了地震。The reason why . is that . Tsunami hits Japan地震发生的原因是大陆运动。地震发生的原因是大陆运动。What sur

18、prised me most is that .最使我吃惊的是许多汽车被冲走。最使我吃惊的是许多汽车被冲走。 许多人无家可归,我不知道他们是否能重建家园。许多人无家可归,我不知道他们是否能重建家园。I dont know whether.I have no idea whether.1. It is well known that a big earthquake struck Japan on 11, March.2. The reason why it happened is that the continents are moving.3. What surprised me most

19、was that a large number of cars were washed away by the water.4. A large number of people were homeless, and I have no idea whether they can rebuild their home.5. The news that our country has offered help makes me proud.6. I think it our duty to do what we can (do) to help them.Thanks for your coop

20、eration!Best wishes for you! 语法填空语法填空(连词专练)(连词专练) Whether Native Americans arrived in Californian 15,000 years ago or 14,000 years ago is not important. Exactly when the first people arrived in 1._ we now know as California, no one really knows . The fact 2._ they arrived a long time before European

21、s is what matters. I believe 3._the Native Americans were treated badly 4._ the first Europeans came. However , it is likely 5._ Native Americans were living in California at least 15,000 years ago. what that that whenthat Scientists believe 6._these settles crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic t

22、o American by means of a bridge 7._ existed in prehistoric times. Whats more, 8._attracts people to Californian is its pleasant climate and relaxed lifestyle. This is 9._each year a great number of people from all over try to immigrate to Californian. However, most applications know 10._they have li

23、ttle chance of getting a visa. what why that that which The survey _ while 48% of the boys favor sports stars.1.调查表明一半的女孩选择电影或者电视明星调查表明一半的女孩选择电影或者电视明星作为他们的偶像作为他们的偶像(idols),而,而48%的男孩支持的男孩支持喜欢体育明星。(喜欢体育明星。(07基础写作)基础写作)Object Clause shows that half of the girls choose film or TV stars as their idols, 2

24、.他也指出导致近视他也指出导致近视( short-sightedness)的原因是如此的复杂的原因是如此的复杂,到目前为止没有哪一到目前为止没有哪一种药物能治愈近视种药物能治愈近视 。(。(09基础写作)基础写作) What he also pointed out is _ and that up till now no medicine can cure short-sightedness. that the causes for short-sightedness are so complicatedPredicative Clause_and its of great help to o

25、ur eye health to participate in more outdoor activities 3.建议建议: 我们学生不要过度用眼;多参加户我们学生不要过度用眼;多参加户外活动。(外活动。( 09基础写作)基础写作) Subject ClauseIt is suggested that we students not overuse our eyesMeanwhile another tip from the experts _.4.同时,专家的另外一个建议是这个问题写同时,专家的另外一个建议是这个问题写作时如何握笔有关作时如何握笔有关 。(09基础写作)Predicativ

26、e Clause is that the problem has business with /is related to how we hold the pen while writing.5.在我看来,这些父母所做的已经对他们的在我看来,这些父母所做的已经对他们的发展造成了坏的影响。发展造成了坏的影响。 (2010读写任务)读写任务) In my opinion, _ has a bad influence on their childrens development.Subject Clausewhat these parents have done人们参加志愿者活动的原因是他们有社会责

27、人们参加志愿者活动的原因是他们有社会责任感。作为一名学生,我会做我能做的事情任感。作为一名学生,我会做我能做的事情来奉献社会。让陷入困境的人们感到温暖是来奉献社会。让陷入困境的人们感到温暖是非常重要的。志愿者相信世界上有一部分最非常重要的。志愿者相信世界上有一部分最幸福的人就是那些给别人带来快乐的人。幸福的人就是那些给别人带来快乐的人。The reason why they take part in the voluntary work is that they have their social responsibilities. As a student, I will do whatev

28、er I can to devote myself to our society. It is very important that we should let people in need feel warmer. Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others. Translation My name iswhat I like most are sports and English. And I like ma

29、king friends and I am ready to help others. In my opinion, success in life depends mainly on whether one can get along well with others. Im sure that I can be your good friend. It is known that a man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed. My hope is that I can be admitted to a key university

30、 Im dreaming of. However, it is a fact that I dont do well in study. All in all, I will double my efforts to make my dream come true.Evaluation and discussion:1.What have you learnt today?2.Do you think it useful in your future study?1.what &that2.whether &if3.名词性从句在语法填空和写名词性从句在语法填空和写作中的运用。作中的运用。sum

31、mary1.Longshine p.16-172.More exercises from Issue 37-38 , Student Times.(Grammar quiz 语法小测语法小测)Homework At lunch time, the radio weatherman reported _ the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon. Now ,the truth is _the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. Besides, _surprised me most

32、 was that the old man couldnt see anything. The fact _Polly didnt ask for the mans name is a pity. thatthatwhatthat(B) Chinese people suffered from poverty before the reforms in 1978, and the dreams1._they could live a well-off were obvious . Luckily, the development of new China made the Chinese be

33、lieve 2._ powerful their country is and 3._ they are leading a happy life. Thousands of migrant works are the greatest contributors to this achievement. To show 4._ they can do and 5._ they really are, they moved from countries to cities 6._ they can fulfill their dreams. thathowthatwhatwhowhere The

34、y know 7._ they should get up and 8._ they should go to earn their living. Actually , they have made great contributions to the boom of the cities by means of hard work although they are not sure 9._ they are heroes or not in the society. Whats more, 10. _worries them most is their children cant rec

35、eive good education.whenwherewhetherwhat 1. 最近的一个研究表明,在过去五年里,吸烟者人数急剧上升。A recent study has found that the number of smokers has been increasing sharply over the past five years.2. 俗话说有明确目标的人一定会成功。 It is a common saying that man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.3.父母对孩子刚上小学就学习外语持有不同父母对孩子刚上

36、小学就学习外语持有不同的观点。的观点。 Different parents have different ideas about whether children should start learning a foreign language at the beginning of primary school.4. 大多数父母所关心的是向子女提供最好的大多数父母所关心的是向子女提供最好的教育。教育。 What most parents are concerned about is providing the best education possible for their childre

37、n.5.在他看来,生活中的成功主要取决于是否在他看来,生活中的成功主要取决于是否能与他人融洽相处能与他人融洽相处 In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on whether one can get along well with others .6.最进,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下问题最进,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下问题受到关注。受到关注。 Recently the problem that the quality of our life has gone from bad to worse has been brought into f

38、ocus.7.在现代社会,越来越多的中国人买车的原在现代社会,越来越多的中国人买车的原因是他们需要车做生意节约时间因是他们需要车做生意节约时间 In modern society, the reason why more and more people buy private cars is that they need a car to do business so as to save time.a womanly man That you dont like him makes him heartbroken.The fact that you dont like him makes h

39、im heartbroken.That is why you dont like him.I now know that you dont like him.Subject ClauseObject ClausePredicative ClauseAppositive Clause1. What is worth doing is worth doing well.2. What is done by night appears by day. 3. You never know what you are till you try. 4. Dont put off what should be

40、 done today till tomorrow. 5. Children are what the mothers are.6. You are what you eat.7. The fact that you dont like him makes him heartbroken.8. The news that we won the game is exciting. Noun Clauses(名词性从句名词性从句)Subject Clause (主语从句主语从句)Appositive Clause(同位语从句)(同位语从句)Object Clause(宾语从句)(宾语从句)Pred

41、icative Clause(表语从句)(表语从句)Which group is the winner?Congratulations!Congratulations!A letter to teachers from a graduationConsolidation (巩固一下吧巩固一下吧) Dear teachers, _makes us depressed _ we will graduate from No.1 middle school . The reason why we are so sad is _ we will say goodbye to our lovely tea

42、chers and classmates. The days we spent together are full of joys and tears. _ you are always so strict with us made me hate you. However, you are also ready to give your hand to_turns to you for help.ItthatthatThatwhoever Now we understand _you have tried to do for us _ you do and say is of great h

43、elp to us. We dont care about _we can survive the struggleNational Entrance Exam or not. _ we cherish is _we have enjoyed the process. Thanks for your teaching! Best wishes! Yours, Polo whatWhatwhetherWhatthatThank you!that / what1. _ he wants is a book.2. _ he wants to go there is obvious.3. The re

44、sult is _ we won the game.4. This is _ we want to know.5. I dont know _ will happen next.6. He is no longer _he used to be.7. I have no doubt _ you will succeed.WhatThatthatwhatwhatwhatthat1.名词性从句连接词的选用名词性从句连接词的选用(1) that 和和what 的选用的选用that 和和 what 都可引导所有的名词性都可引导所有的名词性从句。但是,从句。但是,_除起连接作用外,除起连接作用外,还在名

45、词性从句中充当成分,可作从还在名词性从句中充当成分,可作从句的句的_、_、或、或_。而。而_在名词性从句中不充当任何成在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起分,只起_作用。作用。what主语主语宾语宾语表语表语that总结连接连接1. I asked her _ she had a bike.2. _ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.3. Were worried about _ he is safe.4. I dont know _ he is well or not.5. I dont k

46、now _ or not he is well.6. The question is _ he should do it.7. The doctor can hardly answer the question _ the old man will recover soon.8. I havent decided _ to go there.if / whetherWhetherwhetherwhetherwhetherwhetherwhetherwhethera. _、_、_ 从句。从句。b. _词后的宾语从句。词后的宾语从句。d. 与与 _连在一起引导宾语从连在一起引导宾语从句。句。c.

47、后面直接跟后面直接跟_当宾语。当宾语。 2.不能使用不能使用if 的情况的情况:总结:主语主语表语表语同位语同位语介介or not动词不定式动词不定式诠案诠案P.15-16例例1.One day, he came up with an idea 35._he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. (2008年广东)年广东)例例2.I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to 32. _should have the honor of re

48、ceiving me as a guest in their house. (2007广东广东)thatwho3.Historically ,it was famous for industry ,which explains16._the area is called the black country. (2011年广州一模)年广州一模)4. Hic ! Youve just hiccupped(打嗝)(打嗝) for the tenth time since you finished dinner. Wonder 16._these funny noises are coming fro

49、m? (2011年广州二模)年广州二模)whywhere 连接词在句中功能从句不做成分, 只连接既连接句子,又在从句中做成分语序无意义“是否”做主语做宾语作表语作状语主语从句Subject clausethat(不省)whetherwho,whoever,what,whatever,which,whicheverwho,whomever,what, whatever, which, whicheverwho,whoever,what,whatever,which,whicheverwhen,where,why,陈述语序表语从句Predicative clausethat (不省)whether

50、宾语从句Object clausethat(可省)whether/ifdont konwwhat dowhere goThe man doesnt know where he should go and what he should do.Make a sentence30 Correct or not?Pay attention: 在此宾语从句中,在此宾语从句中,it 充当充当形形式宾语式宾语,真正的宾语为,真正的宾语为that 从句从句I think it worthwhile that.* I think that worthwhile that we spent so much mon

51、ey on these books.10*His brother asks when will he go to the library .Pay attention:名词性从句的语序用名词性从句的语序用陈述语序陈述语序 Correct or not?when he will go to the library . 10用用that和和what填空填空1.His father is satisfied with _ he has done.2.The reason was_Tod had never seen the million pound bank-note.whatthat10talk

52、 aboutthe use of cell phone What they are talking about is the use of cell phone.Make a sentence30* If we will have a meeting hasnt been decided yet.Correct or not?Whether we will. decided yet.Pay attention:放在名词性从句放在名词性从句句首句首,表示,表示“是否是否”,只能用,只能用whether, 不能用不能用if101.The problem has been solved. 2.Why

53、 were so many areas flooded during the heavy storm?Join two sentences into one noun clauseThe problem why so many areas were flooded during the heavy storm has been solved.20Translate the sentence*It is known to us_(马克马克.吐温怎样成吐温怎样成为一位伟大的作家为一位伟大的作家). how Mark Twain became a great writer20 Correct or

54、not?Pay attention:注意注意虚拟语气虚拟语气在名词性从句中的在名词性从句中的使用!由使用!由demand ,order, require, insist, suggest, advise等引导的宾语从句,或由等引导的宾语从句,或由demand, order, suggestion等引导的表语从句和同位语从句,其谓等引导的表语从句和同位语从句,其谓语要用语要用should+do 的形式的形式It is suggested that we should put off.*It is suggested that we would put off the sports meeting

55、 because of the bad weather.10report , get the highest points, match It is reported that Yao Ming got the highest points in the match.Make a sentence30 Correct or not?Pay attention:注意注意虚拟语气虚拟语气在名词性从句中的在名词性从句中的使用!在使用!在It is necessary important natural. that句型中,从句的谓语要用句型中,从句的谓语要用should+do 的形式的形式It is

56、important that we should finish.*It is important that we will finish the work on time. 10 Correct or not?Pay attention:由由reason 做主语的表语从句只做主语的表语从句只能用能用that 来引导。来引导。The reason why he was late was that he was.*The reason why he was late was because he was caught in a traffic jam.10 Correct or not?Pay a

57、ttention:由由that引导的主语从句放在句引导的主语从句放在句首,首,that 不能省略不能省略。That he will give up*He will give up his job surprises all of us.10Translate the sentence*_(她是否出席会议)(她是否出席会议)is not certain.Whether she will attend the meeting20It makes the teacher angry that the child doesnt know the answer.teacher angryDont kno

58、w the answerMake a sentence30 Correct or not?Pay attention:同位语从句的同位语从句的that 不能省略不能省略。He expressed his hope that he would. *He expressed his hope he would visit China again. 10*The question_(谁谁将取代将取代Tom的位子的位子) needs considering.Translate the sentencewho will take Toms place201.The news _ we won the competition is very encouraging.2.I have no idea _ has happened to him.用用thatwhat填空填空whatthat10



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