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1、-changes and thoughts of senior high school entrance examination in 2015Teach to Learn Learn to Teach合肥市第四十八中学 石 眉1. Are there any changes this year?2. How are the changes?3. Why do we need to change?4. Where are the changes from?5. What are the changes?6. How to face the challenges?7. What do we le

2、arn from changes?20142014年安徽省英语中考成绩分析年安徽省英语中考成绩分析1.预期有误差预期有误差2.区分度不高区分度不高3.区域差距大区域差距大综合语言运用能力国国际际视视野野祖祖国国意意识识合合作作精精神神自自信信意意志志动动机机兴兴趣趣语言知识语言知识话话题题功功能能语语法法词词汇汇语语音音语言技能语言技能听说读写听说读写学学习习策策略略资资源源策策略略交交际际策策略略调调控控策策略略认认知知策策略略文文化化意意识识文化知识文化知识文化理解文化理解跨文化交际跨文化交际意识和能力意识和能力情感态度情感态度1.工具性、人文性2.渐进性、持续性3.构化体系4.具化要求5

3、.规范表述调整并重新描述“五级”目标描述中对于语法的要求:理解附录”语法项目表”中所列语法项目并能在特定语境中使用。在五级“文化意识”的目标描述中,增加“了解英国国家中的个人隐私习俗”,并将“加深对中国文化的理解”改为“关注中外文化异同,加深对中国文化的理解“。英语课程标准新旧对比课程标准与考纲考试纲要考试纲要课程标准课程标准教材教材 中考中考编写说明编写说明1.根据课标精神2.加强读写考查3.增加主观试题比重1、考试性质与目标 五级目标水平2、考试内容与要求语音:根据读音规则和音标拼读单词词汇:1500-1600个单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配语法:理解附录2:语法项目表中所列语法

4、项目功能:具体话题:具体 3、考试形式部 分题 型题 数计 分难 度听 力关键词语短对话理解长对话理解短文理解信息转换3030较容易题70%中等难度题20%较难题10%英语知识运用VI单项填空1515I完形填空2030阅 读VIII补全对话55IX. 阅读理解2040写单词拼写55书面表达125总 计951150语法项目表语法项目表1 1名词名词(1 1) 可数名词及其单复数可数名词及其单复数(2 2) 不可数名词不可数名词(3 3) 专有名词专有名词 (4 4) 名词所有格名词所有格2 2代词代词(1 1) 人称代词人称代词 (2 2) 物主代词物主代词 (3 3) 反身代词反身代词 (4

5、4) 指示代词指示代词 (5 5) 不定代词不定代词(some, any , no)some, any , no)(6 6) 疑问代词疑问代词附录2: 3 3数词数词(1 1) 基数词基数词(2 2) 序数词序数词4 4介词和介词短语介词和介词短语5 5连词连词6 6形容词(比较级和最高级)形容词(比较级和最高级)7 7副词(比较级和最高级)副词(比较级和最高级)8 8冠词冠词3 3数词数词(1 1) 基数词基数词(2 2) 序数词序数词4 4介词和介词短语介词和介词短语5 5连词连词6 6形容词(比较级和最高级)形容词(比较级和最高级)7 7副词(比较级和最高级)副词(比较级和最高级)8 8

6、冠词冠词9 9动词动词(1 1)动词的基本形式)动词的基本形式 (2 2)系动词)系动词(3 3)及物动词和不及物动词)及物动词和不及物动词(4 4)助动词)助动词(5 5)情态动词)情态动词1010时态时态(1 1)现在进行时)现在进行时(2 2)一般现在时)一般现在时(3 3)一般过去时)一般过去时(4 4)一般将来时)一般将来时(5 5)过去进行时)过去进行时(6 6)现在完成时)现在完成时1111被动语态被动语态( (一般现在时、一般过去时、一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时)一般将来时)1212非谓语动词:动词不定式非谓语动词:动词不定式(作宾语、(作宾语、宾语补足语、目的状语)宾语

7、补足语、目的状语)1313构词法构词法(1 1) 合成法合成法 前缀、后缀前缀、后缀(2 2) 派生法派生法 (3 3) 转化法转化法(4 4) 缩写和简写缩写和简写 1414句子种类句子种类(1 1)陈述句(肯定式和否定式)陈述句(肯定式和否定式)(2 2)疑问句:)疑问句:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句反意疑问句(3 3)祈使句)祈使句(4 4)感叹句)感叹句1515句子成分句子成分(1 1)主语)主语 (2 2)谓语(主谓一致)谓语(主谓一致) (3 3)表语)表语 (4 4)宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)(5 5

8、)定语)定语(6 6)状语)状语1616简单句的基本句型简单句的基本句型(1 1) 主语主语+ +系动词系动词+ +表语表语 (2 2) 主语主语+ +不及物动词不及物动词(3 3) 主语主语+ +及物动词及物动词+ +宾语宾语(4 4) 主语主语+ +及物动词及物动词+ +间接宾语间接宾语+ +直接宾语直接宾语(5 5) 主语主语+ +及物动词及物动词+ +宾语宾语+ +宾语补足语宾语补足语(6 6) there bethere be句型句型1717并列复合句并列复合句1818主从复合句主从复合句(1 1)宾语从句)宾语从句(2 2)状语从句)状语从句(3 3)定语从句)定语从句(能辨认出由

9、(能辨认出由that, which, whothat, which, who引导引导的限定性定于从句,并能理解句子意思。)的限定性定于从句,并能理解句子意思。)附录3:功能意念项目表于简化规范中体现正能量接受或拒绝、责备和抱怨、冷淡、忧虑接受或拒绝、责备和抱怨、冷淡、忧虑同情、恐惧、愤怒、职业同情、恐惧、愤怒、职业关切、重量关切、重量附录4:话题项目表细致、明确细致、明确1、个人情况、个人情况2、家庭、朋友与周围的人、家庭、朋友与周围的人3、周围环境、周围环境4、日常活动、日常活动5、学校生活、学校生活6、兴趣与爱好、兴趣与爱好7、个人情感、个人情感8、人际关系、人际关系9、计划与愿望、计划与


11、11、购物、购物12、饮食、饮食13、卫生与卫生与健康健康14、安全与救护安全与救护15、天气、天气16、文娱与体育、文娱与体育17、旅游与交通、旅游与交通18、通讯通讯19、语言学习、语言学习20、自然、自然21、世界与环境、世界与环境22、科普知识与现代技术、科普知识与现代技术23、历史与、历史与社会社会24、故事与诗歌故事与诗歌5 5、学校、学校(1616)学校设施)学校设施(1717)学校人员)学校人员(1818)学习科目)学习科目(1919)学校活动)学校活动1414、安全与救护、安全与救护(4747)安全守则)安全守则(4848)意外)意外(4949)急救)急救(5050)自我保护

12、)自我保护1818、通讯、通讯(6161)写信)写信(62) 62) 打电话打电话(6363)使用互联网)使用互联网一、增加的词汇(一、增加的词汇(86)A:actor actress Africa African artist attend awfulB:bean best better block blouse bored Britain BritishC:calendar Canadian carrot cartoon central certainly community cookie corn customer cuteD :diningE: earthquake eastern e

13、lectronic exactly excited excitingF: fifteen finally France FrenchG:German Germany glue grey guideH:harmful hers hi附录附录5 5:词汇表:词汇表I:instrumentJ:journeyL:later lemon localM:matter mess missing mix mobile phone musicianN:noisyO:oclock Olympics online oppositeP:pain player pollute pollution product pro

14、ject R:relationship relativeS:scissors solve stomachache straight support survey T:treatU:UK US usuallyV:valuableW:wallet wild worse worst writerY: yours二、删除的词汇(二、删除的词汇(185)A:accent accident ache advertisement airline airplane Atlantic availableB:bee behaviour besides beyond bitter breath breathe bu

15、tter butterfly byeC:cabbage camel cancer captain CD CD-ROM ceiling chant cheat cheese chest Church clap clone coke company composition conference cooker cotton cruelD: dad dare death dentist disease dismiss disturb doll downstairs dozen drawer drug drum duty DVDE:edge effort electric energy examine

16、excite experimentF: fetch final flat flu foreigner forward fox freeze frog furnitureG: gesture goat god golden goose grandchild granny greeting gymnastic=gymH: ham handwriting heaven honor hotdogI: immediately improve inch ink insist intention ironJ: jeans joyL: labour lamb lamp lemonade licenseM: m

17、adam=madame mail marriage mastermemory mend metal mirror mum momentmonitor motorcycle murderN: normalO: ocean oneself operation overcoat ownerP: P.C package paragraph path pence penny percent piano pingpong plain plastic plate pleasant policy pond pork position prevent prison prisoner prove purseR:

18、raincoat rat rather recite recorder regard retell riddle rubberS: sail sausage servant shelf sight soap soldier solid sort sour stairs steel stream supper supply sweep swing symbolT: table tennis tale tent thread till tongue toothbrush toothpaste towel treatmentU: upstairsV: VCD vehicleW: whale whea

19、t wine wolfZ: zebraHow to face the challenges?1. To learn.2. To compare.3. To think.4. To plan.5. To change.题型解析题型解析题型题型 题数题数 考查方式考查方式主主客观客观题题测试目标测试目标分值分值第一第一部分部分听力听力理解理解5 5关键词语关键词语选择选择客观题客观题在在特特定定的的语语境境下下单单词词的的辨辨音音、识识意能力意能力30301010 短对话理解短对话理解 客观题客观题 获取信息和图文转换能力获取信息和图文转换能力5 5长对话理解长对话理解 客观题客观题听听到到的的语

20、语言言与与具具体体事事物物、信信息息相相联系联系5 5短文理解短文理解客观题客观题 听力的理解短文能力听力的理解短文能力5 5信息转换信息转换主观题主观题 听力的提取、归纳、表述能力听力的提取、归纳、表述能力2014年安徽省中考英语试卷命题特点命题特点听力测试,在对听力测试,在对具体信息具体信息获取考查的同时,注重对对获取考查的同时,注重对对话内容主旨要义的理解和归纳,注重对任务之间关系话内容主旨要义的理解和归纳,注重对任务之间关系的推测及说话人言下之意、意图观点或态度的理解的的推测及说话人言下之意、意图观点或态度的理解的考查。要求学生具备分析、归纳、推测等思维能力。考查。要求学生具备分析、归

21、纳、推测等思维能力。选材特点:选材特点:1 1、语音清晰,语速平缓;、语音清晰,语速平缓;2 2、信息明确,侧重理解;、信息明确,侧重理解;3 3、选材地道,容量合理。、选材地道,容量合理。年度对话理解短文理解信息转换2010日常生活;体育;旅游;就医;日常生活;体育;旅游;就医;讨论天气;天气;问路;路;时间;学校生;学校生活;打活;打电话(意愿和打算(意愿和打算) )幽默故事幽默故事 关于听关于听报告的告的口口头通知通知 an an announcementannouncement2011日常生活;日常生活;讨论天气;体育;天气;体育;订餐;健康;就医;餐;健康;就医;时间;学校生;学校生

22、活;打活;打电话留言(意愿和打算)留言(意愿和打算)幽默故事幽默故事 关于一次旅行关于一次旅行 a tripa trip2012购物;度假;物;度假;职业;电话;价格;价格提出建提出建议幽默故事幽默故事 简短通知短通知a quick notea quick note2013日常生活、体育、失物招领、购日常生活、体育、失物招领、购物、问路、交通、打电话、物、问路、交通、打电话、做好人好事做好人好事的故事的故事 关于关于“校园甩校园甩卖”的活的活动 a a sale in our sale in our schoolschool2014问路,电影,天气,时间,职业,问路,电影,天气,时间,职业,打

23、电话用语,空余时间的安排,打电话用语,空余时间的安排,价格,身体情况,身体锻炼,讨价格,身体情况,身体锻炼,讨论衣服论衣服描述学描述学校和老校和老师关于加拿大学关于加拿大学生的生的the the spring breakspring break 考考 点点年份年份 题题 量量 题题 号号 获取获取 具体具体 信息信息20102010年年 19191-5; 6, 16-20; 21, 22, 23, 24, 26-301-5; 6, 16-20; 21, 22, 23, 24, 26-3020112011年年 25251-5; 6-10; 11, 12, 13, 14, 16-20; 21, 2

24、3, 26-301-5; 6-10; 11, 12, 13, 14, 16-20; 21, 23, 26-3020122012年年 26261-5; 6-10;11,12,13,16,17,18,19,21,22, 23,24, 26-301-5; 6-10;11,12,13,16,17,18,19,21,22, 23,24, 26-3020132013年年 24241-51-5;6-106-10;12,16,18-20,21-24,26-3012,16,18-20,21-24,26-3020142014年年 26261-51-5;6-106-10;13,14,16-20,21-24,26-3

25、013,14,16-20,21-24,26-30 推理推理 判断判断20142014年年 2 211, 1211, 1220132013年年 4 411, 1411, 14,15, 1715, 1720122012年年 3 314, 20, 2514, 20, 2520112011年年 5 515, 22, 24, 25, 2815, 22, 24, 25, 2820102010年年 6 610, 12, 13, 14, 22, 2510, 12, 13, 14, 22, 25理解说理解说话者的话者的意图观意图观点或态点或态 度度20142014年年 2 215, 2515, 25201320

26、13 2 21313, 252520122012年年 1 1151520112011年年 0 0-20102010年年 5 57, 8, 9, 11, 157, 8, 9, 11, 15V.信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,填写下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。 Spring breakHow longSpring break lasts one 26 .WhatStudents watch TV, do 27 or travel with family.WhomOn the first day, we helped some 28 wi

27、th their work.WhereOn the second day, we went to a 29 for old people.WhatI learned how to 30 and Ive got happiness back. Students in Canada have one week of spring break every year. It usually happens in April.During this week, students may watch TV, do sports or travel with family. But this year I

28、took part in an activity for two weeks. On the first day, we helped some kids with their work. On the second day, we went to a house for old people. We did a lot for them. And then they told us their own stories. This spring break helps me learn how to give. And Ive got something back-happiness. I w

29、ill spend my next spring break helping more people.常见误区1.训练的孤立化2.训练的短期化3.训练的单一化我们的建议我们的建议1 1、听说结合、以说促听;、听说结合、以说促听;2 2、特色练习、量达质优;、特色练习、量达质优;3 3、掌握技巧、形成习惯。、掌握技巧、形成习惯。(二)单项填空(二)单项填空VIVI单项单项填空填空客观题客观题在在一一定定的的语语境境中中运运用用词词汇汇、习习语语、句法和语法句法和语法2020要求学生在充分理解题干的基础上,从所提供的四个选项中选出最佳答案,目的是结合一定的语境,考查学生语言知识的综合运用能力。主要

30、考查内容有语法知识、词汇知识和情景交际。题序序201020112012 2013 201431代词冠词不定代词名词词义形容词词义32动词词意形容词形容词词意情态动词时间连词33介词情态动词情景交际情景交际情景交际34副词代词连词疑问副词(短语)现在完成时35连词倒装句动词词意连词情态动词36情景交际名词介词动词时态感官动词37动词短语动词时态人称代词介词名词词义38非谓语动词连词形容词词意代词宾语从句39动词词意动词短语动词短语动词词义动词短语40动词词意情景交际情景交际疑问副词频度副词41动词时态动词词意动词时态形容词词义一般将来时42情景交际介词情态动词情景交际情景交际43情态动词动词时态

31、宾语从句动词词义连词44动词语态副词级别代词连词动词词义45不定代词介词短语动词短语形容词词义(比较级)不定代词46副词级别系动词介词短语动词语态动词短语47动词时态情景交际介词短语固定短语连词48形容词状语从句副词词意动词短语一般过去时49情景交际倒装句被动语态定语从句动词词义50介词短语情景交际情景交际情景交际情景交际1 1、广积粮、广积粮2 2、不挖坑、不挖坑3 3、抓主干、抓主干4 4、重情境、重情境命题特点命题特点项目项目2010年年2011年年201220132014代代词31、4534、4931、37、443845动词辨析辨析32、4035、41、463539、4336、44、4



34、ovie37.MoreandmorepeoplecometovisitMountHuangshanThatstrue.Ithasbecomethe_ofAnhui.(2014)A.prideB.effortC.praiseD.courage32.Itsniceofyouto_somuchtimeshowingmearoundyourschool.(2010)A.takeB.spendC.costD.have40.DoyouoftenwatchMan and NatureonTV?Sometimes.Itsaninterestingprogram,butI_Sports News.A.prefe

35、rB.wantC.enjoyD.miss41.Wecantdolisteningpracticetoday,forMissZhaosrecorderdoesnt_.(2011)A.actB.doC.serveD.work46.Thefoodheresmellsgood,butwhatdoesit_like?A.tasteB.touchC.seemD.feel35.Toprotecttheenvironment,supermarketsdont_freeplasticbagstoshoppers.A.takeB.show C.provideD.carry(2012)39.IwillmeetJan


37、.Heisanhonestboy.Ihavenoreasonto_whathesaid.A.hearB.doubtC.repeatD.believe动词词义辨析动词词义辨析动词时态动词时态41.HaveyoueverbeentoShanghai,Mary?(2010)Yes.I_thereforthreeclayswithmyparentslastmonth.A.havegoneB.havebeen C.wentD.was47.Whydidntyougotothecinemawithusthisafternoon?I_atthestationformyunclefromBeijing.A.wa

38、swaiting B.havewaitedC.amwaitingD.willwait37.Hepromisedtopickmeupattheschoolgate.However.he_yet.(2011)A.didntarriveB.doesntarriveC.isntarrivingD.hasntarrived41.Letsdiscusstheplan,shallwe?(2012)Notnow.I_toaninterview.A.goB.wentC.amgoingD.wasgoing36.-IcantfindDavid.Whereishe?(2013)-He_fortomorrowscomp


40、becauseI_.A.haveaskedB.haventaskedC.havebeenaskedD.haventbeenasked43.Dontworry.Yourpackage_hereuntilyoucomeback,soenjoyshoppinghere.(2011)A.willkeepB.haskeptC.willbekeptD.hasbeenkept49.Thetask_inanhour.Thenwecangohomeandhaveagoodrest.(2012)A.wasfinishedB.willbefinished C.hasbeenfinishedD.cantbefinis


42、mayC.needD.must42.Theresenoughtimeforyoutogototheairport.You_hurrynow.(2012)A.shouldB.needntC.must D.cant32.You_driveyourcarsofast.Itsverydangerous.(2013)A.wouldntB.shouldntC.couldntD.mightnt35.Iforgottobringmydictionary.CouldIuseyours?(2014)Yes,you_.A.canB.mustC.couldD.should动词短语动词短语37.HowcanI_well





47、s.(2010)Right.Thatswhatshelikestodo_.A.moreB.lessC.mostD.least44.Jackisgoodatdrawing.Ithinknoonedraws_.(2011)A.betterB.bestC.worseD.worst32.Welostthematchbecausetheyhad_players.Theyhadelevenandwehadonlynine!(2012)A.strongerB.youngerC.fewer D.more45.-Ourschoolbuswillleaveat8oclocktomorrow.Dontbelate.

48、(2013)-OK.Iwillbetheretenminutes_.A.soonerB.slowerC.fasterD.earlier34.Didyoufindthesmallvillageyesterday?(2010)Yes,withoutanydifficulty,forithas_changedoveryears.A.hardlyB.greatlyC.clearlyD.nearly48.Mikehurthisbackseriouslyandcan_getoutofbedwithouthelp.(2012)A.quicklyB.easily C.nearlyD.hardly34.-_ca



51、fridge?(2011)_butwehavecakes.Wouldyouliketohaveone?A.SomeB.MuchC.NoneD.Nothing31.HowisHeleninthenewschool?(2012)Sheisdoingverywell.Thereis_toworryabout.A.something B.anythingC.nothingD.everything37.Whosepenisthis?Oh,its_.Iwaslookingforiteverywhere.A.youB.yours C.meD.mine44.WehaveredandyellowT-shirts



54、withD.since46.Themantriedseveraltimestostartthecar,andhesucceeded_.A.inthepast B.intheendC.atfirstD.atonce37.Mrs.Kingputacoat_thesleepinggirltokeepherwarm.(2013)A.overB.withC.behindD.beside32._theexam,wellsaygood-byetoourdearteachers,classmatesaswellasourbeautifulschool.(2014)A.InB.ForC.AfterD.Throu

55、gh介词介词连词连词35. Bob promises to join in the football match _ he has to help his parents on the farm.(2010)A.if B. as C. unless D. when38. My father was preparing for his speech _ my mother was doing some washing last night.(2011) A. if B. while C. unless D. until48. Youd better take the map with you _

56、 you wont get lost, A. as long as B. as soon as C. now that D. so that34. Tom isnt feeling very well. He seems to have a cold _ the weather changes suddenly.(2012) A. before B. soC. becauseD. though47. Whats your plan for the summer holidays?Ill go to Beijing _ the school term ends. A. in order that

57、B. so thatC. as soon asD. even though35. Smile to the world, _ the world will smile back to you.(2013) A. nor B. but C. or D. and44. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier _ we take action to protect them. A. since B. if C. until D. unless34. Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he cam

58、e to China.(2014)A.before B. when C. until D. since43. _the sun was not yet up, many people were already taking exercise in the squareA.As B. If C. Though D. Because47. Spend more time talking with your parents, _they may not well understand you.A. or B. so C. and D. but情景交际情景交际36.Ihopeyoudontmindmy



61、afraidnotC.IthinksoD.Ihopenot33.Whatanicemeal!Itsreallykindofyoutoinviteus.(2012)_.Imgladyoulikedit.A.NotatallB.SoundsgoodC.WelldoneD.Nevermind40.IwonderifIcanuseyourdictionaryforawhile._.A.Hereyouare B.IdontknowC.Nothingmuch D.Idontcare50.ImgoingtoapartyonThursdaynightatJimmyshouse._!Youllhavetwote


63、rfromher._,welastmettenyearsago.A.OnonehandB.ThatistosayC.BelieveitornotD.Inotherwords50.-TVsaystherewillbeastormtomorrow.-_Iplannedtogoclimbingwithmyclassmates.A.IhopesoB.ImafraidsoC.SoundsgoodD.Badluck33. Can I bring a friend to your birthday party? (2014)Sure, _.A.no problem B. not at all C. my p

64、leasure D. well done42. Jim, remember to return this book by Friday. _.A.Got it B. Good luck C. Thats right D. Its nothing50. We failed in the singing competition._. Better times are waiting for you.A. No way B. Best wishes C. Cheer up D. Good job(三)完形填空(三)完形填空VIIVII完完 形形填填 空空客观客观题题在在特特定定的的语语境境中中,综综


66、年占16小题,2014年占15小题)。不再单纯考察语言形式,所给四个选项均从语法角度为正确选项,考生只有读懂语境,熟悉所给四个选项意义区别,才能做出正确判断。Once there lived a farmer called Henry. He had a brother, Mike, in town who was an excellent gardener. His skill and his beautiful trees were 61 everywhere.One day, Henry went to town to visit Mike. Look, my brother, said

67、 Mike, Here is the best 62 tree from my garden. Take it home and 63 it so that you, and your children, and your childrens children can enjoy it.” Henry was 64 with the apple tree and went back home. The next morning, he began to 65 where he should plant it.If I plant it on the hill,” said he to hims

68、elf, the wind might catch it and 66 flown the fruit; If I plant it close to the road, people who pass by will pick some of them; But if I plant it .67 he planted the tree in the comer behind his house, where no one else could notice it. But the tree bore(结出) no fruit the first year, nor the second.

69、Then Henry sent for his brother and said to him 68 , “You have cheated me. This is the third year and it bring me 69 but leaves.When Mike saw where the tree was planted, he laughed and said, You have planted the tree in such a cold corner without 70 or warmth. How, then, could you expect flowers and

70、 fruit?61.A.simple B. famous C. similar D. common62.A.pear B. grapeC. apple D. banana63.A.sell B. washC. hideD. plant64.A.tiredB. patientC. pleasedD. popular65.A.learnB. wonderC. realizeD. understand66.A.putB. cutC. pushD. shake67.A.FinallyB. FirstlyC. LuckilyD. Certainly68.A.happilyB. angrilyC. kin

71、dlyD. carelessly.69.A.nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything70.A.airB. earthC. waterD. sunlightB(2014) 完形填空解题技巧完形填空解题技巧 五读法五读法 1. 1. 细读首句,预测主题;细读首句,预测主题; 2. 2. 跳读全文,领会大意;跳读全文,领会大意; 3. 3. 通读全文,试选答案;通读全文,试选答案; 4. 4. 细读全文,推敲难题;细读全文,推敲难题; 5. 5. 复读全文,调整答案。复读全文,调整答案。 四看法四看法一看首尾、二看全文、三看句子、四看语境一看首尾、二看全

72、文、三看句子、四看语境IXIX阅阅 读读 理理解解客观题客观题理理解解文文章章的的具具体体信信息息、主主旨旨和和要要义义,猜词以及判断和推理等能力猜词以及判断和推理等能力4040(五)阅读理解(五)阅读理解阅读理解的考查内容主要集中在如下几个方面:阅读理解的考查内容主要集中在如下几个方面:1、理解文章的主旨和要义;、理解文章的主旨和要义;2、理解文章中的具体信息(包括图文转换的能力);理解文章中的具体信息(包括图文转换的能力);3、根据上下文推测生词的词义;、根据上下文推测生词的词义;4、进行简单的判断和推理;、进行简单的判断和推理;5、理解文章的基本结构;理解文章的基本结构;6、理解作者的基




76、.Howlongdoesthefestivallast?(不超过10个单词)_90.Whatdoclownsdointheshowsforthefestival?(不超过20个单词)_阅读策略1、梳理基本的体裁、题材概念;2、寻找关键词的能力;3、寻找关键句的能力;4、运用连词进行逻辑推理的能力;5、结合生活常识或背景文化知识进行融合贯通、推理判断和总结归纳的能力。阅读理解解题技巧阅读理解解题技巧1. 1. 细节提取运用阅读题干法;细节提取运用阅读题干法;2. 2. 大意推断运用通读全文法;大意推断运用通读全文法;3. 3. 猜测词义运用研读语境法;猜测词义运用研读语境法;4. 4. 最佳题目

77、运用推理排除法;最佳题目运用推理排除法;5. 5. 事件顺序运用排列比较法。事件顺序运用排列比较法。x x单单 词词拼拼 写写主观题主观题 在特定的语境下完成句意的能力在特定的语境下完成句意的能力5 5( (六)单词拼写六)单词拼写着重考查学生的单词拼写能力,要求学生在理解句意的基着重考查学生的单词拼写能力,要求学生在理解句意的基础上,写出单词在本句中的正确形式。础上,写出单词在本句中的正确形式。题 号号 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 96 形容形容词(safe) 动词(rides) 名名词(gift) 形容形容词(free) 形容形容词(useful) 97 名名词(ch

78、alk) 副副词(early) 形容形容词(polite) 名名词 (voice) 名名词 (duty) 98 形容形容词 (strict) 名名词(task) 动词(joined) 动词(saves) 形容形容词(brave) 99 动词(invited) 形容形容词(smart) 名名词(skills) 名名词 (list) 动词 (cancel) 100 动词(carry) 名名词(sticks) 名名词(paper) 动词 (knock) 动词 (shares)关注词尾变化(1 1)名词的单复数)名词的单复数One of my f_(脚)(脚)hurts badly. I must g

79、o to see a doctor.Its two m (月)(月)since we came to this school.(2 2)动词的不同形式(原形、三单、过去式、过去分词、)动词的不同形式(原形、三单、过去式、过去分词、- -inging形式)形式)Most students think they should be a_(允许)允许)to take mobile phones to school.(3 3)形容词和副词的比较级、最高级)形容词和副词的比较级、最高级Summer is the h_(热的)热的)season of the year in the city of Wuh

80、an.(4 4)数词(基数词、序数词等)数词(基数词、序数词等)It is October the n (九)(九). It is my mothers birthday.(5 5)人称代词、物主代词、反身代词等)人称代词、物主代词、反身代词等Lilys parents are both doctors while m_ (我的)(我的)are both teachers.关注复现率较高单词关注复现率较高单词1. 1. 最后复习复现率较高的名词、动词、形容词。最后复习复现率较高的名词、动词、形容词。2. 2. 复习的单词长度在复习的单词长度在八个字母八个字母以内的单词。以内的单词。3. 3.

81、复习单词要关注复习单词要关注多义词多义词,同形但是不同词性。,同形但是不同词性。 典例一:典例一:paper, paper, 纸张,论文,文件纸张,论文,文件 典例二:典例二:advice (AmE)advice (AmE)、practice (AmE)practice (AmE)4. 4. 名词可数与不可数;名词的形容词形式;动词名词可数与不可数;名词的形容词形式;动词的名词形式;形容词的副词形式;形容词的名的名词形式;形容词的副词形式;形容词的名词形式;(派生法构词常识)词形式;(派生法构词常识)5. 5. 关注每一个版本教材的漏洞,认真梳理教学。关注每一个版本教材的漏洞,认真梳理教学。中

82、考英语单词拼写试题复习策略中考英语单词拼写试题复习策略单词功夫非一日,考纲词汇烂于心,单词功夫非一日,考纲词汇烂于心,动词形式不能忘,形容副词比较级,动词形式不能忘,形容副词比较级,构词转化时常想,听写造句周周练,构词转化时常想,听写造句周周练,单词拼写想到变,构词方法心中记,单词拼写想到变,构词方法心中记,每套教材有漏洞,考前考纲过一遍。每套教材有漏洞,考前考纲过一遍。XIXI书书 面面 表表达达主观题主观题综综合合运运用用语语言言知知识识,写写出出简简短短的的段段落的写作能力落的写作能力2020(七)书面表达(七)书面表达着重考查学生运用所学语言知识与技能,以书面形着重考查学生运用所学语言




86、 first, second, next, finally, at last, To begin with, since then, first of all, afterwards. 转折:转折:however, but, while, even though, although, but unless.因果:因果:because, so, because of, so that, thus, therefore, as a result.并列:并列:and, too, eitheror, bothand, as well as, also.条件:条件:if, unless, if poss

87、ible, if so, if necessary.补充递进:补充递进:not onlybut also, notbut, in this way, whats more, in other words, besides, at the same time, on the other hand, on the one hand.强调总结:强调总结:That is to say, Whats more important, in a word, after that, in my opinion.举例:举例:for example, for instance, such as, as you k

88、now, as we all know, like, according to.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。熟能生巧。No sweat no sweet. 不劳无获。不劳无获。Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情。患难见真情。 Two heads are better than one两人智慧胜一人两人智慧胜一人 Knowledge is power知识就是力量。知识就是力量。 Time is money时间就是金钱。

89、时间就是金钱。 Time and tide waits for no man岁月不等人。岁月不等人。Every coin has two sides任何事都有两面性。任何事都有两面性。Where there is a will, there is a way 有志者,事竟成。有志者,事竟成。中考英语作文十大训练点中考英语作文十大训练点一一.时事新闻时事新闻,国家政策国家政策,家乡变化家乡变化二二.健康问题健康问题健康问题是中考常考的话题,出题形式多样。健康问题是中考常考的话题,出题形式多样。典型例句典型例句1.Itisveryimportanttokeephealthy。2.Howcanwek


91、earestanddrinkmorewater.11.Anursegavemeaninjection.Itwasalittlepainful.12.Thedoctoraskedmetotakethemedicinethreetimesaday.13.Afewdayslater,Ifeltbetter.FromthenonIbelievethatkeepinghealthyisthemostimportantthingintheworld.三三. . 关于环境保护问题关于环境保护问题典型句子1.Itsourdutytosavewater.2.Asweknow,waterisveryimporta



94、moreandmoretreesinordertolivebetterandmorehealthyinthefuture.16Itseveryonesdutytoloveandprotecttheenvironment.四四. . 语言学习语言学习1.My favorite subject is English.2. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English.3. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world.

95、4. China has joined the WTO and the Olympic Games will be held in China. English becomes more and more useful.5. So English is very important and I like English very much.6. We have a lot of fun in the English class.7. Our English teacher often makes us happy in the English class.8. I hope I can go

96、abroad one day, and then I can speak to foreigners in English.9. I like English and try my best to learn it.五五. . 写人记事篇写人记事篇典型例句1.His name is Jack.2. He was born in London in 1982.3. He is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos. 4. He is 20 years old.5. He comes from England. 6. He is a good ping-pong

97、 player.7. He is medium build. 8. He has short hair.9. He is outgoing. Every one likes to talk with him. He gets on well with us。10. He teaches English very well. 11. He works very hard. He works in No.5 Middle School. 12. He loves watching football games after work。13. He often helps me with my Eng

98、lish. 14. At the age of six, he began to play table tennis.六六. . 旅游和介绍地方篇旅游和介绍地方篇典型例句1. Last Sunday(Saturday,) ,it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,)2. I got up very early (late). After breakfast I went to with my friends by bike, bus,3. We enjoyed ourselves.4. We forgot the time. We didnt come back un

99、til 5 oclock.5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy.6. I thought I would never forget this trip.7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays。8. We visited a lot of places of interest.9. We had a good time there.10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and c

100、heap.七七. . 新生事物评价新生事物评价典型例句1.Computer is becoming more and more important . 2.we should make good use of it.3.It maybe get in the way of our study.4.We can do lots of things with it. 5. It makes our life more easy6.Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school stu

101、dents.八八. . 梦想和未来梦想和未来九九. . 烦恼篇烦恼篇典型例句典型例句1.I am sorry to hear that2.you should learn to forget3.you had better4 you should learn to relax5.you can ask your teacher for help十十. .社会准则社会准则, , 公共道德公共道德制定合理有效复习计划制定合理有效复习计划一、脑中有纲一、脑中有纲准确把握命题思路准确把握命题思路 和指导思想和指导思想二、心中有本二、心中有本科学设计基础复习科学设计基础复习 和专题训练和专题训练三、眼中有题三、眼中有题积极强化应试能力积极强化应试能力 及心理辅导及心理辅导我们的困惑和反思我们的困惑和反思1、关注变化2、反思课堂3、有效教学4、放眼未来



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