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1、GrammarTasks PhrasesSentences 目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解一一. Grammar 1. 动名词的用法:动名词的用法:(1)动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,由动词加)动名词兼有动词和名词的特征,由动词加 ing 构成。构成。 (2)用法)用法 A. 作主语作主语 She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a lot. B. 作宾语作宾语 Now, I am enjoying learning English. Thanks for sending me the E-mail. C

2、. 作定语作定语I think that doing a lot of listening practice is one of the secrets目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解2.usedto的用法的用法 “主语主语used to动词原形其它动词原形其它”这个句型结这个句型结构表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯构表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯。 used to +dobe + 名、形名、形 其其否定否定形式是主语形式是主语didnt use to 动原动原 问句问句形式为:形式为:Did主语主语use to? 反意反意疑问句:主语疑问句:主语used to,did主语主语

3、 和和used to 相关的其它句型:相关的其它句型: get / be used to doing 习惯于做习惯于做 be used to do被用来被用来目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解3.简单的被动语态简单的被动语态当主语是动作的承受者时,应用被动语态。当主语是动作的承受者时,应用被动语态。一般现在时被动语态:主语一般现在时被动语态:主语is/am/are过去分词过去分词一般过去时被动语态:主语一般过去时被动语态:主语was/were过去分词过去分词一般将来时被动语态:主语一般将来时被动语态:主语will be过去分词过去分词含有情态动词的被动语态:主语情态动词含有情态动词的被

4、动语态:主语情态动词be过过be + 过去分词过去分词目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解4. allow句型句型(1)allowsbtodosth允许某人做某事允许某人做某事Wedonotallowpeopletosmokeinthehall.(2)allowdoing允许做某事允许做某事Theteacherdoesntallowmakingnoise.(3)beallowedtodo被允许做某事被允许做某事Weareallowedtowatch“Outlook”everyday.(4)shouldbeallowedtodo应被允许做某事应被允许做某事Weshouldbeallowed

5、tochooseourownclothes.目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解5. 虚拟语气虚拟语气构成:构成:主句:主语主句:主语would动原动原从句:从句:if主语过去式(主语过去式(be动词一律用动词一律用were)其它其它用法:用法:A.表示与事实相反的假设表示与事实相反的假设B.表示不可能实现的事情表示不可能实现的事情C.用于提建议用于提建议目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解6.提建议句型总结提建议句型总结 (1)I think you should / could do. (2)You had better do. (3)If I were you, I woul

6、d do. (4)What about / How about doing? (5)Why not do ? / Why dont you do ? 目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解二二. Topics . Topics 话题:话题:(1) 1) Learning how to learn. 学会怎样学习学会怎样学习(2 2)How we have changed. 谈论过去的习惯及描述人物特征谈论过去的习惯及描述人物特征(3 3)Talk about rules, agree and disagree. 谈论规章、制度及同意或不同意谈论规章、制度及同意或不同意(4 4)Talk a

7、bout imaginary situations. 谈论虚拟的情景谈论虚拟的情景(5 5)Make inferences. 对可能的情况进行推断对可能的情况进行推断目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解三、三、Phrases 主要词组主要词组unitone(1)makevocabularylists(2)makeflashcards(3)studyforatest(4)askforhelp(5)practiceconversationswithfriends(6)readaloudtopracticepronunciation做闪视卡片做闪视卡片为考试用功为考试用功做单词表做单词表求助于


9、同感觉不同加入英语俱乐部加入英语俱乐部以以结束结束做调查做调查看英语电视看英语电视出语法错误出语法错误目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(16)get the pronunciation right(17)first of all(18)to begin with (19)later on (20)be afraid to do (21)make complete sentences(22)take a lot of grammar notes(23)enjoy learning English(24)have trouble doing sth. 把读音弄准把读音弄准首先,第一首先,

10、第一首先首先过后过后害怕做害怕做做完整的句子做完整的句子记大量的语法笔记记大量的语法笔记喜欢学英语喜欢学英语做某事有麻烦做某事有麻烦目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(25)look up the words in a dictionary(26)this kind of paper(27)speak English as a second language(28)be ashamed of (29)behind the times(30)become an expert at (31)spend on (32)give up (33)in the future 查字(词)典查字(词)

11、典这种纸这种纸把英语当做把英语当做第二语言来说第二语言来说对对感到羞愧感到羞愧过时过时成为成为的专家的专家在在上花费上花费放弃放弃在将来在将来目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(1)used to(2)be afraid of (3)play the piano (4)be interested in (5)speak in front of a group (6)be terrified of (7)sleep with the light on (8)all the time (9)chew gum(10)chat with sb. 过去常常过去常常害怕害怕弹钢琴弹钢琴对对感兴趣感

12、兴趣在人群面前讲话在人群面前讲话( (极为)害怕极为)害怕开着灯睡觉开着灯睡觉一直一直吃口香糖吃口香糖和某人聊天和某人聊天Unit2目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(11)in the last few years(12)send messages(13)be able to (14)be made up of (15)sound like (16)stand for (17)cant stop doing sth. (18)instead of 在过去的几年里在过去的几年里发信息发信息能够能够由由组成的组成的听起来像听起来像代表代表禁不住做某事禁不住做某事代替代替目标英语九年级第一

13、至五单元语法短语句型详解Unit 3(1)should be allowed to (2)have part-time jobs (3)get the ears pierced (4)stop wearing that silly earring (5)choose my own clothes (6)clean up (7)fail a test (8)pass the test应该被允许应该被允许做兼职工作做兼职工作扎耳眼扎耳眼停止戴那种傻的耳坠停止戴那种傻的耳坠挑选我自己的衣服挑选我自己的衣服收拾干净收拾干净测验不及格测验不及格通过测试通过测试目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(

14、9)be strict in sth. (10)be strict with sb. (11)the other day (12)get to doing sth. (13)concentrate on (14)learn a lot from each other (15)at present(16)have an opportunity to do sth. (17)at least对某事严格对某事严格对某人严格要求对某人严格要求有一天有一天着手做着手做集中精力于集中精力于相互学到很多知识相互学到很多知识近来近来有做某事的机会有做某事的机会至少至少目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解

15、(18)take time to do sth. (19)feel sleepy(20)have a day off(21)chat online with friends(22)in fact(23)as well as (24)be proud of take pride in花时间做某事花时间做某事感到困倦感到困倦休一天假休一天假网上和朋友聊天网上和朋友聊天事实上事实上而且而且,也,也以以为骄傲为骄傲 目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(1)give to charities(2)buy snacks (3)won the lottery (4)medical research

16、(5)be nervous(6)what if (7)get pimples (8)let me have one (9)speak in public (10)without permission把把给慈善机构给慈善机构买零食买零食彩票中奖彩票中奖医疗研究医疗研究紧张紧张即使即使又会怎么样呢?又会怎么样呢?起疙瘩起疙瘩让我有一个让我有一个在公共场合讲话在公共场合讲话未经允许未经允许Unit 4目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(11)introduce oneself(12)not in the slightest(13)plenty of(14)be easy to get alo

17、ng with (15)would rather than (16)English speech contest (17)let sb. down(18)millions of people (19)get hurt(20)stop from doing 自我介绍自我介绍一点也不一点也不许多许多,足够的,足够的容易相处容易相处宁愿宁愿也不愿也不愿英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛使某人失望使某人失望数百万人数百万人受伤受伤阻止阻止做某事做某事目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解Unit5(1)belong to (2)call the police (3)find something strang

18、e(4)escape from (5)an ocean of (6)be careful of (7)use up (8)pretend to do属于属于报警报警找到奇怪的东西找到奇怪的东西从从逃走逃走无尽的,用不完的无尽的,用不完的当心当心用完用完假装做假装做目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解Unit 1 (1)How do you study for a test? I study by listening to cassettes. (2)How do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group. (3)Do you

19、learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. 四四. Main sentences . Main sentences 主要句型主要句型目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解Unit 2(1)I used to be afraid of the dark. (2)Mario used to be short. (3)You used to have long hair, didnt you? (4)Did you use to have straight hair? Yes, I did. (5)Did you use to play the pian

20、o? No, I didnt. 目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解Unit 3(1)I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends. I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework. (2)Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I disagree. They arent serious enough at that age. (3)Do you think sixteen-year-olds should

21、be allowed to work at night? No, I dont. 目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解Unit 4(1)What would you do if you won a lottery? Id give it to charities. (2)If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie. (3)If I were you, Id take an umbrella. (4)what if everyone else brings a present?目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解(1)Whose notebook i

22、s this? It must be Nings. It has her name on it. (2)Whose French book is this? It could be Alis. She studies French. (3)Whose guitar is this? It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. (4)Whose T-shirt is this? It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. Unit 5目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解Therebe+名词名

23、词+doingsth.+Thereisabirdsinginginthetree.Thereareafewchildrenflyingkitesinthepark.Therearesomanystudents_basketball.A.playB.areplayingC.playingD.toplayC目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解祈使句祈使句+and+简单句简单句可以用可以用if改为含有条件状语从句的复合句改为含有条件状语从句的复合句Let me try,andIllunderstand.If you let me try,Illunderstand.Study hard,and

24、youwillcatchupwithothers.If you study hard,youllcatchupwithothers.祈使句祈使句+or+状语从句,也可用状语从句,也可用if改为含有条件状语改为含有条件状语从句的复合句,从句的复合句,if从句要用否定式。从句要用否定式。Be quick,oryoullbelateforschool.If you are not quick,youllbelateforschool.Be careful,oryoullbedangeroustocrosstheroad.If you are not careful,youllbedangeroust





29、cantrunveryfast._mybrother.Shewontdoit._herfriends.Thebookisntmine._thosepens.didarehasNeithercanNeitherwillNeitherare目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解1.IfJanegoesthere,_A.sodoIB.sowillIC.nordoID.norwillI2.-Itisverycoldtoday.-_.A.SoitisB.SoisitC.ItissoD.SuchistiBA目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解used to dosomething过去过去(常常常

30、常)做某事做某事否定式否定式:didnt use to do/usednt to do疑问式疑问式:Did use to do?/Used to do? get / be used tosth/doingsth.习惯于某事习惯于某事/做某事做某事Heusedtogotoschoolbybike.Heis / gets used to walkingtoschoolnow. be used to dosth/forsth.被用来做某事被用来做某事Wood can be used to make paper.他习惯了步行去学校他习惯了步行去学校木头可以用来做纸木头可以用来做纸目标英语九年级第一至五

31、单元语法短语句型详解I_inthelibrarynow.A.usedtostudyB.usedtostudyingB.C.amusedtostudyingD.amusedtostudyC目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解inthepast过去时过去时inthepast/recent/last/latefewyears现在现在完成时完成时havebeenHe_asawaiterin the past.(work)workedThere_alotofchangesin the past three years. (be)_Ihavehadmanyjobs.Inthepastfewyears目标英语九年级第一至五单元语法短语句型详解



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