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1、Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?第七课时第七课时Self Check一、根据句意一、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1No news _(be) good news.2 I think game shows are funny, but Cindy thinks theyre _(meaning).3Gina was _(lucky) to have a cold on the first day of her vacation.4I forgot _(have) breakfast with you th

2、is morning.I was too busy at that time.5If you work hard,you are sure to be _(success) one day.ismeaninglessunluckyto havesuccessful二、单项选择。二、单项选择。( )6.What kind of film do you like best,Kate?Films _ educational stories and wonderful music.Aat BonCwith Dover( )7.These young stars try _ best to do eve

3、rything well.Thats why I love _ so much.Athey;they Bthey;themCtheir;they Dtheir;themCD( )8._ can you learn from the story?We should fight for our dreams.AWhat BWho CWhen DHow( )9.Why did Mike do that?I dont know,either.But Im sure he had his _.Ahabits Brules Cmessages DreasonsAD( )10.Do you mind my

4、_ TV?No,of course not.(易错题易错题)Awatch BwatchingCto watch Dwatched( )11.Jim is interested in swing dance and he plans _ dance lessons next month.Atake Bto takeCnot take Dnot to takeBB( )12.My uncle bought an expensive car last week.Really?He is a _ man.Akind Btalented Cfriendly Drich( )13.I _ go there

5、.But its up to the weather.Amight Bshould Cneed DcanDA( )14.Why did you _ like Mickey Mouse?Because I want to make my son happy.Aput up Bmake upCdress up Dcut up( )15.What do you think of this TV play?_ People in it act very well and their clothes are beautiful.(原创题原创题)A.I cant stand it! BIts wonder

6、ful!CI hope not. DThats nothing.CC三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。16熊猫是中国的象征。熊猫是中国的象征。The panda is _China.17我认为动作片比喜剧片更刺激。我认为动作片比喜剧片更刺激。I think _are more exciting than comedies.18作为一名足球运动员,他和梅西一样有名。作为一名足球运动员,他和梅西一样有名。As a football player,he is _Messi.19我喜欢看电视节目,比如说,卡通片和喜剧片。我喜欢看电视节目,比如说,卡通片和喜

7、剧片。I like watching TV shows,_cartoons and comedies.20李老师不舒服,所以刘老师代替她来给我们上课。李老师不舒服,所以刘老师代替她来给我们上课。Miss Li doesnt feel good,so Miss Liu _to give us a lesson.a symbol ofaction moviesas famous assuch astakes her place四、情景交际:从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。四、情景交际:从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(有两项多余有两项多余)A:You look happy this morning

8、,Julie.B:I watched my favorite TV show just now.A:21._ B:Franks Life.A:22._ B:Its a comedy show.A:Comedies often make people laugh and I love them.But I like travel shows better.EBB:23._ A:Because I can learn about different places from the shows.B:I see.24._A:I dont mind cooking shows,but 25._B:Me,

9、too!FCDAI cant stand cartoon movies!BWhat kind of show is it?CWhat do you think of cooking shows?DI always feel hungry when I watch them.EWhats your favorite TV show?FWhy do you like them?GDo you like other kinds of shows?五、完形填空。五、完形填空。When I was a kid,my parents never let me watch scary movies.At t

10、hat time,one of my _26_ was to watch one.I remember going to a friends house for his birthday party,_27_ in middle school.After the party was over,it was dark.We sat in the living room and talked.“How about watching the latest _28_?” someone asked.And _29_ said no.Great!My dream came true.I was so e

11、xcited.The movie was not as _30_ as I thought.It was terrible.I didnt want to go on halfway._31_ I found others were not as scary as me.“No,they will laugh _32_ me,” I thought.So I kept watching.I hardly _33_ that night.When I went to bed,I couldnt _34_ thinking about the scary things I saw in the m

12、ovie.Once I _35_ any noise (响响声声),I thought something would break into the house and kill me.From that time on,I never watched scary movies again.( )26.A.jokes Broles Cjobs Ddreams( )27.A.maybe Bso Cas Dpretty( )28.A.action movie Bcartoon Cscary movie Dcomedy( )29.A.someone Bnobody Ceveryone Danyone

13、( )30.A.boring Bcheap Cexciting Dbad( )31.A.But BThough CBecause DIf( )32.A.for Bto Cwith Dat( )33.A.spoke Bate Cdrank Dslept( )34.A.expect Bhope Cstop Dwait( )35.A.saw Bheard Clistened DtouchedDACBCADDCB六、阅读理解。六、阅读理解。( )36.What kind of movies does Amy like watching?AAction movies. BCartoons.CScary

14、movies. DComedies.( )37.Peter does NOT like scary movies because _.Ahe thinks they are meaninglessBhe thinks they are boringCthey make him feel uncomfortableDthey arent very educationalDC( )38.Jenny thinks scary movies are _.Aexciting BmeaninglessCboring Drelaxing( )39.Jenny goes to the movies with

15、her _ once a week.Afriends Bbrothers Csisters DparentsAB( )40.From the above information,we can learn that _.AAmy and Peter like comedies,but Jenny doesntBPeter doesnt like action movies or scary moviesCAmy thinks listening to music can help her relaxDJenny thinks its better to watch movies on TV th

16、an in a theaterC七七、短短文文填填空空:选选择择方方框框中中的的单单词词并并用用其其适适当当形形式式填填空空,使使短短文文完完整整、通通顺。顺。(有两词多余有两词多余)so,happen,with,before,something,reason,education,expect,enjoy,famous,when,suchWatching TV is an important part of peoples life now.I like watching TV,too.But my mom 41._ me to spend more time on my studies an

17、d she doesnt want me to watch too much TV.However,when I watch my favorite TV programThe National Geographic Channel,she often watches it 42._ me.expectswithThe National Geographic Channel is a(n) 43._ documentary (纪纪录录片片)It tells 44._ around the world,such as animals,plants,mountains,rivers and peo

18、ple.Every time 45._ I turn on the TV,the world is brought before me and I can 46._ its surprising things.I like this program because it is 47. It is a window to the world.It helps me to learn what 48._ around the world.The program is interesting,and thats also the 49._ why I like it.I never thought that 50._ a program could be so interesting.I just stay at home,but I get a chance (机会机会) to enjoy the beautiful world.famoussomethingwhenenjoyeducationalhappened/happensreasonsuch



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