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1、英语句子概论人教新课标高一英语期末语人教新课标高一英语期末语法复习法复习名词性从句名词性从句精品课件精品课件英语句子的种类英语句子的种类简单句简单句 (simple sentence)并列句并列句(compoundsentence)复合句复合句(complexsentence)简单句的五种简单句的五种基本基本句型句型The weather is very cold.主语主语+谓语(连系动词)谓语(连系动词)+表语表语He laughed.主语主语+谓语(谓语(vi.)I like Chinese food.主语主语+谓语谓语(vt.)+宾语宾语She taught them physics.主

2、语主语+谓语谓语(vt.)+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语直接宾语We must keep the room warm. 主语主语+谓语谓语(vt.) +宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语 并列句并列句把两个或几个简单句用把两个或几个简单句用并列连词并列连词连接起来。连接起来。IturnedontheTV.MysisterandIwatchedit.I turned on the TV and my sister and I watched it.Iboughtmysisterapresent.Shedidntlikeit.I bought my sister a present,but she di

3、dnt like it. 并列句并列句并列句并列句常用并列连词常用并列连词:v平行平行并列连词并列连词: v转折转折并列连词:并列连词:v因果因果并列连词并列连词: v选择选择并列连词并列连词:and,bothand,notonlybutalso,neithernorbut,however,while,yet,or,eitherorfor,so复合句复合句:主句主句+从句从句名词名词性从句性从句定语从句定语从句状语从句状语从句主语从句主语从句表语从句表语从句宾语从句宾语从句同位语从句同位语从句Noun Clause名词性从句在功能上相当于名词名词性从句在功能上相当于名词,在复合句在复合句中能担

4、任中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语主语、宾语、表语、同位语等。等。主语主语 Hisjobisimportant.Whathedoesisimportant.表语表语Thisishisjob.Thisiswhathedoeseveryday. 宾语宾语Idontlikehisjob.Idontlikewhathedoeseveryday.同位语同位语Idontknowabouttheman,Mr.White.Idontknowaboutthefactthatheisateacher.Practice time:指出下列各名词性从句的种类。指出下列各名词性从句的种类。1. At lunchtime

5、, the radio weatherman reported that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.2. She wondered if the buses would still be running.3. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.4. She sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.5.When we will start

6、 is not clear.6.I had no idea that you were her friend.宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句宾语从句宾语从句主语从句主语从句同位语从句同位语从句ObjectClauses宾语从句宾语从句1.Iknowhim.2.Iknowwhoheis.主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语(简单句)(简单句)主语主语谓语谓语宾宾语语从从句句连词连词 从句主语从句主语 从句谓语从句谓语 主主 句句(复合句)(复合句)句子做宾语就是宾语从句句子做宾语就是宾语从句,跟在,跟在及物动词及物动词或或介词介词后后句子结构:句子结构:主句主句 + +连词(引导词)连词(

7、引导词)+ + 宾语从句。宾语从句。宾语从句的注意事项宾语从句的注意事项 引导词引导词 句子类型句子类型that陈述句陈述句一般疑问句一般疑问句if/whether(是否是否)特殊疑问词特殊疑问词特殊疑问句特殊疑问句一、连词(引导词)一、连词(引导词)1.当当宾宾语语从从句句是是陈陈述述句句时时(包包括括肯肯定定句句和和否否定定句句),连连词词由由that引引导导,因因为为that在在从从句句中中不不作作任任何何成成分分,也也没没有有任任何何具具体体意意思思,因此在口语或非正式文体中因此在口语或非正式文体中常省略。常省略。vLinTaofeels(that)hisownteamisevenbe

8、tter.vShesays(that)shewonttakepartinthesportsmeetingnextSunday.vJim thought (that) the train was like a bigmovingparty. 宾语从句中的连接词宾语从句中的连接词that在以下三种情况下在以下三种情况下不能省略:不能省略:(1)当)当that 从句与另一名词性从句并列作宾语时,从句与另一名词性从句并列作宾语时,第二个第二个that不能省;不能省;(2)当)当that从句作从句作介词宾语介词宾语时,时,that不可省掉。不可省掉。(3)用)用it做做形式宾语形式宾语的宾语从句。的宾语

9、从句。Everyone knew what happened and that she was worried. I know nothing about him except that he is from the south.I think it necessary that you should read English aloud.在在主主句句为为动动词词be加加某某些些形形容容词词(如如sorry,sure,afraid,glad等等)作作表表语语时时,后后面面所所跟跟的省略的省略that的从句也可算是的从句也可算是宾语从句。宾语从句。vImsorry(that)Idontknow.


11、和if都可以引导宾语从句都可以引导宾语从句 a.当有当有or not时就用时就用whether,不用不用if.I dont know whether or not I will stay.b.介词介词后面的宾语从句不能用后面的宾语从句不能用if. I worry about whether I hurt her feeling.c. whether也可与动词不定式连用但也可与动词不定式连用但if不能。不能。I have not decided whether to go or not. d)whether常与常与or连用表示一种选择,连用表示一种选择,if不能这样用不能这样用The quest

12、ion of whether they are male or female is not important. 注意注意 whether和和if的使用区别的使用区别:Practice timeif/whether1.Iaskedher_shehadabike.2.Wereworriedabout_heissafe.3.Idontknow_heiswellornot.4.Idontknow_ornotheiswell.5.Idontknow_Ishouldgo.if/whetherwhetherwhetherwhetherwhether/if_ togo.whether3.当当宾宾语语从从句句

13、是是特特殊殊疑疑问问句句时时,由由疑疑问问词词(what, who, whom, which, whose when,where,how,why等等)引引导导,因因为为疑疑问问词词在在从从句句中中担担任任一一定定的的句句子子成成分分,具具有有一一定定的的意义,所以意义,所以不可以省略。不可以省略。vDoyouknowwhathesaidjustnow?vIdontrememberwhenwearrived.vIaskedhimwhereIcouldgetsomuchmoney.vPleasetellmewhowhomwehavetosee.vDoyouknowwhattimetheplanel

14、eaves?1.I dont know _ is your brother. Is the man in dark glasses?2.I dont know _ of the boys is your brother.3.I dont know _ good they will do.4.Im worried about _ he will soon get well.5.I want to know _she has gone shopping.6.We wondered _ that was a spy or not.whowhichwhatwhetherwhether/ifwhethe

15、rvThey have decided _ they will leave for New York. That is next Sunday.vWe dont know _ they didnt finish the job in time.vMother was pleased _ her daughter had passed the college exams.vMadam Curie discovered _ she called radium.vWould you mind telling me _language your friend speaks?vWould you min

16、d telling me _language your friend speaks, English or French?whenwhythatwhatwhatwhich二、时态二、时态1. 1. 如果如果主句是现在的时态主句是现在的时态 (包括一般现在时(包括一般现在时 , 现在进行时,现在完成时),现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根从句的时态可根 据实际情况而定据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,一般过,(包括一般现在时,一般过 去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等)。去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等)。vIknowheliveshere.vIknowhelivedheretenyearsag


18、t.3.3.当从句是客观真理,定义,公理,定理当从句是客观真理,定义,公理,定理 时用时用一般现在时一般现在时。vTheteachersaidthattheearthtravelsaroundthesun.三、语序三、语序宾语从句的语序用宾语从句的语序用陈述语序陈述语序:连接词连接词+ +主语主语+ +谓语谓语+ +其他成分。其他成分。Idontknowwhatisthematterthetroublewrongwithhim.1.Whenwillhegotothelibrary?Hisbrotheraskswhenhewillgotothelibrary.Hisbrotheraskswhen


20、lledbyJim,_?IexpectourEnglishteacherwillbebackthisweekend,_?Wesupposeyouhavefinishedtheproject,_?is he?wont she/he? havent you?当主句的主当主句的主语是第二、三人称是第二、三人称时,其反,其反义疑疑问句一般与句一般与主句保持一致。主句保持一致。1.Yoursistersupposessheneedsnohelp,_?2.Youthoughttheycouldhavecompletedtheproject,_?3.Theydontbelieveshesanengineer

21、,_?4.Shedoesntexpectthatwearecomingsosoon,_?doesnt she didnt youdo theydoes she1.Theyoungmanasked_itssummerorwinter.A.eitherB.thatC.weatherD.whether2.Wedontknow_theydidit.A.howB.whoC.whatD.which3.Theteacherasksus_Jimcancomebackontime.A.thatB.ifC.whenD.whattime4.Doesanybodyknow_wewillhaveasportsmeeti



24、,wasntgoC.rains,wontgoD.rain,willgoBCDPredicativeClauses表语从句表语从句表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在放在系动词系动词之后之后,一般结构是一般结构是“主语主语+系动词系动词+表语从句表语从句”。可以接表语从句的系动词有可以接表语从句的系动词有be, look, remain, seem连接词连接词:that / whether /as if /as though ( if 不引导表语从句不引导表语从句) who / whom / whose / which / what when / w

25、here / why / how / becauseThe question is whether we can rely on him.Thats because we were in need of money at that time .He looked as if he was going to cry .Thats why I was late .注注 意:意:1.在表语从句中,表在表语从句中,表“是否是否” 时,只能用时,只能用 “whether”不能用不能用“if”。2.一般情况下,一般情况下,“that”不能省。不能省。3. It is /was because . It i

26、s /was why. 3. The reason (why/for)is /was that.4 The reason is because /whythat .1.Thats_thePartycalledonustodo.A.whyB.whatC.howD.that2.Thereasonis_heisunabletooperatethemachine.A.becauseB.whyC.thatD.Whether3.Thatis_theyseparated.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.where4.Janeisnolonger_shewasfouryearsago.A.whatB

27、.whichC.thatD.whenSubjectClauses主语从句主语从句主语从句:从句在句中充当主语成分。主语从句:从句在句中充当主语成分。1) That he will succeed is certain .2) Whether he will go there is not known .3) What he said is not true .4) Where he hid the money is to be found out .5) Whoever comes is welcome.6) Its certain that he will succeed .7) How w

28、e can help the twins will be discussed at the meeting. 8) When theyll start the project has not been decided yet.一一.由由that引导引导that无意义无意义,后接一个完整的句子后接一个完整的句子.that不可省。不可省。1.Thatweshallbelateiscertain.2._isknowntoall.(地球是圆的地球是圆的)3._isapity.(你错过了这次机会你错过了这次机会)ThattheearthisroundThatyoumissedthechance二二whe

29、ther“if” 不能引导主语从句不能引导主语从句三三.疑问词疑问词引导词引导词注意一注意一:主语从句后置主语从句后置!为了避免主语冗长免主语冗长,句子头重脚轻句子头重脚轻,经常经常用用it作形式主语作形式主语,主语从句放在后面作真正的主语主语从句放在后面作真正的主语.Thatweshallbelateiscertain.-Itscertainthatweshallbelate.1.Thattheearthisroundisknowntoall.-2.Thatyoumissedthechanceisapity.-由连词由连词whether,连接代词连接代词what,who,which和和连接副

30、词连接副词when,where,why,how等引导等引导,也常常后置也常常后置:Itisapitythatyoumissedthechance.Itsknowntoallthattheearthisround.It 的用法:的用法: (形式主语)(形式主语) It possible/important/necessary/clear that很可能很可能/重要的是重要的是/必要的是必要的是/很清楚很清楚 Its said/ reported that.据说据说/据报道据报道 Its been announced/declared that.已经通知已经通知/宣布宣布 It seems/app

31、ears/happens. that 显然、明显、碰巧显然、明显、碰巧. Its no wonder that并不奇怪并不奇怪/无疑无疑 Its a pity/a fact /a common knowledge (众所周知众所周知/ a common saying.(俗话说)(俗话说)v注意二注意二v注意:主语从句中注意:主语从句中 ,谓语动词一般用,谓语动词一般用单数单数vWhat引导的主语从句,可根据引导的主语从句,可根据表语表语决定决定vWhat he needs _ that book.vWhat he needs _ some books.isare what引导名词性从句时在从句

32、中引导名词性从句时在从句中充当充当句子成分句子成分,如主语如主语,宾语宾语,表语表语,而而that则则不然不然,它在句子中它在句子中只起连接作用只起连接作用。例如:。例如:(1) What you said yesterday is right.(2) That she is still alive is a puzzle.注意三:注意三:What与与that引导主语从句引导主语从句 1._ he made an important speech at the meeting was true. A. That B. Why C. What D. How 2. _well go camping

33、 tomorrow depends on the weather . A If B Whether C That D Where 3._ is known to us all is that America is a developed country_the First World.a.Which; belong to b. As, belonged to c. What; belonging to d. It; belonging to4.Itsknowntousall_aformofenergy.A.waterisB.thatwaterisC.iswaterD.thatwaterto5.

34、Itworriedherabit_herhairwasturninggray.A.whetherB.thatC.whatD.when6.WhatIsayandthink_noneofyourbusiness.A.isB.areC.hasDhave同位语从句同位语从句 1. 跟在某些名词后面,对该名词作进一步解释说明。跟在某些名词后面,对该名词作进一步解释说明。常用名词有常用名词有belief, fact, idea, hope, news, doubt, result, thought, information, opinion等。等。Suggestion, suggest order dem

35、and wish等等2. 常用连词:常用连词:that; when, where, why, howe.g. 1.消息传来,拿破仑要来视察他的军队。消息传来,拿破仑要来视察他的军队。2.问题是他如何做这件事的。问题是他如何做这件事的。 Word came that Napoleon would come and inspect his grand army. Its the question how he did it.注意:注意:1.1.同位语从句多用that 引导,无意义不可省。2.2.在have no idea之后常用wh-引导同位语从句。I have no idea where he

36、has gone.I have no idea when he did it.I have no idea what he did.1.Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a diet./ The fact worries their parents and teachers a lot.2.The Queen of England was on a three-day visit in China./ We heard the news last night._ The fact that two thirds of all girls are

37、 on a diet worries their parents and teachers a lot._We heard the news last night that the Queen of England was on a three-day visit in China.4.Time travel is possible./ There is no scientific proof for the idea.5.Chinese students should be given more free time./ The suggestion is welcomed by many p

38、eople, especially kids in school.3.Teenagers should not spend too much time online./ Many British parents hold the view._Many British parents hold the view that teenagers shouldnt spend too much time online._There is no scientific proof for the idea that time travel is possible._The suggestion that

39、Chinese students should be given more free time is welcomed by many people, especially kids in school.比较:比较:1.We expressed the hope that they had expected.我们表达了他们曾经表达过的那种希望。我们表达了他们曾经表达过的那种希望。2.We expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.我们希望他们再来中国访问。我们希望他们再来中国访问。定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从

40、句区别区别that引导的同位语从句和定语从引导的同位语从句和定语从句:句:1.1.引导同位语的连词引导同位语的连词thatthat在句中在句中不作任何句不作任何句子成分子成分,而在定语从句中,而在定语从句中,thatthat充当的可充当的可以是以是从句的主语或宾语从句的主语或宾语等。等。2.2.同位语从句是对前面名词的内容的同位语从句是对前面名词的内容的具体说具体说明明,而定语从句是对前面名词,而定语从句是对前面名词进行修饰,进行修饰,解释为解释为“. .的的”3.3.连词连词thatthat在同位语从句中在同位语从句中不可省略不可省略, ,而在而在定语从句中当它充当定语从句中当它充当宾语时可

41、以省略宾语时可以省略。Practice :判断下列各句是同位语判断下列各句是同位语从句还是定语从句从句还是定语从句v1. They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.v2. The hope that she expressed is that they would come to visit China again. v3.The fact that she works hard is well known to us all. v4. I cant stand the terrible noise th

42、at she is crying loudly. 同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句1. _made the school proud was _more than 90%of the students had been admitted to key universities . A What / because B What / that C That / what D That / because2._she couldnt understand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in

43、her lessons . A What / why B That / what C What / because D Why / that BAB3.He is absent from school . It is _ he is seriously ill. A. why B. because C. that D. the reason4 _has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising . A Who B The one C Anyone D Whoever 5. Information has been put forwar

44、d _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities . A that B how C where D what DA6 - I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week . - Is that _you had a few days off ? A why B when C what D where 7 -Are you still thinking about yesterdays game ? - Oh ,thats _. A what makes me feel

45、 excited B whatever I feel excited about C how I feel about it D when I feel excited AA9._ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect . A What B That C This D Which 10. When you answer questions in a job interview ,please remember the golden rule : A

46、lways give the monkey exactly _ he wants . A what B which C when D that 11. We made the suggestion that he _ his work . A continues B continue C continued D had continued BAB12.Therewillbeaspecialpricefor_buysthingsinlargenumberhere.A.whoB.whomC.whoeverD.Whomever13.Marywroteanarticleon_theteamhadfai


48、C.WhatD.That16.Itisgenerallyconsideredunwisetogiveachild_heorshewants.A.HoweverB.whateverC.whicheverD.whenever1. Can you make sure _ the gold rings?A. where she had put B. where had she put C. where she has put D. where has she put2.The reason that has been such a success _ he never gives up. A. is

49、B. is because C. is that D. is what3. _ breaks the law should be punished.A Whoever B. No matter who C. Anyone D. Who 4.Thatis_Ihadtotaketheriskofbeingwashedaway.A.whyB.reasonwhyC.howD.what5.Do_youthinkisright_difficultiesyoumayhave.A.what;howeverB.that;whateverC.whatever;whoeverD.what;whatever6.The

50、workersconsidereditimportant_thebosswouldagreetogivethemarise.A.whetherB.howC.whereD.which7. Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me this coming Christmas. A. which B. that C. what D. whether8. Difficulty lies _ we have no money. A. that B. in that C. in the fact D. in the fact tha

51、t10. I dont think the question _ they are old or young is important. A. which B. whether C. how D. why13. The news _ Lincoln was murdered filled the American peoples hearts with deep sorrow. A. which B. when C. that D. how 14. _ he said at the meeting astonished everyone present. A. What B. That C.

52、The fact D. The matter15. I dont trust his promise _ he will buy me a new car. A. which B. what C. when D. that 16. She received the message _ he would come by plane. A. that B. which C. what D. when17. Energy is _ makes things work. A. what B. something C. anything D. that18.Our city has changed a

53、lot ,and now it is quite different from _ a few years ago. A. what it used to be B. that it used to be C.which it used to be D. what was it19.Weallknowthetruth_thereareair,waterandsunlight,therearelivingthings.A.whereverB.whereC.thatD.thatwherever20.Thetruevalueoflifeisnotin_,but_.A.howyouget;thatyo

54、ugiveB.whichyouget;whatyougiveC.whatyouget;whatyougiveD.whatdoyouget;whatdoyougive21._isafactthatEnglishisbeingacceptedasaninternationallanguage.A.ThereB.ThisC.ThatD.It22.Could you tell me _?A Where is the part ? B Whos on duty ?C Whose book is this ? D What are theydoing?23.One of the men held the view_ the book said was right.A.what that B. that what C. that which D. which that24.Last Sunday he made a promise _ he was free he would take me to Qingdao.A. if B. that C. that if D. whether



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