1、Lesson 2唱唱说说学歌谣演一演 儿童节的由来 听听做做 练一练小结找一找 学对话Lets singLets chantLets talkRole play & Amy: Today is Johns birthday. Lets give him a gift. Mike: How about a basketball? He likes sports. Amy: Its too expensive. Lets make a birthday card for him. Mike: OK. When is your birthday, Amy? Amy: My birthday is i
2、n February. Mike: When is your birthday, Sarah? Sarah: My birthday is in March.Amy & Sarah: Why do you ask our birthday? Mike: I can make birthday cards for you, then!Answer the questions1)When is Amys birthday?2)When is Sarahs birthday?3)What is Johns birthday gift?Amys birthday is in February.Sara
3、hs birthday is in March.Its a birthday card. Lets tryWhen is When is Childrens day? Childrens day? Its in June.Its in June.JanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruaryMarch March AprilAprilMay May June June July July AugustAugustSeptember September October October November November December December Tree-planting
4、 DayNew Years DayChildrens DayArmy DayNational DayChristmas DayMy partners birthdayMy birthdayMy mothers birthdayMy fathers birthdayMatch, ask and answerListen and tick Lets talk小小小小结结结结When is your birthday? My birthday is in .Is your birthday in ?Yes, it is. No, my birthday is in . 194919491949194
5、9年年年年11111111月月月月在在在在莫莫莫莫斯斯斯斯科科科科召召召召开开开开的的的的国国国国际际际际民民民民主主主主妇妇妇妇女女女女联联联联合合合合会会会会,为为为为保保保保障障障障全全全全世世世世界界界界儿儿儿儿童童童童的的的的生生生生存存存存权权权权、保保保保健健健健权权权权和和和和受受受受教教教教育育育育权权权权;反反反反对对对对帝帝帝帝国国国国主主主主义义义义战战战战争争争争贩贩贩贩子子子子对对对对儿儿儿儿童童童童的的的的虐虐虐虐杀杀杀杀和和和和毒毒毒毒害害害害。理理理理事事事事会会会会决决决决定定定定每每每每年年年年6 6 6 6月月月月1 1 1 1日日日日为国际儿童节。为国
6、际儿童节。为国际儿童节。为国际儿童节。 中中中中国国国国曾曾曾曾于于于于1931193119311931年年年年将将将将儿儿儿儿童童童童节节节节定定定定在在在在每每每每年年年年4 4 4 4月月月月4 4 4 4日日日日。1949194919491949年年年年12121212月月月月23232323日日日日中中中中央央央央人人人人民民民民政政政政府府府府政政政政务务务务院院院院规规规规定定定定“六六六六一一一一”国国国国际际际际儿儿儿儿童童童童节节节节为为为为中中中中国国国国儿儿儿儿童童童童的的的的节节节节日日日日。1950195019501950年年年年3 3 3 3月月月月30303030日日日日,教教教教育育育育部部部部发发发发出出出出通通通通告告告告,规规规规定定定定6 6 6 6月月月月1 1 1 1日为儿童节,废除旧的日为儿童节,废除旧的日为儿童节,废除旧的日为儿童节,废除旧的“四四四四四四四四”儿童节。儿童节。儿童节。儿童节。