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1、Unit 2 Traveling Revision the Leaning Tower of PisaItalyThe Statue of LibertyThe USAthe Great WallChinaMount FujiJapanThe little MermaidDenmarkThe Tower BridgeBritainTravel to Hong Kong Disneyland with Kitty!Disneyland is a theme park. Try to find the opposites of the words below: necessary importan

2、t friendly happy welcome common lucky pleasant kind healthy Prefix -un unnecessary unimportantunfriendly unhappy unwelcomeuncommon unluckyunpleasantunkind unhealthypossible polite correct complete convenient formal regular honest like appear Prefix-imPrefix-inPrefix-irPrefix-dis impossibleimpolite i

3、ncorrect incompleteinconvenient informalirregulardishonestdislike disappearSpecial onesgood happy hot new long cheap easy same fast bad sad cold old short expensive/deardifficult/harddifferent slow2.VOCABULARY UFFIXES -FULAND LESSNoun Adjective (with full)Adjective (with less)usehelpcarehopeharmchee


5、oiseless /quietlongshortbeautifuluglyhealthyunhealthyincorrectimpolitedishonestirregular用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:1.He is kind and _ . He always _ his classmates when they have trouble . (help ) 2.All the tourists shouted _ ! when they saw pyramids, one of the seven _ in the world. (wonder)3.They wait

6、ed because they _ to visit inside ,but it seemed to be _ . (hope)4.The road seems to be _ for us to reach the _ of it .(end)5.Your new book is very _ and brings readers lots of _ . (delight)6.The mother was _ that many people helped her find her son. (thank)helpfulhelpsWonderfulwondershopedhopelesse

7、ndlessenddelightfuldelightsthankfulTranslate the following phrases 1.去南山旅行去南山旅行2. 很多次数很多次数3. 加入你们加入你们4.带你出去带你出去5.快点、过来快点、过来6.度假度假7.理想假日理想假日8.受欢迎的旅游胜地受欢迎的旅游胜地9. 富士山富士山10.比萨斜塔比萨斜塔11.美人鱼美人鱼12.自由女神像自由女神像13.塔桥塔桥14. 去徒步旅行去徒步旅行/滑雪滑雪15.欣赏美丽的风景欣赏美丽的风景16.拍照片拍照片17.日本的象征日本的象征go on a trip to South Hill many time

8、s join you take you out come on go on holiday dream holiday popular tourist attractionsMount Fujithe Leaning Tower of Pisathe Little Mermaid the Statue of Liberty the Tower Bridge go hiking / skiing see the beautiful view take photos a symbol of Japan Translate the following phrases 欢迎到香港来欢迎到香港来香港迪士

9、尼乐园香港迪士尼乐园一周前一周前度过一段美妙的时光度过一段美妙的时光一座著名的主题公园一座著名的主题公园包括四座不同的公园包括四座不同的公园美国小镇大街美国小镇大街明日世界明日世界幻想世界幻想世界探险世界探险世界在鲸鱼喷泉前拍照在鲸鱼喷泉前拍照在入口处在入口处Welcome to Hong Kong Hong Kong Disneyland a week ago have a fantastic time a famous theme park include four different parks Main Street USA Tomorrowland Fantasyland Adven

10、tureland take photos in front of the whale fountain at the entrance 太空山太空山激动人心的过山车激动人心的过山车高速移动高速移动贯穿整个旅程贯穿整个旅程睡美人城堡睡美人城堡迪士尼人物形象迪士尼人物形象例如例如停止拍照停止拍照看上去如此好看并且可爱看上去如此好看并且可爱迪士尼人物的游行表演迪士尼人物的游行表演下午晚些时候下午晚些时候穿着不同的戏装穿着不同的戏装向人们挥手向人们挥手Space Mountain an exciting roller coaster move at high speed through the who

11、le ride Sleeping Beauty Castle Disney characters such as stop taking photos look so nice and cute a parade of Disney characters later in the afternoon wear different costumes wave to people 一路上一路上高兴得尖叫高兴得尖叫观看三维电影观看三维电影像变魔法一样像变魔法一样闻到苹果派味闻到苹果派味观看很棒的狮子王表演观看很棒的狮子王表演为我表弟买了一些文具为我表弟买了一些文具一天结束的时候一天结束的时候观看烟火

12、观看烟火在烟火下看上去闪闪发光在烟火下看上去闪闪发光总共总共给你看我的照片给你看我的照片all the way scream with joy watch a three-D film like magic smell the apple pie watch the great Lion King show buy some stationery for my cousin at the end of the day watch fireworks look shiny under the fireworks in all show you my photos Translate the fo

13、llowing phrases 一本有害的书无害植物在队列中一个高兴的假日一次有意义的经历一张无用的票a harmful book harmless plants in the line a delightful holidaya meaningful experience a useless ticket Translate the following phrases 买关于旅游的书买关于旅游的书去过新加坡去过新加坡著名的大王宫著名的大王宫芭堤雅海滩芭堤雅海滩买了一辆摩托车买了一辆摩托车两只死羊羔两只死羊羔观看有趣的电视节目观看有趣的电视节目上映上映给我的父母买礼物给我的父母买礼物庆祝他们结

14、婚庆祝他们结婚15年纪念日年纪念日buy some books on traveling have been to Singapore the famous Grand Palace the Pattaya Beach buy a motorcycle two dead lambs watch an interesting TV programme be on buy a gift for my parents celebrate their fifteen years of marriage Translate the following phrases 炎热的天气炎热的天气水上运动水上运动

15、参观中国园林参观中国园林喜爱收集纪念品喜爱收集纪念品世界之窗世界之窗购物中心购物中心到庐山徒步旅行到庐山徒步旅行去驾驶帆船去驾驶帆船全年全年假日计划假日计划五一假日五一假日到国外旅游到国外旅游好看而又干净的国家好看而又干净的国家飞到新加坡飞到新加坡为你核查一下它为你核查一下它hot weather water sports visit Chinese gardens love collecting souvenirs Window of the World shopping centres go hiking in Lushan Mountain go sailing all year rou

16、nd holiday planMay Day holiday travel abroad a nice and clean country fly to Singapore check it for you Translate the following phrases 1.新鲜空气新鲜空气2.宜人的天气宜人的天气3.许多细节许多细节4.名胜名胜5.观看游行观看游行6.海洋公园海洋公园7.太平山顶太平山顶8.海豚表演和鸟展海豚表演和鸟展9.天星轮天星轮10.美味的海鲜美味的海鲜11.对这次特殊的旅游很激动对这次特殊的旅游很激动12.和可爱的卡通人物拍照和可爱的卡通人物拍照13.三个半小时(三个

17、半小时(2)14.与与不一样不一样15.第二天第二天fresh air pleasant weather many detailsplaces of interest watch the parade Ocean ParkVictoria Peakdolphin show and bird show Star Ferry delicious seafood be excited about this special trip take photos with the cute cartoon characters three and a half hours / three hours and

18、 a half be different from the next day 16.最著名的主题公园最著名的主题公园17.喜爱看游行喜爱看游行18.全天全天19.在第三天在第三天20.鸟瞰香港鸟瞰香港21.一座现代化都市一座现代化都市22.文化中心文化中心23.乘天星轮去九龙乘天星轮去九龙24.海鲜餐馆海鲜餐馆25.某一天某一天26.清楚地表达清楚地表达27.构思构思28.想起有趣的事物想起有趣的事物29.使你的文章更有趣使你的文章更有趣30.在最后一个段落在最后一个段落the most famous theme park love watching the parade the whole

19、day on the third day have a birds eye view of Hong Kong a modern city the cultural centre take Star Ferry to Kowloonthe seafood restaurant some day state clearly organize the ideasthink of something interesting make your article more interesting in the last paragraph fungreatfunswimmingintheriveris!

20、WhatLilyarrivedinBeijingtwodaysago.(现完)LilyBeijing.has been in for two dayssince two days agoHave/has gone tohave/has been to have/has been inhave/has gone to:已经去了或在途中,还没有返回;have/has been to:曾今去过某地,现在已经回来了,后面可接表示“次数”的状语; have/has been in:表示某人“已在某地停留一段时间,现仍在那里”,其后常带表示一段时间的状语。 Andhehas been there thre

21、etimes(省略to).(2)Youcantfindhimintheoffice.Hethelibrary.Hefortwohours(省略in)has gone tohas been therehas/have gone to 去了还没有回来has/have been to 去过(已经回来了)has/have been in 已经呆在某地多久了e.g. (1)Where is your brother? He (go)the theme park.has gone to用用have/has been 或或have/has gone 完完成填空成填空My father _ to Beijin

22、g. He will be back in two days.The Greens _ to the USA twice.A: Where is your aunt now? I havent seen her for a long time.B: She _ to Xiamen.The Class1, Grade 8 students _ to many places of interest in our city.A: _ Tommy _ to Nanjing?B: Yes. He went there last month and hasnt come back yet.has gone

23、have beenhas gonehave beenHasgoneTranslate Tom 在哪儿? 他去书店买书了。我在北京待了5年了。Jack 去过上海两次了-Where is Tom?-He has gone to the bookshop to buy some books.I have been in Beijing for 5 years.Jack has been to Shanghai twice.Mr Green _ Hongkong twice, and he knows a lot about the city.-Where is Lucy? I cant find h

24、er. -She _ the museum. Mr. Smith went to Paris one week ago. He _ Paris for one week.has been tohas gone tohas been inhave gone to/ have been to/ have been in? He has gone to Paris for one week. go 短短V.一段时间一段时间He has been in Paris since last week. 时间点时间点他三年前离开南京的。(离开三年了)他三年前离开南京的。(离开三年了)He _ Nanjing

25、 three years ago.He _ from Nanjing for three years.He has been away from Nanjing _ three years ago / _ 2007.短短V. +时间点时间点 & 延延V.+时间段时间段I havent seen you since last month / for a month.(否定句中,短(否定句中,短V. 可与一段时间用)可与一段时间用)lefthas been awaysincesince1988presentRongWenSchoolI have been in this school for 19

26、years.for+段时间段时间Since+点时间点时间Since+句子(过去时)句子(过去时)I have taught in this school since I came here in 1988.I have been in this school since 1988/19years ago.短短V. 延延V.buy borrowreceive/getcatch a coldhave hadhave kepthave hadhave had a coldcome/go/arriveleavebegin/startstop/finish/endget up have been in/

27、athave been away(from)have been onhave been overhave been upbe + prep./adv.短短V. 延延V.close openfall asleep die get marriedget illhave been closedhave been openhave been asleephave been deadhave been marriedhave been illbe + adj.短短V. 延延V.短短V. 延延V. become a teacher join the clubmake friendsgo to school

28、have been a teacherhave been a memberhave been friendshave been a studentbe + n.get to knowbegin/start to do(begin to teach) knowdo(teach)延延V. 短短V.buy-have(has)hadborrow-have(has)keptarrive-have(has)beenin/atleave-have(has)beenawayjoin-have(has)beenin/amemberofdie-have(has)beendeadgetmarried-have(ha

29、s)beenmarriedcome/go-have(has)beenin/atbegin/start-have(has)beenonstop-have(has)beenover瞬间动词转换成延续性动词。瞬间动词转换成延续性动词。切记切记有些动词是非延续的,在此用法中要换成其相对有些动词是非延续的,在此用法中要换成其相对应的延续性动词才能和表示应的延续性动词才能和表示“一段时间一段时间”的状语连用。的状语连用。现归纳一下由非延续性动词到延续性动词的转换:现归纳一下由非延续性动词到延续性动词的转换:come back be backfall ill/sick/asleep be ill/sick/

30、asleep get up be up go out be outfinish be over put on wear/be onopen be open close be closed go to school be a studentcatch (a cold) have (a cold)get to know know begin to study study 同义句转换同义句转换1.They got married three years ago. They _ _ married for three years.2.We began to learn English in 2005.

31、 We _ _ English since 2005.3.I borrowed that book last week. I _ _ that book since last week.4.Sinom fell ill last month. Simon _ _ ill since last month.5.She joined the Reading Club last term. She _ _ _the Reading Club since last term.have beenhave learnedhave kepthas beenhas been in6. He came to o

32、ur village two years ago. He our village since two years ago.7.He left home three days ago. He home for 3 days.8.I bought the watch 2 weeks ago. I the watch since 2 weeks ago.9.It is 5 days since I borrowed the book. I the book for 5 days.10.The meeting began 10 minutes ago. The meeting _ _ for 10 m

33、inutes.has been inhas been away fromhave hadhave kepthas lasted 11.The film has begun. The film for half an hour.12.I got to know him 10 years ago I _him for 10 years.13.There is a factory. There a factory for 20 years.14.Our school opened in 1960. Our school since 1960.15.That old man died 3 years

34、ago. That old man _ _ _ for 3 years.has been onhave knownhas beenhas been openhas been deadExercises:1ThisTVprogrammestartedanhourago.(beon)ThisTVprogrammehasbeenonforanhour.2Hisfatherdiedtwoyearsago.(bedead)Hisfatherhasbeendeadfortwoyears/sincetwoyearsago.3TheyjoinedtheChessClubayearago.(beamembero


36、twodays.include/includingMyfamilythreepersons.Therearethreepersonsinmyfamily,myparentsandme.includesincludingstop doing sth. 停止做停止做stop to do sth. 停下来,做停下来,做When the teacher came in, we stopped _. (talk) On my way home, I met an old friend and stopped _ with him. (talk)talking to talk Youlooksotired

37、.Pleasestop(work)(have)arest.workingto havehaveareallyfantastic/great/good time(indoingsomething)Theyhadareallyfantastictimein(go)onatriptoSouthHill.goingattheentrance/exittooneoftheattractionsthereoneofthe beststudentsoneofthe most famoussymbolsexcited/exciting/excitedly/excitemente.g.Allthestudent

38、sareatthenews.Theyallclappedandscreamed_excitedexcitingexcitingexcitedlywith excitement throughwalkthroughthedoorgothroughtheforestThamesRiverrunsthroughthecity.Thesunisshiningthroughthewindow.ride名词我们学校离那里10分钟的车程。这趟短途旅行花了你多少时间?动词Theboy(notride)toschoolyet.Therearestilltenminuteslefthasnt riddenOurs

39、choolisten minutes bus ridefromthere.Howlongdoestheridetakeyou?First , they_ in front of the whale fountain _ at the entrance.拍拍 照照took photos 在入口处在入口处.Then went to Tomorrowlandwent to Space Mountain _The exciting roller coaster moved _screamed and laughed through the whole _ at high speedone of the

40、 attractionsTomorrowland高高 速速旅游地之一旅游地之一搭乘搭乘 ride ( n.) After thathad lunch at a fast food restaurant _ Fantasylandmet Disney characters,_couldnt _photos with them Fantasyland冲冲 到到 例例 如如rushed to such as 停止拍照停止拍照stop taking stop doing FantasylandLater in the afternoon a parade of Disney characters_pe

41、ople while they marched across the park, _ and _ all the wayclapped and _singing dancing 朝朝挥手挥手waved to 边唱边唱 边跳边跳, doing(伴随状语)(伴随状语) 开心地尖叫开心地尖叫screamed with joyThe girl walked home alone, _ sadly.Mr Chen sat on the floor, _ a newspaper. 她们一路上说着笑着往家骑去。她们一路上说着笑着往家骑去。 They went home on their bicycles,

42、_ and _.talkinglaughingreadingcrying, doing(伴随状语)(伴随状语) After the parade watched a three-D film It _ magic. could _ the apple pie and _ the wind when Donald Duck was _ Aladdin.Fantasylandwas like像像闻到闻到smell感到感到feel一起飞一起飞flying withIn Adventurelandwatched a great Lion king show_ in Main Street USA买些纪

43、念品买些纪念品bought some souvenirsMain Street USAAt the end of the daywatched fireworks _ Sleeping Beauty Castle_ and beautiful在前面在前面 in front of看上去闪光看上去闪光 looked shinycarecheercolourharmhopemeaning n.adj.(-ful)adj.(-less)endnoisedelightwondercareful carelesscheerful cheerlesscolourful colourlessharmful h

44、armlesshopeful hopelessmeaningful meaningless - - endless - - noiseless delightful - - wonderful - -Simon is very _ (care), and he makes few mistakes in his homework.carefulBut Billy is _ (care) , and he always makes so many mistakes.carelessAttention to the context(上下文上下文)! S+V+P ( be+adj.)Hebought

45、themotorcycletwodaysago.Hethemotorcyclefortwodays.Lilyborrowedabookfromthelibrarylastweek.Lilyabooklastweek.FatherarrivedinBeijingamonthago.Fatheramonth.Theoldmanlefthishometown50yearsago.Theoldmanhishometownfor50years/since50yearsago. has hadhas kept sincehas been in Beijing forhas been away fromGr

46、ammarSimonjoinedtheFootballClubin1998.SimontheFootballClubtheFootballClub1998.Mygrandfatherdiedelevenyearsago.Mygrandfatherfor11years.LilygotmarriedtoPeterthreemonthsago.LilyandPeterfor3months.MumwenttotheUSAlastyear.MumtheUSAforayear.Theparadebegan/startedlastSunday.TheparadesincelastSunday.has bee

47、n in has been a member ofsincehas been deadhave been married has been inhas been onTherainstoppedfortyminutesago.Therainsincefortyminutesago.Thetravelersarewiththe,weather.(please)和卡通人物拍照为那个著名主题公园拍照三个半小时鸟瞰那个灯光闪烁高楼林立的现代化城市has been overpleasedpleasanttake photos with the cartoon characterstake photos

48、of the famous theme parkthree hours and a halfthree and a half hourshave a birds-eye view of the modern city of tall buildings with lights shining前天看见如此多的大象一起沿街前进真是有趣如此多的水the day before yesterdaysee so many elephants marching down the streetso much water 中考链接中考链接1.Hello!CanIspeaktoAlice?(08,北京)-Sorr


50、rethantwentyyears.(08,无锡)A.marriedB.hadmarriedC.gotmarriedD.beenmarried5.-Myfather_Shanghaiwithmygrandparents.-Really?_willtheycomeback?(08,常州)A.hasbeento;HowsoonB.hasgoneto;HowsoonC.hasbeento;HowlongD.hasgoneto;Howlong 中考链接中考链接1.The children clapped and screamed with _ (excite) when they saw their

51、favoutite characters. (08, 泰州) 2. The new student has _ ( 到到 ) in our school for about a month. (08, 淮安)3. The audience _(clap) and screamed with joy after the last performance ended. (08, 镇江)excitementclapped 中考链接中考链接been4. It is very _(有意义的有意义的)for me to join theTree-planting Club. (08, 宿迁)5. 你昨天花

52、了多长时间做作业你昨天花了多长时间做作业?How long _ it _ you to do your homework yesterday? (08, 北京)6. Katie borrowed Harry Potter three days ago. (同义句改写) (08, 连云港) _Katie has kept Harry Potter for three days.meaningfuldid take 中考链接中考链接1. My parents got married 25 years ago. My parents _ since 25 years ago.2. I bought

53、the MP3 last week. I _ the MP3 for a week.3. Kitty joined the Reading Club last year. Kitty _ the Reading Club since last year.have been marriedhave hadhas been a member of / has been in课堂巩固课堂巩固 - 改写为同义句改写为同义句 1. 会议就已经结束会议就已经结束20分钟了。分钟了。2. 我感冒三天了。我感冒三天了。3.这条狗死了一周了。这条狗死了一周了。4.这条狗一周前死的。这条狗一周前死的。The co

54、nference has been over since 20 minutes ago/ for 20 minutes.课堂巩固课堂巩固 - 翻译成英文翻译成英文 I have had a cold for three days/since three days ago.The dog died a week ago.The dog has been dead for a week /since a week ago.1、 这是一个著名的主题公园并且包括这是一个著名的主题公园并且包括四个不同的公园。四个不同的公园。 这个大的购物中心包括这个大的购物中心包括14家商店,一家商店,一家电影院和一个

55、超市。家电影院和一个超市。Its a famous theme park and includes four different parks.The big shopping mall includes 14 shops , a cinema and a supermarket.2、观赏烟火是这一天最棒的部分。、观赏烟火是这一天最棒的部分。 选择:选择:_ our duty _ protect the environment. A. Its; to B. This is ; to C. That is ; toIt was the best part of the day to watch f

56、ireworks. (Watching fireworks was the best part of the day. )3、坐飞机去那儿花了我们大约三个半、坐飞机去那儿花了我们大约三个半小时。小时。 坐飞机去新加坡要花多长时间?坐飞机去新加坡要花多长时间?It took us about three and a half hours / three hours and a half to fly there.How long does it take to fly to Singapore?Translations1. 在那儿我们可以徒步旅行并给猴子拍照。在那儿我们可以徒步旅行并给猴子拍照。

57、2. 老师一走进教室,学生就变安静了老师一走进教室,学生就变安静了。3. 虽然我们不得不等两个小时,但我们还是兴奋虽然我们不得不等两个小时,但我们还是兴奋。We can of monkeys there.Students became quiet the teacher came in. We were we two hours.go hiking and take photosas soon asexcited even thoughhad to wait for4. 他的领带和他的裤子不配。他的领带和他的裤子不配。5. 妈妈随身带了很多钱,她不停地买衣服。妈妈随身带了很多钱,她不停地买衣服

58、。6. 我能为您效劳吗?我能为您效劳吗?His tie his trousers.Mother took much money and clothes.Can I help you?What can I do for you?Is there you?doesnt match withwith hercouldnt stop buyinganything I can do for 7. 那消息如此令人兴奋,以至于每个人都尖叫起来。那消息如此令人兴奋,以至于每个人都尖叫起来。8. 他是如此的幸运,以至于得到了三张去海南的机票。他是如此的幸运,以至于得到了三张去海南的机票。9. 她跳得如此的美,以

59、至于同学们忍不住为她不停地鼓掌她跳得如此的美,以至于同学们忍不住为她不停地鼓掌。That news was .He was that he got Hainan.She danced the students .so exciting that everyone screamed.so luckythree air tickets toso beautifully thatcouldnt stop clapping their hands for her10. 姐姐一边唱歌一边洗衣服。姐姐一边唱歌一边洗衣服。11. 当当Simon到我家的时候,我正在做作业。到我家的时候,我正在做作业。12. 当门铃响时,妈妈正在给我们烧晚饭。当门铃响时,妈妈正在给我们烧晚饭。Sister while .When Simon my home, I .When the doorbell , mother for us.was singingshe was washing clothesgot towas doing my homeworkrangwas cooking supper



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