高中英语 Module 3 第3课时 Cultural Corner & Task课件 外研版选修8

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 选修选修8 Foreign FoodModule 31.1.1集合的概念第三课时第三课时Cultural Corner & Task 1.1.1集合的概念Module 3课内合作探究课内合作探究 2巩巩 固固 提提 升升 3课后强化作业课后强化作业 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1写写 作作 指指 导导5课前自主预习课前自主预习.重点单词1柳树(n.)_2图案(n.)_3栅栏,围栏;篱笆(n.)_4在头顶上;在空中(adv.)_5(简陋的)小屋;棚屋;茅舍(n.)_6转化,转变(v.)_转变(n.)_

2、willow pattern fence overhead hut transform transformation .重点短语1be based_以为基础2fall in love_爱上3dress_乔装打扮4set fire_放火烧 on withup to课内合作探究课内合作探究1pattern nC C图案v模仿;以图案装饰The cloth has a pattern of red and white squares.这种布有红白方格的图案。Her coat is patterned on the newest fashion.她的外套是模仿最新流行的款式制作的。知识拓展patter

3、ned adj.被组成图案的The patterned cheongsam was patterned on a Qing Dynasty pattern.那件有图案装饰的旗袍是依照清代样式裁制的。辨析pattern,designpattern指陶器、织物等的图案、花样。design指经过设计的图样。Please cut out my overcoat according to this pattern.请你照这个式样裁剪我这件大衣。She drew a beautiful design.她画了一个美丽的图案。即学即用完成句子这是一件带有花卉图案的棉布连衣裙。This is a cotton

4、dress_flowery_.答案:with a;pattern2fence nC C栅栏,围栏;篱笆 v把用栅栏(或篱笆)围起来The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.花园被木栅栏圈了起来。We cant get in because theres a fence all round.我们进不去,因为四周围了一道篱笆。His property is fenced with barbed wire.他的房产四周有带刺的铁丝网。知识拓展fence in用围墙围,封锁fence off用栅栏隔开sit/be on the fence观看形势图解巧记f

5、ence,hedge,wall,railings即学即用完成句子我用栅栏把种植区和主花园隔开。I_the planting area_the main garden.答案:fenced off;from3transform v转化,转变Increased population has transformed the landscape.人口的增加使景观发生了变化。The old educational systems were transformed.旧的教育制度得到了改革。He transformed the garage into a recreation room.他把车库改造成了娱乐室

6、。知识拓展(1)transform sth.into sth.把某物转化为某物The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a superstar.那部电影几乎在一夜之间就让她从一名默默无闻的女学生变成了一位超级明星。(2)transformation nU,C转化;转换What leads to the transformation of one economic system to another?什么原因会促使一种经济体制向另一种经济体制转变?即学即用完成句子那个国家正在从落后的农业国

7、转变为先进的工业国。That country is_a backward agricultural country_an advanced industrial country.答案:transforming from;into1base.on.表示“把建立在的基础上;以为基础”该短语为动介短语,base是及物动词,后面可接物质名词或抽象名词作宾语,如policy,strategy,argument等;on/upon后面也可接抽象名词或物质名词,如fear,reason,evidence等。其被动形式为be based on/upon。These charges are based on fa

8、cts.这些起诉是以事实为依据的。Her good business was based on good service.她兴隆的生意依托于良好的服务。即学即用语法填空Your opinions _(base)on facts were accepted by the majority.答案:based2dress up乔装打扮;盛装;装饰Dont bother to dress upcome as you are.用不着穿很讲究的衣服就穿平常的衣服来吧。They tried to dress him up as a“national hero”他们想把他打扮成一个“民族英雄”。知识拓展(1)

9、dress sb.(in)给某人穿()衣服(2)be dressed in穿着(表状态)get dressed in穿上(表动作)Is she old enough to dress herself?她会自己穿衣服了吗?The bride was dressed in white for a day.那新娘穿了一天的白衣服。Hurry up and get dressed.快点儿穿衣服。即学即用完成句子你可以打扮成一个幽灵吗?Can you_a ghost?答案:dress up as3set fire to(set.on fire)放火(焚烧)Several youths set fire

10、to the police car.几个年轻人纵火焚烧了警车。Who set fire to the house?(Who set the house on fire?)是谁放火烧了那座房子?知识拓展catch fire着火(强调动作)be on fire着火(强调状态)make/start/light a fire点火,生火play with fire玩火put out the fire灭火When they got there,the whole building was on fire.他们到的时候,整个大楼处于一片火海之中。It took firefighters several ho

11、urs to put out the fire.消防队员花了数小时才把火扑灭。即学即用完成句子他疯了,放火烧了那座房子。He was crazy and_the house.答案:set fire to1In many homes,the willow pattern plates(named after the willow tree in the centre of the design)are kept for special occasions,when important guests come to dinner.在许多家庭,柳树图案(得名于图案中央的柳树)的盘子只用于重要客人来就

12、餐的特殊场合。本句中非限制性定语从句when important guests come to dinner修饰先行词occasions。在考查定语从句的引导词时,其所修饰的先行词有一些热门词汇,如age,occasion等时间名词,常考查由when引导的定语从句;而case,situation,point,stage,scene等地点或情形名词作先行词时,常考查由where引导的定语从句。It took all the fun out of the occasion when we heard that you were ill.我们一听说你病了,欢乐的气氛一扫而光。Ive come to

13、the point where I cant stand her arguing any longer.我已到达再也不能容忍她的争吵的地步了。即学即用语法填空In a sports team each player has a clear role,and there are few occasions_members are confused or uncertain about their roles.答案:when2But one evening,when the Mandarin was entertaining guests at a banquet,Chang arrived dr

14、essed up as a servant.但一天晚上,当那位官员举行宴会款待客人的时候,阿常扮做一位随从混了进来。when引导了一个时间状语从句。dressed up as为过去分词短语作状语。过去分词(短语)作状语,表示被动和完成,在句子中一般可以表示时间、原因等。与句子的主语为动宾关系。Told that his mother was ill,Li Lei hurried home quickly.李蕾得知母亲生病了时,马上赶回了家。Given a few minutes,Ill finish it.再给几分钟的时间,我就会完成了。The cup fell down to the gro

15、und,broken.茶杯掉到了地上,打碎了。即学即用语法填空_(see)in the distance,the village looks more beautiful.答案:Seen巩巩 固固 提提 升升4The prisoners escaped by_as guards.5The food was good and we loved the atmosphere and the people._,it was a great evening.答案:1.be set fire to2.fell in love with3.referred to4dressing up5.In short

16、.单项填空1The coming of the railways in the 1830s_ our social and economic life.Atransformed BtransportedCtransferred Dtransmitted答案:Atransform“改变”;transport“运输”;transfer“转移,迁移”;transmit“传送,传达”。句意:在19世纪30年代铁路的到来改变了我们的社会和经济生活。只有A项符合句意。2The earthquake hit our city._,a number of people lost their lives.ATh

17、e result of BAs a consequenceCAs a result of DAs a consequence of答案:Bthe result of“的结果”;as a consequence“因此”,表结果(严重事件)。句意:地震袭击了我们的城市。结果,许多人失去了生命。3Dont throw the cigarette ends into the paper basket,otherwise youll_fire to the house.Amake BcatchCset Dlight答案:C句意:不要把烟头扔在废纸篓里,你会把房子点着的。set fire to“放火烧”,

18、固定搭配。4Peter was so excited_he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.Awhere BthatCwhy Dwhen答案:D句意:收到朋友让他去重庆的邀请,彼得很兴奋。when表示“当时候”,引导时间状语从句,符合题意。where表示地点;so.that“如此以至于;如此以便”;why表示原因。5English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of_uses it somewhat differently.Awhic

19、h BwhatCthem Dthose答案:A考查定语从句。句意:英语是不同文化所共用的语言,只是每种文化在使用程度上是不同的。介词之后的关系代词要根据先行词确定,本句的先行词为several diverse cultures,故选用which。如选C项,则应在each前加and。6A bank is the place_they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.Awhen BthatCwhere Dthere答案:C考查定语从句。从句不缺主语、宾语和表语,故选用关系

20、副词在句中作状语;先行词为the place,因此用关系副词where。课后强化作业课后强化作业(点此链接)(点此链接)写写 作作 指指 导导如何写关于中西方文化差异的文章典题示例假如你的美国笔友Tom要来中国学习,他向你询问中西方餐桌礼仪差异方面的问题,请根据以下要点写一篇文章,词数120个左右。要点:1.在餐桌上,西方人各自食用一份食物,而中国人共同分享。2.在西方,喝饮料时,最好只喝一小口。在中国,一口气喝干是礼貌的。3.在中国,不把盘里的菜吃完,意思是主人准备了足够分量的菜。4.无论你在哪个国家,最安全的办法是记住这句谚语:入乡随俗。审题立意项目结论体裁_话题_时态_人称_遣词造句1在

21、餐桌上,西方人各自食用一份食物,而中国人共同分享。与之间的差异_被所有的客人分享_补全句子:_is that in the West everyone has their own plate of food while in China._.2在西方,喝饮料时,最好只喝一小口。在中国,一口气喝干是礼貌的。只喝一小口_礼貌的_翻译此句:_3在中国,不把盘里的菜吃完,意思是主人准备了足够分量的菜。主人_准备大量的食物_根据示例中结构仿写此句:示例:Joining in the competition means that you have to practise more.仿写:_4无论你在哪个国

22、家,最安全的办法是记住这句谚语:入乡随俗。无论你在哪个国家_入乡随俗_翻译此句:_写作提醒1本文的题目要求中已给出了要点,所以应围绕这几个要点来写,不能脱离主题。除所给要点之外,还可适当发挥增加一些其他细节。2介绍中西方餐桌礼仪的差异时要分清层次,先主要再次要,并注意使用好过渡词。连句成篇_ 【参考答案】【审题立意】说明文介绍中西方餐桌礼仪一般现在时第二人称【遣词造句】1the difference betweenbe shared by all the guestsThe main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits;th

23、e dishes are placed on the table and they are shared by all the guests2take only a sippoliteIn the West,youd better take only a sip,while in China,it is polite to drink all at once.3hostserve plenty of foodIn China,leaving some food on the plates means that he has served plenty of food.4no matter wh

24、ich country you are inWhen in Rome,do as the Romans do.No matter which country you are in,the safest way to remember is the proverb:When in Rome,do as the Romans do.The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that in the West everyone has their own plate of food while in China,t

25、he dishes are placed on the table and they are shared by all the guests.In the West,youd better take only a sip,while in China,it is polite to drink all at once.In China,leaving some food on the plates means that he has served plenty of food.No matter which country you are in,the safest way to remember is the proverb:When in Rome,do as the Romans do.In addition,in the West,when you are invited,you should arrive on time,while in China,youd better arrive a little later.Whats more,youll have to learn to use chopsticks.I am looking forward to seeing you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua



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