Advice to Youth

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《Advice to Youth》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Advice to Youth(42页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Mark TwainAdvice to Youth PreparationnI. Activity One :nHow different are you from your parents?nQuestionnaire 1) What kind of music do you like ? And how about your parents? Can you list some singers that they like? Pop music both in China and western countries:R&B, Rock n Roll, Disco Music, Elect

2、ronic Music, Heavy Metal, RapMost folk songs in China , USSR songs 2)What kind of clothes do you like to wear ? What do your parents think of your taste?3)Whats your favorite pastime ?Whats your parents favorite pastime ?4) You would like to choose _as a profession. Your parents would like you to ch

3、oose_ as a profession.5) When choosing a job after graduation, you think the most important factor is_. Your parents think the most important factor is_.6) When choosing a future husband or wife, the most important quality you will look for is _. The most important quality your parents look for is_.

4、Activity 2 College Pressures Although we young people live a more comfortable life than our parents did at the same age, it doesnt mean that our life is easier. Each generation faces different types of stress. Now, you, as a college student, are also under great pressure or face your own trouble.Can

5、 you say something about the pressure or trouble you have? 1). Academic records2). Financial trouble3). Loneliness4). Finding a girl or boy friend5). Fierce competition6). Career Satirealiterarytoneusedtoridiculeormakefunofhumanviceorweakness,oftenwiththeintentofcorrectingorchangingthesubjectofthesa

6、tiricattackLetsreadamasterattheartofsatire.QuestionnMark Twain is the master of satire. What do you know about Mark Twain? Can you list some of his best novels? Which one do you like best? Why?nMark Twain(18351910),), novelist, one of the best known American writers in the 19th century, one of Ameri

7、cas great humorists and social critics nMark Twain was born in Missouri in the middle part of the United States. His hometown lay on the banks of the Mississippi River, where he spent his childhood. nWhen he grew up he worked as a pilot on a river boat for some time. Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Cle

8、mens) is his pen name. He took it from the shout of the sailors measuring the depth of the water when the water was two marks deep on the lead line.nMark Twain wrote a lot of novels. The Gilded Age is about the 1800s era of corruption and exploitation at the expense of public welfare. The Adventures

9、 of Tom Sawyer (1876) is the masterpiece which brought him fame and honor. nThe Prince and the Pauper (1882)nThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885)nBy 1885, Twain was considered one of the greatest character writers in the literary community. nSome of his writings have been translated into many l

10、anguages. He and his works are deeply loved by readers throughout the world.nTwain died on April 21, 1910, having survived his children as well as his wife. In his lifetime, he was honored by Yale, the University of Missouri, and Oxford with literary degrees.nPerhaps more than any other classic Amer

11、ican writer, Mark Twain is seen as a phenomenal author, but also as a personality that defined an era. nMark Twain wrote Advice to Youth in 1882. Mark Twains “Advice to Youth About 1882” is a little bit of Twains sage advice for the instruction of the young. He was asked to give a speech suitable fo

12、r the youth of America. Basically it was just meant to be something to be educational and useful in life.Mark Twains Advice to Youth?n1. Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run, because if you dont they will make you. Most parents think they know bett

13、er than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on your own better judgment.n2. Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and sometimes to others. Always avoid violence; in this age of charity and kindliness, the times h

14、as gone by for such things. Leave dynamite to the low and unrefined.n3. Go to bed early and get up early - this is wise. It gives you a splendid reputation with everybody to know that you get up with the lark.n4. You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. O

15、nce caught, you can never again be, in the eyes of the good and the pure, what you were before. Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill-finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training.n5. Never handle firearms carelessly. The sorrow an

16、d suffering that have been caused through the innocent but heedless handling of firearms by the young! n6. Be careful in your selection of books, and confine yourselves exclusively to good ones.nOneveryobviousstrategythatTwainusesishumor.Bydoingso,Twainreallycapturestheyoungaudiencethathewasexpected

17、tospeakto.EvenasTwainbeginshisspeech,hestartsonalighternote.Inaway,theadvicethatTwaingivesissortofmockingthetraditionalrulesthatyouaretoldwhenyouareyoung.n我心里有些话一直想一吐为快,好用以指导青年人。因为只有在一个人年轻之时,这些话才能更好地在内心扎根,产生最为持久的影响,同时也最具价值。年轻的朋友们,首先我要对你们说我也要诚恳地、急切地告诫你们:ndidactic:morallyinstructivenMark Twain starts

18、off by saying that you should always listen to what your parents say even if you dont agree because if you try to rebel against them youll just get into an argument and after being punished youll be forced to do what they said anyway. It doesnt matter whether youre right or not; just listen to them.



21、不符了。将火药留给那些低俗的、没教养的人。n要早睡早起这是明智之举。有权威人士说要日出而起;也有人说应该与这个或那个同起。但我觉得最好是和百灵鸟同起。倘若人们知道你与百灵鸟一样早起,会对你印象颇佳;倘若你得到一只百灵鸟,并好好饲养,当然你就能训练它每天九点半起床,我的确没有骗你们。nclumsy:gauchentemperate:restrainednpeerless:beingsuchastohavenomatch;incomparablenTruth is mighty, and will prevail. 真理是有力的,将战胜一切。真理是有力的,将战胜一切。The Ether Monum

22、ent, Boston, USA He then starts talking about how you should read a lot, but that you should be careful of what you choose to read. He says you should only read good books. Reading is always a good thing to do. 书有很多种,但适合青年人看的书才算是好书。记住这一点。好书是难以估量的巨大财富,读好书是一种绝佳的、难以言表的进步方式。因此,年轻的朋友们,要谨慎选择图书,要非常谨慎才行。At

23、last he says that if you listen to his advice you will be a good person. Do you agree with his statement?ngratify:pleaseorsatisfyn我已经说的差不多了。希望你们将我的指导铭记在心,作为自己的行动指南、指路明灯。大家要修身养性、奋力进取。这样,等到最终修成正果,你会惊喜地发现,你的品行和周围其他人是多么惊人地相似。Post-readingQuestionnWhat is Mark Twains writing style in this essay?nWhat do y

24、ou think of the advice given by Mark Twain? And which one do you think is suitable to you?WritingStylenIn“AdvicetoYouth”,MarkTwainsstyleandtonereallycaptureshisaudience.Twainshumorenablestheyoungaudiencetorelatetowhatheissaying.Thishumoralsohelpsthemtoconnectwiththespeakerbyallowingthemtofeelmorecom

25、fortable.nTwainalsousesrepetitioninauniquewaythatcauseshisspeechtohaveaspecificstructure,thatfurtherenhanceshiswriting.AssignmentSuppose youre older than your age now. Please imitate Mark Twains humorous tone and write some advice to todays youth or write about their/your life with at least 120 words.



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