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1、 纵观近五年的高考,对名词性从句的考纵观近五年的高考,对名词性从句的考查主要集中在以下几点:查主要集中在以下几点:1.1.考查考查连接词连接词的正确选用。这些易混的连接词主要的正确选用。这些易混的连接词主要有:有:what/that/which; whether/if; what/that/which; whether/if; what/whatever; who/whoever; wherewhat/whatever; who/whoever; where等等2.2.考查名词性从句的考查名词性从句的语序语序,名词性从句总是用陈述,名词性从句总是用陈述语序。语序。3.3.考查考查itit作形式

2、主语和形式宾语的用法。作形式主语和形式宾语的用法。命题规律命题规律考点梳理考点梳理1.名词性从句的种类。名词性从句的种类。2.名词性从句的连接词。名词性从句的连接词。1.When we will start is not clear.2. She wont believe that her son has become a thief.3. My idea is that we should do it right now.4. We heard the news that our team had won.主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句I 名词性从句的种

3、类名词性从句的种类 II. 名词性从句的引导词:名词性从句的引导词:1.连接词连接词 :that、if、whether不作成分不作成分无意义无意义2.连接代词连接代词 :who、whom、whose、what、which、whoever、whichever、whatever、whomever3.连接副词:连接副词:when、where、why、how“是是否否”作状语作状语有意义有意义作成分作成分有意义有意义做题三步曲:做题三步曲:步骤一:步骤一:首先分清主句和从句。首先分清主句和从句。步骤二:步骤二:分析从句缺何种成分。分析从句缺何种成分。步骤三:步骤三:根据分析,选择恰当的连词根据分析,选

4、择恰当的连词突破方法突破方法 考点考点1:连接词:连接词: that 与与 what 的区别的区别What he said makes me happy.That a new teacher will come is true .that 只起连接作用,无意义,在从句中只起连接作用,无意义,在从句中不充当不充当任任 何成分。何成分。 what 既既起起连接作用连接作用, 又在从句中作又在从句中作 主语主语, 宾语宾语, 表表 语。语。请你归纳请你归纳1. _ he said it made us angry . _ he said at the meeting made us angry.2.

5、 Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious _ the problem itself is.(2011,湖南湖南)3. 中国不再是过去的样子了。中国不再是过去的样子了。4. A modern city has been set up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago. (04天津)天津) A. what B. which C. that D. whereThatWhatChina is no longer _ it used to be.whatwhat A modern city has been

6、 set up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago. A modern city has been set up in the place _was a wasteland ten years ago. A. what B. which C. in which D. wherewhat定语从句定语从句B : what (什么什么) / which ( 表选择表选择, 哪一个哪一个) 1. - Do you know _ Mr Blacks address is ? -He may live at No. 18 or No. 19 of Bridge Stree

7、t. Im not sure of _. 2. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter _ it was? whatwhichwhichWhat无范围;无范围;Which有范围有范围解析解析考点考点2:it作形式主语和形式宾语的用法作形式主语和形式宾语的用法用用用用it it it it 作形式主语的结构作形式主语的结构作形式主语的结构作形式主语的结构(1) It is 名词名词 从句从句 It is a fact that 事实是事实是 It is an honor that 非常荣幸非常荣幸 It is common kn

8、owledge that 是常识是常识(2) It is 形容词形容词 从句从句 It is natural that 很自然很自然 It is strange that 奇怪的是奇怪的是(3) It 不及物动词不及物动词 从句从句 It seems that 似乎似乎 It happened that 碰巧碰巧 It appears that 似乎似乎(4) It is 过去分词过去分词 从句从句 It is reported that 据报道据报道 It has been proved that 已证实已证实 It is said that 据说据说 【学以致用】1._(很可能很可能)sh

9、ewillcomebacktomorrow.2._(很明显很明显)thismeasureiseffective.3._(据报道据报道)20peoplewerekilledintheaccident.4._(碰巧碰巧)IcameintotheofficeatthattimItispossiblethatItisobviousthatIthappenedthatItisreportedthat 1. _is known to all, Taiwan is only part of China. A. As B. That C. Which D.What 2. It is known to all_

10、 Taiwan is only part of China.A. as B. that C. if D. for 3. _ is known to all is that Taiwan is only part of China. A. That B. When C. What D. Which (非限制性定语从句)(非限制性定语从句)(主语从句)(主语从句)(主语从句)主语从句) (2) like/dislike/love/hate /appreciate/enjoy + it +if 或或when从句从句. it 作形式宾语作形式宾语(1) make /find/ feel / consi

11、der / think+ it + adj / n(宾补)宾补)+ that从句从句/ to do(真正的宾语真正的宾语)I hate it when people laugh at the disabled .(3) depend on it that/rely on it that.(4) see to it that.(5) take it for granted that.1. I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A. this B. that C. its D. i

12、t2. I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full. A. it B. that C. these D. them3. We took _ for granted that they would accept our advice.A. that B. this C. it D. them考点考点3 3 语序问题语序问题1.The photographs will show you _ A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like C. how does

13、our village look like D. how our village looks like 2.You can hardly imagine _when he heard the news .A. how he was excitedB. how was he excitedC. how excited he wasD. he was how excited在名词性从句中在名词性从句中,一律要用一律要用陈述陈述语序语序3.What time do you think _?A. will Besty come here B. Besty will come hereC. is Bes

14、ty coming hereD. can Besty get here疑问词疑问词+doyouthink/suggest/believe/suppose+陈述语序陈述语序考点考点4 4 同位语从句和定语从句的区别同位语从句和定语从句的区别1.同同位位语语从从句句一一般般跟跟在在名名词词后后面面, 用用以以说说明明或解释前面的名词的内容或解释前面的名词的内容.2.定语从句:对先行词起修饰限制作用定语从句:对先行词起修饰限制作用fact,news,promise,truth,belief,thought,idea,answer,information,knowledge,doubt,hope,la

15、w,opinion,plan,suggestion1.The news that she passed the exam excited her parents .2.The news that we know from her excited all of us .解释说明;解释说明;that在从句中不充当成分在从句中不充当成分但是不能省。但是不能省。修饰限定;修饰限定;that在从句中充当成分、在从句中充当成分、作宾语时可以省。作宾语时可以省。同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句判断从句:判断从句:3.The suggestion that he should not go there i

16、s of great value.4. The suggestion that he made is of great value.5.The fact that he won the first place cant be denied.6.The fact that he told me excited me.同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句_等引导的名等引导的名词性从句词性从句不含有疑问意义不含有疑问意义,whateverwhatever相当于相当于_, , whoeverwhoever相当于相当于_._._等引导的名词性从句等引导的名词性从句含有

17、疑问意义含有疑问意义。请你归纳请你归纳 whoever, whateverwho, what 考点考点5. what/whatever, who/whoeverWhowilltakethepositionisntdecided.Whoeverbreaksthelawshouldbepunished.anything thatanyone who(1) _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. A. Anyone B. Who C. Whoever D. No matter who(2) _ will give us a talk i

18、s unknown to us all. A. Whoever B. Who C. Anyone D. No matter whoNo matter who destroys the forest will be punished. ( )解析解析nomatter只能引导只能引导让步状让步状语语从句,从句,ever既可引导既可引导让步让步状语状语从句又可以引导从句又可以引导名词性名词性从从句句.no matter who/what与与whoever /whateverWhoever destroys the forest will be punished . ()TorF:考点考点6: 区别区

19、别if 与与whether 1. I dont know _ Ill be free tomorrow.2. I dont know _ or not Ill be free tomorrow.3. The question is _ this book is worth writing.whether / ifwhetherwhether4. It depends on _ we will have enough money.5. _ they can do it matters little to us.6. I didnt know _to laugh or to cry.whether

20、Whetherwhether请你归纳请你归纳a. a. 主语主语从句从句b. b. 表语表语从句从句c. c. 同位语同位语从句从句e. e. 介词后的介词后的宾语宾语从句从句f. f. 直接加直接加动词不定式动词不定式只能用只能用whether (to do)g g whether or not 直接连用时不用直接连用时不用if只能使用只能使用whether 的情况:的情况:请你归纳请你归纳亲爱的同学们,亲爱的同学们,我我很荣幸在这里跟大家谈谈如何度过我很荣幸在这里跟大家谈谈如何度过我们高中生活的最后一年。们高中生活的最后一年。众所周知,高中众所周知,高中是我们人生中最重要的阶段是我们人生中




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