《03 生态学基础(1)-生物与环境(huzj-02温度与光照)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《03 生态学基础(1)-生物与环境(huzj-02温度与光照)(63页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。
1、第二章 生物与环境第四节 主要生态因子的生态作用及生物适应 一、温度 二、光 三、水分 四、土壤一、温度1. 环境温度分布及其变化格局2. 温度与代谢3. 生物对温度的响应4. 温度与物种分布1. 环境温度分布及其变化格局1.1 决定地球上温度分布的主要因素太阳光入射角(An angle of incidence of solar radiation)水陆分布.1.2 环境温度的变化幅 水环境: -2.54045 幅度4045 .陆地环境: -88.360(80) 幅度130150 .1.3 环境温度的时空变化w纬度/季节:+1 : -0.5 。温度最高地方中纬度(38 )w海拔:+100 m
2、: -(0.61) 。w大陆:沿海变化小,内陆变化大。w微气候:2.6 m的垂直差别,温度有10 的变化。w深度:波动逐渐减弱;具有时滞。w日变化2. 温度与代谢2.1 恒温与变温动物Homeotherms (恒温动物)随着环境温度的上升,变温动物的体温能基本维持稳定。mammal and birdPoikilotherms (变温动物)体温随着环境温度的变化而变化。fish and reptileEctotherms (外温动物)外温动物可以依靠外部热源如太阳辐射能量来提高体温。 Plants, reptiles, protista.Endotherms (内温动物)内温动物可以依靠内部产热
3、来提高体温Birds and mammals.2.2 外温动物与内温动物2.3 温度阈值 (Temperature thresholds)2.3.1 温度的“三基点” 最低温度、最高温度、最适温度2.3.2 极端温度的危害 高温风险 酶失活 (enzyme inactivation ); 代谢紊乱 (unbalancing of components of metabolism),如饥饿(starvation) ; 脱水 (dehydration)蟑螂(cockroach)高温脱水 2.3.2 极端温度的危害低温风险 形成冰晶损坏细胞结构 (damaging effect of ice-cry
4、stal 冰晶 formation within cell); 蛋白质变形 (protein distortion); 新陈代谢失调 (unbalancing of metabolism)2.3.3 生物对温度的耐受极限Upper limit of toleranceMost insects: 4550Reptile: about 45 Bird: 4648Mammal: 42Most fishes: 35Lower limit of tolerance-196 under liquid nitrogen (液氮)2.3.4 致死温度 (lethal temperature)w致死温度的定义与
5、测量方法致死温度:在某一温度下,50%的个体存活,50%的个体死亡,这个温度就是致死温度,也可以成为半致死温度。 测量方法见下图w 耐受冻结(Freezing tolerance ): 耐受细胞外冰晶, 如摇蚊幼虫Chironomus (-25).w超冷(Supercooling): 体液低于冰点而不结冰. w具有抗冻物质(With antifreeze substance): Antarctic fishes (南极冰鱼) can live in Antarctic where water temperature is about -1.8 because they have an anti
6、freeze substance - Trematomus borch-yrevink, a glycoprotein (糖蛋白).2.3.5 耐受低温的方式超冷图解(巴哈比捷夫)3. 动物对温度的响应3.1 温度与酶促反应外温动物的代谢速率随环境变化 内温动物的代谢速率不随环境温度变化范霍夫定律(Vant Hoffs law)定义:在一定范围内,体温每增加10,变温动物的生理过程速率加快约2倍,我们把这种关系称为范霍夫定律或Q10定律。表达式 t1 、t2 分别是时间1和时间2的体温, R1 、R2 分别是时间1和时间2的代谢率. w发育起点温度(Developmental threshol
7、d temperature)or biological zero (生物学零度)菜菜白白蝶蝶的的发发育育与与温温度度的的关关系系3.2 温度与生长发育的关系3.2.1 Developmental threshold temperature or biological zeroDefinition (发育起点温度或生物学零度)Most organisms can grow or develop only on within a certain range of temperature, which will cease growing and developing below a certain
8、 temperature, and will begin to grow and development above that certain temperature. 动物的生长发育是需要一定温度范围的,低于某一温度,动物就停止生长发育,高于这一温度,动物才开始生长发育,这一温度阈值就叫做发育起点温度或生物学零度。The endotherms can be said to require a certain length of time for development.有效积温法则或生理时间(Law of sum of effective temperature or physiologic
9、al time)The combination of time and temperature (physiological time) that the ectotherms required for their development, which is named law of effective temperature.3.2.2 有效积温法则有效积温法则中文定义 外温动物完成其发育史所需要的一定总热量(热常数thermal constant、总积温 sum of heat)。 Expression Where K (热常数) is thermal constant, sum of h
10、eat, or physiological time, N (历期) is the sum of time undergone (the time required to finish a certain developmental stage), T (发育期平均温度) is the mean temperature in the certain developmental stage, C (发育起点温度或生物学零度) is the developmental threshold temperature (biological zero).有效积温法则的表达式4. 温度与物种分布4.1 物
11、种分布与温度4.2 对温度的进化响应 (Evolved response to temperature)4.1 物种分布与温度w主要生物群系(major biomes)的分布可以反应主要的温度带(temperature zones)。 w某种生物的分布界限与致死温度有关(植物分布与霜冻害frost damage)。 w更多的情况是,生物的分布界线与等温线相关。 w实际情况下,生物的分布与其它生态因子有关,如竞争、食物的出现地点与质量。4.2 对温度的进化响应w阿伦定律 (Allens rule) Endothermic animals from cold climates tend to ha
12、ve shorter extremes compared with animals from warmer climates (definition) 在寒冷地区,动物的突出物比温暖地区的要小.With widespread applicability.w贝格曼定律(Bergmanns rule)There is a tendency for birds and mammals to be larger in colder areas (definition) 在温和地区,鸟类和哺乳动物的个体大小比寒冷地区的小.Being a valuable predictor at the intra-s
13、pecific levelw乔丹定律(Jordan rule) Fishes from colder water areas tend to have more numbers of vertebra compared with those from warmer water areas (definition). 冷水鱼类的脊椎数量比温水的要多 .二、 太阳辐射与气候1. 气候1.1 天气(weather)与气候(climate)天气是描述温度、湿度、风、云等的短期情况。 气候反映的是天气参数的长期平均值。1.2 太阳辐射(solar radiation)纬度变化:热带(Tropical r
14、egion), 温带(temperate region), 寒带(frigid region)季节变化(Seasonality) 日变化(Diurnal variation)Variability in the intensity of sunlightTropical, temperate, frigid region季节变化(公转)与日变化(自转)Relative position of the earth and sun1.3 风 (wind)Winds at sea level副极地低压副极地低压 sub-polar low无风带无风带 doldrums副热带高压副热带高压 sub-t
15、ropical high信信风风带带西风带西风带雨(rain)上升和下降气团导致热带雨林和沙漠的形成,影响生物组成与分布的极大不同。Rain 风导致山体降雨形成,显然影响迎风坡和背风坡的植物构成及动物组成与行为。Adiabatic lapse rate绝热温度递减率绝热温度递减率 (6-10/km/km)洋流(Ocean currents),同样影响生物多样性与生产力,如秘鲁传统捕捞区微气候 (Microclimate)w微气候microclimate is the climate in which plants and animals live.动植物生活在其中的气候。一种北极植物的温度变化
16、(一种北极植物的温度变化( 气温气温11.7)2. 太阳辐射(Solar radiation) 与生物(organism)光谱 (Spectrum of solar radiation)Radio waveMircowaveUltraviolet rayCosmetic ray1minfraredVisible LightX ray10-1110-610-94*105 nm760 nm380 nmProportion of the main spectrum of solar radiation9% UV-CR, 41% VL, 50% Infrared2.1 植物与太阳辐射植物与太阳辐射2.
17、1.1 辐射能与光合作用 wVisible light: 380760 nmw光合有效辐射( Photosynthetically active radiatioin, PAR)绿色植物依靠叶绿素固定碳,这些叶绿素只能利用波长为380-710 nm的太阳辐射,我们将380-710 nm的波段称之为光合有效辐射。This band corresponds to the greatest band of energy flux.w光合细菌可利用800 nm and 890 nm 光(Bactochlorophyll) 。Higher energyLower energyLargest heat叶绿
18、素叶绿素Chlorophyll a mainly absorbs violet, blue and red light树叶为什么是绿色?类胡萝卜素类胡萝卜素Carotenoids and other pigments (藻青素、叶黄素)(藻青素、叶黄素) absorb yellow and orange light2.1.2 光合能力w光合能力光合能力 在温度适宜、相对湿度高、大气二氧化碳和氧气浓度正常时,入射辐射达到饱和状态的光合作用效率被称为光合能力。w光合能力比较生态因子要不受限制,植物展现最大光合能力,如农作物。沙漠植物的光合能力较农作物低。 更具普遍性的比较:C3 and C4 pl
19、ant(酶和其他化学物质)(酶和其他化学物质)Three-carbon sugar三碳产物Four-carbon sugar四碳产物C3 and C4 plant光合速率图解The rate of photosynthesis of C4 plant increases with the intensity of PAR, of which C3 plant levels off高粱高粱水青冈水青冈2.1.3 光照强度变化及植物的响应l光照强度的变化w规律性变化 (Systematic variation)太阳辐射的日节律-periods of famine and glut of light
20、 resource every 24 hours (except near poles), daily movement of leaves with the changing light intensity and direction. (光照昼充足,夜缺乏)。太阳辐射的季节节律-seasons of famine and glut every year (except in the tropics). (光照夏充足,冬缺乏)。w非规律性变化 (Nonsystematic variation)叶子对光照的层层拦截形成光照资源耗竭带(Resource depletion zone,RDZ):光
21、的入射方向改变,光合有效辐射的组成发生变化。植物对太阳辐射的战略和战术响应 w战略响应(Strategic response )阳性物种(Sun species) leaves are exposed at an acute angle to the midday sun and arranged as multi-layer canopy: radiation intensity reduced, shaded leaves can make a contribution to plant assimilation rates. (叶倾斜、锐角接受光照、多层排列、遮阴叶片也能为光合作用作出贡
22、献)。阴性物种(Shade species) leaves are arranged at a horinontal angle and single-layer canopies. (叶水平、单层排列)。植物对太阳辐射的战略和战术响应w战术响应(Tactical response ):阳性叶(Sun leaves) 与阴性叶(shade leaves):同一株植物Sun leaves -小、厚、含有较多的细胞、叶绿体和叶脉,单位面积干重高。Shade leaves 大、透明,单位面积干重低。Shade leaves have one-fifth of the photosynthetic a
23、ctivity (光合能力) of sun leaves.Control of photosynthesisw植物叶子的光合作用率取决于两个方面 能量需求量; 水分丧失。w Strategic responses to this dilemmaPlant with a short life have high photosynthetic activity of water availability but remain dormant as seeds during the rest of the year (e.g. desert annuals). (一年生植物在水分多时光合作用强,少时
24、以种子休眠)。Plants with a long life produce leaves during periods when water is available but shed them during drought (e.g. Acacia spp.金合欢属植物). (多年生植物雨季多长叶,旱季落叶)。And so on.2.1.4 光饱和点和光补偿点wSaturation point 光饱和点:当光照强度的增加某一阈值时,植物光合作用效率不再升高,此时的光照强度称之为光饱和点。wCompensation point 光补偿点:在某一光照强度下,植物光合作用与呼吸作用相等,此处的光
25、照强度称之为光补偿点。光补偿点(Compensation point)Light intensityLight intensityPhotosynthesisRespirationRespirationPhotosynthesisThe light intensity for sun species at CP is larger than that for shade species. CP: compensation pointPhotosynthetic efficiencyCPCPSun speciesShade speciesSaturation point(光饱和点光饱和点)2.2
26、 太阳辐射(Solar radiation)与动物(animals)Solar radiation and animals wPhotoperiod and animalsReproduction (繁殖)migration (迁徙, e.g. birds and fishes),molt (换毛换羽, e.g. snow hare 雪兔),diapause (滞育, e.g. insects) wLight intensity and animalDaily activity rhythm (昼夜活动节律)Photokinesis (趋光性)n根据光照长度划分动物- 长日照动物 (e.g.
27、weasel 鼬, most birds, )- 短日照动物 (e.g. deer, sheep 绵羊, goat 山羊) 繁殖与光照First question:在众多生态因子中,动物为什么选择光照作为启动繁殖生理机制的扳机呢?wThe results of the long-term evolutionLight change are stable, regular, and highly predictable. 光变化稳定、有规律、高度可预测Other ecological factors such as air temperature, precipitation, and humi
28、dity, etc might give animal the wrong message, cues of, say, the availability of food. 其它因子如温度、降雨、湿度可能传递错误信息Second question: 长日照春夏季和短日照秋冬季交配,但都在食物丰富的季节产子,为什么?wProximate factor (direct factor, 近因): photolength 光照长度- gonad development 性腺发育wUltimate factor (indirect factor, 远因): food The time of partur
29、ition food are abundant the probability of progeny (后代) survival increased.Explanation of natural phenomenon using ultimate factor is an evolutionary method. 活动节律与光照强度Diurnal animal昼行性动物昼行性动物Nocturnal animal夜行性动物夜行性动物Crepuscular animal晨昏性动物晨昏性动物Flying squirrel become active at nightfall (C1,P23)趋光性(Photokinesis)Control and manage-ment of pests 害虫控害虫控制与管理制与管理Harvest of fishes 捕捞捕捞Trap and kill of noctuid(诱杀夜蛾诱杀夜蛾)Sardine (沙丁鱼沙丁鱼) fishing using boat with lamplight