1、从从“冷聚冷聚变到到“凝聚凝聚态核科学核科学 1989年年两两位位化化学学家家用用“量量热学学的的方方法法证明明在在电解解池池中中的反响的反响热远远超出了化学反响超出了化学反响热,核反响?,核反响?核核物物理理学学者者那那么么由由于于测不不到到相相应的的中中子子和和伽伽玛射射线而而不予不予认同。同。“病病态科学科学?)2019-6-30约瑟瑟夫夫逊1973Nobel奖在在Lindau会会议上上公开反公开反驳美国能源部美国能源部专家家组的武断的武断评述述(“病病态的疑心的疑心?)美美国国能能源源部部于于2019年年12月月1日日发表表了了18位位专家家的的再再评审的的报告。告。(iccf9.gl
2、obal.tsinghua.edu)从从“选择性性共共振振隧隧穿穿模模型型出出发,讨论:如如何何对待待这一一场争争议?“凝聚凝聚态核科学将如何开展?核科学将如何开展?“HeatAfterDeath“滞后滞后发热“过热过热功率功率 144.5W功率密度功率密度 3.7kW/cm3122mm Pd,0.1MLiOD D2O, 500mA 200eV/atom反复性反复性 (France、Italy、 US、 Japan、Israel、China)J.R.HUIZENGA“We learned a very negative report, and concluded that the result
3、s that were being presented to us were contrary to everything we had found out about nuclear physics over the last 50 years.3 Miracles:抑制库伦位垒抑制库伦位垒, 10-64/sec.异常分支比,异常分支比,伽马射线伽马射线3- Dimensional Penetration (Reflection)Compound State Decays toMatching Channel (Longer Lifetime for Higher Barrier)Compo
4、und NucleusDecays to Fastest Channel (Shortest Lifetime) 1- Dimensional PenetrationXSelective Resonant Tunneling ModelEnergy LevelDampingSelect Damping in ResonancePhys. Rev. C, 61 (2000),024610Fusion Science & Technology 41(2019) 63NNDC BNL October 2019X. Z. Li, S. Chen, H.Hora, et al., Laser and P
5、article Beam, 22 No.4 (2019)(Cambridge University Press, UK)Nuclear Reactions Induced by Deuterium FluxX-rayGunPhotoelectronEnergyAnalyzerDEvacuationD2GasPdComplexTestPieceQ-MassGeDetectorXPSEvacuationChamberAChamberBY. Iwamura, et al., Jpn. J.Appl. Phys., 41 (2019) 4642Decrease of Cs and Emergence
6、of PrD2GasDD20D+DdissociativeabsorptionD2GasDD2D+Ddissociativeabsorption(DFlux)CsPrDepth Profile of Cs and Pr010020030040002468101214Sr1stMo1stSr2ndMo2ndSr3rdMo3rdNumberofatoms(/1014/cm2)Time(h)DSrPdCaOPdDecrease of Sr and Emergence of MoSrMoIsotopic Anomaly of Detected Mo寻觅锁住寻觅锁住Lock-in)共振的资料共振的资料
7、Fermi 逃脱逃脱(Escape)共振建成第一个共振建成第一个链式反响堆式反响堆 中子慢化分散中子慢化分散实际临界体界体积 锁住共振的条件?住共振的条件? 外表外表 ? 通量通量 ? 降温降温 ? 掺杂 ? “物理力学:微物理力学:微观机理机理宏宏观性性质 氘核的核的动摇性?性?通量与温度通量与温度 通量与厚度通量与厚度美国能源部重新评价冷聚变美国能源部重新评价冷聚变1.Excess Heat not Convincing2.Nuclear Process not Convincing3.Check Excess Tritium Desirable Noramn RamseyJulian S
8、chwingerBrian Josephson1. Excess Heat not Convincing (1:1)not Conclusive (2:1)2. Nuclear Process not Demonstrated (?:1)3. (i)Alloying,Dislocations (ii)state-of-art apparatus (nearly unanimous)19892019PathologicalDisbelief 病病态态的疑心的疑心 BrianD.JosephsonDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCambridgeLecturegiv
11、t).Italsohappensoccasionallythatanewprocessisdiscovered!评注:一件科学发现与该领域“一切现有知识相矛盾是科学中时有发生的事。当一种新的过程被发现时,有时也会如此。“A shortcoming of most experiments reporting excess heat is that they are not accompanied in the same cell by simultaneous monitoring for the production of fusion products. If the excess heat
12、 is to be attributed to fusion, such a claim should be supported by measurements of fusion products at commensurate levels.声称有“过热的大部分实验中都有一个缺陷:即同一电解池未能同时监测聚变产物的产量。假设“过热归因于聚变,那就必需测到相对应数量的核产物。Comment: it is legitimate to conclude that fusion is involved if alternative mechanisms cannot account for the
13、 amount of heat produced, and not necessarily a shortcoming for fusion products not to be measured (cf. the way strong diamagnetism is used as a diagnostic for superconductivity,since superconductivity is the only known mechanism giving rise to strong diamagetism).评注:测不到聚变产物不一定是一个缺陷,假设找不到别的机理来阐明“过热的
16、要。这些概念的某种组合能够阐明观测到的景象,虽然迄今尚未作出定量的计算(and again, from X.Z. Li, Fusion Science and Technology 41, 6368 (2019):“. resonant tunneling is usually treated as a two-step process with decay independent of tunneling. . this is not true in the case of light nuclear fusion. . the wave function will reflect back
17、 and forth inside the nuclear well.再一次援用李再一次援用李兴兴中的中的论论文。在文。在“聚聚变变科学与技科学与技术术 41卷卷 2019 63页页,他写道:,他写道:“共振隧穿通常看作是分成两步的共振隧穿通常看作是分成两步的过过程,即先隧穿,后衰程,即先隧穿,后衰变变的独立两步的独立两步其真其真实轻实轻核聚核聚变变中中这这是不是不对对的的波函数在核力阱内要来回反射。波函数在核力阱内要来回反射。“In conclusion, the nuclear physics for sub-barrier fusion provides a new approach t
18、oward nuclear fusion energy with no strong nuclear radiation.)总总之,当入射能量之,当入射能量远远低于位低于位垒垒高度高度时时,核聚,核聚变变的核物理正好提供了一条开的核物理正好提供了一条开发发聚聚变变能的新途径:即能的新途径:即获获得聚得聚变变能而又不伴随着很能而又不伴随着很强强的核的核辐辐射的途径。射的途径。Answers to Prof. J. Huizenga Miracles1.Penetration of Coulomb Barrier2.No Strong Neutron 3.No Strong RadiationSelective Resonant Tunneling ModelCompound NucleusDecays to Fastest Channel (Shortest Lifetime) One Dimensional PenetrationX