高中英语 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 精品课件 译林版选修6

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1、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you9/21/2024基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.act 1.act vivi. . n n. .行动行动; ;作用作用 adjadj. .积极的积极的 n n. .积极分子积极分子 n n. .活动活动 n n. .男演员男演员 n n. .女演员女演员2.live 2.live adjadj. . adjadj. .活着的活着的 adjadj. .活泼的活泼的; ;生动的生动的 adjadj. .可爱的可爱的表演表演;行动行动actionactionactiveactiveactivistactivistactiv

2、ityactivityactoractoractressactress现场直播的现场直播的;活的活的living/aliveliving/alivelivelylivelylovelylovely9/21/20243.silent 3.silent adjadj. . advadv. n n. .4.amuse 4.amuse vtvt. . adjadj. .逗乐的逗乐的; ; 觉得好笑的觉得好笑的 adjadj. .逗人笑的逗人笑的 n n. .可笑可笑; ;娱乐娱乐5.entertainment 5.entertainment n n. . v v. adjadj. .使人愉快的使人愉快

3、的 n n. .表演者表演者; ;艺人艺人6.annoy 6.annoy vtvt. . adjadj. .恼怒恼怒 的的, ,气恼的气恼的 adjadj. .使人恼怒的使人恼怒的寂静的寂静的silentlysilentlysilencesilence使愉快使愉快;使高兴使高兴amusedamusedamusingamusingamusementamusement娱乐娱乐entertainentertainentertainingentertainingentertainerentertainer使生气使生气;使恼怒使恼怒annoyedannoyedannoyingannoying9/21/2

4、0247.response 7.response n n. . v v. n n. .责任责任; ;义务义务 adjadj. .负责任的负责任的edy edy n n. . n n.(.(反义词反义词) )回应回应;回答回答respondrespondresponsibilityresponsibilityresponsibleresponsible喜剧喜剧tragedytragedy9/21/2024.重点短语再现重点短语再现1.1.把纸一撕为二把纸一撕为二2.2.似乎是腾出空间似乎是腾出空间3.3.与病痛斗争与病痛斗争4.4.绊倒绊倒5.5.一场现场直播的足球赛一场现场直播的足球赛6.6.

5、对对作出回应作出回应tear the paper in two/intear the paper in two/inhalf/into halveshalf/into halvesas if to make room (for).as if to make room (for).fight painfight paintrip overtrip overa live broadcast of aa live broadcast of afootball matchfootball matchin response toin response to9/21/20247.7.打开麦克风打开麦克风8

6、.8.意味深长地看着某人意味深长地看着某人9.9.招收招收/ /雇用雇用2020名新工人名新工人10.10.活到活到100100岁岁11.11.一卷卫生纸一卷卫生纸12.12.排队排队turn on the microphoneturn on the microphonelook meaningfully at sb.look meaningfully at sb.take on 20 new workerstake on 20 new workerslive to be 100 years oldlive to be 100 years olda roll of toilet papera

7、roll of toilet paperqueue up in linesqueue up in lines9/21/2024.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.1.无论是什么原因无论是什么原因, ,研究最后表明研究最后表明,“,“微笑是良药微笑是良药” 这句英语谚语毕竟是千真万确的。这句英语谚语毕竟是千真万确的。 the reason,research the reason,research that that in the end,the English saying “Laughter is in the end,the English saying “Laughter is the best

8、 medicine” may be true after all. the best medicine” may be true after all.2.2.一旦掌握了这些技术一旦掌握了这些技术, ,他的一些学生会继续下去他的一些学生会继续下去, , 直到自己成为非常著名的人。直到自己成为非常著名的人。 ,some of ,some of his students go on to become quite well his students go on to become quite well known themselves. known themselves.WhateverWhatev

9、ershowsshowsOnce they have mastered the skillsOnce they have mastered the skills9/21/20243.3.你认为上面哪件事是最有趣的你认为上面哪件事是最有趣的? ? Which of the events above Which of the events above will be the funniest? will be the funniest?4.“4.“看来看来, ,他不愧为是从无声电影起步的啊!他不愧为是从无声电影起步的啊!” “ “ appropriate appropriate he got hi

10、s he got his start in silent films!” start in silent films!”5.5.因此因此, ,如果你想学相声如果你想学相声, ,为什么不跟一个真正的老为什么不跟一个真正的老 师傅学呢!师傅学呢! So,if you want to try crosstalk lessons, So,if you want to try crosstalk lessons, study with a real old master study with a real old master!do you thinkdo you thinkIt seemsIt see

11、msthatthatwhy notwhy not9/21/2024.综合语篇填空综合语篇填空1.Only a few stand-up comedians have become 1.Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous famous television and film actors television and film actors later on in life. later on in life.2.Instead of telling the joke he had planned,2.Instead of telli

12、ng the joke he had planned, Crystal Crystal up a new one. up a new one. 3.Crystals popularity 3.Crystals popularity all age groups all age groups and his ability to amuse people all over and his ability to amuse people all over the world prove that stand-up can be the world prove that stand-up can b

13、e enjoyed by everyone. enjoyed by everyone.asasmademadewithwith9/21/20244.Doctors have been researching4.Doctors have been researching effect stand-up and other forms of comedy effect stand-up and other forms of comedy have on us. have on us.5.Laughing helps your body stay healthy and 5.Laughing hel

14、ps your body stay healthy and help you fight pain. help you fight pain.whatwhatcan evencan even9/21/2024导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.award 1.award n n. .奖奖, ,奖品奖品; ;赔偿费赔偿费; ;vtvt. .授予授予, ,奖予奖予; ;判给判给 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)她已赢得了她已赢得了1 1万美元的奖金。万美元的奖金。 She has won She has won $10,000. $10,000. (2) (2)评委把她的画评为一等奖。评委把她的画

15、评为一等奖。 The judges The judges her painting. her painting. =The judges =The judges her painting. her painting. (3) (3)优胜者被授予一枚金牌。优胜者被授予一枚金牌。 A gold medal A gold medal the winner. the winner.the award ofthe award ofawarded her the first prizeawarded her the first prizeforforawarded the first prize toaw

16、arded the first prize toher forher forwas awarded towas awarded to9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳an award ceremonyan award ceremony颁奖仪式颁奖仪式award sth.to sb./award sb.sth.award sth.to sb./award sb.sth.授予某人某物授予某人某物win/get/receive an awardwin/get/receive an award获奖获奖易混辨异易混辨异award,rewardaward,reward(1)(1)作名词时作名词时,awar

17、d,award的意思是的意思是“奖品、奖金奖品、奖金”,”,指因指因为做出杰出成就而受奖为做出杰出成就而受奖;reward;reward则表示则表示“赏金、酬金赏金、酬金或一些非金钱的报酬或一些非金钱的报酬”。(2)(2)作动词时作动词时,award,award的意思是的意思是“授予授予, ,奖予奖予; ;判给判给”,”,后可以接双宾语后可以接双宾语;reward;reward则表示则表示“报答、酬谢报答、酬谢”之意之意, ,其后不能接双宾语。其后不能接双宾语。9/21/2024We will offer a reward of ten thousand We will offer a rew

18、ard of ten thousand dollars for information about the case.dollars for information about the case.如果有人提供有关案件的情报如果有人提供有关案件的情报, ,我们愿意出一万美元我们愿意出一万美元赏金。赏金。Is this how you reward me for my help?Is this how you reward me for my help?你就是这样来报答我给你的帮助吗你就是这样来报答我给你的帮助吗? ?9/21/2024即学活练即学活练用用award,rewardaward,rew

19、ard的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(4)They (4)They her for her help. her for her help.(5)The headmaster (5)The headmaster scholarships to scholarships to the best students. the best students.(6)He was given $800 as a (6)He was given $800 as a for his for his bravery. bravery.(7)He was (7)He was the first prize. the f

20、irst prize.rewardedrewardedawardedawardedrewardrewardawardedawarded9/21/20242.amuse 2.amuse vtvt. .使愉快使愉快, ,使高兴使高兴 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)这个故事逗得孩子们十分开心。这个故事逗得孩子们十分开心。 The story The story greatly. greatly. (2) (2)女孩们玩洋娃娃玩得很高兴。女孩们玩洋娃娃玩得很高兴。 The girls The girls themselves themselves dolls. dolls. (3) (3)全班同学都

21、被王老师那滑稽的表情逗乐了。全班同学都被王老师那滑稽的表情逗乐了。 The whole class were The whole class were by Mr. by Mr. Wangs Wangs expressions. expressions.amused the childrenamused the childrenamusedamusedwithwithamusedamusedamusingamusing9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳amuse sb.amuse sb.使某人开心使某人开心/ /高兴高兴amuse oneself with sth.amuse oneself

22、with sth.以以自娱自娱be amused at/by/with sth.be amused at/by/with sth.以以自娱自娱be amused to do sth.be amused to do sth.以做以做取乐取乐amusing amusing adjadj. .好笑的好笑的, ,有趣的有趣的amused amused adjadj. .感觉有趣的感觉有趣的amusement amusement n n. .C C娱乐品娱乐品; ;娱乐活动娱乐活动; ;消遣消遣; ;U U娱娱乐乐; ;快乐快乐to ones amusementto ones amusement令人愉快

23、的是令人愉快的是9/21/2024即学活练即学活练(4)He was bored at home,so he began to (4)He was bored at home,so he began to himself by playing computer games. himself by playing computer games. A.enjoy A.enjoyB.playB.play C.amuse C.amuseD.treatD.treatC9/21/20243.live 3.live adjadj. .现场直播的现场直播的, ,生动的生动的; ;活着的;活着的;advadv.

24、 .现场直播地现场直播地 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)今天晚上中央电视台将有一场现场直播的足今天晚上中央电视台将有一场现场直播的足 球赛。球赛。 There will be There will be on CCTV this evening. on CCTV this evening. (2) (2)现场转播了登月行动。现场转播了登月行动。 The landing on the moon was telecast The landing on the moon was telecast . .a live football matcha live football matchliveli

25、ve9/21/2024易混辨异易混辨异alive,living,live,livelyalive,living,live,lively(1)alive(1)alive意为意为“活着活着”,”,侧重说明生与死之间的界限侧重说明生与死之间的界限, ,虽有死的可能虽有死的可能, ,但还活着。既可指人但还活着。既可指人, ,也可指物也可指物; ;可用可用来作表语来作表语, ,后置定语或宾补。后置定语或宾补。He is dead,but his dog is still alive.He is dead,but his dog is still alive.他死了他死了, ,但他的狗仍然还活着。但他的狗

26、仍然还活着。He wanted to keep the fish alive.He wanted to keep the fish alive.他想让鱼活着。他想让鱼活着。No man alive is greater than he.No man alive is greater than he.在活着的人中在活着的人中没有人比他更伟大了。没有人比他更伟大了。( (此时此时alivealive含有含有“在所有活在所有活着的着的之中之中”)”)9/21/2024(2)living(2)living意为意为“活着活着”,”,强调说明强调说明“尚在人间尚在人间, ,健在健在”,”,可用来指人或物可

27、用来指人或物, ,作定语或表语。作定语或表语。My first teacher is still living.My first teacher is still living.我的启蒙老师我的启蒙老师仍健在。仍健在。He is regarded as one of the best living He is regarded as one of the best living writers at present.writers at present.他被认为是当代活着的最好的作家之一。他被认为是当代活着的最好的作家之一。(3)live(3)live意为意为“活着的活着的”,”,通常指物通常

28、指物, ,不指人不指人, ,常用来作常用来作前置定语。另外还指前置定语。另外还指“实况转播的实况转播的”。a live wire a live wire 有电的电线有电的电线a live fisha live fish一条活鱼一条活鱼9/21/2024Do you like a live show or a recorded show?Do you like a live show or a recorded show?你是喜欢直播还是录播节目?你是喜欢直播还是录播节目?He said he had seen a live whale.He said he had seen a live wh

29、ale.他说他看见过他说他看见过活鲸鱼。活鲸鱼。(4)lively(4)lively则意为则意为“活泼的;充满生气的活泼的;充满生气的”,”,可作定语、可作定语、表语或宾补表语或宾补, ,既可指人既可指人, ,又可指物。又可指物。Jenny is a lively girl.Jenny is a lively girl.詹妮是个活泼的女孩。詹妮是个活泼的女孩。He had a strange way of making his classes He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.lively and

30、 interesting.他有一种奇特的方法他有一种奇特的方法, ,使他的课生动有趣。使他的课生动有趣。9/21/2024即学活练即学活练用用living,live,alive,livelyliving,live,alive,lively填空填空(3)He is a (3)He is a proof that not all proof that not all engineers are boring. engineers are boring.(4)He has a (4)He has a imagination. imagination.(5)He was told that his p

31、arents were buried (5)He was told that his parents were buried in the big earthquake in 1976. in the big earthquake in 1976.(6)She is a (6)She is a girl and is popular with girl and is popular with everyone. everyone.(7)We are watching the (7)We are watching the coverage( coverage(报道报道) ) of the Wor

32、ld Cup. of the World Cup.livinglivinglivelylivelyalivealivelivelylivelylivelive9/21/20244.entire 4.entire adjadj. .整个的整个的, ,全部的全部的 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)我读完了整本书。我读完了整本书。 I read I read book. book. (2) (2)他全然不知道发生了什么事情。他全然不知道发生了什么事情。 He He of what had of what had happened. happened. 易混辨异易混辨异 whole,all,entir

33、e,total whole,all,entire,total (1)whole (1)whole着重着重“完整的完整的”整体整体, ,指完整无缺的统一指完整无缺的统一体体, , 不可分割不可分割, ,一个不少一个不少, ,没有丝毫减少和遗漏。没有丝毫减少和遗漏。Whole Whole 在日常用语中用的最多在日常用语中用的最多,entire,entire可以修饰抽象名词可以修饰抽象名词, ,the entirethe entirewas in entire ignorancewas in entire ignorance9/21/2024而而whole whole 则不行。则不行。They to

34、ld me the whole story.They told me the whole story.他们告诉了我故事的全部。他们告诉了我故事的全部。(2)all(2)all常可以和常可以和wholewhole互换互换, ,但但wholewhole位于定冠词、物位于定冠词、物主代词之后主代词之后, ,而而allall则放在它们之前。则放在它们之前。All the windows are open.All the windows are open.所有的窗户都敞开着。所有的窗户都敞开着。(3)entire(3)entire含含“齐全无缺齐全无缺”之意之意, ,即其完整的程度达即其完整的程度达到既

35、不可减少也不可增添的地步。到既不可减少也不可增添的地步。The entire class will be there.The entire class will be there.全班都到那儿。全班都到那儿。(4)total(4)total指数量上的全部。指数量上的全部。The club has a total membership of about 300.The club has a total membership of about 300.这家俱乐部的成员总数约为这家俱乐部的成员总数约为300.300.9/21/2024即学活练即学活练用用total,all,whole,entiret

36、otal,all,whole,entire填空填空(3)Whats the (3)Whats the population of China? population of China?(4)(4) that afternoon I jumped and sang and that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things. did all kinds of things.(5)I have had a cold for a (5)I have had a cold for a month. month.(6)We are i

37、n (6)We are in agreement with you. agreement with you.totaltotalAllAllwholewholeentireentire9/21/20245.response 5.response n n. .回答回答, ,答复答复 挑战自我挑战自我 (1)(1)我们多次打电话向他们求救我们多次打电话向他们求救, ,但他们没有回应。但他们没有回应。 We phoned them many times to ask for We phoned them many times to ask for help,but they help,but the

38、y . . (2) (2)老师改变了教学方法以示对学生要求的回应。老师改变了教学方法以示对学生要求的回应。 The teachers changed their teaching The teachers changed their teaching methods methods the students the students request. request. (3) (3)疾病很快对正确的治疗有了反应。疾病很快对正确的治疗有了反应。 The illness quickly The illness quickly proper proper treatment. treatment.m

39、ade no responsemade no responsein response toin response toresponded toresponded to9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳make/give no response tomake/give no response to对对不予回答不予回答in response toin response to回应回应respond to sb./sth.(=reply to)respond to sb./sth.(=reply to)回答回答respond with a smilerespond with a smile以微笑作为回

40、答以微笑作为回答即学活练即学活练(4)He made no response (4)He made no response my invitation. my invitation. A.of A.ofB.aboutB.about C.for C.forD.toD.toD9/21/20246.tear 6.tear vivi.& .& vtvt. .撕撕; ;扯扯; ;n n. .眼泪眼泪 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)他把信撕成碎片。他把信撕成碎片。 He He the letter the letter . . (2) (2)这种料子很容易撕破。这种料子很容易撕破。 This mater

41、ial This material easily. easily. (3) (3)他们正在拆毁旧房子来建新办公楼。他们正在拆毁旧房子来建新办公楼。 They are They are the old houses to the old houses to build a new office building. build a new office building.toretoreinto piecesinto piecestearstearstearing downtearing down9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳tear downtear down拆掉拆掉tear oneself

42、 away fromtear oneself away from恋恋不舍地离开恋恋不舍地离开tear uptear up撕毁撕毁tear offtear off急速脱掉急速脱掉tear.to/into piecestear.to/into pieces把把撕碎撕碎tear.opentear.open把把撕开撕开burst into tearsburst into tears突然哭起来突然哭起来9/21/2024温馨提示温馨提示tear sth.tear sth.表结果表结果,“,“撕碎、撕破撕碎、撕破”。tear at sth.tear at sth.表动作表动作,“,“撕、扒、扯撕、扒、扯”

43、,”,但未必撕破。但未必撕破。即学活练即学活练(4)I tore (4)I tore the bag with great effort but the bag with great effort but I couldnt tear I couldnt tear . . A./;up it A./;up itB.at;up itB.at;up it C./;it up C./;it upD.at;it upD.at;it upD9/21/2024重点短语与句型重点短语与句型7.take on 7.take on 接受接受, ,承担承担; ;雇用雇用; ;呈现呈现( (新的面貌新的面貌) )

44、挑战自我挑战自我 将下面句子的译成汉语将下面句子的译成汉语, ,注意注意take ontake on的含义的含义 (1)The factory is taking on more workers. (1)The factory is taking on more workers. (2)He was always ready to take on the (2)He was always ready to take on the hardest job. hardest job. (3)The land around the lake took on a (3)The land around

45、the lake took on a different look. different look. (4)This old term has taken on a new meaning. (4)This old term has taken on a new meaning.那个工厂将招收更多的工人。那个工厂将招收更多的工人。他总是愿意干最困难的工作。他总是愿意干最困难的工作。湖四周的土地面貌发生了变化。湖四周的土地面貌发生了变化。这个旧词有了新的意义。这个旧词有了新的意义。9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳take a chancetake a chance碰运气碰运气take a fa

46、ncy totake a fancy to喜欢喜欢take a seattake a seat坐下坐下take a turn for the better (worse)take a turn for the better (worse)好转好转( (恶化恶化) )take a votetake a vote表决表决take account oftake account of考虑;重视考虑;重视take advantage oftake advantage of利用利用take aimtake aim瞄准瞄准take aparttake apart拆开拆开take astake as当作当作t

47、ake awaytake away拿走拿走take backtake back收回;退货收回;退货9/21/2024take.by surprisetake.by surprise出其不意出其不意take caretake care当心当心, ,注意注意take care oftake care of照顾;负责照顾;负责take charge oftake charge of负责负责, ,掌管掌管take delight intake delight in特别喜欢特别喜欢take downtake down记下记下take effecttake effect见效见效take.for examp

48、letake.for example以以为例为例take hold oftake hold of抓住抓住take intake in吸收吸收; ;领会领会; ;订阅订阅; ;欺骗欺骗take interest intake interest in对对感兴趣感兴趣take it easytake it easy放松放松take notice oftake notice of注意注意take notestake notes记录记录9/21/2024take offtake off脱掉脱掉; ;起飞起飞; ;打折扣打折扣take a day offtake a day off休假一天休假一天take

49、 officetake office就职就职take ones leavetake ones leave告辞告辞take ones timetake ones time从容行事从容行事take overtake over接管接管take part intake part in参加参加take placetake place发生;举行发生;举行take pride intake pride in以以为自豪为自豪take the leadtake the lead带头带头take the place oftake the place of代替代替take troubletake trouble费事

50、费事take turnstake turns轮流轮流take uptake up开始开始( (学习、活动等学习、活动等););讨论讨论; ;从事从事; ;占用占用9/21/2024即学活练即学活练(5)After he retired from office,Rogers(5)After he retired from office,Rogers painting for a while,but soon lost painting for a while,but soon lost interest. interest. A.took up A.took upB.saved upB.save

51、d up C.kept up C.kept upD.drew upD.drew upA9/21/20248.hold out 8.hold out 递出递出( (东西东西) );伸出;伸出( (手等手等););坚持坚持, ,维持维持 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)他伸出双手来迎接客人。他伸出双手来迎接客人。 He He to welcome to welcome the guests. the guests. (2) (2)我担心水供应只能维持一个月了。我担心水供应只能维持一个月了。 Im afraid the water supply Im afraid the water supply

52、longer than a month. longer than a month.held out both his handsheld out both his handscant holdcant holdoutout9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳hold backhold back退缩;阻挡退缩;阻挡hold onhold on等一等等一等( (别挂电话别挂电话););继续继续hold uphold up举起举起; ;使延误使延误hold on tohold on to抓住抓住hold downhold down抑制抑制, ,压制压制即学活练即学活练(3)Lets (3)Lets t

53、he matter until the next the matter until the next meeting,because its too late to begin a meeting,because its too late to begin a discussion on it now. discussion on it now. A.hold over A.hold overB.hold outB.hold out C.hold down C.hold downD.hold backD.hold backB9/21/20249.go on 9.go on 发生发生, ,进行进

54、行; ;进展进展; ;继续下去继续下去;(;(时间时间) )过去过去, , 经过经过 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)外面是怎么回事外面是怎么回事? ? What is What is out there? out there? (2) (2)隔壁一定是在举行晚会。隔壁一定是在举行晚会。 There must be a party There must be a party next door. next door. (3) (3)他接着又谈了谈世界形势。他接着又谈了谈世界形势。 He He the world the world situation. situation.going ongo

55、ing ongoing ongoing onwent on to talk aboutwent on to talk about9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳go aboutgo about进行进行; ;随便走走随便走走go aftergo after设法得到设法得到, ,追求追求go againstgo against违反违反go aheadgo ahead进行进行; ;干吧;说吧干吧;说吧; ;走在前面走在前面go all outgo all out全力以赴全力以赴go alonggo along向前进展向前进展go back togo back to回到回到; ;追溯到追溯到go b

56、eyondgo beyond超过超过go bygo by以以为根据为根据, ,按照按照go downgo down下落;减弱下落;减弱9/21/2024go forwardgo forward进行进行go in forgo in for从事从事go intogo into研究研究, ,讨论讨论; ;进入进入go outgo out熄灭熄灭; ;过时过时; ;罢工罢工go overgo over审阅;检查审阅;检查; ;复习复习go throughgo through审阅;检查;学习审阅;检查;学习; ;经历经历; ;做完某事做完某事go to trouble (bother)go to tro

57、uble (bother)费事费事go upgo up增长增长, ,提高提高; ;修建起来修建起来; ;响起响起go well withgo well with相配相配, ,协调协调9/21/2024即学活练即学活练(4)She became more and more talkative as the (4)She became more and more talkative as the evening evening . . A.went up A.went upB.went onB.went on C.moved on C.moved onD.carried onD.carried o

58、nB9/21/202410.such 10.such 的用法的用法 One such person is Billy Crystal. One such person is Billy Crystal.其中之一便其中之一便 是比利是比利克里斯托。克里斯托。 ( (回归课本回归课本P P2 2) ) 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)世界上没有免费午餐这样的好事。世界上没有免费午餐这样的好事。 There is There is as a free lunch as a free lunch in the world. in the world. (2) (2)那个结系死了,没法解开。那个结系死了

59、,没法解开。 The knot was fastened The knot was fastened that it was impossible to undo. that it was impossible to undo. (3) (3)像他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎毫无价值。像他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎毫无价值。 advice advice he was given has he was given has proved almost worthless. proved almost worthless.no such thingno such thingin such a wa

60、yin such a waySuchSuchasas9/21/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳suchsuch表示表示“这样的这样的”作形容词作形容词, ,用于修饰名词用于修饰名词, ,常用常用以下几种结构以下几种结构: :(1)one,all,no,few,several,some,any(1)one,all,no,few,several,some,any等等+such+such+名词名词One such dictionary is enough.One such dictionary is enough.这样的一本字典就够了。这样的一本字典就够了。(2)such a+(2)such a+形容词形容

61、词+ +单数可数名词单数可数名词have never seen such a lazy boy as you.have never seen such a lazy boy as you.我从未见过像你这样懒的男孩。我从未见过像你这样懒的男孩。9/21/2024(3)such+(3)such+形容词形容词+ +可数名词复数可数名词复数We dont want to play with such bad boys.We dont want to play with such bad boys.我们不想和如此坏的男孩们一起玩。我们不想和如此坏的男孩们一起玩。(4)such+(4)such+形容词形

62、容词+ +不可数名词不可数名词Such bad news is not what we want to hear.Such bad news is not what we want to hear.这样的坏消息不是我们想听到的。这样的坏消息不是我们想听到的。9/21/2024即学活练即学活练(4)In general,a class has (4)In general,a class has good students. good students. A.no such A.no suchB.any suchB.any such C.such as C.such asD.several suc

63、hD.several such(5)A good teacher should be kind,strict and (5)A good teacher should be kind,strict and knowledgeable. knowledgeable. will be popular with will be popular with his students. his students. A.Such one teacher A.Such one teacher B.One such a teacher B.One such a teacher C.One such teache

64、r C.One such teacher D.Such a one teacher D.Such a one teacherDC9/21/2024品味构词品味构词1.1.利用词形变化利用词形变化, ,品句填词品句填词Human beings and animals have the instinct to Human beings and animals have the instinct to from dangers.Its reasonable that many from dangers.Its reasonable that many Iraq Iraq their homeland

65、 when the Iraq War their homeland when the Iraq War broke out.(flee)broke out.(flee)fleefleefledfled9/21/2024串联扩展串联扩展过去式和过去分词相同的动词过去式和过去分词相同的动词动词原形动词原形 过去式过去式 过去分词过去分词 fleeflee逃跑逃跑 fled fled fledfledfledbleedfledbleed流流血血 bled bled leadlead指路指路, ,引引导导 led led misleadmislead误导误导 speedspeed加速加速 sped s

66、ped feedfeed喂养喂养 fed fed bledbledmisledmisledspedspedledledmisledmisledfedfed9/21/20242.2.利用合成法利用合成法, ,品句选词品句选词 is the origin of life.Have you seen it is the origin of life.Have you seen it from the cliff?In fact this is from the cliff?In fact this is . .A.FallA.FallB.WaterB.WaterC.waterfallC.waterf

67、all串联扩展串联扩展BAC 词词 词词 合成词合成词 water water 水水 fallfall落下落下, ,跌落跌落 waterfallwaterfall瀑布瀑布 colorcolor颜色颜色 watercolorwatercolorcoursecourse道路道路; ;过程过程 河道河道, ,水道水道 worksworks工厂工厂 自来水厂自来水厂 水彩水彩watercoursewatercoursewaterworkswaterworks9/21/2024 water water 水水tabletable桌子桌子 water tablewater tablesupplysupply

68、供应供应 供水系统供水系统; ;供供水水 sideside边侧边侧 watersidewatersideshedshed平房平房; ;栅栅 watershedwatershedmarkmark标记标记, ,痕痕迹迹 水印水印 millmill磨磨 watermillwatermillmelonmelon瓜瓜 watermelonwatermelon西瓜西瓜 levellevel水平水平 water levelwater level地下水位地下水位water supplywater supply河边河边,海滨海滨分水岭分水岭,转折点转折点watermarkwatermark水磨水磨水平水平,水准

69、水准9/21/2024考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】Lets go to Lets go to cinemathatll cinemathatll take your mind off the problem for take your mind off the problem for while. while. ( (海南高考海南高考) ) A.the;the A.the;theB.the;aB.the;a C.a;the C.a;theD.a;aD.a;a 解析解析 句意为:让我们去电影院吧,这会使你暂句意为:让我们去电影院吧,这会使你暂 时不去想那个问题。时不去想那个问题。go to t

70、he cinemago to the cinema和和for a for a while while均为固定词组,故选均为固定词组,故选B B。 课文原文课文原文 Both sit for Both sit for while,.(P while,.(P1414) )a aB9/21/2024【例例2 2】Over the past decades,sea iceOver the past decades,sea ice in the Arctic as a result of global warming. in the Arctic as a result of global warmin

71、g. ( (浙江高考浙江高考) ) A.had decreased B.decreased A.had decreased B.decreased C.has been decreasing C.has been decreasing D.is decreasing D.is decreasing 解析解析 由句中的时间状语由句中的时间状语over the past over the past decades“ decades“在过去的几十年里在过去的几十年里”可知应用现在完成可知应用现在完成 时或现在完成进行时态。时或现在完成进行时态。 课文原文课文原文 tennis every day f

72、or a tennis every day for a month.(P month.(P2 2) )Ive been playingIve been playingC9/21/2024【例例3 3】When we visited my old family home,When we visited my old family home, memory came memory came back. back. ( (辽宁高考辽宁高考) ) A.flooding A.floodingB.to floodB.to flood C.flood C.floodD.floodedD.flooded 解析

73、解析 句意为:当我们回到老家时,往事涌上心句意为:当我们回到老家时,往事涌上心 头。头。floodflood与与memorymemory之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系, 所以用现在分词作伴随状语。所以用现在分词作伴随状语。 课文原文课文原文 They could only see him standing there They could only see him standing there . .moving his lipsmoving his lipsA9/21/2024【例例4 4】She is very dear to us.We have been She i

74、s very dear to us.We have been prepared to do prepared to do it takes to save her it takes to save her life. life. ( (湖南高考湖南高考) ) A.whichever A.whicheverB.howeverB.however C.whatever C.whatever D.whoever D.whoever 解析解析 句意为:她对于我们非常珍贵,我们要不句意为:她对于我们非常珍贵,我们要不 惜一切代价挽救她的生命。动词惜一切代价挽救她的生命。动词dodo为及物动词,为及物动词,

75、 其后跟宾语从句,所以空格处既要引导宾语从其后跟宾语从句,所以空格处既要引导宾语从 句,又要在句中作句,又要在句中作taketake的宾语,表示的宾语,表示“无论什么无论什么” 用用whateverwhatever。 课文原文课文原文 the reason,research shows that in the reason,research shows that in the end,the English saying “Laughter is the the end,the English saying “Laughter is the best medicine” may be true

76、 after all.(P best medicine” may be true after all.(P3 3) )WhateverWhateverC9/21/2024【例例5 5】She had just finished her homework She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practise her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday. ( playing the piano yesterday. (福建高考福建高考) )

77、 A.when A.whenB.whileB.while C.after C.afterD.sinceD.since 解析解析 由句意可知此处由句意可知此处whenwhen用作并列连词,意为用作并列连词,意为 “ “这时这时”。 课文原文课文原文 Each time,he performs his stand Each time,he performs his standup routine up routine in front of millions of people in front of millions of people the the show is broadcast liv

78、e on TV.(P show is broadcast live on TV.(P2 2) )whenwhenA9/21/2024写作技能写作技能翻译重组的基本方法翻译重组的基本方法 1. 1.合并法合并法 合合并并法法是是把把若若干干个个短短句句合合并并成成一一个个长长句句。汉汉语语强强调调意意合合,结结构构较较松松散散,因因此此简简单单句句较较多多;英英语语强强调调形形合合,结结构构较较严严密密,因因此此长长句句较较多多。所所以以汉汉译译英英时时要要根根据据需需要要注注意意利利用用连连词词、分分词词、介介词词、不不定定式式、定定语语从从句句、独独立立结结构构等等把把汉汉语语短短句句连连成

79、成长长句。如句。如: : 没有农业,人类便不能生存,社会生产也就不没有农业,人类便不能生存,社会生产也就不能继续下去。能继续下去。 B Bu ut t f fo or r/ /W Wi it th ho ou ut t a ag gr ri ic cu ul lt tu ur re e, ,h hu um ma an n c co ou ul ld dn no ot t e ex xi is st t, ,n no or r c co ou ul ld d s so oc ci ia al l p pr ro od du uc ct ti io on ncontinue.continue.9/

80、21/2024 2. 2.正译法和反译法正译法和反译法 所谓正译,是指把句子按照与汉语相同的语序所谓正译,是指把句子按照与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英语的译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯,因此比较地道。思维方式和表达习惯,因此比较地道。 如如: :政府应致力于降低房价政府应致力于降低房价, ,让百姓买得起房让百姓买得起房。 正正译译: :T Th he e g go

81、 ov ve er rn nm me en nt t s sh ho ou ul ld d m ma ak ke e e ef ff fo or rt ts st to o b br ri in ng g d do ow wn n t th he e p pr ri ic ce es s o of f h ho ou us se es s s so o t th ha at tpeople can afford them.people can afford them. 反反译译: :T Th he e g go ov ve er rn nm me en nt t s sh ho ou ul l

82、d d m ma ak ke e e ef ff fo or rt ts st to o b br ri in ng g d do ow wn n t th he e p pr ri ic ce es s o of f h ho ou us se es s s so o t th ha at thouses are available(to people).houses are available(to people).9/21/2024 3. 3.倒置法倒置法 在在汉汉语语中中,定定语语修修饰饰语语和和状状语语修修饰饰语语往往往往位位于于被被修修饰饰语语之之前前;在在英英语语中中,许许多多修

83、修饰饰语语常常常常位位于于被被修修饰饰语语之之后后,因因此此翻翻译译时时往往往往要要把把原原文文的的语语序序颠倒过来。颠倒过来。 如如: :改革开放以来,中国发生了巨大的变化。改革开放以来,中国发生了巨大的变化。 G Gr re ea at t c ch ha an ng ge es s h ha av ve e t ta ak ke en n p pl la ac ce e i in n C Ch hi in na as si in nc ce e t th he e i in nt tr ro od du uc ct ti io on n o of f t th he e r re ef

84、fo or rm m a an nd dopening policy.opening policy.9/21/2024 4. 4.插入法插入法 把把难难以以处处理理的的句句子子用用破破折折号号、括括号号或或前前后后逗逗号号插插入入译译句句中中,即即用用同同位位语语、插插入入语语或或定定语语从从句句来来处理一些解释性成分。处理一些解释性成分。 如如: :在在某某种种程程度度上上, ,成成功功源源自自自自信信, ,而而成成功功也也会会增强自信。增强自信。 To some extent,success results from To some extent,success results from

85、self-confidence while it also helps enhance self-confidence while it also helps enhance self-confidence.self-confidence.9/21/2024即时练习即时练习请用以上翻译重组的技巧翻译下列请用以上翻译重组的技巧翻译下列句子句子1.1.他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。( (正正/ /反译反译) )2.2.我们需要大量有丰富经验的志愿者。我们需要大量有丰富经验的志愿者。3.3.我们觉得帮助他人是我们的职责。我们觉得帮助他人是我们的职责。HeHe stillstill

86、couldcould notnot understandunderstand me.(me.(正译正译) )StillStill hehe failedfailed toto understandunderstand me.(me.(反译反译) )WeWe needneed a a numbernumber ofof volunteersvolunteers whowho havehave rich experience.rich experience.We feel it our duty to help others.We feel it our duty to help others.9

87、/21/20244.4.不保护环境不保护环境, ,我们就将没有干净的饮用水。我们就将没有干净的饮用水。5 5. .我我们们可可以以通通过过经经常常锻锻炼炼和和保保持持健健康康的的饮饮食食来来强强 身健体。身健体。6 6. .我我想想知知道道讲讲座座是是否否有有录录音音。如如果果有有, ,我我可可以以借借 吗?吗?( (插入法插入法) )I If f w we e d do o n no ot t p pr ro ot te ec ct t t th he e e en nv vi ir ro on nm me en nt t, ,w we ewill have no clean drinkin

88、g water.will have no clean drinking water.WeWe cancan buildbuild upup ourour body by taking regularbody by taking regularexercise and keeping a healthy diet.exercise and keeping a healthy diet.I I w wo on nd de er r i if f t th he e l le ec ct tu ur re e w wa as s r re ec co or rd de ed d. .I If fso

89、,can I borrow a tape?so,can I borrow a tape?9/21/20247 7. .我我的的家家乡乡位位于于北北江江河河畔畔, ,是是个个风风景景秀秀丽丽适适合合居居住住 的城市。的城市。8.8.如果您能考虑我的建议如果您能考虑我的建议, ,我将感激不尽。我将感激不尽。M My y h ho om me et to ow wn n, ,a a b be ea au ut ti if fu ul l c ci it ty y l lo oc ca at te ed d o on nt th he e B Be ei ij ji in ng g R Ri iv v

90、e er r, ,i is s a a p pl la ac ce e s su ui it ta ab bl le e f fo or rliving.living.I Illll appreciateappreciate itit veryvery muchmuch ifif youyou couldcouldconsider my advice.consider my advice.9/21/2024自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.The book is about a series of interviews 1.The book is about a series of int

91、erviews with with ( (杰出的杰出的) artists and ) artists and writers. writers.2.Media Research Center experts studied all 2.Media Research Center experts studied all 2004 prime time 2004 prime time ( (娱乐娱乐) ) programs on the networks. programs on the networks.3.Several 3.Several ( (热心的热心的) young ) young t

92、eachers have just started working at the teachers have just started working at the school. school. outstandingoutstandingentertainmententertainmententhusiasticenthusiastic9/21/20244.In the wedding ceremony,the young man 4.In the wedding ceremony,the young man raised his eyebrows and looked raised hi

93、s eyebrows and looked ( (意味深长地意味深长地) at his wife.) at his wife.5.About 40 million 5.About 40 million ( (外国人外国人) ) visited the Great Wall last year. visited the Great Wall last year.6.In an 6.In an ,dial 911 for the ,dial 911 for the police,the fire department or an ambulance. police,the fire departm

94、ent or an ambulance.7.Im sorry,my mind was 7.Im sorry,my mind was .What did .What did you say? you say?8.The 8.The between the two leaders was between the two leaders was very constructive,co-operative and helpful. very constructive,co-operative and helpful.9.The shops on that street are always9.The

95、 shops on that street are always with shoppers on Sundays. with shoppers on Sundays.meaningfullymeaningfullyforeignersforeignersemergencyemergencywanderingwanderingdialoguedialoguecrowdedcrowded9/21/2024.短语识境短语识境1.Nowadays few teenagers would like to1.Nowadays few teenagers would like to their paren

96、ts because they their parents because they intend to open a new leaf in their lives. intend to open a new leaf in their lives.2.On seeing everyone in the classroom 2.On seeing everyone in the classroom laughing wildly,Chen Yang realized that he laughing wildly,Chen Yang realized that he himself hims

97、elf . . 3.After the performance,the disabled girl 3.After the performance,the disabled girl smiled and bowed politely smiled and bowed politely the thunderous applause from the audience. the thunderous applause from the audience.make fun of;in response to;queue up;losemake fun of;in response to;queu

98、e up;loseweight;later on;follow in the footsteps weight;later on;follow in the footsteps of;soon after;as if/though;go on;glare atof;soon after;as if/though;go on;glare atfollowfollowthe footsteps ofthe footsteps ofwas being made fun ofwas being made fun ofin response toin response to9/21/20244.I 4.

99、I for four hours to buy tickets for four hours to buy tickets for this Sundays concert. for this Sundays concert.5.I will be out of the office 5.I will be out of the office ,so if ,so if you need to contact me,please call me on my you need to contact me,please call me on my mobile phone. mobile phon

100、e.6.She looks a lot thinner.Has she 6.She looks a lot thinner.Has she ? ?7.He stopped working,7.He stopped working, to say something. to say something.8.She sold the house 8.She sold the house her husband her husband died. died.9.How much longer will this hot weather9.How much longer will this hot w

101、eather for? for? 10.He didnt shout;he just 10.He didnt shout;he just me me silently. silently. queued upqueued uplater onlater onlost weightlost weightas ifas ifsoon aftersoon aftergo ongo onglared atglared at9/21/2024.单项填空单项填空1.Its true that the old road is less direct 1.Its true that the old road

102、is less direct and a little bit longer. and a little bit longer. ,they dont ,they dont like to take the new one. like to take the new one. A.Though A.ThoughB.SomehowB.Somehow C.Therefore C.ThereforeD.SoD.So 解析解析 somehowsomehow意为意为“不知怎地,不知何故不知怎地,不知何故”,其,其 他选项不合句意。他选项不合句意。B9/21/20242.The man we follow

103、ed suddenly stopped and 2.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if looked as if whether he was going in whether he was going in the right direction. the right direction. A.seeing A.seeingB.having seenB.having seen C.to have seen C.to have seenD.to seeD.to see 解析解析 本句为省略句,相当于本句为省略句,相当于“a

104、s if he was to “as if he was to see” see”,表示目的。,表示目的。D9/21/20243.It is known 3.It is known us that microbes are us that microbes are invisible invisible the naked eyes. the naked eyes. A.by;in A.by;inB.to;toB.to;to C.to;with C.to;withD.with;byD.with;by 解析解析 考查考查be known tobe known to和和be invisible t

105、obe invisible to两个两个 固定短语。句意:众所周知,微生物是肉眼看不固定短语。句意:众所周知,微生物是肉眼看不 到的。到的。B9/21/20244.He 4.He his hand and his hand and to give his to give his answers when asked to. answers when asked to. A.rose;raised A.rose;raised B.raised;raised B.raised;raised C.raised;rose C.raised;rose D.rose;rose D.rose;rose 解析

106、解析 raise ones handraise ones hand举手;举手;riserise在本句中表在本句中表 示示“起身,站起来起身,站起来”。C9/21/20245.He is a strict but kind teacher,5.He is a strict but kind teacher, is is always trying to make his classes always trying to make his classes and and interesting. interesting. A.one;living B.one who;lively A.one;li

107、ving B.one who;lively C.he;lovely D.he who;live C.he;lovely D.he who;live 解析解析 本题中本题中,one,one后面接定语从句,表泛指。句后面接定语从句,表泛指。句 意:他是位严格而和善的老师,一个总是努力使意:他是位严格而和善的老师,一个总是努力使 他的课生动有趣的老师。他的课生动有趣的老师。B9/21/20246.Are you still busy?6.Are you still busy? Yes,I Yes,I my work,and it wont take my work,and it wont take

108、long. long. A.just finish A.just finish B.am just finishing B.am just finishing C.have just finished C.have just finished D.am just going to finish D.am just going to finish 解析解析 由下文可知,本句为进行时态表将来。由下文可知,本句为进行时态表将来。B9/21/20247.The report said a car went out of7.The report said a car went out of contro

109、l on a road control on a road south of the city south of the city and rushed into a river. and rushed into a river. A.the;the A.the;theB./;theB./;the C.the;/ C.the;/D./;/D./;/ 解析解析 out of controlout of control失去控制;失去控制;south of the south of the city city作状语,为固定表达,相当于作状语,为固定表达,相当于in the south in the

110、south of the city of the city。D9/21/20248.Mrs.Jones?This is Mr.Black,assistant 8.Mrs.Jones?This is Mr.Black,assistant headmaster at the high school. headmaster at the high school. Oh,hello,Mr.Black.I Oh,hello,Mr.Black.I your call. your call. A.am expecting A.am expecting B.have expected B.have expec

111、ted C.was expecting C.was expecting D.had expected D.had expected 解析解析 答语表示答语表示“我刚才在等你的电话我刚才在等你的电话”。C9/21/20249.9. is now a school is now a school a church. a church. Yes.Great changes have taken place in our Yes.Great changes have taken place in our hometown. hometown. A.Where;was A.Where;was B.Whe

112、re;has been B.Where;has been C.What;would be C.What;would be D.What;used to be D.What;used to be 解析解析 whatwhat从句为主语从句,从句为主语从句,whatwhat在从句中作主在从句中作主 语。句意:学校现在所在的地方过去曾经是一所语。句意:学校现在所在的地方过去曾经是一所 教堂。教堂。D9/21/202410.You can use a large plastic bottle,10.You can use a large plastic bottle, cut off,as a pot

113、to grow flowers in. cut off,as a pot to grow flowers in. A.the top is A.the top is B.with its top B.with its top C.whose top C.whose top D.the top of which D.the top of which 解析解析 本题为本题为“with+“with+宾语宾语+ +宾补宾补”结构。结构。cut offcut off 是过去分词短语作宾语补足语。是过去分词短语作宾语补足语。B9/21/202411.Helen always helps her mothe

114、r do housework,11.Helen always helps her mother do housework, even though going to school even though going to school most of most of her day. her day. A.takes up A.takes upB.makes upB.makes up C.saves up D.puts up C.saves up D.puts up 解析解析 take uptake up占用时间;占用时间;make upmake up编造;编造;save upsave up

115、节省;节省;put upput up建起;张贴。只有建起;张贴。只有A A符合题意。符合题意。A9/21/202412.Martin Luther King,the great black leader 12.Martin Luther King,the great black leader in the movement against racial in the movement against racial discrimination,was discrimination,was the Nobel Prize for the Nobel Prize for Peace for his

116、 outstanding contributions to Peace for his outstanding contributions to world peace. world peace. A.rewarded A.rewardedB.awardedB.awarded C.confessed C.confessedD.grantedD.granted 解析解析 awardaward颁奖。颁奖。B9/21/202413.There was music,games and dancing for the 13.There was music,games and dancing for th

117、e of the guests. of the guests. A.accommodation A.accommodation B.entertainment B.entertainment C.enthusiasm C.enthusiasm D.exploration D.exploration 解析解析 entertainmententertainment娱乐。娱乐。B9/21/202414.You dont seem very 14.You dont seem very about the party about the party dont you want to go tonight

118、? dont you want to go tonight? A.worried A.worriedB.cautiousB.cautious C.enthusiastic C.enthusiasticD.responsibleD.responsible 解析解析 be enthusiastic aboutbe enthusiastic about对对有热情。有热情。C9/21/202415.He sat under the tree,with his eyes 15.He sat under the tree,with his eyes upward and his fingers upwar

119、d and his fingers . . A.looked;crossed A.looked;crossed B.looked;crossing B.looked;crossing C.looking;crossing C.looking;crossing D.looking;crossed D.looking;crossed 解析解析 在本题中的在本题中的“with“with复合结构复合结构”中,中,his his eyes eyes和和looklook之间是主动关系,之间是主动关系,his fingershis fingers和和 cross cross之间为被动关系,故选之间为被动关系

120、,故选D D。D9/21/2024.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.布朗先生因其优异的蔬菜展览而获得金质奖章。布朗先生因其优异的蔬菜展览而获得金质奖章。 (award) (award)2.2.如果你同意承揽这项工程如果你同意承揽这项工程, ,这将意味着大量的超额这将意味着大量的超额 工作。工作。(take on)(take on)3.3.我不是在嘲笑你我不是在嘲笑你, ,我只是钦佩你的所作所为。我只是钦佩你的所作所为。 (admire) (admire)The gold medal was awarded to Mr.BrownThe gold medal was awarded to Mr.Brow

121、nfor his fine show of vegetables.for his fine show of vegetables.If you agree to take on this project,If you agree to take on this project,itll mean a lot of extra work.itll mean a lot of extra work.Im not making fun of you.I just admire Im not making fun of you.I just admire what you did.what you d

122、id.9/21/20244.4.他对他的妻子感到生气他对他的妻子感到生气, ,因为晚饭做得不好。因为晚饭做得不好。 (annoy) (annoy)5.5.我们经理停下笔我们经理停下笔, ,似乎想要说什么。似乎想要说什么。(as if)(as if)He was annoyed with his wife because theHe was annoyed with his wife because thedinner was badly cooked.dinner was badly cooked.Our manager stopped writing as if to sayOur manager stopped writing as if to saysomething.something.返回9/21/2024



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