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1、How to describe a person人物写作人物写作1. 概况:概况:age, sex, birth, family background2. 外貌性格:外貌性格:appearance, character/ personality3. 教育:教育:education4. 理想:理想:ambitions5. 评价:评价: evaluation (what other people think of her)What aspects should be included?常用词汇:常用词汇:1. 外貌(appearance/look)good-looking相貌英俊的funning-

2、looking外表可笑的ugly-looking丑陋的 ordinary-looking 外貌平平的white-haired白头发的near/far-sighted 近/远视的charming有魅力的fashionable时尚的slim 苗条的fat胖的lovely 可爱的2. 性格气质(character)kind-hearted好心的,warm-hearted 热心的,absent-minded 心不在焉的,bad-tempered 坏脾气的,a strong will很强的意志力,naughty 淘气的,smart/bright 聪明的, wise睿智的,hard-working/dil

3、igent 勤奋的,humorous 幽默的,attractive 有魅力的,talkative能说会道的,confident 有信心的,independent 独立的,sociable 爱社交的、外向的 patient 有耐心的,determined 有决心的, polite 有礼貌的,be willing/ready to help others 乐于助人3. 生日、出生地 (birth/age), (who was) born in , is a4. 家庭背景(family background) was born in/ into a poor/rich family出生在贫穷的/富裕

4、的家庭as a child of years old, he还是个岁的孩子时his/ her father was very strict with him 父亲对他/她严格要求spend his childhood in 在度过了他的童年live a happy/hard life生活很幸福/艰苦5. 教育背景(schooling / education background)be admitted to university考取大学graduate from department of university从某大学某系毕业receive/get a doctors degree获取博士学位

5、 go abroad for further studies 出国深造When at college, he majored in French/he was a French major. 读大学时他主修法语6. 主要事迹(main event)serve as / work as / act as 做工作 devote oneself /ones effort/ones life to; be devoted to 致力于make up ones mind to do/be determined to do决心做have a gift/talent for / be gifted/tale

6、nted in 有的天赋7. 成就(achievement)excellent /outstanding /remarkable出色的succeed in sth. / doing sth. 成功做be good at/ do well in 擅长famous/well-known at home and abroad国内外著名的 make great/rapid progress in 在取得很大/快速进步overcome many difficulties/go through hardship克服困难set a good example to为树立好榜样 speak highly of

7、高度赞扬be honoured as被授予be remembered as 被铭记为win the prize 获得奖项win (won) a gold /silver/ bronze medal 获得金/银/ 铜牌make great contributions to为作出巨大贡献 He is the pride of China. 他是中国的骄傲。Sentence patterns钟南山年生于广州,是中国最伟大的医生之一。 Zhong Nanshan, born in Guangzhou in 1941, is one of the greatest doctors in China. Z

8、hong Nanshan, one of the greatest doctors in China, was born in Guangzhou in 1941.1. 概况:age, sex, birth, family backgroundwas/ were born in/into (a poor family) onAs a child of years old, heHe spent his childhood in live a happy/hard life 我的历史老师是个漂亮女人,她长着两只大眼睛,留着长发.My history teacher is a beautiful

9、woman with two big eyes and long hair.启示:巧用with做定语 2、外貌 / 性格/特长3 爱好爱好非常喜欢非常喜欢对对感兴趣感兴趣对对失去兴趣失去兴趣对对极度喜欢极度喜欢对对厌倦厌倦 憎恨憎恨喜欢喜欢like/ likes very muchbe interested inlose interest inbe crazy aboutbe tired ofhatelike/enjoy/be fond of 4、教育经历常用表达式:From .to., I studied in.school. 从某年到某年,我就读 于某学校He was admitted t

10、o New York university 考取大学graduate from university从某大学毕业1我1984年入学,12年后毕业.21984年我进入北京大学, 4年后毕业.3我们学很多课程,包括 I started school in 1984 and left school 12 years later.I went to study in Beijing University in 1984 and 4 years later I graduated (from that university).We learned many courses, including启示:用复

11、合句、倒装句等,润色文章Not only is he interested in science, but also he has a gift for music.他不仅对科学极有兴趣,也有音乐天赋。 5、理想与信念常用表达式:常用表达式:dream of 梦想梦想.devote oneself /ones effort to/ be devoted to 一生致力于一生致力于make up ones mind to do/be determined to do决心做决心做have a gift for / be gifted in 有有的天赋的天赋As a monitor, he is h

12、ard-working and helpful, who sets a good example to us. 作为一位班长,他学习认真,乐于助人,给我们树立了一个作为一位班长,他学习认真,乐于助人,给我们树立了一个良好的榜样。良好的榜样。6、评价常用表达式:常用表达式:As a great/outstanding, she is highly thought of .Being the , she is regarded as .set a good example to根据以下信息用英语写一篇短文介绍袁隆平教授。基本信息1.1937年9月7日出生于重庆的一个贫困的家庭。自幼刻 苦学习,酷爱农业科学;2.自从1953 年大学毕业以后,他已经研究水稻近半个世纪,一直在为世界农业默默耕耘。主要成绩3由于他的研究,我国水稻产量快速增长, 为很多国家解决了粮食不足的问题;4.他被誉为“杂交水稻之父” “Father of Hybrid Rice”;5.虽然他很出名, 但是他过着简朴的生活,不计名利;



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