Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section A 1a-2d

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《Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section A 1a-2d》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section A 1a-2d(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1. 那位记者正在进行民意调查。那位记者正在进行民意调查。The reporter is doing a survey of public attitudes.2. 我认真做作业以达到王老师的标准。我认真做作业以达到王老师的标准。I did homework carefully to meet the standards of Mrs. Wang.3. 美是没有标准的。美是没有标准的。There is no standard for beauty.4. 根据我的身高,我的标准体重是多少?根据我的身高,我的标准体重是多少?According to my height, whats my stan

2、dard weight?5. 学生们手牵手站成一排。学生们手牵手站成一排。Students stand hand in hand in a row.6. 这是接连第三个下雨天了。这是接连第三个下雨天了。This is the third rainy day in a row.7. 我会按说明来服药的。我会按说明来服药的。I will take the medicine according to the instructions.8. 我们接到指示说要再继续工作。我们接到指示说要再继续工作。Weve received instructions to continute to work.9. 茶叶

3、和水果的收成增加一倍。茶叶和水果的收成增加一倍。Tea and fruit crops doubled. 10. 我们不喜欢不诚实的人。我们不喜欢不诚实的人。We dont like the man who wears a double face. 11. 我们给他们每人一张卡片和一件礼物道谢好吗?我们给他们每人一张卡片和一件礼物道谢好吗?Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?12. 他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。He has enough courage to overcome th

4、e difficulty.13. 火势被完全控制了。火势被完全控制了。The fire was completely overcome. 14. 她总是把事情弄糟。她总是把事情弄糟。She always makes a mess of things.15. 你们将从明湖中学毕业。你们将从明湖中学毕业。Youll graduate from Minghu Middle School.16. 毕业后他就一个人生活了。毕业后他就一个人生活了。After graduation, he lives on his own.17. 在那样的情况下,你必须保持镇静。在那样的情况下,你必须保持镇静。You ha

5、ve to keep your cool in those situations.18. 他们的房子跟我们的相似。他们的房子跟我们的相似。Their house is similar to ours.19. 对大多数的高中生来说这本书太难了。对大多数的高中生来说这本书太难了。The book is too difficult for most senior high school students.20. 时光光飞逝。逝。Time goes by quickly.21. 一个月慢慢一个月慢慢过去了。去了。A month went slowly by.22. 每个圆都有每个圆都有360度。度。E

6、very circle has 360 degrees.23. 我们不信鬼神。我们不信鬼神。We dont believe in ghosts.24. 谢谢你你们今天来参加明湖中学今天来参加明湖中学毕业典礼。典礼。Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation ceremony at Minghu Middle School. 25. 首先让我告诉你这个消息。首先让我告诉你这个消息。First of all, let me tell you the news.26. 我我们给他他庆祝了生日。祝了生日。We congratulated hi

7、m on his birthday.27. 我我们向他向他庆祝他的祝他的伟大大发明。明。We congratulated him on his great invention.28. 祝祝贺你!你!Congratulations!29. 咸的食物咸的食物让你口渴。你口渴。Salty food makes you thirsty. 30. 他渴望他渴望权力。力。He is thirsty for power.31. 年年轻人人应该渴望知渴望知识。Young men should be thirsty for knowledge.32. 对你鼓励我的你鼓励我的话,我表示感,我表示感谢。Im tha

8、nkful to you for your encouraging words.33. 我感我感谢我的父母出我的父母出钱让我受教育。我受教育。Im thankful to my parents for paying for my education.34. 最后,让我告诉你结果。最后,让我告诉你结果。Lastly, let me tell you the result. 35. 他的工作是一份艰难的任务。他的工作是一份艰难的任务。His work is a difficult task.Do you have any special memories of junior high school

9、?Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?1aCheck () the things you remember doing at junior high school. Add more to the list.At junior high school,I remember:_winning a prize_being a volunteer_doing a school survey_a friend helping me with a problemn. 调查调查1b_Marya. did homewo

10、rk carefully to meet the standards of a strict teacher_Frank b. remembers losing a schoolbag_Sarahc. remembers meeting this group of friends_Peterd. has enjoyed every year of junior high schoolbadcListen and match the memory with the person.n. 标准;水平标准;水平1cList some memories and experiences from juni

11、or high school. Share your lists with your partner.Memories and experiencesI remember .scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition._winning a basketball competition.putting a plastic snake into a classmates desk.getting a wish card in Christmas Day.n. 一排一排; 一列一列; 一行一行I have .learned to pl

12、ay the keyboard in music class._learned to sing many English songs.learned to play basketball with my friends.n. 键盘式电子乐器键盘式电子乐器; 键盘键盘2aListen to the conversation. Check () the facts you hear._Someone didnt like P.E._Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher._Someone had a health

13、problem._Someone joined the school band._Someone liked Mr. Hunts teaching methods.n. 方法方法; 措施措施2bListen again. Match each question with the name of the person.QuestionAnswer_1. Who wants to study medicine?a. Luke_2. Who told someone to take a break from runnning?b. Brian_3. Who hurt his or her knee?

14、c. Mr. Hunt_4. Who thinks the Thats Life concert is the best memory?d. Lisadcba2cRole-play a conversation in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.Do you remember Mr. Hunt?Of course! Hes a great teacher.He gave really clear instructions during the P.E. class.n. 指示指示; 命令命令Yeah, he was kind wh

15、en I hurt my knee. He told me to take a break from running.Do you have any special memories?My best memory is when Thats Life played at school. Remember we wrote a letter to the band about our dream of hearing them play, and they offered to come?Yeah, that was so cool.2dRole-play the conversation.1.

16、 Which teachers will they miss?2. What subjects do the teachers teach?3. Why will they miss them?4. What will they do to thank them?Student Miss whoWhat subjectWhyClaraJudyMs. LeeMr. BrownMs. GriffinmathscienceEnglishpatient, helped her towork out the answerstook the time to explain things clearlyen

17、couraged her a lotCan you remember 1. 记得做得做过某事某事2. 结束束3. 展望未来展望未来/回首;回回首;回顾4. 获奖5. 做志愿者做志愿者6. 做校园做校园调查7. 一位帮助一位帮助过我的朋友我的朋友8. 达到达到严格老格老师的的标准准9. 遇到遇到这群朋友群朋友10. 在足球比在足球比赛时连续踢踢进两球两球11. 学会学会弹琴琴remember doing sth.be overlook ahead of the future / look back atwin a prize be a volunteerdo a school surveya f

18、riend helping me with a problemmeet the standards of a strict teachermeet this group of friendsscore two goals in a row during a soccer competitionlearn to play the keyboardCan you remember 1. 某人被建某人被建议做某事做某事2. 休息休息3. 教学方法教学方法4. 研究医学研究医学5. 使膝盖受使膝盖受伤6. 最想念某人最想念某人7. 对某人耐心的某人耐心的8. 算出;解决算出;解决9. 无无论如何如何1

19、.sb. be advised to do sth. 2.take a rest / break3.teaching methods4.study medicine5.hurt ones knee6.miss sb. the most7.be patient with sb.8.work out9.no matter how10. 指指导某人做某事某人做某事11. 更擅更擅长.12. 清晰地向某人解清晰地向某人解释某事某事13. 无无论何何时14. 在某方面鼓励某人在某方面鼓励某人15. 因因为16. 做出更多努力做出更多努力17. 考考试成成绩翻倍翻倍18. 他他们中的每一个中的每一个10.

20、guide sb. to do sth.11.do better in.12.explain sth. to sb. clearly13.whenever14.encourage sb. in sth.15.because of16.put in more effort17.exam scores double18.each of them用所用所给单词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. Shall we (go) to the zoo tomorrow? 2. I remember _ (bring) my umbrella. But I cant find it anywhere.3.

21、Those apple trees are _ (we), and theirs are over there.4. My parents bought us a _ (double) bed.5. The room is much _ (cool) than that one.6. I am advised_ (park) here.7. I regret _ (tell) you that you didnt pass the exam.8. They dont allow_ (park) here.gobringingminedoublecoolerto parkto tellparki

22、ng完成句子,每空一完成句子,每空一词。1. 一些大城市里一些大城市里农民工的数量增加了一倍。民工的数量增加了一倍。The number of peasant-workers in some big cities _ _ in the past few years.2. 青少年青少年应该投入更多的精力在他投入更多的精力在他们的学的学习上。上。Teenagers should _ _ _ _ in their studies.3. 他在体育他在体育课上指示清楚明了。上指示清楚明了。 He _ really clear _ during P.E.class.4. 我我变得更擅得更擅长说英英语了。了。Ive _ much _ _ speaking English.has doubledput in more effortgaveinstructions becomebetter at1. Recite the conversation in 2d.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.



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