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1、George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)His Dramatic drmtik WritingsPopularity of ShawDramatist drmtist of IdeasThe PersonMrs. Warrens Profession1The Person: Irish comic dramatist, literary critic, and socialist propagandist ,prpgndist , winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925. 爱尔兰剧作家,文学评论家,社会主义的宣传者,

2、1925年因作品具有“理想主义”和“人道主义”获诺贝尔文学奖。George Bernard Shaw2Shaws Birthplace in Dublinbedroom3His family belonged to the Irish protestant gentry. His father was an unsuccessful businessman; his mother was a musician of talent. Apart from the musical education he received from her, he was practically self-edu

3、cated. George Bernard Shaw4He came to London in 1876, and set to work as s novelist. He joined the newly formed socialist Fabian Society, and became a leading member. Between 1885 to 1898 he was the best music and dramatic critic of his time. George Bernard Shaw5Dramatic writing:His first play in 18

4、93, Widowers Houses, and then Mrs. Warrens ProfessionThe decade of 20th century before WWI is a period of high productivity for Shaw : Man and Superman (1903)人与超人人与超人Major Barbara (1907)芭芭拉上校芭芭拉上校Pygmalion (1914) 卖花女卖花女;窈窕淑女窈窕淑女George Bernard Shaw6WWI is a turning point for Shaw. His anti-war speech

5、es and his pamphlet Common Sense about the War made him the target t:git of much criticism. Heartbreak House (1919), 伤心之家伤心之家Saint seint Joan dun (1924) 圣女贞德George Bernard Shaw7Popularity of Shaw: Between the fall of 1904 and the summer of 1907, the new theatre gave 988 performances of 32 plays to i

6、ts audiences. Among the 32 plays were 11 plays by Bernard Shaw with 701 performances.George Bernard Shaw8ShawDramatist of Ideas: I.The social context of the Theatre of Ideas is that the end of the 19th century was a period in which ideas of reform flourishedsocialists, feministsand others were excit

7、ed by ideas, analyzed them, and used them as weapons against the established traditions. II.Shaw and Ibsen (Norwegian playwright, A Dolls House ) :III. originated in England but borrowed from Ibsen.IV. Ibsen V. However, Shaw and Ibsen are differentVI. Shaw George Bernard Shaw9ShawDramatist of Ideas:

8、 III.His purpose of writing these plays of “ideas” is to draw peoples attention to the social problems. Shaw“Drama is no mere setting up of the camera to nature; it is the presentation . of problem.” Shaw called his first plays “unpleasant”, because “their dramatic power is used to force the spectat

9、or to face unpleasant fact.” George Bernard ShawAs a dramatic critic and a student of Ibsen, he knew how to achieve theatrical effect . but he was careful (unlike Ibsen) not to scandalize them beyond their willingness to listen. 101112Pygmalion My Fair Lady1314Mrs. Warrens Profession:1.The play Mrs.

10、 Warrens Profession was called by the writer himself “Plays Unpleasant”. Unpleasant they were to the bourgeois public, because G. B. Shaw attacked in them the vices of capitalist society.152. The writer shows that under the guise ofbourgeois respectability horrible crimes and corruption are conceale

11、d. In this play Shaw accuses the bourgeoisie of making profit by fostering prostitution. Mrs. Warrens profession is keeping brothels. Mr. Crofts is her partner in this business.163. The play tells an outrageous truth in a moribund capitalist society, even prostitution can be made a means of exploita

12、tion by an ex-prostitute Mrs. Warren, and a sound investment by a respectable aristocrat Sir George Crofts17鲁迅鲁迅 萧伯纳萧伯纳 蔡元培蔡元培There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your hearts desire. The other is to get it. George Bernard Shaw 人生有两出悲剧人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱一是万念俱灰;另一是踌躇满志。灰;另一是踌躇满志。 萧伯纳萧伯纳 18Bye byeGeorge Bernard Shaws epitaph: I knew if I stayed around long enough, something like this would happen.“我早就知道无论我活多久这种事我早就知道无论我活多久这种事情迟早是要发生的情迟早是要发生的19



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