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1、找出现在完成时中常出现的关键词。找出现在完成时中常出现的关键词。1I have already done my homework.2Have you ever watched this film?3Millie with her classmates has just seen Daniel.4I have never read this story.5She hasnt heard from her parents yet.6We havent seen Daniel recently.7Have you watched such an exciting game before?8So fa

2、r, China has sent 6 people into space successfully. 9Sunshine Town has changed a lot over the years.10 John has played this computer game a few times.11 Mr. Chen has lived in Sunshine Town since he was two years old.12Mr. Chen has lived in Sunshine Town for many years.13How long has Mr. Chen lived i

3、n Sunshine Town?现在完成时中常出现的现在完成时中常出现的关键词关键词: already, just, never, ever, yet, before(句末)句末), recently(in the recent years) , so far, since, for., how long?how many times? a few times/twice, over/during/in the past yearsDo some exercises:What_ you_(do) during the past two years?4 He _(work) there sinc

4、e he _(leave) school.5 So far, a number of doctors _ (send) to help the sick people in that area.6. - Will you go to see the film with me? - Thank you, but I_ (see) it twice.7 - Look, how dirty your room is! - Sorry, Mum. Im so busy and _ (not sweep) it yet.(13年年3月统练英语试题月统练英语试题) have donehas workedl

5、efthavent swepthave been senthave seen1. - He looks tired these days. - Yes, I think so. You know he_(write) a lot of pages.2. My father _(work) in a factory for five years. But now he is a teacher. (12年中考英语试题)年中考英语试题)3.- When_ the patient _(take) to hospital? -About 2 hours ago. His left leg_(break

6、).4. Good news for you all. Millie_(choose) as the hostess of the charity show.5. -Mum, all the guests_(arrive). Shall we begin the party now? - Sure.(12年期末英语试题)年期末英语试题)has writtenworkedwas takenwas brokenhas been chosenhave arrived改错改错。I have gone to Starlight Town many times , because it is a good

7、 place to visit.Mr. Chen has been to Starlight town , so I cant interview him now.beengoneABbeen 去过去过 ABgone 去了去了Do some exercises:1.Millie has _( gone to; been to) Sunshine Town many times.2.I have_( gone , been ) there before.3.-Where is Mr. Chen? -He has _(gone to, been to ) Starlight Town. I thi

8、nk hell be back soon.4.Have you ever_(gone to, been to) Starlight Town?5.Kitty has _(gone to, been to ) Hong Kong with her family, they will come back next week.been tobeen gone tobeen togone to 1.陈先生已去了星光镇。陈先生已去了星光镇。2.陈先生已去了星光镇两个小时了。陈先生已去了星光镇两个小时了。Mr. Chen has gone to Starlight Town.Mr. Chen has go

9、ne to Starlight Town for two hours.been insince .forHow long? 出现在现在完成时中出现在现在完成时中必须使用必须使用延续性动词延续性动词 短暂性动词 延续性动词buyborrowleavedieget marriedjoinarrive/go/comebegin/startstop/finishhavekeepbe awaybe deadbe marriedbe in/be a member ofbe in/be atbe onbe overI have already got married. I have already been

10、 married for eight years.短暂性动词短暂性动词延续性动词延续性动词1.Kitty _(离开离开) her hometown already.2.Kitty_(离开离开) from her hometown for half an year.3.His grandfather_(去世去世) two years ago.4.His grandfather_(去世去世) since two years ago.5._ she _(借借) the book from you just now?6.How long _ she_(借借) the book?7.My sister

11、_(买买) the purse a year ago.8.My sister_(买买) the purse for a year.has lefthas been awaydiedhas been deadDid borrowhas keptboughthas hadfor half an year.6.How longfor a year9. Simon _(加入加入)the Football Club last year.10. Simon_(加入加入) the Football Club since last year.11.The film_(没有开始没有开始) yet.12.The

12、film_(开始开始) for fifteen minutes.13.My cousin _(到达到达)in Hong Kong yesterday.14.My cousin_(到达到达) Hong Kong for a day.joinedhas been a member of/ has been inhasnt started/begunhas been onarrivedhas been in 1. cleaned the blackboard2. closed the window nowhad cleaned the blackboardclosed the windowShe h

13、ad cleaned the blackboard before she closed the window.After she had cleaned the blackboard , she closed the window.drank waterhad run out of breath1. ran out of breath2. drank waterHe had run out of breath before he drank water.After he had run out of breath, he drank water. now1.We started to lear

14、n English 5 years ago.一般过去时一般过去时表示在表示在过去过去某时发生的动作或存在某时发生的动作或存在的状态。的状态。2. We have learned English for 5 years.现在完成时现在完成时表示的动作发生在表示的动作发生在 过去,但侧重对过去,但侧重对现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有关。现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有关。其结构为:其结构为:“助动词助动词 have(has)+过去分词过去分词”5 years ago now 5 years ago have learned nowRevision 过去完成时过去完成时表示在过去某个时间或

15、动表示在过去某个时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或存在的作之前已经发生或完成了的动作或存在的状态,状态,即即“过去的过去(过去的过去( past-in-the-past )”。 过去完成时过去完成时的的概念与结构特点概念与结构特点: past in the pastpast now过去完成时过去完成时的的判断依据判断依据: 由由“过去的过去过去的过去”来判定。来判定。 过去完成时表示过去完成时表示“过去的过去过去的过去”,先先发生的动作用发生的动作用过去完成过去完成时时,后后发生的动作用发生的动作用一般过去时一般过去时。 When I got to the station, the tra

16、in had already left. After he had finished his homework, he went to bed. first firstWe had learned English 4 years by last year.5 years ago last year nowhad learned综合时态填空:1. We _ ( learn ) 2000 English words since we came to this school. The teacher said we _ ( learn ) 2000 English words since then.

17、 We _ ( learn ) 500 words last term. We _ ( learn ) 2000 words by the end of last term.2. He _( have ) a meeting next week.He _ ( have ) a meeting two weeks ago. He told me he _ ( have ) a meeting two weeks before.3._ you _ ( be ) to the Great Wall? The teacher asked if you _ ( be ) to the Great Wal

18、l?have learnedhad learnedlearnedhad learnedwill havehadhad hadHave beenhad been4. I _ ( finish ) my homework when my father got home yesterday. I _ ( finish ) my homework at 10 last night.5. The film _ ( 开始 ) when I got to the cinema. The film _ ( 开始) for 10 minutes when I got to the cinema.6. My br

19、other _ ( study ) in this school for three years before he joined the army.7. He locked the door after he _ ( clean ) the classroom.8. A: _he still _ ( do ) his homework when you _ ( get ) home yesterday? B: No, he _ already _ ( do ) it when I got home.had finishedfinishedhad begunhad been onhad stu

20、diedhad cleanedWas doing gothad done过去完成时态1.By the time I left the school, he had taught the class for 3 years .2.Helen had left her keys in the officeso she had to wait until her husband came home.3.When Jack arrived, he learned Mary had been away for an hour. 4.He said he had made great progress since he came here



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