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1、一、圈出你所听到的单词。 1. colour yellow 2. red read 3 blue green 4. small tall 5. this that 6. pig big 7. pink yellow 8. green red 9. go no 10. zoo park二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(20%)( )1.A.read B. red ( )2.A.yellow B. green( ) 3.A.blue B. yellow ( ) 4.A.fat B. red( )5.A.colour B. how ( )6.A.bear B. pea

2、r( )7.A.is B. it ( )8.A.this B. that( )9.A.there B. here ( ) 10.A.yellow B. blueBABBBAABBB三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1.A. Whats this ? B. Whats that?( )2.A.What colour is it? B. Colour the book red. ( )3.A.Is that a monkey? B. Is this a monkey?( )4.A.Its a bear in the zoo. B. There is a lion

3、 in the zoo. ( )5.A.Its green. B. Its yellow.BBAAB四、听录音,判断图片是(四、听录音,判断图片是()否()否()与录音内容相符。()与录音内容相符。(10%)4.( )( )( ) 2.3. 1.5.( )( )五、听录音,用五、听录音,用1.给下列图片标号。给下列图片标号。( )( )( )( )( )53124六、情景选择题( ) 1、 A、 Whats this ? B. Whats that? ( ) 2、 A、What colour is it? B. Is that a tiger?( ) 3、 A、Colour th

4、e book green. B. Colour the ruler blue.( ) 4、 A、This is a monkey. Its red. B. Colour the apple red.( ) 5、 A. This is a cow. Its yellow. B. This is a lion. Its brown. ( ) 6、 A. This is an orange. Its orange. B. Its an apple. Its green.BABABA一、选择正确的编号写在题前的括号里。( )1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.A. red B. blu

5、eA. green B. yellowA.green B. blueA. green B. orange A. yellow B. chickAB B A A二、连线:A. A blue ruler.B. A green pencil.C. A red book.D. A yellow duck.E. A yellow rubber.三、选择正确的对话,在括号内三、选择正确的对话,在括号内。( )A red book.( ) A green book.1.2.( )This is a chick.( )A yellow duck.3.( )Is this a red rul

6、er?( ) A blue ruler.4.( ) This is rubber.( ) This is a green pencil.四、将下列英文单词和中文意思连接起来。(四、将下列英文单词和中文意思连接起来。(12%)1.Is this a tiger?4.Colour the duck yellow.2.Is that a panda?5.Colour the tiger yellow.ACED它是什么颜色的?给这个鸭子涂黄色。这是一只老虎吗?那是一个熊猫吗?给这个老虎涂上黄色。3.What colour is it?B口语练习:What colour is the ruler?Its

7、 _.口语练习:What colour is the rubber?Its _.读一读,选一选读一读,选一选( )1.你想问有多少个苹果,可以说: A. How many apples ? B. How many pears?( )2.你想知道这把尺子是什么颜色的,可以问: A.What colour is this rubber? B. What colour is this ruler? ( )3.你问妈妈那只猴子瘦吗?可以说: A. Is that a monkey thin? B. Is this a monkey fat?( )4.你告诉朋友这本书是蓝色的,可以说: A. This

8、book is green. B. This book is blue. ( )5.如果指着远处的东西问是什么,可以说: A.Whats that? B. Whats this?ABBAA三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( )1.A. Whats this ? B. Whats that?( )2.A.What colour is it? B. Colour the book red. ( )3.A.Is that a monkey? B. Is this a monkey?( )4.A.Its a bear in the zoo. B. There is a lion in the zoo. ( )5.A.Its green. B. Its yellow.BBAAB



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