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1、自我介绍自我介绍Name:SweetLOGO JUNIOR NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH 1AUnit1 Meet my familySweetNew words and Expressionsvthe 这,那这,那vfamily fmili n.家,家庭家,家庭vHello helu 你好你好vmy ma adj. 我的我的vmeet mi:t v.与与见面见面vname neim n.名名字字vis iz v.是是vthis is pron.这,这个这,这个vwife waif n.妻子妻子vHow do you do? Greeting(问候语)问候语)你好!你好! famil

2、yvFather and mother I love you . Questions vHow many people are there in the text ?vIs Lucy William Jenkins daughter?vIs Keran William Jenkins wife?vIs Robert William Jenkins nephew?vIs Paul William Jenkins son ? Unit1 Meet my familyHello! My name isWilliam JThis is my This is Karen.Karen is my wife

3、.How do you do?William: This is Lucy. Lucys my daughter.Lucy: Hello!William: This is my son,Robert.Robert: Hi!Hello !Nice to meet you.And this is Paul. Pauls my nephew.Notes on the texts:1.Meet the familyvWriting:大写(upper-case)和小写(lower-case)。我们在句首使用大写字母。人名,地名,包括星期、月份在内的专有名词,以及标题、题目的首字母也是大写。 人名:Sunn

4、y 地名:Alps 星期:Sunday 月份:May 国家:China The United States 标题:Meet the family 2.Hello!vHello!/Hi!/Nice to meet you./How do you do? 英美人见面时的用语在熟悉和不熟悉的人之间是有区别的。偶尔碰到打声招呼,只需说:hello,hi等即可。初次见面的招呼语为How do you do? 对How do you do? 的回答要用How do you do? 而不是Very well ,thank you 3.William Jenkinsv1.英语国家的姓名(英语国家的姓名(ful

5、l name)是名)是名+姓姓v2.姓:姓:surname/family name/last namev3.名:名:given name/first name/Christian vI am a student .vI用am vYou are a student.vYou 用arevIt is a dog .vShe is a teacher .vHe is a doctor.vIs 连着he she it 代词用法小结代词用法小结主格(做句子主语)主格(做句子主语)形容词格(后面加名词)形容词格(后面加名词)I 我myYou 你,你们yourHe 他hisShe 她herIt 它itWe 我

6、们ourThey 她们4.This is my wife.vmy我的,形容词性物主代词我的,形容词性物主代词This is my bag. your你的,形容词性物主代词你的,形容词性物主代词This is your desk. his他的,形容词性物主代词他的,形容词性物主代词That is his book.her 她的,形容词性物主代词她的,形容词性物主代词I am her friend .5.Lucys my daughter.=Lucy is my daughter. is的缩写vWhats =What is Whats this ? Its a pencil.vWhos=Who i

7、s Whos he ?Hes my grandpa.vIts =It is Its 3:00.vWheres Joey? Hes in the bathroom.vMy brothers taller than my cousin. Practice:比较下面两个 Sunnys 的区别Sunnys our English teacher.These are Sunnys comic 5.我的要求我的要求1.Parents cooperation 每天养成一个好的学习习惯,遗弃一个坏习惯。每天读、听课文10分钟,贵在坚持课前预习、课后复习。 6.HomeworkText1.单词抄三默一2.练习册主动完成3.每周复习一次学过的内容8.上课时间:上课时间: 周五晚上:周五晚上: 4:00-6:



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