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1、牛津牛津小学英语小学英语5A Unit 9 Shapes (Part BCD) 第一部分 简要提示一、 年级:5年级 二、单元:Unit 9三、 课题:Shapes 四、课型:单词句型新授课五、 教学内容: 单元Part BCD六、 教学目标:1.掌 握 单 词 : square, star, shape, circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond2. 进一步巩固掌握句型:What shape is the? Its a Show us how to 七、 重点难点:1辨认各种形状。 2. 进一步巩固掌握句型。 Play a game猜猜物品的形状What sh

2、ape is the ?Its afour circlesMagic eyes 考考你的眼力How many?nine squaresMagic eyes 考考你的眼力How many?five rectanglesHow many?Magic eyes 考考你的眼力Magic eyes 考考你的眼力Look, read and learna circlea squarea diamonda rectanglea trianglea starfour circlesthree trianglesWhat shapes can you see?How many?What shape is the

3、 ? Its a Ask and answerGo A: What shape is the biscuit? Ask and answer1B: Its a rectangle.Back A: What shape is the sandwich?B: Its a triangle. Ask and answer2A: What shape is the ball?B: Its a circle. Ask and answer3A: What shape is the towel?B: Its a square. Ask and answer4A: What shape is the pen

4、cil sharpener?B: Its a star. Ask and answer5A: What shape is the picture?B: Its a diamond. Ask and answer6A. What shape is the ? B. Its a Lets act!Show us how to make a triangle. Lets act!I canShow us how to Can you ? 123456 Look and sayLearn to sayShow us how toShow us how to make a cake.1Show us h

5、ow to123456Look and sayShow us how to do the puzzle.2Show us how to cook rice.3Show us how to open the tin. 4Show us how to make a model plane.5Show us how to play the guitar.6选择与句子内容一致的图片,将序号填到句子后面的横线上。选择与句子内容一致的图片,将序号填到句子后面的横线上。A. E.C.B.D.1. Show us how to make a mask. 2. Show us how to draw a hou

6、se . 3. Show me how to fly a kite. 4. Show me how to play chess. 5. Show us how to play basketball. Lets review! Lets review!1. 想知道某样物品的形状,可以问: 2. 想知道如何做某事,可以请教他人说: What shape is the ?回答是: Its a Show us how to第三部分第三部分 说明说明 本本节节课课以以教教授授和和操操练练BCD部部分分的的单单词词、词词组组和和句句型型为为中中心心,首首先先教教师师利利用用猜猜谜谜游游戏戏帮帮助助学学生生回回顾顾已已在在课课文文中中学学过过的的旧旧知知,然然后后呈呈现现没没有有教教授授的的3个个图图形形,并并结结合合实实物物.趣趣味味图图形形等等给给学学生生创创造造积积极极思思维维的的空空间间,让让学学生生有有意意义义的的学学习习。在在CD部部分分,教教师师先先根根据据书书中中现现有有的的场场景景组组织织学学生生操操练练,并并进进行行适适当当的的延延伸伸,手手脑脑口口并并用用,使使学学生生的的对对话话富富有有趣趣味味性性。最最后后教教师师布布置置了了用用所所学学图图形形创作绘画的作业,为下节课作好充分的准备。创作绘画的作业,为下节课作好充分的准备。



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