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1、Unit 2 A Magic Day1精选课件版一般一般过过去去时态时态 一般一般过过去去时态时态的构成与用法的构成与用法 什么是一般什么是一般过过去去时态时态 一般一般过过去去时态谓语动词时态谓语动词的构成形式的构成形式 一般一般过过去去时态时态常常见见的基本用法的基本用法 一般一般过过去去时态时态常用的常用的时间时间状状语语 (点击)2精选课件版一般一般过过去去时态时态的定的定义义动动词词的的一一般般过过去去时时态态表表示示过过去去发发生生的的动动作作、情情况况或或存存在在的的状状态态。行行为为动动词词(即即实实义义动动词词)的)的过过去式没有人称和数的去式没有人称和数的变变化。化。3精选

2、课件版谓语动词谓语动词的构成形式的构成形式 一般一般过过去去时时的的谓语动词谓语动词有有be动词动词 和行和行为动词为动词两种基本形式两种基本形式 规则动词过规则动词过去式的构成去式的构成4精选课件版be动词动词和行和行为动词为动词两种基本形式两种基本形式 be动词(或系动词be)的过去式为was和were两个。 行为动词的过去式,其变化分为规则和不规则的两种。5精选课件版规则动词过规则动词过去式的构成去式的构成 一般一般动词动词原形末尾加原形末尾加-ed。如:如:looklooked, staystayed ;以以e结结尾的尾的动词动词只加只加-d。如:如:hopehoped, liveli

3、ved; 末尾只有一个末尾只有一个辅辅音字母音字母结结尾的重尾的重读闭读闭音音节节的的动词动词,应应先双写先双写这这个个辅辅音字母,再加音字母,再加-ed.如:如:stopstopped, plan(计计划划) planned; 结结尾是尾是“辅辅音字母音字母+y”的的动词动词,先将,先将y改改为为i,再再加加-ed. 如:如:studystudied, carrycarried. 6精选课件版一般一般过过去去时态时态常常见见的基本用法的基本用法 1.1.表示在表示在过过去去时间时间里里发发生的生的动动作或存在作或存在的状的状态态 Liu Jie got up at 7: 10 this mo

4、rning. He was a student three years ago. 2表示表示过过去去经经常或反复常或反复发发生的生的动动作。作。 Zhang Yaru always went to school by bike last term.7精选课件版3表示已故人所做的事情。表示已故人所做的事情。 Comrade Lei Feng did good deeds in his life. (雷锋同志做了一生的好事。)4. 表表示示过过去去所所发发生生的的一一系系列列的的动动作作,而而这这一一系系列列的的动动作作是是从从现现在在的的角角度度来来考考虑虑的的,不不是是从从动动作作相相互互之之

5、间间的的关关系系这这一一角角度度来来考考虑虑的。的。 Miss Liu got up at seven oclock this morning, dressed, had breakfast, and went to work. 8精选课件版last Saturdaylast nightyesterdaythe day before yesterdayPast times(表示(表示过过去的去的时间时间状状语语):last Saturday evening9精选课件版gowenteatatewritewrotereadreadmakemaderiderodesingsangdrinkdrank

6、10精选课件版go 去去 went go to the parkI went to the park last Sunday.11精选课件版 eat 吃吃 ate eat a hamburgerI ate a hamburger last Saturday. 12精选课件版I wrote a letter last night. wrote write 写写 write a letter13精选课件版 read 读读 read read a bookWhat did you do last Saturday afternoon?I read a book.14精选课件版 make 制作制作 m

7、adeWhat did they do last weekend? They made a model plane.15精选课件版 ride 骑骑 rode ride a bikeWhat did she do yesterday? She rode a bike.16精选课件版 sing 唱唱 sang sing songsHe sang songs.What did he do last week? 17精选课件版 drink 喝喝 drank drink waterWhat did you do last Saturday evening?I drank water.18精选课件版 we

8、ntdrank atereadsangrodemade wrote go eatreadmakesing writeridedrink19精选课件版 Last Saturday, first I visited grandma. Then I studied. At last I played basketball. visitedstudiedplayed20精选课件版cleanedjumpedusedIn the afternoon, I cleaned the room. My cousin jumped.My uncle used a computer.21精选课件版talkedpra

9、cticedIn the evening. I talked to my mother first. Then I practicedthe piano. I was very happy.22精选课件版wentatewrotereadmaderodesangdrank Last Saturday, I visited my grandmother.First I Then IIn the afternoon,IMy cousin,My uncleIn the evening,IThen I23精选课件版visitedstudiedplayedcleanedjumpedusedtalkedpr

10、acticedRepeat the story. Last Saturday, I visited my grandmother.First I Then IIn the afternoon,IMy cousin,My uncleIn the evening,IThen I24精选课件版Chant.What did you do?What did you do?What did you do?What did you do yesterday?I cleaned my room. Oh, yeah!I watched TV. Oh, yeah!I talked to friends. Oh,

11、yeah!And I studied English! Oh, yeah!25精选课件版Play a game:Guess the action, What did heshethey do?猜猜他猜猜他(们们)做了什么做了什么动动作作?26精选课件版gowenteatatewritewrotereadreadmakemaderiderodesingsangdrinkdrank27精选课件版28精选课件版A happy day Last Saturday, I visited grandma.FirstI studied, Then I played basketball. In the af

12、ternoon, I cleaned the room. In the evening I practiced the piano. I was very happy. 29精选课件版Yesterday, I _first. Then I_ .I_in the evening. I was very happy .A happy day30精选课件版 read a book ate a hamburger went to the park wrote a letter made a model plane sang songs rode a bike drank water31精选课件版Tel

13、l your friends or your parents what you have done yesterday, then write it down.(告诉你的朋友或父母亲你昨天做了什么事情,然后把它写下来)Homework (作业)32精选课件版Lets do some exercises!33精选课件版从括号中的从括号中的动词动词适当形式填空。适当形式填空。1. He ( go ) to school at 6:00 this morning.2. I am thirsty. I want to (drink) some juice.3. We like ( read) a co

14、mic book.4. I often ( write) a letter to my uncle.5. There ( be) some water in the cup.wentdrinkreadingwriteis34精选课件版选择选择填空。填空。( )What you this morning? A. do, ate B. did, ate C. did, eat( )I feel sick. Lets for a while, ok? A. rest B. work C. play( )I was at home . A. now B. yesterday C. next week( )They in Beijing last month. A. are B. were C.was( )Did you go to the park yesterday? . A.Yes, I did. B. No, I did. C. Yes, I do.CABBA35精选课件版Thats the end! Thank you! Good bye!36精选课件版



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