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1、-Mirror of America 马克吐温故居The Name of Mark TwainnMark Twains real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens(萨缪尔朗霍恩克莱门斯).nMark Twain,is his pen name ,which meanswatermark two(水深两浔),was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water. nMark Twain 是他的笔名,意思是水深

2、两浔,告诉水手们,前面是浅滩。Life experiencenMark Twain was born at Florida, Missouri, a little town in Mississippi.At the death of his father in 1847, Twain ,11 years old ,had left school to be an apprentice to a printer. Then a brief but glorious career as a Mississippi River steamboat pilot ended when the rive

3、r was blockaded at the beginning of the Civil War. nAfter a short term of soldiering as a Confederate volunteer, Twain went to Nevada, hoping to strike it rich in the silver fields. n马克吐温生在密苏里州,密西西比河边的一个小镇上。他11岁就在印刷店里面当学徒,然后在密西西河上的一艘蒸汽船做导航员,知道内战爆发,密西西河被封锁。作为南方的志愿军,他短暂服役后,去了内华达州,在一个银矿上,希望能发点财。nWhen h

4、is mining schemes failed, he joined the staff of the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, exchanged his real name, Samuel L. Clemens, for a pseudonym, “Mark Twain,” and began his career as a frontier humorist.nBecause of “The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,”卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙(1865), he is know

5、n as the master of humorist all over the country. n银矿的计划失败后,他加入了弗吉尼亚的一个企业,并用上了笔名 Mark Twain, 成了一名幽默作家。n1965年,卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙的发表,马克吐温一举成名。nIn 1866, after six years as a miner, newspaper reporter, and lecturer, Twain went east responding to,he said,“a call to literature of a low orderi.e. humorous.” He to

6、ok with him a reputation as “the wild humorist of the Pacific Slope” and a lively imagination that had led him to turn many of his newspaper “reports” into burlesques(滑稽戏)and comic sketches(喜剧小品).The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon(欧丽维亚兰登) in 1870. n经

7、过六年的时间,他曾做过旷工,记者和演讲者,马克吐温洗成自己为太平洋斜坡上未开化的的幽默家。他具有丰富的想象力,把新闻报道编成滑稽戏,和戏剧小品。写作上的成功也给他带来了可观的收入,1866年,与 Olivia Langdon 结婚。nWhile in New York, Twain was commissioned by a San Francisco paper to sail on a five-month voyage with a group of American tourists and report their confrontations with the cultural a

8、nd religious shrines(圣地) of Europe and the Holy Land. nUpon his return to America, Twain gathered his irreverent newspaper articles, revised and published them as Innocents Abroad 傻子国外旅行记(1869). Next came Roughing it艰苦岁月 (1872), a narrative of his original journey west. 1867年,在旧金山一家报纸的委托下,马克吐温及一群美国的

9、游客前往以色列,进行为期5个月的旅行,报道。回到美国后,他把自己写的一些新闻报道重新编排后,出版傻子国外旅行记(1869). 1872年的 Roughing it 主要描写他在西部的旅程。nHis first attempt at novel writing was The Gilded Age 镀金时代(1873), on which he collaborated with the journalist and essayist Charles Dudley Warner(与查尔斯达德利沃纳合写). The novel was a muddled failure, but it gave

10、its name to the boom times, the post-Civil War age of unbridled individualism (放纵的个人主义)and speculation(投机买卖), which it satirized.n1873年,马克吐温和沃纳合作的镀金时代出版,此书可算是一个失败,但它给战后的美国,起了一个很好的名字。nThen Twain and his family moved to Hartford. Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 187

11、6 and 1884 he published several masterpieces.Twains nostalgic recollections of his early boyhood in Hannibal stirred him to write his “boys book” The adventures of Tom Sawyer(汤姆索亚历险记) (1876) and its sequel, The adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝里费恩历险记 (1884). His memories of his three years as a “cub

12、” and master pilot on the Mississippi inspired the work Life on the Mississippi 密西西比河上(1883). 1876年至1884年,马克吐温发表了他的基本著作,怀念男孩时代的汤姆。索亚历险记和它的续集哈克贝利。费恩历险记,关于他早年导航员生活的密西西比河上nBy the time he came to write A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court 亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人(1889), with its angry satire on royalty, re

13、ligion, and the chivalric ideals(骑士理想)of Arthurian England(英格兰亚瑟王), his work had become more serious and critical.在他出版 亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人 时,该书讽刺了英国的皇室,宗教及骑士的理想主义,马克吐温的作品变得严肃和具有批判性。nBy the 1890s the amusement that had once typified his writing had been displaced by increasingly bitter attacks on the inj

14、ustices of society and the folly of man. nBy the end of his life,the deaths of his wife and two daughters left him absolutely inconsolable. Some critics link these tragic events with the change of style in his later works, from an optimist and humorist(乐观的幽默大师) to an almost despairing determinist(悲观

15、的决定论者).n到了1890年代,曾经已幽默著称的马克吐温已不复存在,他的作品更多的是对社会不公和人们愚昧的攻击。n在他生命的最后阶段,妻子和两个女儿的离世更他更加悲痛。有的评论认为这些悲痛使得马克吐温从一个乐观的幽默大师变成了一个悲观的决定论者。nThe failure of his publishing firm and a series of bad financial investments brought him humiliation and bankruptcy, leading him to travel throughout the world on a lecture se

16、ries to pay off his debts, a long and exhausting experience he recorded with barely disguised weariness in Following the Equator赤道环行记 (1897).n出版公司的失败和财务上的困难带来了破产和难堪,马克吐温开始的环行世界的演讲来还债,在赤道环行记1897一书中, 他记录了这次又长又筋疲力尽的行程和毫不掩饰的厌倦。n In 1906 he began to record the details of much of the best and the worst of

17、 his life, portions of which appeared as his Autobiography 自传(1924), published posthumously (于死后)as was the collection entitled Letters from the Earth(地球来信) (1962), which contained the most despairing of his pronouncements and his last furious anger at the “damned human race.”n1906年开始,马克吐温开始记录下他生命中的

18、细节,包括好的和坏的,部分出版在1924年的自传中,其他的在他死后以地球来信发表。信中包括许多绝望的声明和对“该死的人类”的愤怒。His Death Mark Twain died of illness on April 21, 1910. When he passed away, newspapers around the country declared, “The whole world is mourning.” By then, Samuel Clemens had long since ceased to be a private citizen. He had become Ma

19、rk Twain, a proud possession of the American nation.1910年,4月21日马克吐温逝世。彼时,美国所有的报纸都报道“举世齐哀”,Samuel Clemens 不再是一个普通公民,而是作为 Mark Twain 成为美国的财富。Mark Twain and the Mississippi n Mark Twains adventurous boyhood had been spent on the Mississippi River. He loved the great river so much that he always went in

20、 the direction of the nearby Mississippi. Many of his great works are set in the background of the Mississippi River, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Life on the Mississippi. n马克吐温冒险的童年在密西西比河上度过,他挚爱密西西比河。他的许多作品也是以密西西比河为背景。n包括汤姆索亚历险记,哈克贝利芬历险记,密西西比河Mark Twa

21、inMark Twain s Masterpiecess Masterpieces王子与贫儿 哈克费恩历险记 汤姆索亚利历险记 Other worksn卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙(1867)、傻子国外旅行记(1869)、艰苦岁月(1872)、镀金时代(1873,与查尔斯达德利沃纳合写)、汤姆索耶历险记(1876)、国外流浪汉(1880)、王子与贫儿(1882)、密西西比河上(1883)、哈克贝里费恩历险记(1884)、亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人(1889)、傻瓜威尔逊(1894)、贞德传(1896)。他去世后出版的作品有:神秘的来客(1916)、马克吐温的笔记本(1935)和自传(1959)T

22、hree Stages of Mark Twains Thought and Works 思想和创作的三个阶段思想和创作的三个阶段nactive and lively 早期(早期(1867186718701870)短篇小说,轻松嬉笑的)短篇小说,轻松嬉笑的外表下严肃的社会批判外表下严肃的社会批判; ; nfull of acid and satirical sense 中期(中期(7070年代年代9090年代)创作的鼎盛时期,年代)创作的鼎盛时期,轻松的幽默转向辛辣的讽刺轻松的幽默转向辛辣的讽刺; ;npessimistic and cynic 晚期(晚期(9090年代后期)民主理想破灭后的悲

23、观年代后期)民主理想破灭后的悲观厌世厌世. .Writing Characteristics of Mark TwainnLiterature is an art of language. Mark Twains language is artistic and like a sharp weapon without doubt. Mark Twain is famous for his humor and satire. nMark Twains humor is based on the humor of the Western in America. nHe used a lot of

24、colloquial idioms(口语化的方言土语) and colloquial syntax(口语化的句法). nHe often described persons who was innocent, simple, naive, and ignorant as his heroes or heroines.nHe used the artistic style of hyperbole(夸张) on the basis of the western traditional humor and made his writing full of allegories(寓言) that l

25、ay behind the humor. A master of language shortconcrete direct in effect simple, even ungrammatical sentence and structure words He used colloquial language, vernacular language, dialects 马克吐温在写作中运用当地的语言,语言剪短,具体。句子简单,通常还不符合语法结构。 Mark Twains Writing Featureslocal colourrepresented social life through

26、 portraits of local places which he knew best drew from his own rich fund of knowledge of people and places tall tales (highly exaggerated) 作品具有当地色彩,通过对当地生活的刻画,和他自己的背景知识,讲述夸张的传奇故事。Writing Features of Mark TwainnMark Twain is famous for his humor and satire. nMark Twains humor is based on the humor o

27、f the Western in America(see Frontier humor)nHe often described persons who was innocent, simple, naive, and ignorant as his heroes or heroines.nHe used the artistic style of hyperbole on the basis of the western traditional humor and made his writing full of allegories that lay behind the humor. n马

28、克吐温以幽默和讽刺著称,他的幽默也成为开拓者的幽默。他描写的故事的主角通常都是天真,简单,纯真的。他在写作中运动夸张的手法,在幽默的背后通常寓意深刻。Twains style and contribution nTwain s style based on vigorous, realistic, colloquial, American speech,gave American writers a new appreciation for their national voice. nOne of Mark Twains great contribution is that he made

29、colloquial speech an accept, respectable literary medium(方法) in American literature. 他的写作风格是一种朝气蓬勃的,现实的,口语话的美国风格,让美国作家以一种全新的方式欣赏美国的声音。他的最大的贡献是他使乡土语言变成一种可接受的,受尊重的美国文学。nFrontier humor, also called west humor, was created by the gold-diggers and pioneers in ragged frontier villages, on riverboats, in m

30、ining camps. nThe heyday(全盛期) of frontier humor was from the 1830s to the advent of the Civil War.开拓者幽默也称西部幽默,由掘金者和边疆的开拓者发起。A Mirror of America1. “Mirror” here means a person who gives a true representation or description of the country. 2. Generally speaking, all literary giants in human history ar

31、e also great historians, thinkers and philosophers. Their works often reveal more truth than many political essays. 3. Mark Twain was one of these giants, and his life and works are a mirror of America of his time. nMark Twain gave pleasure - real intellectual enjoyment - to millions, and his works

32、will continue to give such pleasure to millions yet to come. -President William Howard Taft 威廉霍华德塔夫脱nAll modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. -HemingwaynIn my opinion, Mark Twain was the first truly American writer, and all of us since are his heirs,

33、who descended from him.nThe father of American Literature. -William Faulkner威廉福克纳 Comments on Mark Twain A Brief Assessment Mark Twain is a part of America. His personal success and failure were those of America. He moved, along with America, from innocence to experience. He was an American humorist

34、,Writer,Speaker and Social critic.He was famous for his description of common people and the way they talked, but especially for his humor. Yale and Oxford honored him for his writing.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) 汤姆索亚历险记汤姆索亚历险记汤姆索亚历险记汤姆索亚历险记n 汤姆索亚是一个聪明但调皮的男孩。他父母双亡,住在严厉但也十分疼他的波利姨妈家里。他活泼好动,还有着许

35、多精灵鬼点子,而且不爱学习,总喜欢逃了学去钓鱼、和流浪儿哈克贝利费恩去闲逛、玩“海盗”、搜集各种奇怪的物品等。他甚至喜欢上了名叫蓓琪撒切尔的女孩,并想尽办法来“追求”她。n一日半夜,汤姆和哈克去坟地“试验”用死猫治疣子的方法时,意外地遇上了一场谋杀案去盗尸的罗宾逊大夫、印第安人乔和酒鬼波特三个人发生争执,一怒之下,乔把大夫杀了,并把杀人罪赖到了被打晕的波特身上。当时吓得够呛的汤姆和哈克发誓,要对此事严守秘密。但汤姆在很长时间内一直陷于不安之中。n 汤姆索亚历险记汤姆索亚历险记n后来,汤姆由于蓓琪和他怄气而与好友乔哈泼一起离家出走,和哈克一起坐筏子到一个小岛上去当“海盗”。镇上的人不知道他们的去



38、的描述,找到了一个宝箱里面有一万两千余元!发现宝藏的他们成了大富翁。从此以后,汤姆和哈克变成了小镇上的“风云人物”,不仅走到哪儿都会受到欢迎,而且他们俩的小传还登在了镇报上 Analysis of Major Characters Tom SawyernThe novels main character Tom is a mischievous(淘气的) boy with a great imagination who spends most of the time getting him in trouble. Tom has a kind heart and respects other

39、peoples feelings. He becomes more and more mature as the story progresses.Huckleberry Finn and Aunt PollynHuck is Toms best friend and fellow adventurer. Abandoned by his drunken father, he lives on his own and by his own rules. Huck is very laidback and independent. Most adults disapprove of him an

40、d other children envy him for his freedom.nPolly is Toms aunt and guardian. Aunt Polly is a nice lady but she can be mean and strict at times. Overall, Aunt Polly just wants to be loved by the most important people Sid and Tom in her life at the moment.Flexible,Varied,Fluid(流动的)Twaincertainlyhasafle


42、henightbefore,goestotalkwithHuck:“Hello,Huck!Hello,yourself.“Silence,foraminute.Writing Style TonenHumorous, KnowingnAlthough The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is by no means an autobiography, Twain is most definitely writing from life experience. nHe sounds likewell, a fifty year-old man looking back at

43、 his childhood, and forming a narrative out of his memories. Memories of his youth in Missouri, of childish behavior and juvenile fantasies; these are Twains raw(未加工的 materials. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(哈克贝利(哈克贝利费恩历险记)费恩历险记)Background nMark Twain ,as a witness of Civil War, experienced the

44、 two Americas, the frontier(前沿的) and the emerging urban, industrial giant of the twenty century and saw the great changes in the nations economic development and political life.nIt was before the Civil War(1861-1865),about 1850,when the great Mississippi River was still being settled. On both sides

45、of Mississippi River , there was unpopulated wilderness(荒地) and a dense forest.The Plot(1)nHuck, a poor boy with a drunken brute(残忍的;无理性的)father, as a result of his adventure, gained quite a bit of money and was adopted by a respectable family. Huck dislikes his new life of cleanliness, manners, chu

46、rch, and school. However, he sticks it out in order to take part in Toms new “robbers”.The Plot(2)nLater Hucks brutish(粗野的;残忍的)drunken father, reappears in town and demands Hucks money. He hangs around town for several months, harassing (骚扰) his son. Finally, he kidnaps Huck and holds him in a cabin

47、. Huck escapes by faking his own death, killing a pig and spreading its blood all over the cabin.The Plot(3)nLater the slave Jim joined his escape , because his owner is thinking of selling him down the river to the deep South of harsher(严酷的) slavery . nThey float on a raft down the majestic (宏伟的)Mi

48、ssissippi, but are sunk by a steamboat, separated, and later reunited. They go through many comical(滑稽的,可笑的) and dangerous adventures.The Plot(4)nIn the end, it is discovered that Miss Watson had already freed Jim, and a respectable family offers to adopt Huck. But Huck grows impatient with civilize

49、d society and plans to escape to “the territories- Indian lands.The Innocents Abroad 傻子出国记傻子出国记n 原名The innocents abroad,又名The new pilgrim progress。innocents大意为“天真”,译成傻子出国记,倒也有趣。The new pilgrim progress意为新天路历程,显然袭用了约翰班扬的书名。 这本书很厚,足有582页。据译者后记,1867年,美国上加利福尼亚报组织“教友城号”轮船游览地中海国家和朝拜圣地,共有66名乘客报名。马克吐温知道此事,给

50、报社写信,要求充当随船记者。当年6月8日轮船启航,11月9日回到纽约。马克吐温为该报写了53篇通讯,再加上几篇为他报撰写的通讯,及其印记面前的优越。傻子出国记傻子出国记n傻子出国记为通讯集,是马克吐温的旅欧报道。写天真无知的美国人在欧洲的旅游见闻,滑稽、诙谐,表现出美国人在欧洲封建社会傻子出国记为通讯集,是马克吐温的旅欧报道。写天真无知的美国人在欧洲的旅游见闻,滑稽、诙谐,表现出美国人在欧洲封建社会及其印记面前的优越感。 The Mysterious Stranger神秘的陌生人神秘的陌生人神秘的陌生人神秘的陌生人n神秘的陌生人描述奥地利乡下的三个少年,有一天在突然出现的美少年的唆使下,进入了



53、辛,他的早期作品幽默风趣,而晚年却被辛辣的作品完全取代。nAlthough it carries on the picaresque story of the characters in Tom Sawyer, the sequel is a more accomplished and realistic portrayal of regional character and frontier experience on the Mississippi.nNarrated by Huck, the story begins with its unschooled hero under the

54、motherly protection of the Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. 3. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Story and AnalysisnWhen his blackguard father appears to demand the boys fortune, Huck tricks him by transferring the money to Judge Thatcher, but his father kidnaps him and imprisons him in

55、a lonely cabin. nDuring one of the old mans drunken spells, Huck escapes to Jacksons Island, where he meets Miss Watsons runaway slave, Jim. nThey start down the river on a raft, but, after several adventures, the raft is hit by a steamboat and the two are separated. Huck swims ashore, and is shelte

56、red by the Grangerford family, whose feud with the Shepherdsons causes bloodshed. nThe boy discovers Jim, and they set out again on the raft, giving refuge to the Duke, an itinerent printer and fraud, and Louis XVII of France, actor and faker. nThey give fraudulent performances as they move on. Huck

57、 witnesses the murder of a harmless drunkard by an Arkansas aristocrat, whose contempt discourages a mob of would-be lynchers. nThe rogues learn of the death of Peter Wilks and claim legacies as his brothers. Huck interferes in behalf of the three daughters, and the scheme is foiled by the arrival o

58、f the real brothers. nThen he discovers that the King has sold Jim to Mrs. Phelps, Tom Sawyers Aunt Sally, and at the Phelps farm he impersonates Tom in an attempt to rescue Jim. nWhen Tom arrives, he masquerades as his brother Sid, and concocts a fantastic scheme to free Jim. In the mixed-up and sp

59、lendid rescue, Tom is accidentally shot, and the slave is recaptured. nWhile Tom is recuperating, he reveals that Miss Watson has died, setting Jim free in her will, and that the rescue was necessary only because he wanted the adventure of it. It is also disclosed that Hucks fortune is safe, since his father is dead, but he concludes: “I reckon I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally shes going to adopt me and civilize me, and I cant stand it. I been there before.”



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