2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits(第2课时)Grammar课件 外研版必修2

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《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits(第2课时)Grammar课件 外研版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits(第2课时)Grammar课件 外研版必修2(77页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索Our Body and Healthy HabitsModule 1第二课时第二课时GrammarModule 1课内合作探究课内合作探究 2基基 础础 巩巩 固固4课后强化作业课后强化作业 5课前自主预习课前自主预习1新课标语法新课标语法 3课前自主预习课前自主预习写出下面句子黑体词的词性(vt./vi.)。1The committee will table its report this week.()2Shall I sugar the milk for you?()3The chairman will

2、 now address the meeting.()4Id like to book three seats for tonights concert.()5He handed me a piece of white paper.()6Our house faces south.()答案:1.vt.2.vt.3.vt.4.vt.5.vt.6.vi.课内合作探究课内合作探究1.lie vi.(lay, lain, lying)1)躺着Ive lain awake all night long thinking of how to deal with the problem.我一夜未睡,考虑怎样

3、处理这个问题。2)在处(有)She wanted to bring out all kinds of things that lay buried deep in her heart.她想把深埋心底的秘密一股脑儿地倒出来。3)位于;在处Leizhou Peninsula lies opposite Hainan Island.雷州半岛正对海南岛。词语辨析:lie to, lie in, lie on这三个短语都用来表示位置:lie to表示在另一边;lie in表示位置在主语范围之内;lie on表示疆域(领土)的接壤。The town lies to the north of the cit

4、y.这个镇在城的北边。Ninety percent of the country lies in the temperate zone.这个国家百分之九十的地方在温带。The biggest salt pan lies on the eastern coast of Hebei Province.最大的盐场在河北省东面的海岸上。知识拓展(1)lie vi. & vt.(lied; lied; lying)撒谎I never thought you would lie to me.我从未想到过你会对我撒谎。(2)lay v. (laid, laid, laying)表示“放,搁,下(蛋),产卵”

5、。lay down 放下lay aside 放在一边lay eggs 下蛋lay the table for dinner 摆桌子吃饭即学即用At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _ (lie) Chongqing, one of the ten largest cities in China.答案:lies本句为倒装结构。lie的单复数由主语Chongqing决定。2contribute vt. 捐献;贡献,表示“把捐献给”,常与介词to连用vi. 起作用,有助于;与介词to连用v. 投稿;常与to连用

6、He contributed some money to the flood victims.他捐出一些钱给遭受水灾的难民。Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience.许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。Exercise contributes to improving your health.运动有益于你的健康。It is an honour to be invited to contribute to your magazine.应邀向贵杂志投稿很荣幸。即学

7、即用(2014河北东光县一中质检改编)The invention of steam engine greatly speeded up the industrial revolution, which _ (contribute) a lot to the takeoff of the world.答案:contributed句意:蒸汽机的发明大大加速了工业革命的进程,这对世界的腾飞作出了很大的贡献。contribute“对作出贡献”。由句意可知用一般过去时。3examine vt. 检查,诊察;考试,询问The doctor examined him thoroughly.医生彻底地给他做了

8、检查。I examined students on the previous lessons.我测验了学生前面几课(的学习效果)。The lawyer examined the witness.律师讯问了证人。词语辨析:check, examine, test三者都有“检查;审查”之意,但侧重点有所不同。(1)check指为确定某事正确与否或为弄清某事而进行检查,以确保正确、安全、满意或处于良好状态,侧重指“核对”。Check your homework before you hand it in.把你的家庭作业检查一下然后再交。(2)examine指通过仔细察看或观察以了解未知情况,既可用于

9、人,也可用于物。The doctor examined the patient carefully.医生对这位病人作了仔细的检查。(3)test指以某种手段来试一试某人或某物是否达到了一定的标准。Before he bought the car, he drove it to test it.他在买这辆小汽车之前先开了一下试试车。即学即用单句翻译。The doctor examined the boy and found nothing wrong with him._The teacher examined the students in physics._答案:医生检查了男孩的身体发现他是

10、健康的。教师考查了学生的物理。4tired adj.疲倦的,累的;厌烦的,厌倦的The tourists were tired after climbing to the top of the Mount Tai.爬到泰山顶上后旅游者们感到很疲惫。Im tired of fried eggs.我吃腻了煎蛋。拓展be tired with/from 因而疲惫be tired of 对感到厌烦be tired out 疲倦极了tiring adj. 令人疲劳的,令人疲倦的tireless adj. 不知疲倦的tire v. (使)疲劳,厌烦He was tired of sleeping with

11、 the windows open.他讨厌开着窗户睡觉。He was tired with such a long walk.走了这么长的路他感到很累。即学即用语法填空Mr Smith, _(tire) of the _(bore) speech, started to read a novel.答案:tired; boringbe tired of意为“感到厌烦(倦)的”,指精神方面;现在分词boring修饰speech,说明speech的性质、特征,表示“令人厌烦的”。句意:史密斯先生听腻了这个令人厌烦的报告,他开始读小说了。单句翻译a她看电视看得厌倦了。_b看书可能使你疲劳,但你不应该对

12、看书感到厌烦。_答案:a.She was tired of watching television.bYou may be tired with reading, but you should not be tired of it.5breathe v. 呼吸It is good for the health to breathe deeply.深呼吸有利于身体健康。He went out and breathed the fresh air.他走到户外呼吸新鲜空气。图解助记“吸气”与“呼气”:知识拓展breath n. U,C呼吸After all that running, he was

13、short of breath.那样跑了一阵之后,他气喘吁吁了。Walking out of the room, he drew a deep breath.他走出房间,深吸了一口气。即学即用I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good_(breathe)答案:to breathe此处为beadj.不定式的主动形式的变式。1.pick up(1)捡起;拾起Pick up the box by the handles.抓住把手把箱子拎起来。(2)收拾;收集Please pick up all your toy

14、s when youve finished playing.你玩过之后请把玩具收拾好。(3)健康状况好转;恢复生机Trade is picking up again.商业情况在好转。(4)找到;获得;学会Where did you pick up your excellent French?你是在哪里学会一口流利的法语的?(5)重提(话题);(使)重新开始Lets pick up the conversation where we left off yesterday.让我们从昨天中断的地方开始再继续谈。(6)收取(物);接(人)Im going to pick up my coat from

15、 the cleaners.我要去洗衣店取我的大衣。(7)(在无线电中)收听到We picked up signals for help from the burning ship.我们收听到了失火船只发出的求救信号。(8)廉价买到(9)跌倒后爬起图解助记即学即用介词填空(四川改编) Its surprising that your brother pick _ Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.答案:up本题考查介词。pick up“捡起,拾起,用车接,偶然习得”,句意:你弟弟这么快就学会了俄语真是令人吃惊他在那儿还没住很长时间

16、。pick up意为“学得”。2begin with 以开始Autumn begins with August.秋天从八月开始。The evening party began with a song.晚会以一首歌开始的。知识拓展to begin/start with 首先;第一To begin/start with, we ought to know what we study for.我们首先应该知道我们为什么而学习。(反)end up with(end up doing sth.) 以而结束The speech ended up with a famous poem.那篇演说最后以一首名诗

17、来结束。即学即用语法填空(2014湖南岳阳一中质检改编)The research is so designed that once_(begin)nothing can be done to change it.答案:begun此处为条件状语从句的省略。“once it is begun”为完整形式。1.Go to bed now or youll be really tired tomorrow.现在就去睡觉,否则你明天会感到很累的。Take more exercise and youll get really fit.多锻炼,你的身体会很健康的。以上两句用了同一个句式:祈使句and/or简

18、单句。祈使句表示条件;and表示意义上的递进,or则表示意义上的转折。Work harder and you will succeed./If you work harder, you will succeed.再努力点你就会成功的。Study hard, and you will pass the exam./If you study hard, you will pass the exam.努力学习,你考试会及格的。 Hurry up, or well be late./If we dont hurry up, well be late.快点,要不我们就迟到了。知识拓展在本句型中,有时前面

19、的祈使句可使省略名词词组。One more word and I will beat you.再说一句,我就揍你。A bit more effort and youll succeed.再努力一点,你就会成功。注意:这一句式中的祈使句可以与if引导的条件状语从句互换。A little more effort and the work will be finished.(If you make a little more effort, the work will be finished.)再努力一些,工作就能完成了。即学即用语法填空(辽宁高考改编)Bring the flowers into

20、a warm room _theyll soon open.答案:and本题考查连词的用法。句意:如果把花拿到温室里去,它们很快就开了。本题为“祈使句and简单句”结构,祈使句相当于if引导的条件状语从句。(湖南高考改编)Close the door of fear behind you, and you _(see) the door of faith open before you.答案:will see句意:关上你身后的恐惧之门,你就会发现你面前的自信之门打开了。本句型是“祈使句and一般将来时的句子”。2That couldnt be better!本句意为“再也没有比这更好的了。”是

21、一个“否定词形容词的比较级”的结构,此结构表示最高级含义,常用来表示对已经发生的事情的判断、评价,也可以用any修饰比较级,以加强语气。My work this month couldnt be better.我这个月的工作很好。The weather today couldnt be any worse.今天的天气再糟糕不过了。注意:这一结构实际是以比较级的形式表达最高级的含义,还可用以下这种形式:No one is taller than Tom in our class.我们班里汤姆最高。No bread is sweeter than that earned by yourself.自

22、己挣的面包吃起来最香甜。即学即用语法填空What do you think of his work.It couldnt be any _(good). Im satisfied with what he has done.答案:couldntbe形容词比较级表最高级含义。3an illness in which your chest hurts when you breathe呼吸时你感到胸疼的一种病in which your chest hurts when you breathe是定语从句,由“介词which”引导。Benjamin Franklin conducted a number

23、 of experiments in which he showed what electricity was.本杰明富兰克林进行了许多实验,以证明电是什么。知识拓展关系代词前面介词的使用应根据以下情况进行选择:(1)根据与前面名词的搭配关系进行选择。Ill never forget the day on which I first met him.(表示具体的某一天,介词用on)(2)根据定语从句后面的动词和介词的搭配关系进行选择。The man to whom you spoke just now is a relative of my aunts.(speak to意为“对说话”)The

24、 two things of which they felt proud were Jims gold watch and Dellas hair.(be/feel proud of为固定短语,意为“为而感到自豪”)(3)有时须同时考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名词的搭配关系。The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through which he could see what was happening inside the house.即学即用语法填空The newly built cafe, the walls of _ are painted

25、light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.答案:whichthe walls of which作非限制性定语从句的主语。4not.any moreno more不再Time lost will return no more.Time lost will not return any more.失去的时间不会再来。辨析:no more与no longerno more表示“不再”,指程度或次数不再增加,多与终止性动词连用。no longer表示“不再”,指时间上不再延续,多与持续性动词连用。

26、We have no more food at home.我们家里没有吃的东西了。She no longer lives here.She doesnt live here any longer.她不在这儿住了。即学即用单句翻译当明年七月来到时,我就不再是高中生了。_答案:I will no longer be a senior high student when next July comes.新课标语法新课标语法表解语法助记一个词在词形不变化的情况下由一种词类转化为另一种或几种词类,这种用法叫做词的转化。本模块主要学习名词转化为动词。类别例句例句表示物件的名词book预定,chair担任主

27、席,pocket把装入口袋,seat坐得下人,pin把别住,map绘制地图,picture想象The large hall can seat a thousand people.这个大礼堂能坐1,000人。表示实物的名词flower开花,oil加油,root扎根,house让居住,ship用船运,brake刹车,milk挤奶,can装进罐子,bridge消除,dust打扫,mail邮寄Most fruit trees flower in spring.大多数果树在春天开花。They shipped machines from Shanghai to Qingdao.他们用船把机器从上海运往青岛

28、。类别例句例句表示动物的名词dog紧随,cock 竖起,wolf狼吞虎咽,monkey捣蛋The hungry boy wolfed down three great bowls of rice.这个饥饿的男孩狼吞虎咽吃了三大碗米饭。表示某类人的名词fool愚弄,nurse 护理,host主办,herd使集合在一起,spy监视,pilot驾驶,poineer开创,mother 溺爱He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他坚持不睡觉来护理这个小孩。类别例句例句抽象名词hunger 渴望,lunch吃午饭,time 计时,storm猛烈攻击,an

29、ger发怒,winter过冬From her eyes, we can see that the girl is hungering for education.从她的眼神中,我们能看出这个女孩对知识的渴望。身体部位名词hand递,head朝行进,back支持,shoulder (用肩)挑,finger抚摸,eye注视,elbow用肘推挤,face面对He handed the book to me.他把书递我。She fingered the silk gently.她轻轻地抚摸丝绸。注意:名词转化为动词后的词义多数情况下可以比较容易地从原词义中推断出,但有时也会产生一词多义的情况。图解语法

30、助记表解语法助记一般将来时由“will/be going to动词原形构成”,表示将要发生的事情。其用法如下:类别用法例句will动词原形表示纯粹的将来Next year I will be 40.明年我就40岁了。表示将来的意愿、允诺、决心、命令等I wont go shopping this afternoon, but she will.今天下午我不想去购物,但她想去。表示推测、预料将要发生的事。The students will come and work in the lab once a week.学生们会每周一次来实验室工作。类别用法例句will动词原形表示临时决定要做的事。Co

31、me to the party.来参加晚会吧。OK, Ill bring my brother.好的,我把我弟弟也带来。“be going to动词原形”表将来表示有迹象表明将要发生某事。Look! Its going to rain.瞧!快下雨了。表示主语的意图What are you going to do tomorrow?你明天要做什么?表示计划、打算在最近的将来要做某事The film is going to be put on next week.这部电影下周上映。注意:表示将来要做或发生的事也可用“be to动词原形”、“be about to动词原形”、一般现在时、现在进行时等

32、形式表示。即学即用语法填空(湖南高考改编)In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _(make) by scientists.答案:will be made本题考查时态和语态。句意:在不远的将来,科学家们将会在机器人技术上作出更大的进步。由句中的时间状语in the near future可知应用一般将来时,make advances“取得进步”,advances作主语,故用被动语态。(湖南高考改编)“The moment _(come) soon,” he thought to himself, waiting ne

33、rvously.答案:is coming考查时态,由句中的soon可知,应该用将来时;本句为直接引语,故用现在进行时表将来。(辽宁高考改编)Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I get_(pay) on Friday.答案:paid本题考查系表结构。句意:妈妈,我在想你能否借我几美元直到我星期五领薪水。get paid 为系表结构。基基 础础 巩巩 固固.单词拼写1Just as you need air to _ (呼吸), you need opportunity to succeed.2Is the

34、re a link between smoking and _ (肺)diseases?3The doctor will come soon. I think you need a _(X光) examination.4The doctor operated on the babys _ (咽喉), and saved its life.5After you see a doctor,he may give you a _(处方) for medicine.6There are different _ (症状) of a fever. They depend on what is causin

35、g it.7If a man has too much body weight, we say he is _ (超重)8What _ (可怕) weather! It has completely ruined our plan to hold the garden party.答案:1.breathe2.lung3.Xray4.throat5.prescription6symptoms7.overweight8.awful.根据A句完成B句1A.You can get full marks for English next time if you study harder.B_ _, _

36、you can get full marks for English next time.2A.Youll be late for class unless you start right now.B_ _ _, _ youll be late for class.3A.I feel cold and Ive got a pain in stomach.BI feel cold and _ _ _.4A.I am so tired. If only I could take the day off tomorrow!BI am so tired. If only I could _ _ wor

37、k tomorrow!答案:1.Study harder, and2.Start right now, or3.my stomach hurts4.be off.根据汉语意思完成下列句子1你的眼睛红红的,你一定是发烧了。Your eyes are red. I think that you _ _ _.2他说会来接我,但是现在还没来。He said he would come to _ _ _ but he hasnt come yet.3她感觉有些恶心,回她的房舱去躺下休息了。She feels sick and goes to _ _ in her cabin.4我牙痛,必须每天去看一次牙

38、医。I have _ _ _, and have to go to the dentists every day.5你对他所做的工作满意吗?一点也不满意。没有比这个更糟的了。Are you pleased with what he has done?Not in the least. It _ _ any _.答案:1.have a temperature/fever2.pick me up3.lie down 4.got a toothache5.couldnt beworse.语法填空1Do you like the soup?Yes, it_(taste)delicious.答案:tas

39、testaste表示“尝起来”时是系动词,由句意可知用第三人称单数。2Will you go to the museum tomorrow?I will if I_(have) no visitors.答案:haveif引导的条件状语从句中谓语动词用一般现在时替代将来时。3I feel a bit hungry. I think I_(have)something to eat.答案:will have用will表示说话时才决定要做的事情。4The workers have made some contributions_ the country.答案:tocontribution后面需要搭配

40、to。5The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _(lay) for a meal to be cooked.答案:laid此处lay为动词原形,其过去式为laid,过去分词为laid,意为“放置”。with a dining table.为with复合结构,a dining table与“放置”这个动作之间存在逻辑上的被动关系,桌子应该是被放置,故选择过去分词laid。6(潍坊市二次质检改编)The BBC news is usually not difficult to pick _ , but its

41、often too hard to _ (understand)答案:up; understand在表语形容词difficult,hard后用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。此处的pick up意为“收听到”。7How is Dennis getting along with his work?Well, he could always come up_a new idea for increasing sales.答案:withcome up with“想出;提出”,符合题意。8Everyone thinks that the film is_a lot more interesting th

42、an the one you saw last week.答案:quitequite a lot可修饰比较级,相当于much。9I wonder if he_(help) us, but I think we will be able to finish the work ahead of time if he_(help) us.答案:will help; helps第一个if引导宾语从句,意为“是否”,从句应用将来时态;第二个if引导条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时代替将来时。10At this time tomorrow we_(fly) over the Atlantic.答案:will be flying将来进行时表示按计划将要在某个时间点或段发生的动作。



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