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1、 Lesson 33 A fine dayLets review现在进行时结构:主+be+ving+其他标志词:now, at the momentving=现在分词1.直接加ing2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing3.重度闭音节,双写尾字母加ing4.少数以ie结尾的,去ie变y加ing Translation我正在关门I am shutting the door now你正在穿衣服You are putting on the clothes now她正在打开电脑She is turning on the computer now他正在擦黑板He is cleaning the blackb

2、oard now。他们正在削铅笔They are sharpening the pencil nowwords list day over cloud bridge sky boat sun rivershine shipwith eroplanefamily flywalk1.day n. 日子、节日eg. a fine day好天气National Day国庆节/ Childrens Day 儿童节习惯搭配:one day 有一天;某一天;总有一天 day after day 一天一天的,日复一日的 day and night 日日夜夜 some day (将来)总有一天(链) daydr

3、eam 白日梦,做白日梦 eg. You are always daydreaming. 你总是做白日梦。2. cloud n. 云(可数名词)eg. There are some clouds in the sky. 天空中有一些云。(链)cloudy adj. 多云的; eg. Its cloudy. cloudless adj. 无云的,万里无云的3. sky n. 天空eg. a blue sky 蔚蓝的天空 in the sky 在空中在云彩之间可以看到一点蓝天。(a bit of一点)There is a bit of blue sky between clouds.4. sun

4、n. 太阳(链)sunny a adj. 晴朗的,充满阳光的 a suuny room充满阳光的房间/ a sunny day晴天 sunrise n.日出日出 sunset n.日落日落 a beautiful sunrise/sunset美丽的日出/日落 sunglasses n. eg. two pairs of sunglasses Take off your sunglasses, please.(祈使句) 请摘下你的太阳镜。5. shinev. 照耀照耀/ n. 照射照射(如:如:sunshine “阳光阳光”)The sun shines every day. 例:太阳每天都照耀

5、大地。6. withprep. 和在一起(搭配)be with 和在一起eg. They are with their children.他们和他们的孩子在一起。6. familyn. 家庭(成员)例:我们家有五口人。There are five people in my family.(辩辩) family, home, housefamily 指家庭成员:指家庭成员:There are four people in my family. 我家有四口人。home 抽象概念:抽象概念:My home in in China. 我家在中国。house 指房子:指房子:Will you come

6、to my house tomorrow? 明天你到我家来吗?7. walkv. &n. 走路,步行eg. We walk to school every day. 我们每天走着去上学。(搭配)go out for a walk 散步 eg. Lets go out for a walk. 让我们出去散散步吧。 8. over prep. 跨越,在之上(在垂直的上面)(不接触表面)eg. The sky is over our heads. 天空在我们头上。(辩)(辩) over, on, aboveover 指在垂直的上面,不接触表面。on 在之上(接触物体表面)A book is on m

7、y desk. 一本书在我的书桌上。above 在上方(不接触物体,一般是斜上方区域)例:书在我上方的书架上。The book is above me on the shelf.9. bridgen. 桥eg. We are walking on the bridge. 我们正在桥上走。10. boat n. 船(用木浆划水的船)(惯) in the same boat同在一条船上(指同在一个不好的形势下)11. river n. 河,江例:1. 有几只小船在江面上。 2. 河里面有许多种鱼。1.There are some boats on the river.2.There are man

8、y fishes in the river.12. fly v. 飞,飞行,(使)飞/. Eg. An aeroplane is flying over the river. The children are flying a kite in the park. I am flying to London tomorrow一架飞机正飞越这条江。孩子们正在公园里放风筝。明天我要飞往伦敦。n. 苍蝇I hate flies.我讨厌苍蝇。13. sleep v. 睡觉eg. She sleeps for only six hours every night.她每夜只睡6个小时。(链)sleeples

9、s adj. 无眠的: a sleepless night 无眠之夜 sleepy adj. 困倦的: My father is a bit sleepy. 我的爸爸有点困了。14. shavev. 刮脸 例:我爸爸正在刮胡子。My father is shaving.15. cry v. 哭,喊例:这个男孩正哭着要更多的玩具。 eg. The boy is crying for more toys.16. wash v. 洗eg. The teacher is washing the clothes for her kids. 例:那位老师正在给孩子洗衣服。washing machine 洗

10、衣机17. wait v. 等,等待eg. 我在等我的妈妈。I am waiting for my mother.(搭) wait for等待Wait a moment please.(链) waiter男服务员; waitress女服务员18. jump v. 跳eg. The cat jumped to the table.那只猫跳上桌子。(搭) jump over 跳着翻越过: jump over a wall; 跳着翻越了一堵墙jump over the desk 从课桌上跳了过去例: 狗越过了大门。The dog jumped over the gate.jump off 从跳下来j

11、ump off the wall/the tree/the deskWhats the weather like today?Its sunny today Its windy todayIts rainy todayIts warm todayIts hot todayIts a fine day today. 今天天气好Look at the picture on page 65.What can you see in the picture?listen to the tape Wheres the Jones family?There is a bridge over the rive

12、rThere are some clouds in the skyThe sun is shining Mr. Jones is with his familyThey are walking over the bridgeThere are some boats on the riverSally is looking at a big shipTim is looking at an aeroplaneThe aeroplane is flying over the bridgeMr. Jones and his wife are looking at them.The ship is g

13、oing under the bridge总总 结结 1.There be 句型表示某地有某物2.some+可数名词复数3.独一无二的东西之前用the the sun ,the moon4.be with sb.=和谁在一起 be with his family 和他家人在一起5.walk over the bridge 走过桥(over指穿过时 在表面)6.on the river 在河上7.look at 看哪里8.under the bridge 在桥下9.aeroplane= airplane 冠词用an10.时态:现在进行时 画线What are they doing?What is

14、 he/ she doing?shaving 刮胡子He is shaving.They are shaving Type letters 打信She is typing letters Wash dishes 洗盘子They are washing dishesWait for a bus 等公交车They are waiting for a bus练练 习习 what are they doing? cook a meal 做饭What are the men doing?They are cooking a meal.1.shaving 刮胡子 2.type letters 打信 3.d

15、oing their homework 做作业4.washing dishes 洗盘子5.waiting for a bus 等公交车They are shaving.They are typing letters.They are doing their homework.They are washing dishes.They are waiting for a bus.现在分词 以不发音的e结尾,去e加ingOpen your book and turn to page 68homework1.背过背过L33、L34单词,家长听写并签名单词,家长听写并签名 2. 背过背过L33课文课文3. 完成练习册的习题完成练习册的习题4.听录音并跟读,每天听录音并跟读,每天20分钟分钟



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