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1、Unit 7 Its raining!Section A 1a-2cWhat am I doing? Hows the weather? Its sunny.cloudy Hows the weather? Its cloudy. Hows the weather? Its rainy. Hows the weather? Its windy. Hows the weather? Its snowy.cloudy123A: Hows the weather in Picture 1?B: Its rainy.45BeijingShanghaiDo you know these places?D

2、o you know these places?MoscowBostonToronto1a Match the words with the pictures. 1. Beijing _2. Boston_3. Shanghai _4. Toronto _5. Moscow_ aedbcCityBeijingMoscowTorontoBostonShanghaiWeather1b Listen and fill in the chart. sunnysnowingrainingwindycloudyA: Hows the weather in Beijing?B: Its sunny. How

3、s the weather in?A: Its2a. Listen and number the pictures 1-4.2342b. Listen again. Match the names with the activities.1. _ Uncle Joe a. is playing computer games.2. _ Jeff b. is cooking.3. _ Mary c. is playing basketball.4. _ Aunt Sally d. is watching TV.cadb2c. Talk about the people in 2a with a p

4、artner.1. 查询你最喜你最喜欢的城市的天气状况,并的城市的天气状况,并编写写 一一组谈论该地天气的地天气的对话。2. 回家后打回家后打电话询问23个同学正在做什么,个同学正在做什么, 并把并把电话内容写下来。内容写下来。Unit 7 Its raining!Section A 2d-3bA: Hows the weather?B: Its sunny.A: Whats the boy doing?B: Hes playing the guitar.A: Hows the weather?B: Its windy.A: Whats the boy doing?B: Theyre walk

5、ing to school.A: Hows the weather?B: Its snowy.A: Whats the boy doing?B: Theyre making soup.A: Hows the weather?B: Its raining.A: Whats the boy doing?B: Hes playing soccer.1. Whats the boys name?2. Who is he talking to?He is Rick.He is talking to Steve.Fast reading 2d1. Hows the weather?Its great.2.

6、 Whats Steve doing?Hes playing basketball with somefriends at the park.3. Whats Ricks brother doing?Hes studying at his friends home.Careful reading 2d2d Listen and repeat.R: Hello, Rick speaking.S: Hi, Rick. Its Steve. Hows it going?R: Not bad, thanks. The weathers great. What are you doing?S: Im p

7、laying basketball with some friends at the park.R: Sounds like youre having a good time.S: Yeah. Is your brother at home?R: Oh, hes not here. Hes studying at his friends home. Can I take a message for him?S: Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?R: Sure, no problem.2d. Role-play the conversat

8、ion. 1. Hows it going? 该句是人们打招呼或问候对方的常用寒暄该句是人们打招呼或问候对方的常用寒暄语,意思是语,意思是“一切可好?近来怎样?一切可好?近来怎样?”,后,后可可接接with sb. / sth.来表达对朋友、家人的关怀。来表达对朋友、家人的关怀。例如:彼特最近怎么样?例如:彼特最近怎么样?你最近学习怎么样你最近学习怎么样? ?Hows it going with your study?Hows it going with Peter?回答时,可用表示状况的形容词:回答时,可用表示状况的形容词:Great. 很好。很好。Pretty good. 相当好。相当好。

9、Not bad. 还不错。还不错。 Terrible.糟糕透了。糟糕透了。2. 英语中电话通话的交流套语,应英语中电话通话的交流套语,应 注意进行整体学习,不要逐词对译。注意进行整体学习,不要逐词对译。 例如例如: 当打电话要求当打电话要求Rick通话时,可用:通话时,可用: May I speak to Rick, please? 我找里克。我找里克。 Is that Rick (speaking)? (你你) 是里克吗?是里克吗?当接听电话时,说当接听电话时,说“我是我是Rick”时,时,英语常用:英语常用: Rick speaking. This is Rick (speaking).

10、Its Rick (speaking).3a Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb in the box. Then practice the conversations with a partner. be play study talk do make1. A: What are you doing? B: I _ my homework. I always _ my homework in the evening.2. A: Whats John doing right now? B: He _soccer. He _

11、 soccer every Saturday.am doing dois playingplays3. A: _ Julie _ English right now? B: No, she isnt. She _ Chinese.4. A: What are Julie and Jane doing? B: They _ soup. They can _ very good soup.5. A: _ Lisa _ on the phone again? B: Yes, she _ on the phone for three hours every day!Isstudyingis study

12、ingmakeare makingtalksIstalking观察思考观察思考1.3a中出现的句子中一共出现了两种时态, 分别是_和 _。2. 仔细观察3a中的句子,填写下表。一般现在时现在进行时时态动 词 的 形 式主语为第三人称单数主语为其他人称常用时间状语、频率副词一般现在时 every day, in the morning, usually现在进行时dodoesis + doingare + doingnow, right now3b Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five different places. Fill i

13、n the chart below.Hows the weather?What are they doing?Its sunny and warm.Hes playing the guitar.Its windy.Theyre hiking.Its snowing.Theyre cooking.Its hot and humid.Hes writing.Its raining.Theyre playing soccer.Suppose you have a good friend in US. Now you are talking with him/her. What are you tal

14、king about? rainy/raining, cloudy, windy, sunny, snowywatch TV, clean, read,play computer games,talk on the phone,play basketball, cook1.Copy the new words and the sentences in Grammar Focus twice for each. 2. Recite 2d on Page 38.3. Write down one of your conversations you made in class with your p

15、artner.Homework Unit 7 Its raining!Section B 1a-1eLets sing a song!sunny cloudy windyrainysnowyWhat do they mean?Hows the weather?Watch and learn drycoldhotcoolwarm1a. Match the words with the pictures.1._ dry 3._ cool 5._ hot2._ cold 4._ warmabcdedaebc1b. Ask and answer questions about the weather

16、in the pictures in 1a.Hows the weather in spring? Its warm, warm, warm. Hows the weather in summer? Its sunny, hot, hot, hot.Whats the weather like in autumn? Its cool, cool, cool.Whats the weather like in winter? Its snowy, cold, cold, cold.Chant 1. Why does Mary call Eric?2. Where is Mary?She is i

17、n Mexico.To say “Happy birthday!” to Eric. 1c. Listen and answer.Hows it going?What are you doing?Hows the weather?MaryEricgreatnot bad1c. Listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to “Hows it going?”.1d. Listen again. Write the answers to “What are you doing?” Hows it going?What are you doing?Hows

18、 the weather?MaryEricgreatnot badIm visiting my grandmother.Im having a party.1d. Listen for a third time and write the answers to “Hows the weather?” Hows it going?What are you doing?Hows the weather?MaryEricgreatnot badIm visiting my grandmother.Im having a party.hot, dry, sunnyterrible, cold,rain

19、ing1d. Listen and repeat.1e. Role-play a conversation between Mary and Eric.Pair work 假如你是假如你是Annie,来自美国,正在你所在的,来自美国,正在你所在的城市留学,你非常想念国内的朋友,打电话询问城市留学,你非常想念国内的朋友,打电话询问朋友的活动及家乡的天气情况(注意电话用语)。朋友的活动及家乡的天气情况(注意电话用语)。Homework 1. Write down the conversation you made in class with your partner. 2. Recite the

20、listening material in 1c.Unit 7 Its raining!Section B 2a-2c1. Hows the weather? Its warm and sunny.She is sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.A:2. Whats she doing? B:A:B:1. Hows the weather? Its cool and cloudy.They are climbing the mountains.2. Whatre they doing? B:A:B:A:1. Hows the weath

21、er? Its raining. She is writing a letter in her room.A:2. Whats she doing? B:A:B:Read and match the postcard with the correct picture.Postcard OnePostcard TwoRead the first postcard and fill in the chart.NameWhere is she?Hows the weather?What is she doing?Su LinCanadawarm and sunnyvisiting her aunts

22、tudying Englishdrinking orange juicevisiting old friendsRead the second postcard and fill in the chart.NameWhere is he?Hows the weather?What is he doing?DaveEuropecool and cloudywalking in the mountainswriting to JaneRead the postcards and find out the sentences about their feelings. Im having a gre

23、at time visiting my aunt in Canada.Postcard OnePostcard TwoIm having a great time in Europe.Su Lin _ visiting her aunt in Canada. Her aunt _ there and she _. She _ and visiting some of her old friends. Its afternoon right now, and she _ by the pool and drinking orange juice.is having a great timeis

24、workingis going to summer schoolis learningis sittingDave _ in Europe. He is on a vacation in the mountains with his family. His phone _, so he _ to her. The weather there is cool and cloudy, just right for walking.is having a great timeisnt workingis writingSu Lin _ visiting her aunt in Canada. Her

25、 aunt _ there and she _. She_ and visiting some of her old friends. Its afternoon right now, and she _ by the pool and drinking orange juice.is having a great timeis workingis going to summer schoolis learningis sittingDave _ in Europe. He is on a vacation in the mountains with his family. His phone

26、 _, so he _ to her. The weather there is cool and cloudy, just right for walking.is having a great timeisnt workingis writing仔细观察文中红色字体的部分,你会发现它们用的仔细观察文中红色字体的部分,你会发现它们用的时态是时态是_,表示,表示_。现在进行时现在进行时当前一段时间内的活动当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作或现阶段正在进行的动作 现在进行时用来表示“当前一段时间手头上正在从事的事情”时,读起来更加形象、逼真,读起来更加形象、逼真,好像事情就发生在眼前好像

27、事情就发生在眼前。例如:1. Im reading an interesting book these days.这几天我在看一本有趣的书。2. We are working on the farm this week.这星期我们一直在农场工作。1. 这几天玛丽正在看一本有关动物的书。Mary is reading a book about animals these days.2. 这个学期学生们正在学习法语。The students are learning French this term.3. 下雨的时候你都做什么呀?What are you doing on rainy days?

28、在房间里看书。Im reading books in my room.Make a survey. What are your classmates doing in different weather? What are their feelings? Then make a list and report to the whole class.You can report like this: When it is fine, feels happy becausehe / she loves the sun. He / She is alwaysswimming when it is s

29、unny and hot. But feels sad on hot days and he / she is always relaxed at home. 1. 1. 听录音,模仿听录音,模仿2b,用自己喜欢的方式背诵,用自己喜欢的方式背诵课文(如:关键词提示、问题提示、图片提课文(如:关键词提示、问题提示、图片提示等)。示等)。2. 想一想最近一段时间里同学们课间都在干什想一想最近一段时间里同学们课间都在干什么?向大家介绍一下吧。么?向大家介绍一下吧。Unit 7 Its raining!Section B 3a-Self CheckLets chant!She is thinking.

30、He is fishing.They are talking.He is eating.She is drinking.They are drawing.They are singing.1. Who is the postcard to?Its to Xiao Lu. 2. Who is the postcard from?Its from Kate. 3a Look through the letter and answer the following questions.3a Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.skating buy

31、ing playingtaking snowy windyDear Xiao Lu,Its winter in Harbin. The weather is_ and_. People are wearing hats and sweaters, but theyre having fun. Friends are_ Russian bread to take home. In a park, some boys are_ in the snow. One girl is _ on a river and a man is _a photoof a snowman.I miss you.Kat

32、e windysnowybuyingplayingskatingtaking3a. Fill in the blanksskating buying playing taking snowy windy 3a Read again and answer the questions.1. Where is Kate?She is in Harbin.2. Whats the weather like?Its windy and snowy.3. What are the people doing there?Friends are buying Russian bread to take hom

33、e.In a park, some boys are playing in the snow. One girl is skating on the river and a man is taking a photo of a snowman.3b Imagine you are on vacation. Write notes about your vacation.Where are you?Whats the weather like?What are you doing right now?What are your friends or family doing?Are you ha

34、ving a good time?3c Write a postcard to a friend. Tell your friend about your vacation and what you are doing. Dear John,Hows it going? Are you still busy with school or are you on vacation now?Im visiting my cousins in Sydney and having a wonderful time here. Australia is a beautiful country and ri

35、ght now the weather is warm and sunny. There are many things to do here. Right now Im swimming with my family.Ann 1 Add more word in each box. feelinggreat,weathercool,activitiesplaying ping-pong, fine, not bad, terrible, pretty good, happy rainy, windy, cloudy, snowy, hot, warm, cold visiting frien

36、ds, studying English, sitting by the pool, relaxing, writing a letter, walking in the mountains2 Match the sentences on the left with the responses on the right. A: Hello? Jenny speaking. B: Thank you. Bye.A: Sorry, shes not at home. B: Hi, Jenny. Its Steve Can I take a message? here. May I speak to

37、 Laura, please? A: Sure, no problem. B: Yes. Could you ask her to call me at 8765-4321?3 Put these sentences in order to make a conversation. Then write your own conversation. _ Its raining and very cool. _ What are you doing in the rainy weather?_ Not too bad._ Hows the weather in Nanjing?_ Im reading a book in my room._ Hi, Jill! Hows it going?1234561. 根据老师的点评,重新修改你的作文。根据老师的点评,重新修改你的作文。2. 抄写抄写Self Check中的单词和句型并背熟。中的单词和句型并背熟。3. 复习复习 Unit 7。Homework



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