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1、2024年浙江省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力高分通关题型题库附解析答案一单选题(共80题)1、Passage 1A.abuse themselves physically and mentallyB.are highly productive members of societyC.torture themselves physicallyD.both A and B【答案】 D2、Passage 2A.Drawing criticismB.Receiving suspicionC.Attracting attentionD.Causing disagreement【答案】 D3、Pa

2、ssage 2A.top performers used to cling to their postsB.loyalty of top performers is getting out-datedC.top performers care more about reputationsD.its safer to stick to the traditional rules【答案】 A4、When checking students understanding of a certain language point in class, which of the following utter

3、ances is a teacher expected to make?A.Is it okay?B.Is it clear to you?C.Are you clear?D.Is it all right to everyone?【答案】 B5、Which of the following statements about the Situational Approach is NOT trueA.Adopt an inductive approach to grammar teachingB.Encourage explanations of the meaning of new item

4、s in foreign languageC.Focus on language accuracyD.Practice structures and patterns through repetition and substitution activities【答案】 B6、What writing approach does the following exemplifyA.Product-oriented approachB.Content-oriented approachC.Task-based approachD.Process-oriented approach【答案】 C7、I

5、would have told him the answer, but I ( ) so busy then.A.had beenB.wereC.wasD.would be【答案】 C8、Perseverance, modesty and opportunity are the _factors for the girls success in her career.A.contributedB.contributingC.contributorD.contribution【答案】 B9、Crash. Shatter. Boom. Crash. Shatter. Boom. Smatterin

6、g of silly dialogue. Pretty girl screams:A.UnconsciousnessB.FascinationC.ScareD.Confusion【答案】 B10、What rhetorical device is used in the underlined part of the sentence There was an eloquent pause after the story was told?A.PunB.SimileC.MetaphorD.Transferred epithet【答案】 D11、If you have got kids, here

7、 is a nasty truth: they are probably not very special, that is, they are average, ordinary, and unremarkable. Consider the numbers of those applications your daughter is sending to Ivy League schools, for instance. There are more than a quarter of a million other kids aiming for the same eight colle

8、ges at the same time, and less than 9% of them will make the cut. And those hours you spend coaching Little League because you just know your sons sweet swing will take him to the professionals. There are 2.4 million other Little Leaguers out there, and there are exactly 750 openings for major leagu

9、e ballplayers at the beginning of each season. That gives him a 0.0313% chance of reaching the big clubs. The odds are just as long for the other dreams youve had for your kids: your child the billionaire, the Broadway star, the Rhodes scholar. Most of those things are never going to happen.The kids

10、 are paying the price for parents delusions. In public schools, some students are bringing home 17.5 hours of homework per week or 3.5 per school night and its hard to see how they have time to do it. From 2004 to 2014, the number of children participating in up to three hours of aider-school activi

11、ties on any given day rose from 6.5 million to 10.2 million. And all the while, the kids are being fed a promise-that they can be tutored and coached, pushed and tested, hot- housed and advance placed until success is assured. At last, a growing chorus of educators and psychologists is saying, Enoug

12、h! Somewhere between the self-esteem building of going for the gold and the self-esteem crushing of the Ivy-or-die ethos there has to be a place where kids can breathe, where they can have the freedom to do what they love and where parents accustomed to pushing their children to excel can shake off

13、the newly defined shame of having raised an ordinary child.A.To pay for their kids educationB.To take up all the household choresC.To provide guidance to their childrenD.To push their children to excel at exams【答案】 C12、请阅读Passage 2,完成此题。A.Measures should be taken to prevent the growth of suburbsB.Th

14、e expansion of suburban areas should be planned in advanceC.The West had made a few mistakes on its way to suburbanizationD.Planners should be mentally prepared for its negative consequences【答案】 B13、请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。A.The lyric is beautiful poetry of action and storyB.The most important feature of

15、 the lyric is its musical formC.Poetry gains its meaning when read silently and carefullyD.Poe defined all poetry as pure music with chiming syllables【答案】 B14、_ the weather, the sports meeting will be held on time.A.In favor ofB.Regardless ofC.Apart fromD.Due to【答案】 B15、请阅读Passage 2,完成小题:A.It evolves from



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