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1、形容词、副词比较级与最高级形容词、副词比较级与最高级The comparatives and superlatives The comparatives and superlatives of adj. and adv.of adj. and adv. 新文学校新文学校 熊华英熊华英Enjoy the song and complete the lyrics.听音乐填歌词。The_wegettogether,the_wellbe.morehappierfunny serious smart calm wild big fatoutgoing athletic dirty heavy thin

2、tallsmaller eas(y)ierhottermore interestingsmarterfunnierheavierdirtierbiggerthinnerfattermore seriousmore outgoingmore athleticUse with er/ier or more(找朋友)calmerwildertallerTask2Change the adjectives into Change the adjectives into comparatives and superlatives .comparatives and superlatives .bad /

3、 ill / badly bad / ill / badly good / well good / well many / muchmany / mucholdoldfar far littlelittleworseworstbetterbestmoremostolder/elderoldest/eldestfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestlessleast1.(13年长沙)年长沙)-Which season do you like _ , summer or winter ? - Summer . A. well B. best C. better 2. (14年

4、长沙年长沙) - Oh , it was fantastic ! Lily danced so well . - Well , I think Kate danced _ than Lily . A. well B. better C. best1 1、比较级是、比较级是两者两者进行比较,句中常出现进行比较,句中常出现thanthan(比)(比),/,/oror(2 2者选择)。者选择)。Translate the sentences.1. 她比我高一点点。她比我高一点点。2. 谁要细心得多,是谁要细心得多,是Linda 还是还是Lucy ?She is _ taller than I .Sh

5、e is _ taller than I .Who is _ more careful , Linda Who is _ more careful , Linda or Lucy ?or Lucy ?2 2、比较级前常用的修饰语:、比较级前常用的修饰语:a bit / a littlea bit / a little ( (一点一点) , ) , much / much / a lota lot ( (非常非常) ) / / even / far / anyeven / far / any 等词语表示程度。等词语表示程度。abit/alittlemuch3.Infact,Deliaisalit

6、tle_thanhereldersister.A.tallB.tallerC.thetallest4.Thedumplingsare_thanthenoodles,Ithink.A.morenicerB.muchdeliciousC.muchmoredelicious1.Lucy is the1.Lucy is the _ _ ( (高高) of the twin sisters.) of the twin sisters.taller2.My hat is the _(2.My hat is the _(漂亮漂亮)of the two.)of the two.morebeautiful3.t

7、he +3.the +比较级比较级+ +of the twoof the two “两个中比较两个中比较的这一个的这一个”3.It is getting 3.It is getting _and and _( (越来越黑越来越黑 dark).dark).4.She is getting _and _beautiful 4.She is getting _and _beautiful ( (越来越漂亮越来越漂亮).).darkerdarkermoremore4.4. 比较级比较级and and 比较级比较级相同相同 “越来越越来越”1.The _1.The _ the _.( the _.(越多

8、越好。越多越好。) ) 2.The _2.The _(忙的)(忙的)he is , thehe is , the _ _(快乐(快乐的)的)he feels . he feels . morebusier5.The 5.The 比较级比较级 , the , the 比较级比较级 “越越越越”threeyearsolder6.6. 数量数量/ / 倍数倍数+ +比较级比较级+than +than betterhappier3.My father is _ _ _than 3.My father is _ _ _than my mother (my mother (大三岁大三岁).).Task 3

9、 Challenge Task 3 Challenge 谚语翻译谚语翻译2. The older,the wiser.姜是老的辣。姜是老的辣。1. Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。说起来容易做起来难。3. Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辨。事实胜于雄辨。4. Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。1.Davidis_studentinourclass.Nobodyistallerthanhim.(tall)2.Whichis_interesting,

10、science,mathorEnglish?(interesting)3.Therearemanybeautifulflowersintheworld,butinparentseyes,theirchildrenarethe_ofall.(beautiful)4.Shenzhenisoneof_citiesinChina.(big)5.TheYellowRiveristhesecond_riverinChina.(long)6.Thisis_citythatIhaveevervisited. (beautiful) the most interestingthe tallestthe most

11、 beautifulthe biggestlongestthe most beautiful1.1.最高级最高级前前常用的修饰语:常用的修饰语: the the 2. the +2. the +最高级最高级+ +of / inof / in ( (三者及以上范围的三者及以上范围的) ) / /A, B(A, B() or C) or C?3. 3. thethe + +序数词序数词+ +最高级最高级+ +名词名词+ +in / ofin / of4. 4. one of theone of the + +最高级最高级+ +名词名词复数复数+ +in / ofin / of 5. This is

12、 the +5. This is the +最高级最高级+ +名词(名词(thatthat)I meet I meet / know / know /形容词、副词最高等级的用法形容词、副词最高等级的用法1 1、形容词形容词的最高级前的最高级前必须必须有有thethe, , 而而副词副词的最高级前的最高级前thethe可以可以省略省略。2 2、在进行比较时,必须是、在进行比较时,必须是同类同类事物相比较。事物相比较。1.Thisroomisnot_thatone.A.asbigasB.sobiggerasC.asbiggeras2.WeiFangisonlysix,butshespeaksEng

13、lish_hermother.A.asgoodasB.asbetterasC.aswellas3.Thebagofriceis_heavythatTomcantcarryit.Letsgoandhelphim.A.suchB.suchanC.so4.Theywerevery_toseeeachotheragain.A.happyB.surprisingC.happily5.Heistoo_towalkon.A.tiringB.tiredC.moretired1 1、very , so , quite , too , as very , so , quite , too , as 后只能用原后只

14、能用原级。级。 2 2、tootoo to to ; so ; so that that ; as ; as as as 中间用原级;中间用原级;A+be +not as / so +A+be +not as / so +原级原级+as B +as B 表示表示A A不及不及B B。 形容词、副词原级的用法形容词、副词原级的用法()1.2014淮安改淮安改编PrinceGeorgeis_lovelythatmanypeoplelikehimverymuch.A.veryB.suchC.so()2.2014铜仁改仁改编TheYangzhiRiverisoneof_intheworld.A.the


16、ouneedistoreadmore._youread,_mistakesyouwillmake.AThemore;thelessB.Theless;thefewerC.Themore;thefewer()6.2014重重庆改改编LinFangcomeshome_thanbeforethisterm.Shedoesnthavesomanyclassesintheafternoon.A.earlyB.earlierC.late()7.2012常德常德LiHuasshoesareas_asZhangHuis.A.cheapB.cheaperC.thecheaperCBA Modern life i

17、s impossible without traveling . 61. The fastest way of traveling is by plane . With a modern airliner you can travel on one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago . 62. 坐火车旅行要比坐飞机慢坐火车旅行要比坐飞机慢, but it has its advantages . You can see the country your are traveling

18、through . Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining cars . They make even the longest journey enjoyable . 63. Some people prefer to travel by sea if possible . There are large liners and river boats . You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them . 64.船没有火车或飞机那

19、么快船没有火车或飞机那么快. But traveling by ship is a very pleasant way of traveling . Many people like to travel by car . You can make your own timetable . You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day , just as you like . You can stop wherever you wish -where there is something interesting to see , at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal , or at a hotel to spend the night . 65. That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips .



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