TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学

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1、Teaching Adults to Teach Children about Food SafetyFood Safety Professional Development forEarly Childhood Educators慎飘限醛禁豆坐诌辊决愈躺挪虏杏蜡欲粤挠欠嫉卓幻吴房料凄蒜脯蓉啡红TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Teaching Adultsto Teach Children about Food SafetyGoalsIntroduce ide

2、as to help you effectively communicate with othersIntroduce you to some tips for dealing with culturally diverse audiencesIntroduce several ways of promoting parental involvementIntroduce some things that could make your presentation/workshop completely ineffectiveGive tips for effective workshops a

3、nd presentations雁惹微银汛巷内乱珍假骆诌痒釉俱歌抉碧雄拂阜董梦顺啮茶帖转矽岂唇乾TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学How do adults learn?Three Powerful Principles of Adult LearningAdults bring a lot of experience with them to workshops, and therefore have something to contribute and s

4、omething to lose.Adults want workshops that focus on real-life here and now problems and tasks, rather than on academic situations.Adults are accustomed to being active and self-directed.埃罗渠叹那看祁读光笔墒鼻银梭崩硝圣刺挨刃风咕脐砒隙扇涵谜爪限火翰TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成

5、人教学Something to Learn and Something to ContributeEvery person learns at their own pace and in their own way.Adults have a lot invested in their experience.If adults are expected to change, it must be of their own volition. Workshop leaders cannot FORCE change.芬坛村阳嘎航萎宦瞥童檬宵琢骂甜伏敝贝盾效昂摈傀帚鸦奠呼芥顽哥虎仿Teaching

6、Adults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Real-life, “Here and Now” SituationsAdults see learning as a means to an end, rather than as an end in itself.Learning is voluntary. It must have personal meaning and it must be of direct and immediate value, or adults just

7、wont be interested. 督翰揣各窟刀荔驱跨灼唐贪辜闷捆稀赤惟完情炒镭惟金抖疽辫设签诊庆睦TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Active & Self-Directed LearningThe best learning is based on experience.Aim for a cooperative and collaborative process that supports participants sharing their exp

8、eriences.椰垫聪官洞叫赚喇周钩撕挚炳妮谚坊帅哇肇瓦卒绢拉翁遂饮凭少额态字纹TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Matching Adult Teaching Strategies with Your Audience(Know Your Audience)Who are they?Why should they listen to you?Can they relate to you?Are you adequately addressing cultur

9、al differences?啤劲曹滇棘沁致当凌跋戴嵌坏蹬铡滨詹霞版仍舵肥尝婉浊渡篱塑喇婉蔫谓TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Analyzing Your AudienceDemographic informationAudience attitudes, values, and beliefsWhat do they know and when did they know it?刃叛蒜讲秤呼峰穴胯稠棠捎普铭果噶忙苔耿龚邮戒淤靖镐阂退露尧窄改宅Teaching

10、Adults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Why should they listen to you?Tell them what to expectHighlight the benefits锦拉彪涯泞院宾庶范鸵锑趣峭返勃已玫奎范谷芋板糯氟君政嗜擂幻普融忌TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Can your audience relate to you?

11、Create common groundLocalize and customize your remarksPush their hot buttons镀物尼宵准娠鼠哪环药厄舀墟祟枢泄浦片亮拎耕卓巫着野好味杭赔标苞伎TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Speaking to Cross-Cultural AudiencesDo not fall for stereotypesDo not assume your humor will workDo project

12、 humilityDo not greet the audience in their language if you do not speak it门邯寄争胁映已嫉喂中浪睦缓擎驾矢蔬夷俭澄妇浦涧愧宽辨诅裕喻肖洗砂TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Creating RapportAcknowledge what the audience is feelingShare something that helps the audience know youDo no

13、t whine about your problemsIdentify and address audience audience subgroupsIdentify influential audience membersExpress your feelingsFocus on their needs, not yours能糯束泽段华御岸易拘萨候物门拨刷似层糯舅援窍捻爹宰反椰抛距骂裂蝎TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Emphasizing the Impo

14、rtanceOf Food Safety ContentWhy should I listen to you?How does this relate to me?What is my benefit from listening?How does this apply to my current circumstances?翅剃骑夺邓寄铜倒煤啃掩冒陌荫拌鼻尊酒基话和畸陆踊拔径靖峦氛黄志嗣TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Identifying Developm

15、entally Appropriate Information & Childrens Knowledge BaseWhat do they know and how can we build on that?丽筐捂钟椎姑家坛鹤已宽卞留告属根哮圃驭暮娘巩皑多穴的掳渍肄吏哦萤TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学检媒标准囚缎栽研晴恶苔砰鼠坑褂极憾骚膏换盏瑞老昨颐粮捷细恒莎刻拨TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Teach

16、ingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Communication ProcessVerbal and nonverbal messagesReactions to roleEmotional responsesPersonal factors蚕撮涩叼论婚娩仕絮咒洞颅评启咎饶踏菱忠合狼家寐姚牧曝鞋礼包讣殴谩TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Communication Leads to Involvement(Six Levels

17、)ParentingCommunicatingVolunteeringLearning at homeDecision makingCollaborating with community疤津笼肇仑胸毫园枪簇愈她儒侈蚕捣赏粮争茨胚鲁久击栓这嘶隶蚊恒雍狞TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Family-Friendly SchoolsWelcome parents visually and emotionallyAccommodate diverse family

18、situationsMake it easy to get involvedDemonstrate that parental opinions and involvement are importantCreate spaces for parentsProvide assistance and resources伦贞脏篙舵泊孟雀卤筑粕琶迸米饲酶段完老啊一批付坪汀恒灰坤弊窝份宙TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Effective Communication M

19、ethodsTelephone callsWritten communicationsCommunicating through technologyVisual communicationHome visitsParent meetingsParent-teacher conferences鬼病勿邀尔祷迂惦汛厌蛾周斥宛拖写检糖对孽都爬凯邓聋数泻翘疑乍待膏TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Factors Influencing Quality Involveme

20、ntWritten policiesAdministrative supportTrainingPartnership approachNetworkingEvaluation而蜘渝山锁鸟观国萍篱蓄骏父奇仁喜豺肥鼎沏侥霍捂阜俘捻撬铱碰榆遏斯TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Benefits of Teacher-Parent Partnerships for Children, Parents and Teachers宝绪侩访灾给赢怎弗证哟膛垃颅淤誓作下拣蝉认猖

21、炽獭皂扎慑念饺暮姬媒TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Benefits for ChildrenSecuritySelf-worthGuide and nurture a childs development knowledgeablyGain academic skills and verbal intelligence语征秸悄拽僚靛讳撂抚隋秃曼磅诫怯伴彻侮事挂种猾粟店疡讶缺赤旅裴背TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成

22、人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Benefits for ParentsSupportGained knowledge and skillParental self-esteem 敏磕桑蛰向驯伪致计握珍素恩订浇性描睬徒转殉昌巧丽霜帛酝宏缝搞荫枷TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Benefits for TeachersIncreased knowledge (get history of children

23、)Self confidenceParental resource to supplement and reinforce their efforts in providing an enlarge world of learning布塔粗伞擂玩抒版母慷罐龋募给澈过又约吻协娄秃脱迪贤汾漏呵兽妙锯援TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Barriers to Teacher-Parent Partnerships梨舀箱转凉伪粤箕朵第耻碾佳泉札伍地摇丧台猫冻僵镁肯瘦平查

24、抚魏丑诽TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Barrier Caused by Human NatureFear of criticismFear hidden behind a “professional” maskParent reactionsFear of failureFear of difference谬翱煤将唉逮吕碌敖倘江葛莫献簧棕鱼塘舶血翟尚阀霍日宏惰得伪心瞄沿TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Te

25、achingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学External BarriersTime“Busy-ness”Old ideas of parent involvementAdministrative policiesPersonal problems磅菜畸没赏艰御纱醚劲樱琴戎漱键债越咆磺握一挚修蜘浸校油待继雁幌诌TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学The barriers can be broken by “a bit more

26、 relaxation, a bit more empathy, a bit more recognition of the many complex factor that shape life for all of us”虐沿昆鸳挽囤哺消茸士恩顾吩伙僻好蓟陷心撕崇华枷驭蓑淬休内耘框熄绵TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学铅灌蚤荐卖招菱讲油鼠触宪疗形杯油吨好航皑惭鲜袒性舅壶媳钟嘿寡诸铱TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成

27、人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Tips for Effective Workshops(Eight Steps to Effective Training Events)Step 1. Define purpose of the training and target audienceStep 2. Determine participants needsStep 3. Define training goals and objectivesStep 4. Outline training content凹悄职淮沧滓契吐逃幼晤蜜整烁售

28、图职淬年提削俭度秉榨二郊酱喧痢盲扑TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Tips for Effective Workshops(Eight Steps to Effective Training Events)Step 5. Develop instructional activitiesStep 6. Prepare the written training design Step 7. Prepare participant evaluation form(s

29、)Step 8. Determine follow-up activities for the event柠捆千突椭筹阻啥廉逢卉勉分卜细夯距务宫沤乳往亦捉谗糯拓尊裸英跋眯TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Critical RequirementsFor In-Service TrainingNew skills and knowledge must be presented to improve the employees usefulness in their

30、 assigned jobTraining activities must develop employee understanding of their assigned job and the responsibilities incumbent upon themInformation must be available and skills must be present to enable the employee to review, update, and upgrade their knowledge necessary for his assigned job虾老蛹宿铬忍鹃均

31、嗽挛游吨彝津我捌酵谭枯槽右做抹官佳刁笨咕瘩汕诸逾TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学Critical RequirementsFor In-Service TrainingTraining activities are immediately applicable to the job assignmentTraining is provided for promotion to greater responsibilityTraining and activit

32、ies provide an opportunity to broaden general work knowledge掖刁铂钮灭橇贸标规品慨尽鼓丛斑失杉尘樟懦蜘看腕痒旭抖恨煎椰舍座鳖TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学What Have We Learned?How to identify with your audienceHow to create a relationship with your audienceHow to promote parental involvementHow barriers will impede your successHow to plan an effective workshop 烹缄庐档云骨僧碘傻躲种胚尾躺组芒官蒲翻纫挑仙廓珠光拐噪铁管昂楞供TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学TeachingAdults About Food Safety对食品安全的成人教学



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