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1、外研七年级上册外研七年级上册Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 2The tiger lives in Asia.Find these places on the map. Africa America Asia EuropeLook at the map again and write four sentences. Use the words from the box.bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda tiger zebraThere are tigers in Asia.There are elephants inT

2、he elephant lives in Africa and in Asia. It eats plants, leaves bamboo and a little fruit, but it doesnt eat meat. It likes water.elephantThere are only about 1,800 pandas in China and about 200 of them live in zoos. The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day, as well as plants and leaves.pandaTh

3、e zebra is an African animal. Like the panda, its black and white. It eats plants and leaves, as well as grass, but the zebra doesnt eat bamboo. zebraThe tiger lives in Asia. It usually lives alone. It likes water and is good at swimming. Its strong and catches many kinds of animal for food.tigerMon

4、keys live in Africa, Asia and America. There are about 200 kinds of monkey. Monkeys eat meat, leaves, fruit and even eggs!monkeyRead the passage and complete the table. AnimalHomeFoodElephantsPandasAfrica Asiaplants, leaves, bamboo and a little fruit Chinabamboo plants and leaves AnimalHomeFood Zebr

5、as TigersMonkeysAfricaplants, leaves and grass Asiamany kinds of animals Africa, Asia and Americameat, leaves, fruit and eggs Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expression from the box. African a little grass kilo only world1. The elephant eats _ fruit.2. The pandas eats a

6、bout 30 _ of bamboo a day.a littlekilos3. The zebra eats plants, leaves and _ but not bamboo.4. There are _ about 1,800 pandas in China.5. Monkeys live in many countries all over the _ but not in Europe.6. You can find elephants in Africa and Asia, but zebras are only _ animals.Africangrassonlyworld

7、1.两种常见的两种常见的 “类别类别” 表达方式表达方式, 一种是一种是“定冠词定冠词 the + 名词的单数形式名词的单数形式”, 如:如:The elephant lives in Africa and Asia. 大象生活在非洲和亚洲。大象生活在非洲和亚洲。另一种是另一种是 “名词的复数形式名词的复数形式”, 如:如:Monkeys live in Africa, Asia and America. 猴子生活在非洲,亚洲和美洲。猴子生活在非洲,亚洲和美洲。Language points2. The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day, as

8、 well asas well as plants and leaves. as well as as well as 的意思是的意思是“还有还有”、“不但不但而且而且” ,常用来连接两个并列的成分常用来连接两个并列的成分, 作作“也也, 还还”解。它解。它强调的是前一项强调的是前一项, 后一项只是顺便提及。后一项只是顺便提及。 如:如:He can speak Spanish as well as English 他不但会说他不但会说英语英语,而且会讲,而且会讲西班牙语西班牙语。as well asas well as 用来表示同级比较用来表示同级比较, 指指“一样好一样好”。如:。如: H

9、e plays the guitar as well as you. 他的吉他弹得和你一样好。他的吉他弹得和你一样好。 3. The tiger likes water and 3. The tiger likes water and isis good good atat swimming. swimming. sth. (名词或代词宾格) be good atbe good at 表示擅长表示擅长 doing doing sthsth. . e.g. I am good at English. e.g. I am good at English. 我擅长英语。我擅长英语。我擅长英语。我擅长

10、英语。 Li Na is good at Li Na is good at playing tennis.playing tennis. 李娜擅长打网球。李娜擅长打网球。李娜擅长打网球。李娜擅长打网球。4.Its strong and catches Its strong and catches many kinds many kinds ofof animals for food. animals for food. many kinds of many kinds of 意思是意思是意思是意思是“ “多种多样的多种多样的多种多样的多种多样的” ”,可以,可以,可以,可以接不可数名词,也可以

11、接可数名词复数接不可数名词,也可以接可数名词复数接不可数名词,也可以接可数名词复数接不可数名词,也可以接可数名词复数,many ,many 可以换成可以换成可以换成可以换成 基数词或基数词或基数词或基数词或differentdifferent等。等。等。等。 e.g. There are many kinds of books in the library. There are many kinds of books in the library. 图书馆里有各种各样的图书。图书馆里有各种各样的图书。图书馆里有各种各样的图书。图书馆里有各种各样的图书。 kinds of information

12、 in the newspaper.kinds of information in the newspaper. 报纸上各种各样的信息报纸上各种各样的信息报纸上各种各样的信息报纸上各种各样的信息 The zoo has many animals. the animals come from many different countries. The panda lives in china and it eats bamboo. There are elephants from africa and Asia. The tiger comes from asia. It eats meat.T

13、heChinaAfrica AsiaRead the introduction about a zoo and correct the mistakes. Notice capital letters.In English, we use capital letters with the first word of a sentence. We also use capital letters with the names of countries, towns, places etc.A. 首字母填空:首字母填空:1. China is a country in A_.2. They are

14、 Europeans. They come from E_.3. The dog is my favourite a_.4. In autumn, we can see the yellow l_ of the trees.5. The old man lives a_. I usually talk with him.siauropenimaleavesloneExercises B. 完成句子:完成句子:1. 狮子是欧洲的吗?狮子是欧洲的吗? Is the lion _?2. 他们不是非洲人。他们不是非洲人。 They dont _.3. 这是只非洲大象吗?这是只非洲大象吗? Is thi

15、s _?from Europecome from Asiaan African elephant4. 你愿意住在美洲吗?你愿意住在美洲吗? Would you like _?5. 熊猫一天吃熊猫一天吃30公斤竹子,也吃植物和公斤竹子,也吃植物和 叶子。叶子。 The panda eats about 30 _ a day, _ plants and leaves.kilos of bamboolive in Americaas well as C. 综合填空:综合填空: Susan likes animals very much. She often goes to the zoo with

16、her parents. (1)T_ are many animals in the zoo. Such as (2)g_, (3)t_ and many more. (4)P_ like eating bamboo, (5) e_ are very big and strong, they have long noses and they like (6) d_ water. hereiraffesigersandaslephantsrinking(7) M_ are Susans favourite animal. They like eating bananas and climbing

17、 trees. Susan doesnt like (8) l_ because they are very dangerous. The (9) g_ tells the family the kind of animals are from (10)E_. But her parents like them very much. Susan always has a good time, too. urope onkeysionsuideHomework Introduce all kinds of animals in the zoo to your family members in oral English.



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