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1、作者:作者: 阮阮绩智智 责任编辑:张琛出版日期:2011年12月IDPN: 308-2011-58课件章数:12 Learning Objectives Understand some basic concepts of marketing and sales ; Talk about considerations for entering a market ; Talk about promoting a product; Talk about market research; Talk about advertising; Write sales letters.Perseverance

2、 is not a long time race; it is many short races one after another. Blaise Pascal A French PhilosopherSpeaking TaskStarting Up1Listening Task23Reading Task5Writing TaskFollow-up Practice64543216Contents12.1 Starting Up12.1 Starting Up 12.1.1 The four Ps form the basis of the marketing mix. If you wa

3、nt to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right. Match the Ps 1 to 4 to the definitions a) to d). Now think of some products you have just bought recently and tell which of the four Ps influenced your decision to buy. 1 Product a) the cost to the buyer of goods or service2 Price

4、b) informing customers about products and persuading them to buy them3 Promotion c) where goods or services are available4 Place d) goods or services that are sold dabc12.1.2 When you market a product or service, you will have to analyze the four elements as shown in the chart. Now store the words a

5、nd phrases that are associated with each element.4 Elements of the Product or Service1) What is the difference between marketing and sales?2) What is the difference between domestic marketing and international marketing?3) What are the main considerations for marketing goods internationally?4) Can y

6、ou list the various steps or actions that are involved in the marketing process?5) Can you give any example of successful marketing and try to analyze the key strategies that have led to such a success?9.1.3 Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.MarketingTips1)Researchwhatyourmark






12、intoaneffectivedemandforaserviceandbringingthatservicetothecustomer.Some definitions of marketingTheplanningandimplementationofastrategyforthesale,distribution,andservicingofaproductorservice.Marketingistheprocessofmakingcustomersawareofproductsandservices,attractingnewcustomerstoaproductorservice,k










22、tentialcustomersawareofthem.Do you see the difference? 7Political/legalforcesEconomicforces12EnvironmentaluncontrollablescountrymarketAEnvironmentaluncontrollablescountrymarketBEnvironmentaluncontrollablescountrymarketCCompetitivestructure CompetitiveForcesLevelofTechnologyPriceProductPromotionChann


24、lationandpricemoderationEmploymentStandardoflivingInthispartyouwilllistentotwopassagesandatalkaboutmarketingandsales.Trytofinishtheexerciseswhilelistening.Are you ready?12.2 Listening Task 12.2.1 Listen to the passage and fill the blanks with the missing information. is constantly linked toMarketing

25、 versus SalesFor some inexplicable reason, marketing _ sales in a way that no other function of management seems to be. Many people, including _, confuse the terms on such a regular basis as to render them _. This _ is true for both domestic and international companies. To _ the belief that marketin

26、g is something that only _ do (as in the sales and marketing department designation) is exceedingly dangerous. The problem seems to_a misunderstanding about the difference between a process and a result, as well as from the failure to understand the_of marketing to all_. top executives interchangeab

27、le erroneous matchuppromulgatesalespeople stem from centrality Management functions Sales occur when goods or services are “given over” to customer _money or another_. Its the _of the marketing process. Nevertheless, marketing describes the whole _ that creates (through promotion) the interest that

28、the potential customer demonstrates_ a sale. The role of sales is to _that interest to the point where theres a successful exchange. Once a sale is complete, a company must _in an effort to _and promote future sales. Many large companies have begun to officially prioritize these functions by_, withi

29、n which is a _ called the sales and services department. Smaller companies and_ must have an equally clear distinction and understanding of all the areas _by the term marketing.in exchange forvaluable considerationcommercial processend resultprior tocapitalize onprovide follow-up servicemaintain sat

30、isfactioninstituting a marketing departmentsubdivisionsolo entrepreneurcovered12.2.2 Listen to the passage twice. Write down each cultural determinant and some key words for explanation. The first one has been done for you as an example. Cultural Determinants of Marketing Behavior in the Internation

31、al Firm1) Behavioral attributes. Derive from societal norms, personal values and attitudes.2) _3) _4) _ 5) _Characteristics of culture. Learned, adaptive, interrelated, adaptive, may operate at times as subcultures.Demographic factors. Population size, used as a broad preliminary indicator of market

32、 potential. Ethnic factors. Human variations, the most noticeable , physical attributes or appearance.Material culture. Material things, constitutes a human-created environment, between people and the material environment.12.2.3 Listen to a talk given by Marketing Director about the marketing plan a

33、nd put a tick beside each of the following promotional methods mentioned in the talk. CHECKLIST A. posters B. extra gifts to customers C. T-shirts with the name of new products D. free delivery E. outdoor billboards F. lower prices for some products G. discount H. TV commercial I. favorable return p

34、olicy Inthispartyouaregoingtoreadthreedialoguesandthenyouwillbeaskedtoanswersomequestionsaboutwhatyouhaveread.Pleasereadlouder!12.3 Speaking Task 12.3.1 Conversation 1Mr. Liu, from the export department of a Chinese company that wants to open up a market for multiple speed racing bicycles, is now tr

35、ying to push the sale with Mr. Taylor, a representative from an American firm.1)How does Mr. Liu generally describe the speed racing bicycles ? Answer: 2)What is the weight of the racing bicycles in question?Answer: 3)How about the model range of the racing bicycles?Answer: 4)Why does Mr. Liu believ

36、e that their bicycles will be very competitive in the new market?Answer: 5) What is Mr. Taylors condition for giving a try at Mr. Lius bikes?Answer:6)Why would Mr. Taylor like to make an investigation tour of Mr. Lius factory?Answer:In general, bikes for gents and ladies are of size 19, 21, 23, 25”

37、and 27. The colors vary, depending on the buyers requirement.They are the new models of our name brand “Swift” racing bicycles, a lot lighter than the other ones. A great favorite with young people abroad.Those made of all steel have a net weight of around 17.5 kilograms, and those of light aluminum

38、 alloy about 16 kilograms only.Because the superior quality and a reasonable price will make their bikes very competitive.Mr. Liu has to guarantee supply of spare parts. Furthermore, delivery dates must be kept.Because he holds that first-hand information is always more convincible than reading book

39、lets. 12.3.2 Conversation 2Mr. Jiang from a Chinese company is introduced by Mr. Field to Mr. Simon Black on his visit to Britain. They are talking about marketing methods.1)What was Mr. Jiangs purpose of visiting Britain? Answer: 2)What should Mr. Jiang do if he wants to export goods to the U.K.? A

40、nswer: 3)Where can Mr. Jiang get the information he needs for market research? Answer: 4)What sort of information should Mr. Jiang look for?Answer: 5)What advice did Mr. Black give about advertising? Answer: 6)What do you need to do before you choose a selling agent?Answer: To have a market research

41、 to see whether they can export their manufactured goods to Britain. He should do a lot of international market research first. He can get the information from such channels as embassies, consulates, chamber of commerce and trade associations, local clearing banks, credit inquiry houses, shipping ag

42、ents, trade magazines and customs import and export lists.He should first find out such information about the demand for their goods, the sort of competition they will meet and local conditions and preferences.The choice of media for advertising depends on merchandise. TV and radio ads are best for

43、some lines, magazines and trade papers for others, mail order and direct selling for other goods. It is best to find to a good advertising agent to do all the job. Before you choose a selling agent, you need to make sure you get credit reports from his bankers and people like Bradstreet. 12.3.3 Conv

44、ersation 3Michael, a new management trainee, is asking Mr. Smith, Marketing Director on some aspects of selling and marketing.1)How does the company recruit new staff? Answer: 2)What qualities does the company look for when recruiting salesmen?Answer: 3)Do regional managers need to be experts in the

45、ir work?Answer: 4)What kind of work must be done before a new product is launched?Answer: 5)What is one of the objects of market research stated in the dialog?Answer: 6)How is test marketing carried out?Answer:For new recruitment, they simply run Want ads in the classified section of some national a

46、nd local newspapers or post Want ads on the Internet, stating the requirements and set a deadline for applications. Then theyll organize an interview for those they have put on the short-list and decide on the most promising candidates. Generally, the company looks for young people with a good all-r

47、ound education and good personality.Not necessarily. However, some technical qualifications would help in their jobs. The regional managers all have some technical qualifications, and they can always consult one of the project or design engineers if any specific technical problem arises.Before a new

48、 product is launched, a great deal of work has been done beforehand in the way of product development, marketing research, test marketing and so on.One of the objects of market research is to find out whether there is a market for the product and whether we can sell the product in that market. The c

49、ompany makes a small quantity of the product and offers it to certain selected customers to find out their reactions. Inthispartyouaregoingtoreadapassageandthenyouwillbeaskedtoanswersomequestionsaboutwhatyouhaveread.12.4 Reading TaskPre-reading questions for pair work 1) What do you think of when yo

50、u see the term marketing? 2) Can you tell some steps or actions that are involved in the marketing process?3) Do you think all of us are involved in marketing? Why or why not?4) What is your understanding of the four main elements of marketing?Answer the following questions 1)Why is building relatio

51、nships considered to be a big part of marketing?Answer: 2)How does the definition of marketing in the passage differ from yours?Answer: 3)What are referred to as the four Ps of marketing?Answer: 4)What are the four Ps” also referred as?Answer: 5)What is often involved in the product element of marke

52、ting?Answer: Because in doing marketing you must communicate with people. What you do or say is important . So trying to build good relationships with your customers does help to market your products. (Open)Product, place, price and promotion.Theyre also referred to as a marketing mix. Research and

53、development of a new product, research of the potential market, testing of the product to insure quality, and then introduction to the market are often involved in the product element. 6)What does the place element mean?Answer: 7)Why is the price so important to your success?Answer: 8)What are commo

54、n tools to promote products or service?Answer: 9)If you were to specialize in one of the elements, which one would you choose product, place, price or promotion? Why?Answer: The place element refers to how you get your product to your customer. If you price something too high, you may never sell a s

55、ingle item of it. If you price it too low, you can lose money on every sale once all of your costs of doing business are considered. There are a variety of tools to promote your product or service, like direct mail, sales brochures, contests and giveaways.(Open) In this part you are going to learn h

56、ow to write sales letters . 12.5 Writing TaskSales LetterA primary and widely-used form of communication, a sales letter is a marketing tool that can build your client base and increase your sales. Two kinds of sales letters: One is the extended letter together with supporting literature, brochures,

57、 order forms and return envelopes that is widely used in direct mail sales or it may be called the direct mail letter. The other kind of sales letter is the one you write to individual. Just as sales lies at the heart of any business enterprises, so sales letters are crucial to a businesss continued

58、 growth. If new customers are not added or new sales not made to established customers, a business will steadily atrophy. A confident sales focus in letter writing is a sure sign of vigorous business. AIDA A get the readers initial attention; I hold his interest; Delicit a decision; A lead to an act

59、ion. Every time you write a sale letter, ask yourself whether the letter contains each of the four AIDA factors. If it doesnt, strengthen your letter at that point. The customer will ultimately buy what he wants, not what you want to sell him. Your purpose in writing a sales letter is to show him wh

60、at you are selling is what he wants.Writing TipsMake it clear to your reader how he will benefit from the service or product you are writing about. Be personal; use the words “you” and “your” in the letter. Be clear in your description of the product or service. Bring in a reference to someone you b

61、oth know in common, if suitable. Prepare the reader for your future call or visit. This is your sale, so dont leave the initiative entirely to the reader to take the next step.Sample Sales LetterISLAND LONG DISTANCEYOU CAN CUT YOUR COMPANYS LONG DISTANCEPHONE EXPENSES BY 30%! Dear Ms Smythe, Its tru

62、e! Island Long Distance saves direct mail retailers just like you as much as 30% off their monthly long distance phone bills. We offer the same fiber optic telephone lines that your current service now offers, except we charge a lot less for our high quality service. And, with Island Long Distance,

63、you never have to worry about lost sales due to a power or systems failure. In the event of an emergency, our computer will automatically reroute the calls from your 800 system to another location of your choosing. Maybe youre wondering why youve never heard of us. Thats because unlike AT&T and MCI,

64、 we dont spend millions of dollars on expensive advertising campaigns. We choose to pass this savings on to you. In fact, most of our new business is generated the old fashioned way: our customers recommend us to their colleagues. But thats not all. Island Long Distance offers: Delayed payment optio

65、ns during your off-peak months. As a clothing retailer, we understand your business has peaks and valleys, and were prepared to help you through the valleys. Simply choose one of our convenient payment options thats best for your needs. Guaranteed rates for two years. AT&T, MCI, and Sprint raise the

66、ir rates 20% every four months (those clever television commercials sure cost a lot of money). We dont, and well put it in writing. Guaranteed satisfaction. If after using our long distance for 90 days youre not completely satisfied for any reason, well switch you back to your old service free. A FR

67、EE month of long distance to new customers. But please dont just take Islands word for it. Heres what some of customers think about us: “Island Long Distance has cut our long distance phone bills by 30%!” Ellen Walker, President, Peacock Fashions“Ill never forget the hurricane that downed our phone

68、lines for one week. And Ill never forget how quickly Island Long Distance rerouted our calls to our New York branch. They saved us during our busiest sales season!” Alan Fisher, Sales Director, Candy-By-MailIve enclosed a brochure that further details our state-of-the-art rerouting system and delaye

69、d payment options. Please be advised the free month of long distance is available only to new customers who sign with us by May 1. You must act quickly to take advantage of this exceptional savings opportunity. Id like to meet with you to discuss how Island Long Distance can immediately begin saving

70、 you up to 30% on your monthly long distance expense. Ill be contacting you next week to schedule an appointment. I look forward to meeting with you soon. Sincerely, Samuel Johnson President P.S. Dont forget, you must sign with Island Long Distance by August 1 for your free month of long distance se

71、rvice!Writing PracticeWrite a sales letter based on the following particulars:1) Your product tests in 100 business offices that use Galaxy air conditioners in summer have proved that staff efficiency in these offices increased by 8 per cent after the Galaxy air conditioners were installed; 2) The i

72、ncreased staff efficiency means greater profits for your companies; 3) The price of the air conditioners compares very favorably with that of similar products in the market; 4) You offers a good after-sales service;5) Payment by installments can be arranged; 6) Your technical personnel can come to d

73、etermine the air-conditioning needs of your office and do the installation; 7) Any other relevant points.12.8 Follow-up Practice Yes, lets do it!Wewillpracticewhatwehavelearntinthisunit.12.8.1 Write down what you would say to each of the following questions or answers and then practice the dialogues

74、 with your partner.1)A:Whatisthemostimportantthingofmarketresearch?B:_2)A:Wherecanwegettheinformationweneedformarketingourproductsoverseas?B:_3)A:Whatdoyouthinkweneedtodobeforeanewproductislaunched?B:_4)A:Howismarketresearchcarriedout?B:_5)A:Howdowestartsellinganewproduct?B:_6)A:Whatdoesthetradition


76、uwillgiveusinoureffortstosellyourproductonourmarket?B:_12.8.2 Fill the gaps in the sentences below with words given in the box . commercials competes design distribution end-users hire purchase image labels mail order materials newspaper advertisements outlets opportunities place posters price produ

77、ct public relations promotion rival radio spots satisfy strengths threats weaknesses1) What is “the marketing mix”?The marketing mix consists of “the four Ps”: providing the customer with P_ at the right P_, presented in the most attractive way P_and available in the easiest way P_.2) What is “a pro

78、duct”? A product is not just an assembled set of components: it is something customers buy to s_ a need they feel they have. The i_ and the d_ of the product are as important as its specification.roductriceromotionlaceatisfymageesign 3) What is “price”?The product must be priced so that it c_ effect

79、ively with r_ products in the same market.4) What is “promotion”?The product is presented to customers through advertising (e.g. TV c_, r_, n_, p_), packaging (e.g. design, l_, m_), publicity, P.R.(_) and personal selling.ompetesivalommercials adio spotsewspaper advertisements osters abels aterials

80、public relations 5) What is “place”?Your product must be available to customers through the most cost- effective channels of d_. A customer product must be offered to e_ in suitable retail o_, or available on h_ or by m_.6) What is meant by “S.W.O.T.”? A firm must be aware of its s_ and w_ and the o

81、_ and t_ it faces in the market place.istributionnd-usersutletsire purchaseail ordertrengthseaknesspportunitieshreats-Topic 1 Describe the difference between marketing and sales Hints: Definition of marketing, what the marketing process consist of Definition of sales, what the sales process consist

82、of 12.8.3 Oral Presentation Give a short presentation on one of the following topics for at least 4 minutes. Be sure to make your ideas clear and logical with sufficient details. Topic 2 Give a presentation on a product or service you are going to develop, following the Four P structure Hints: Produ

83、ct Price Promotion Place 12.8.4 Put the following Chinese in the brackets into English. 1)Whatever strategy you adopt(进入国际市场,先做大量市场调研是值得的。) _2) One of the objectives of market research(就是发现产品的市场所在以及是否能在该市场销售产品。) _ 3)We must bear in mind (产品的适当定价、销售和支付条款的选择是出口产品的三大重要因素。) _to enter the international m

84、arket, itll pay to do a lot of market research first. is to find out whether there is a market for the product and whether we can sell the product in that market.that proper pricing of our product, choice of terms of sale and payment are three important elements in exporting a product.4) The interna

85、tional marketer(在决定如何推广一种产品时必须考虑到语言和文化 的差异。) _5) Studies have shown (在国内市场开发一个叫的响的品牌无疑是对外发展的先 驱。) _6) The aim of test marketing (在于了解可能购买该产品的消费者对这种新产品的反应。市场试销过程需要做出一些决策,其中包括:试销时间、试销地点、试销时间长短、需要何种信息以及如何运用试销结果等。) _must be aware of language and cultural differences when deciding how to market a product

86、.that the development of a strong brand name in the domestic market is undoubtedly a precursor to any outward expansion.is to determine the reactions of probable consumers. The test marketing process requires several decisions: when, where, how long, what information to acquire, and how to apply res

87、ults. 7) The development of a marketing strategy (包含两个步骤:一是选择和分析目标 市场;二是创造和维护适合的市场。) _8) Nothing is more essential(规划国际促销活动比制定明确可测的目标更加必要。) _ encompasses two steps: one is selecting and analyzing a target market; the other is creating and maintaining an appropriate marketing mix.to the planning of i

88、nternational promotional campaigns than the establishment of clearly defined, measurable objectives.12.8.5 Role Play1) Read the following monologue and the advertisement below. Person A will be the speaker in the monologue who works in Chemex, a chemicals manufacturer, and Person B will be the sales

89、 representative for SK Group. Try to exchange as much information as needed to find out whether Chemex and SK Group can make good partners. Monologue: Ive just had a meeting with the Marketing Department. They think that we need to find new markets for our products. We already export to the United S

90、tates. They are also interested in Asia. We need to find a company to help us distribute our products. 2) You represent the Zhejiang Beverage Import and Export Company to talk with Mr. Marshal from an Australian beverage company about importing Australian orange juice and repackaging it in China to

91、meet the needs of the Chinese consumers. Role Play3) Your company is putting a new perfume on a foreign market. Write a questionnaire of ten questions to find out how successful the perfume would be and then interview your partner who acts as an interviewee.The cue would help you phrase the question

92、s.Example: Ask about perfume to discover competitors brands that consumers use.Question: Do you use a perfume? Is there a particular kind you use? Ask about price. Where they buy perfume? Why they use perfume? Does package the shape of the bottle influence them? What they prefer? Spray bottles? What is their favourite scent? Does colour influence their choice? Do they look at perfume advertisements? Do advertisements influence them?



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