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1、1;.Millie: _are we going to Harbin?Mum: On 10th February.Millie: _ is the weather like in Harbin at that time? Mum: Its very cold.Millie: _are we going to stay in Harbin?Mum: In Grandmas big house.Millie: _does Grandma like eating?Mum: She likes biscuits very much.Millie: _do we need that big bag?Mu

2、m: Because we need to take lots of things to Harbin. WhenWhatWhereWhatWhyTry to complete the dialogue2;.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问句的形式:疑问代词特殊疑问句的形式:疑问代词/ /副词副词 + + 动词动词 be/be/助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词 + + 主语主语 + + 动词。疑问代词动词。疑问代词/ /副词包括副词包括 what, who, which, whom, what, who, which, whom, whose, when, how, why, where who

3、se, when, how, why, where 等。回答时不用等。回答时不用yes yes 或或no,no,而要根而要根据实际情况回答。据实际情况回答。(Special question)3;.B Asking wh- questionsWe use wh- questions to ask for information about someone/something. what-activity or thing I am reading. which-thing or person Id like this red one. who-person He is our teacher.

4、 whose-possession The bag is mine. when-time My birthday is on 2nd May. where-place My pen is in the pencil case. why-reason I like dancing because it is fun. 4;. what-Activity or thing (对行为和事物提问)。e.g . 1. “What are you talking about?” “你们在谈什么?” “We are talking about our family.” “我们在谈论我们 的家庭情况。” 2.

5、 “What is your name?” “你叫什么名字?” “My name is Wang Li.” “我叫王丽。” which-Thing or person (对特定的人或事物提问)。e.g “Which man is your English teacher?” “哪位是你的英 语老师?” “The man in white.” “那个穿着白衣服的。”5;. who-Person (对人提问)e.g “Who will visit you tomorrow?” “My father.” “明天谁来看你?” “我爸爸。” whose-Possession (对人的所有关系提问)e.g

6、 “Whose book is this?” “It is my brothers.” “这是谁的书?” “是我弟弟的。” when-Time (对时间提问)e.g “When will you finish your homework?” “你什么时候能完成作业?” “Tomorrow.” “明天。”6;. where-Place (对地点提问)e.g “Where do you study?” “你在哪儿读书?” “In Shanghai.” “在上海。” why-reason (对原因提问)e.g “Why are you late?” “你为什么迟到?” “Because I miss

7、ed the bus.” “因为我没赶 上公共汽车。”想想还缺了哪个疑问词呢?7;.Lets see the family of “how” 1. I go to school by bus. 2. She is twelve. 3. Jim plays with his dog for about two hours on Sunday. 4. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.How do you go to school?How old is she?How long does Jim play with his dog on Su

8、nday?How often does Millie go to the Reading Club?8;. 5.There are more than forty students in our class.6.There is some bread on the plate.7.Mike is 1.35 meters tall.8.Ill bring it here in a minute.How many students are there in your class?How much bread is there on the plate?How tall is Mike?How so

9、on will you bring it here?9;.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句表示疑问,有疑问词(在开头),回答有很多种可能。常用疑问词:When什么时间问时间What time什么时间问具体时间,如几点钟Who谁问人Whose谁的问主人Where在哪里问地点Which哪一个问选择Why为什么问原因What什么问东西、事物What colour什么颜色问颜色What about。怎么样问意见What day星期几问星期几10;.What date什么日期问日期What for为何目的问目的How。怎样问情况How old多大年纪问年纪How many多少数量(可数名词)问数量How much多

10、少钱;多少数量(不可数名词)问多少钱或数量(不可数)How about。怎么样问意见How often多久问频率How long多长时间问时间长度How far多远问多远;多长距离11;.Exercises :针对下列划线部分提问:针对下列划线部分提问1.We are going to Hainan Island.2.Chinese New Year this year is in February.3.Kitty is wearing a special costume.4.I want a skateboard for Christmas. Where are you going?When

11、 is Chinese New Year?Who is wearing a special costume?What do you want for Christmas?12;. 5.Daniel is in the kitchen.6.We celebrate by giving presents.7.My birthday is on 14th August.8.I am going to buy moon cakes because the Mid-autumn Festival is coming.Where is Daniel?How do we celebrate ?When is

12、 your birthday?Why are you going to buy moon cakes?13;.C Using some/ anyWe use some or any to talk about the amount of something.Question Positive sentenceNegative sentence Does he give you _ cakes?He gives me _ cakes.He doesnt give me _ cakes. Would you like _ cakes?Request offerCan I have _ cakes?





17、dsarebig.Whose handsarebig?IamfromEngland.Whereareyou from?Shehasbigknives.What does she have?19;.巧学巧学妙计妙计疑问词走前面,后面跟的是一般;be动词要提前,情(态)、助动词也赶先;行为动词请不动,do和does加在前;does加在主语前,谓语动词变原形。20;.特殊疑特殊疑问句句练习题(二)(二)一、对划线部分提问1.Heismyfather.Who isyourfather?(主语)2.Hiscatisblack.Whosecatisblack.3.Theyareunderthetree.W

18、hereare they?(地点状语)4.IoftenwatchTVafterdinner.(晚饭后)Whatdo Ioftendoafterdinner?(谓语)5.Lilyswimsintheswimmingpool.(游泳池)Whoswimsintheswimmingpool?6.Mylaptop(笔记本电脑)isonthetable.Whereisyourlaptop?21;.1回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes/no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。Whereisshefrom?SheisfromEngland.2如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。MynameisYa

19、ngMei.Whatsyourname?3.特殊疑问句一般读降调()。22;.一.Some的用法1.some:adj.(多用于肯定句、希望得到对法肯定回答的疑问句中)1)修)修饰可数名可数名词复数,指三个或三个以上,复数,指三个或三个以上,“一些、若干一些、若干”eg.Somechildrenlikeplayinginthepark.Wouldyoulikesomeapples?2)修)修饰不可数名不可数名词,“一些、若干一些、若干”eg.Thereissomewaterinthebottle.Wouldyoulikesometeaorcoffee? 3)修)修饰可数名可数名词单数,数,“未确


21、psinthedrawer?2)修)修饰不可数名不可数名词,“任何量的任何量的”eg.CanyouspeakanyFrench?3)用于肯定句中修)用于肯定句中修饰单数可数名数可数名词,“任何一个任何一个”eg.Givemeapen-anypenwillbeOK.2.any:pron.“任何一个人/物”eg.Shedidntspendanyofthemoney.总结:表示一些表示一些时,some用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的疑用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中;句中;any用于否定句和用于否定句和疑疑问句中句中25;.注意:当表示请求或要求并希望对方能给出肯定的回答时,some 也可用于疑

22、问句Would you lend me some money?any 表示“任何的”之意时,也可用于肯定句。Any student can play this game.26;.练习1.Iwant_bookstoread.Doyouhave_?A.some;anyB.any;someC.any;anyD.some;someA27;.1)Annhas_candies.2)Billdoesnthave_money.3)Suewillgiveus_information.4)Thereis_milkinthefridge.5)Thereisnt_beer.6)Therearent_boysinmyf

23、amily.7)Billwontgiveme_help.8)Annshouldntsmoke_cigarettes.9)Suemustdo_homeworktonight.10)Mybrothercantspeak_Chinese.11)Mysistercanspeak_Spanish.12)wouldyoulike_watertodrink?someanysomesomeanyanyanyanysomeanysomesome28;.用用 some 或或 any 填空填空:Sandy: Its time for dinner, I am so hungry now. Lucy: Ive got

24、 _ pies. would you like _ pies?Sandy: Yes, please.Lucy: Here you are. Sandy: Oh, thats very kind of you! Do you have _ milk?Lucy: Im sorry. I dont have _ milk.Sandy: Thats all right.somesomeanyany29;.Tom: Tomorrow is Teachers Day. Did you buy _ flowers for your teachers?Susan: No, I didnt buy _ flow

25、ers, but I bought _ cards. Look!Tom: Wow, how beautiful they are. Where did you buy them?Susan: _ of them are from Lianhua Supermarket and _ from Xixi shop.Tom: Could you buy _ for me? I also need _ but I am very busy today.Susan: Ok, I will go there this afternoon because I also need _ more.someanysomeSomesomesomesomesome30;.Thanks a lot!31;.



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