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1、The Revision of the Noun clauses2021/8/61Michael Jackson, a famous singer, is also a gooddancer, and he likes pop music very much. 这些名词在句子中充当什么成分?主语同位语表语宾语2021/8/62同位语从句同位语从句 基础回顾1:名词性从句的定义名词性从句名词性从句主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句 表语从句表语从句 2021/8/63 A universal consensus is that one country, two systems is the bes

2、t policy for Hongkong.主语从句主语从句表语从句表语从句That anti-China separatists try to destroy the city is the biggest threat for HongKong. . 2021/8/64宾语从句宾语从句同位语从句同位语从句No one knows what happened to Malaysian flight 370. The news that they have divorced is true.2021/8/65总结:名词性从句引导词的三步骤名词性从句引导词的三步骤步骤一:步骤一:如果从句中缺少主

3、语,宾语,表如果从句中缺少主语,宾语,表语,定语则考虑用语,定语则考虑用连接代词;连接代词;步骤二:步骤二:如果从句中既不缺少主语,宾语,如果从句中既不缺少主语,宾语,表语,定语,但是缺少一定意义的状语,表语,定语,但是缺少一定意义的状语,则考虑用则考虑用连接副词;连接副词;步骤三:步骤三:如果既不缺少主语,宾语,表语,如果既不缺少主语,宾语,表语,定语,也不缺少状语,则考虑用从属连词。定语,也不缺少状语,则考虑用从属连词。2021/8/66that(无词义)(无词义), whether, if as if/as though what, who, whom, whose, which, wh

4、oever, whatever, whicheverwhen, where, why, how有词义,有词义,有词义,有词义,但不做成分但不做成分但不做成分但不做成分有词义,有词义,有词义,有词义,做主,宾,表,定语做主,宾,表,定语做主,宾,表,定语做主,宾,表,定语 有词义,有词义,有词义,有词义,做状语做状语做状语做状语Conjunctions of Noun Clauses1.1. 看成分看成分 基础回顾基础回顾2.2. 看句意看句意 2021/8/67名词性从句名词性从句五大考点五大考点2021/8/68Hot News2021/8/69 It is well known _ Jin

5、yong is regarded as the grandfather of Chinese wuxia fiction. _make us sad is _Jinyong passed away at the age of 94 in 2018. We have to accept the fact _ the kingdom is falling apart. The kingdom is quite different from _it was since Jinyong died.考点一考点一 连接词连接词that / whatWhatthatthatthatwhat2021/8/61

6、0 Fans believe _ Jinyongs death is definitely a huge loss to the wuxia world. However, there is a saying _ where there are Chinese people, there are kungfu legends. _ we can do is to may he rest in peace and remember him forever.thatthatWhat考点一考点一 连接词连接词that / what2021/8/611 that 和和 what 都可引导所有的都可引导

7、所有的名词性从句。但是,名词性从句。但是,_除起连除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可作从句的成分,可作从句的_、_、 _、或或_。而。而_在名词性从在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起句中不充当任何成分,只起_作用。作用。what主语主语宾语宾语表语表语that连接连接总结归纳:总结归纳:定语定语考点一考点一 连接词连接词 that / what that / what 的选用的选用2021/8/6121._(据报道据报道) the bus has been located more than 60 meters underwater. 2._(碰巧碰巧)

8、the bus rushed to the roadside and fell into the Yangtze River.3._(事实是事实是)15 people were killed in the accident. 4._(有必要有必要)we should obey the traffic rules for our own safety.It is necessary thatIt is reported thatIt happened thatIt is a fact that 考点考点 2 :it作形式主语作形式主语, 形式宾语形式宾语2021/8/613 It is repo

9、rted/thought/said/predicted that It is clear/necessary/certain that It is a pity/a shame/an honor that It doesnt matter whether It seems/appears that It happens thatSummaryIt 作形式主语的句型:作形式主语的句型:It + be +名词名词/形容词形容词/过去分词过去分词/不及物动词不及物动词 +that 从句从句2021/8/6141. I hate _ when the bus driver quarrels with

10、others during the driving of the bus. A. this B. that C. it D. one2. 我们发现难以原谅乘客刘某和公交车驾驶员的行为我们发现难以原谅乘客刘某和公交车驾驶员的行为. itWe found it difficult to forgive the behaviorof the passenger Liu and the bus driver. 考点考点 2 :it作形式主语作形式主语, 形式宾语形式宾语3. We should made that obeying the law is every citizens duty clear

11、. (改用形式宾语改用形式宾语 it )We should made it clear that obeying the law is every citizens duty .2021/8/615Remember it1)表示表示“喜欢、讨厌喜欢、讨厌”等心理方等心理方面的动词:面的动词:enjoy, prefer, love,like, hate, appreciate dislike等。等。2)consider,find,think, feel,make ,depend on it that(指望指望), count on it that等动词常带宾语补足语等动词常带宾语补足语,这时要用

12、形式宾语这时要用形式宾语 it ,宾语从宾语从句放到宾补之后句放到宾补之后It作形式作形式宾语动词及词组宾语动词及词组:2021/8/6161.The news that China has successfully landed a spacecraft named Change 4 on the moon is of great significance.2. The news that China space agency declares is of great significance.3.The fact that China makes great advances in spa

13、ce exploration cant be denied.4.The fact that TV reported excited every Chinese.考点考点3 同位语从句和定语从句的区别同位语从句和定语从句的区别同位语从句同位语从句 定语从句定语从句 定语从句定语从句同位语从句同位语从句2021/8/6176. Is there any possibility _ the moon become destination for space travel in the future? A. When B. that C. whether D. what 5. The belief t

14、hat people cannt live on the moon is still held in some countries.The belief is that people cannt live on the moon.同位语从句的简易判断方法:同位语从句的简易判断方法:在名词和从句之间加在名词和从句之间加be,构成一个新句子,如果合乎逻辑,构成一个新句子,如果合乎逻辑,句子通顺,则是同位语从句句子通顺,则是同位语从句; 定语从句是不能用系表结构把定语从句是不能用系表结构把先行词与从句连接起来的。先行词与从句连接起来的。2021/8/618 同位语从句同位语从句: 一般跟在名词一般跟

15、在名词fact, news, promise, truth, belief, thought, idea, answer, information, knowledge, doubt, hope, law, opinion, plan, suggestion后面后面, 说明或解释前面名词的内容说明或解释前面名词的内容.连接词连接词通常为通常为that,但在从句中不作任何成分,只起连接,但在从句中不作任何成分,只起连接作用,不能省略。还作用,不能省略。还用用how, when, where, why, whether(不用(不用if). 定语从句:对先行词起修饰限制作用定语从句:对先行词起修饰限

16、制作用,并且关系并且关系代词代词that在句中作成分。在句中作成分。考点考点3 同位语从句和定语从句的区别同位语从句和定语从句的区别总结归纳:总结归纳:2021/8/6191. It is demanded that China _ preparations for the trade war. A. makes B. has to make C. must make D. make2. It is strange that Trump _ the loss of American job on the trade imbalance between the two country. A. w

17、ould blame B. should blame C. had blamed D. has blamed考点4 名词性从句中的虚拟语气 竟竟 然然2021/8/6204. The history suggested the Chinese nation _(experience/experienced) more than 5,000 year of ups and downs, so we are not afraid to fight to the end.experienced3. The Chinese foreign ministry suggested that a win-w

18、in solution _ to settle trade issues . A. should adopt B. adopted C. be adopted D. adopting考点4 名词性从句中的虚拟语气 2021/8/621总结总结归纳:归纳:表示表示建议、要求、命令建议、要求、命令, ,坚持坚持等等动词动词suggest、advise、propose、demand、require、insist request、command、order后的从后的从句谓语动词用句谓语动词用 _注意:注意:suggest 当表示当表示“暗示、表明暗示、表明”,insist 表示表示“坚持认为坚持认为”

19、之意时,之意时,从句谓语动词不用从句谓语动词不用虚拟语气,按需要来选择时态。虚拟语气,按需要来选择时态。(should) + do/be done考点4 名词性从句中的虚拟语气 2021/8/6221._ Lee Chong Wei will take part in the Tokyo Olympic games depends on his healthy condition.2. Were worried about _ he is healthy.3. I dont know _ or not he is well.4. The question is _ he will contin

20、ue training.5. He havent decided _ to retire from the badminton game. Whetherwhetherwhetherwhetherwhether考点考点5: 总结哪些情况只能用总结哪些情况只能用whether 2021/8/623请你归纳请你归纳a. a. 主语从句并在句首主语从句并在句首b. b. 表语从句表语从句c. c. 同位语从句同位语从句e. e. 介词后的宾语从句介词后的宾语从句f. f. 直接加动词不定式只能用直接加动词不定式只能用whether(to do)g g whether or not 直接连用时不用直接

21、连用时不用if只能用只能用whether 的情况:的情况:请你归纳请你归纳If 表是否表是否只用于只用于动词动词后的宾语从后的宾语从句句2021/8/624回顾名词性从句的回顾名词性从句的考点考点:重重点点考点一:连接词what和that的选用考点二:it作形式主语和形式宾语的用法考点三:同位语从句和定语从句的区别考点四:名词性从句中的虚拟语气考点五:只能用whether引导的名词性从句2021/8/625写作中的名词性从句写作中的名词性从句一一篇作文,在适当的地方恰当地放置一两个篇作文,在适当的地方恰当地放置一两个从句从句,不仅会让,不仅会让作文更耐读,而且作文分值会有所提高作文更耐读,而且

22、作文分值会有所提高。高考英语作文评分标准高考英语作文评分标准第五档第五档(很好很好);(21-25分分) 1. 完全完成了试题规定的任务。 2. 覆盖所有内容要点。 3. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。Writing task: 假如你是李华,班会课上班主任假如你是李华,班会课上班主任Mr. Chen要求你用要求你用英文写一篇演讲稿,给班里的同学们加油打气。尽量英文写一篇演讲稿,给班里的同学们加油打气。尽量用上你所学过的名词性从句。用上你所学过的名词性从句。2021/8/6261.让我担心的是在高考中能否通过英语考试让我担心的是在高考中能否通过英语考试(what主语从主

23、语从句句, whether表语从句)。表语从句)。2.我发现学好英语是很重要的我发现学好英语是很重要的.(it形式宾语或表语从句形式宾语或表语从句)3.在我看来,成功主要取决于一个人是否有决心在我看来,成功主要取决于一个人是否有决心(determination)(whether宾语从句宾语从句) 。4.我的愿望是被一所重点大学录取。我的愿望是被一所重点大学录取。(表语从句)(表语从句)5.可是事实是我的成绩不是很好(可是事实是我的成绩不是很好(主语从句主语从句 it is a fact that .)。)。6.但我相信人人都有获得成功的潜力但我相信人人都有获得成功的潜力.(宾语从句宾语从句 t

24、he potential to do sth)7.总之,我们有责任尽我们最大可能去实现我们的梦想!总之,我们有责任尽我们最大可能去实现我们的梦想!( 形式主语和同位语从句形式主语和同位语从句 It is our responsibility that.) Writing2021/8/627 What worries me most is whether I can pass English exam in college entrance exams. I find it important to learn English well. In my opinion, success depen

25、ds mainly on whether one can have great determination. My hope is that I can be admitted to a key university. However, it is a fact that I dont do well in study. But I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve success. All in all, it is our responsibility that we should spare no effort to r

26、ealize our dreams. A possible version:2021/8/6281. Review what you have learned.2. Try to introduce yourself using Noun Clauses.2021/8/629Thank you for your attention! Goodbye!2021/8/630高考链接1.It is by no means clear_the president can do to end the strike. A.how B.which C.that D.what 2.Weve offered h

27、er the job, but I dont know_shell accept it. A.where B.what C.whether D.which3.The shocking news made me realise _terrible problems we would face. A.what B.how C.that D.why 4.The man in prison insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _set free. A.should do, should be B.had done, should be C.had done ,had been D.should do, had been2021/8/631



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