高中英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Section Ⅲ Using Language课件 新人教版必修4

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1、课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达Unit 3 A taste of English humour Section Using Language 课件(人教版必修课件(人教版必修4,课标通用),课标通用)课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达.正误判断(根据课文内容判断正“T”误“F”)1In the first joke,the customer is angry about a fly in his/her soup.()2In the second joke,the waiter mistakes bean

2、for been.()3In the third joke,the customer asks about the shape of the pancakes.()课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达4Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went travelling in a mountainous area.()5From their dialogue we can see Sherlock Holmes is humourous.()答案.1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易

3、混点解码书面表达解码书面表达.阅读表达(根据课文内容完成下列各题)1What did the customer really mean in the third joke?(Please answer within 10 words.)_2What does“Its bean soup.”mean and what does “what its been” mean?_3What does the customer really mean in the first joke?_课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达答 案 1.The customer re

4、ally wants to know the information about time.2 “Its bean soup.”means that it is bean soup while“what its been”means what it has been.3The customer is really angry about the fly in his/her soup and means“Why is this here?”课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达.教材研读一、重点单词熟记1_n女演员_n男演员2_ vt.使发笑;使愉快_ad

5、j.愉快的;开心的_adj.好笑的;有趣的_n娱乐;消遣3_n解释;说明_vt.&vi.解释;说明4_n侦探5_n耳语;低语vt.&vi.低语课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达6_adj.多山的;山一般的_n山;山脉7_vi.作出反应;回应_n反应;反作用8_adj.醉的_vt.&vi.喝,饮水,饮酒答案1.actress;actor2.amuse;amused;amusing;amusement3.explanation; explain4.detective5.whisper 6 mountainous; mountain 7.react;reac

6、tion8drunk;drink课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达二、重点短语探究1play _ words玩文字游戏2_a mountainous area在一个山区3_the open air在户外;在野外4_the vast sky在浩瀚的天空下5react _对作出反应;回应6bring_使明显,显示出7add _合计;把加起来8a sense _success一种成就感答案1.on2.in3.in4.in5.to6.out7.up8.of课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达三、教材佳句背诵1I thin

7、k of how small I am and _.我想到我是多么渺小,而天空是多么广阔。2_you finish your story,you will feel a sense of success.不管你何时完成故事,你都会有一种成就感。答案1.how vast the sky is2.Whenever课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达1amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快There are thousands of jokes which use “play on words” to amuse us.(英语中)有数千个笑话,它们因使用了“双关语”

8、而显得妙趣横生。A clowns job is to amuse the spectators.小丑的工作就是娱乐观众。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达They amused themselves by playing games.他们通过做游戏来消遣。We were amused with the beautiful scenery.那美丽的景色使我们感到快乐。To our amusement,they had a quarrel about such a small th

9、ing.让我们感到好笑的是,他们为这样一件小事争吵。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【即境活用】根据句意填入amuse的适当形式。His chief _ is reading novels.He usually _ himself with reading.And he is usually _by the _ stories.答案amusement;amuses;amused;amusing课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达Lucy has a great sense of humour and alway

10、s keeps her colleagues _ with her stories.(2010上海高考)Aamused BamusingCto amuse Dto be amused解析句意:露西很有幽默感,总是能用故事逗乐她的同事。keep sb done使某人被怎么样,her colleagues与amuse之间是被动关系,故选A。答案A课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达2whisper n耳语;低语vt.&vi.低语;小声说Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered,“Watson,w

11、hen you look at that beautiful sky,what do you think of?”夏洛克福尔摩斯仰望着星空,轻声地说道:“华生,当你望着美丽的天空时,你想到了什么?”课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达She whispered a word in my ear.她对我附耳说了一句话。It is whispered that he is heavily in debt.据传闻他负债累累。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表

12、达解码书面表达【即境活用】判断正误(T/F)Janc and Mary are chatting in whisper.()Jane and Mary are chatting in a whisper. ( )Jane and Mary are chatting in whispers. ( )He is whispering his neighbour,“Lets go hunting.”()He is whispering to his neighbour,“Lets go hunting.”()答案FTTFT课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达3

13、react vi.作出反应;回应How do you think John will react to her?你认为约翰将怎样回应她?课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【即境活用】根据语境用react的搭配填空Children sometimes_the thing their parents believe in.孩子们有时反对他们父母相信的事。The rise in oil costs _ the price of food.石油价格上涨对食物的价格有影响。How did

14、 he _ your suggestion?他对你的建议有何反应?Iron _ water and air to produce rust.铁和水及空气发生反应产生铁锈。答案react againstreacted uponreact toreacts with课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达4keep to sth遵守,信守(协定或规则);不离(题)It was an interesting experience as it was clear that he did not keep to a strict budget.那是一次有趣的经历,因为

15、很明显,他没有遵守严格的预算。I must keep to what Ive seen with my own eyes.我只信守我亲眼所见的事。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达He told the boys playing football to keep off the grass.他告诉那些踢足球的男孩子们不要践踏草坪。Why do you keep on smiling?你为什么老是笑?Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold

16、.暖和的衣服可以御寒。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【即境活用】根据句意填入恰当的介词、副词You are keeping something _ from us;what is it? 你有一些事隐瞒我们,到底是什么?Would you keep that dog _,please?请将那条狗牵远些,好吗?I tried to keep the flies _ this dish.我尽力不让苍蝇落在菜盘上。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达You should keep _ your promise to

17、 come and see us next year.你要遵守自己的诺言,明年来看我们。答案backawayoffto课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达5ln the 1990s,Mr Bean became a star using mime to highlight difficult social situations much as Charlie Chaplin had done.【分析】(1)此句为主从复合句。(2)句中as引导方式状语从句,意为:和一样,照的方式。(3)“using mime to.”为现在分词在句中作方式状语。课前自主导

18、学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【即境活用】将上面句子翻译成汉语。_仿写句子。他们像他做的那样用捐钱的方式来帮助那些需要帮助的人。_答案在20世纪90年代,憨豆先生成为一位像查理卓别林那样用哑剧来反映艰难社会处境的喜剧名星。They helped the persons in need by donating money to them as he had done.课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达6The answer to the question contains a word which,when spoke

19、n,can have two meanings.【分析】(1)此句为主从复合句。(2)句中which引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“a word”,且which在从句中充当主语。(3)“when spoken”为省略句,补充完整为:when it(the word) is spoken,在句中作插入语。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【即境活用】将上面句子翻译成汉语。_仿写句子。这座楼含有很多房间,当建完时,其中一个房间将被用作阅览室。_答案问题的答案中包含有一个单词,这个单词在说的时候,可以有两层意思。The building contains m

20、any rooms one of which,when completed,will be used as a reading room.课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达7What did John think Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?约翰认为玛丽本应该怎样处理锅里的脏东西呢?【分析】(1)此句为简单句。(2)句中“did John think”为插入语。(3)“should have done”本应该做,暗含实际上并没有做。是对过去发生动作的虚拟表达。相当于“ought to h

21、ave done”,其否定形式为“shouldnt have done”本不应该做。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【即境活用】仿写句子你认为就这个问题汤姆本应该怎么做呢?_答案What did you think Tom should have done about the problem?课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达并列连词的使用应用透析:并列连词主要是用来表示并列关系、选择关系、因果推理关系、转折关系等。也可用来连接平行的词、词组或分句。常见的并列连词如下:and和both.and.二者都;eit

22、her.or.或者或者;neither.nor.既不也不;as well as也,连同;not only.but(also).不但而且;but但是;yet然而;still仍然;while然而;or或者;or else否则;otherwise否则;so,for,then,therefore。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【语境感悟】1We should keep not only calm but also patient.(2012湖南)2We ought to understand and love our parents from the bo

23、ttom of our hearts.(2011江苏)3Cooperation can not only help us out of trouble but also bring us much happiness.(2011湖北)4Trust me and you will be rewarded.(2011辽宁)5I join the basketball team,where I not only learn the importance of teamwork but also strengthen my body.(2011江西)课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点

24、解码书面表达解码书面表达【学以致用】1珍和吉姆对流行音乐都很感兴趣。_2她不但和蔼而且诚实。_3北京的冬天很冷,然而昆明的冬天却很温暖。_课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达4不管你我或者其他任何人都不会相信这件事。_5这里的空气受到了污染,所以庄稼快死了。_答案1.Both Jane and Jim are interested in pop music.2She is not only kind but also honest.3The winter in Beijing is very cold while that of Kunming is w

25、arm.4Neither you nor I nor anyone else believes such things.5The air here is polluted,so the crops are dying.课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【提高训练】请根据下表中的内容写一篇短文。姓名姓名杨振宁杨振宁性别性别男男国籍国籍美籍华人美籍华人出生地出生地安徽安徽出生日期出生日期1922年年9月月22日日职业职业物理学家物理学家教育背景教育背景清华大学研究清华大学研究生;美国芝加生;美国芝加哥大学博士哥大学博士课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点

26、考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达简介简介1950年在美国结婚,婚后有两子一女,均在年在美国结婚,婚后有两子一女,均在美国安家立业美国安家立业1957年和李政道一起获得诺贝尔物理学奖年和李政道一起获得诺贝尔物理学奖1998年起任清华大学教授年起任清华大学教授2004年年12月从美国回国并定居清华园,在清月从美国回国并定居清华园,在清华大学教授物理华大学教授物理获得多种荣誉,是许多大学的荣誉教授获得多种荣誉,是许多大学的荣誉教授课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达注意:1.所写短文应包括所有要点;2开头已给出,不可逐字翻译。Yang Zhenning,

27、a Chinese American physicist,was born_课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达【参考范文】Yang Zhenning,a Chinese American physicist,was born on September 22,1922,in Anhui Province in China.After receiving his masters degree in Tsing Hua University, he got his doctors degree in Americas Chicago University.H

28、e got married in 1950 and has two sons and a daughter,all of whom have built their homes in America.In 1957,he and his partner Li Zhengdao won the Nobel Prize for physics.课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点解码书面表达解码书面表达Yang has been invited to be a professor in Tsing Hua University since 1998.In December,2004,he returned to homeland from America and settled down in the university,beginning his teaching in Tsing Hua.In all his life,he has been given lots of honours and titled as the honored professor for many universities.



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