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1、 Unit Two Colour Revision温馨提示温馨提示复习目标:复习目标:1.四会本单元重点词汇。四会本单元重点词汇。2.能区分和正确运用能区分和正确运用would rather 和和prefer的用法。的用法。3.能区分和正确运用不定代词能区分和正确运用不定代词someone/somebody; anyone; anybody; no one/nobody;及及something; anything; nothing; none 1.宁可宁可也不(也不(3种用法)种用法)2. 彩虹彩虹3. 情绪,心情情绪,心情4. 欲睡的,困倦的欲睡的,困倦的5. 悠闲的,放松的悠闲的,放松的6

2、. 悲哀,忧伤悲哀,忧伤7. 平静的平静的8. 满足的;满意的满足的;满意的9. 更喜欢;宁愿选择(更喜欢;宁愿选择(3种用法)种用法)10. 热热11. 困难;费力困难;费力12.决定;决心决定;决心13. 担心的,烦恼的担心的,烦恼的14. 影响影响 (n.)15. 需要,要求需要,要求16. 不悦,忧愁不悦,忧愁17. 日记日记 (pl.)18. 行为,举止行为,举止19. 电子卡片电子卡片20. 发现;发觉发现;发觉 would rather do sth. would rather do A than do B. would rather do A than B prefer to

3、do sth. prefer A to B. prefer doing A to doing B.influencediaries21. 允诺;答应允诺;答应22. 成功地成功地23. 大学,学院大学,学院24. 黑色的(头发、皮肤)黑色的(头发、皮肤)25. 皮肤皮肤26. 苍白的苍白的27. 建议(建议(n.)28. 免费的免费的29. 或许;可能或许;可能30. 想法;看法想法;看法advice2.允诺,答应允诺,答应基础检测基础检测1.满意的满意的热,热度热,热度牙医牙医 3.日记日记 4. 发现,发觉发现,发觉satisfiedheatdentist diary决定(动)决定(动)

4、promisedecision decidemake a decisiondiscoverpromise to do sthbe satisfied withkeep a diary/ keep diaries5.根据英文释义写出下列单词:根据英文释义写出下列单词:1) need 2) affect 3) maybe, possibly, probably advise6.建议(名)建议(名) 困难困难 深的深的 活泼的活泼的 和平和平behaviourrequire7.行为,举止行为,举止 苍白的苍白的influenceadvicepaledifficultydeeplivelypeacep

5、erhapspeaceful8.活跃的活跃的 想法想法 大学大学activethoughtcollegego to collegeinactive基础检测基础检测根据中文或英文提示,写出下列单词、词组根据中文或英文提示,写出下列单词、词组1.(07南通)南通)The talk was so boring that many of us felt _.(sleep) 2. Dont disturb him. He fell_ just now. (sleep) sleepy3.(08黄冈)黄冈) Hand-foot-mouth disease is terrible, but I believe

6、 that we Chinese can beat it _(成功)(成功).4.(08盐城)盐城) -Whats the weather like in your hometown now? -Its usually very _(热)(热)and often rains a lot.5.The sun gives us_(热)(热)and light.successfullyasleephotheat6.(06宿迁)宿迁) My friend Owen _ (更喜欢)(更喜欢)playing chess to playing volleyball when he was a child.7

7、. (07无锡)无锡) When you laugh or smile, your body _.(放松放松) 8.(08威海)威海) Listening to light music makes me feel _.(放松放松) 9.( 09无锡)无锡) Im sure hes made the wrong _(决定)(决定) on that matter. 10. ( 09无锡)无锡) Dont be _ (担心)(担心)about the children. The whole class would be friendly to their classmates.11. He brok

8、e his _(许诺)(许诺)and did not come to see me.12. Maybe I should talk to someone about my friends _(行为)(行为). preferredrelaxesdecisionworriedrelaxedpromisebehaviour基础检测基础检测二、任务驱动二、任务驱动( 8分钟分钟)任务任务 朗读朗读Reading,掌握不同颜色所代表的不同含义。,掌握不同颜色所代表的不同含义。Exercise:What the colours representA: What does blue represent?B:

9、 Blue represents calm. WisdomGrowthPowerPurityJoyCalmwould rather do A than do B prefer A to B 三、重点再现三、重点再现1. Kate宁愿去公园划船,也不愿去爬山。宁愿去公园划船,也不愿去爬山。Kate would rather_ than_.Kate prefers _ to _.Kate prefers to _ rather than _.2. 许多人宁愿买新车,也不愿去修它。许多人宁愿买新车,也不愿去修它。Many people_ a new car than _. Many people _

10、 buying a new car to _. 完成下列句子完成下列句子 go boating go climbing going boating going climbingprefer to do sth. rather than do sth. go boating go climbing would rather buy repair it prefer prepairing itsomeone anyone no one nobody something anything nothing none 三、重点再现三、重点再现1.A: How many students can you

11、see there?B: _. (没有人没有人)2.A: Who can you see in the classroom?B: _. (没有人没有人)3. Is there _ in the bathroom? 4. _ recognized(认出)(认出) Millie because of her new hairstyle.5. Look, _ has dropped 100 yuan.6. There is _ in the desk, is there?7. She has bought a gift for _.8. My father was in a bad mood, he

12、 wanted to say _.9. Everyone is busy. I cant think of _ to talk.10. The problem is so hard that _ of us can work it out.None Nobody / No oneanybody / anyoneNobody / No onesomebody / someonenothingsomebody / someonenothinganybody / anyonenone选择:选择:1. Whats on TV tonight? There is _ interesting. Its b

13、oring.a. something b. anything c. nothing d. everything2. Got any information about High School Examination? Well, I was trying to, but found _.a. no one b. none c. some d. onecb选择:选择:3. There is _ with my computer. It doesnt work. a. something wrong b. anything wrong c. wrong something d. nothing w

14、rong4. Is _ here? No, Tom and Jack have asked for leave. a. anybody b. everybody c. somebody d. nobodyab四、体验中考四、体验中考1.(06南通)南通) _ of them knows French, so I have to ask a third person for help. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None2.( 08北京)北京) Im hungry. I want _ to eat. A. anything B. something C. e

15、verything D. Nothing3. ( 08北京)北京) -Is _ here ? -No, John and Bob have asked for leave. A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody ABD四、体验中考四、体验中考9.(08威海)威海) Listening to light music makes feel _ (放松)(放松).6. (08连云港)连云港) Finally help reached the flood victims in the damaged village _.(成功成功) 7.( 08泰

16、州)泰州) -Which of the shirts do you like better? -Ill take_. They are very fashionable and cheap. A. nothing B. none C. all D. both 8. ( 09无锡)无锡) Dont be _ (担心)(担心)about the children. The whole class would be friendly to their classmates. relaxedsuccessfullyDworried五、课堂检测五、课堂检测请完成请完成中考总复习中考总复习P202-203

17、“考题引路考题引路” “单项选择单项选择”五、整理、释疑五、整理、释疑 给大家给大家3分钟时间,自己整理刚才所学分钟时间,自己整理刚才所学的内容;如有疑问,可组内合作解决或向的内容;如有疑问,可组内合作解决或向老师求教!老师求教!发现的问题、解决的问题发现的问题、解决的问题都是今天的收获!都是今天的收获!Unit 1 GrammarA 四会本单元重点词汇。四会本单元重点词汇。B 能区分和正确运用能区分和正确运用would rather 和和prefer的用法。的用法。C 能区分和正确运用不定代词能区分和正确运用不定代词someone/somebody; anyone; anybody; no one/nobody;及及something; anything; nothing; noneConclusion



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