1、 Course Design Zhang LuwAbout the coursewAbout the examwSuggested reading listSuggested Reading List (1)wDavid Nunan Syllabus Design Oxford University Press wJanice Yalden Principles of Course Design for Language Teaching Cambridge University PresswJanice Yalden The Communicative Syllabus: Evolution
2、, design and implementation Prentice-Hall International wRonald V. White The ELT Curriculum: design, innovation & management Basil BlackwellwJohn Munby Communicative Syllabus Design Cambridge University PresswGraves Cathleen Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers Foreign Language Teaching
3、& Research PressSuggested reading list (2)wEditor: Leslie E. Sheldon ELT Textbooks & materials: Problems in Evaluation and development Modern English PublicationswAlan Cunningsworth Choosing your Coursebook Shanghai Foreign language Education PresswTomlinson Brian. ed. Developing Materials for langu
4、age Teaching Continuum w程晓堂 英语教材分析与设计 Foreign Language Teaching & Research PressSome common terminology w Curriculumw Syllabusw Goalw Aimsw Objectivesw Needsw Assessmentcurriculum:Principles and procedures for the planning,implementation, evaluation, andmanagement of an educational program.Curriculu
5、m study embraces syllabus design (the selection and grading of content) &methodology (the selection of learningtasks and activities). David Nunan curriculum:The curriculum includes the goals,objectives, content, processes, resources,and means of evaluation of all the learning experiences planned for
6、 pupils both in and out of the school and community through classroom instruction and related programs. A.S. Robertstoncurriculum: An overall plan for a course or program. Such a program usually states: 1) aim 2)syllabus 3) methodology 4) assessment and testing 5) evaluation of the program syllabus
7、a description of the contents of a course of instruction and the order in which they are to be taught. Language teaching syllabus may be based on different criteria such as wgrammatical items and vocabulary wlanguage needed for different types of situations wthe meanings and communicative functions
8、that learners need to express in the target language wskills underlying different language behavior wthe text types learners need to mastergoalThe broad, general purposes behind acourse of study. Goals can be couchedin terms of what the teacher is to do orwhat the learner is to do. David Nunangoal A
9、ddresses general, societal, community, or institutional concerns.examples of goals:“to develop conversational skills.”“to develop skills in learning-how-to-learn.”“to teach learners basic grammatical structure.”“to prepare learners for tertiary study in a foreign language”aims (general objectives) T
10、he underlying reasons for or purposes of a course of instruction. Example of aimsthe aims of the teaching of a foreignlanguage in a particular countrymight be: “to teach Ss to read andwrite a foreign language, to improveSs knowledge of a foreign culture, toteach conversation in a foreignlanguage, et
11、c.” objectivesa statement describing what learners willbe able to do as a result of instruction.Formal objectives are meant to have threeparts: an activity (what learners will do);conditions (under what circumstances),and standards (how well they will perform) David Nunanobjectives specific outcomes
12、 or products of courses which are outlined in a syllabus. They are more detailed descriptions of exactly what a learner is expected to be able to do at the end of a period of instruction. This might be a single lesson, a chapter of a book, a terms work, etc. example of objectives:Learners will give
13、an oral presentation(activity); speaking for five minutes fromprepared notes (conditions); in a mannerwhich is comprehensible to native speakers unused to dealing with non-native speakers(standard). needs: associated with individual learners. assessment the measurement of the ability of a person or
14、the quality or success of a teaching course. It may be done by test, interview, questionnaire, observation, etc. Task 1Complete the following sentence:Designing a course involves _.Designing a language course has several components. Classical models of curriculum design as well as the more recent mo
15、dels agree on most of the components, although they may subdivide some of them and give them slightly different names. These components comprise setting objectives based on some form of assessment, determining content, materials, & method; & evaluation. Task 2 Examine the following planning tasks &
16、decide on the order in which they might be carried out _ monitoring & assessing Ss progress _ selecting suitable materials _ stating the objectives of the course _ evaluating the course _listing grammatical and functional components _ designing learning activities & tasks _ instructing Ss _ identify
17、ing topics, themes, & situationsSteps involved in designing a course (Taba 1962)wdiagnosis of needswformulation of objectives(realistic)wselection of content worganization of contentwselection of learning experiencesworganization of learning experienceswdetermination of what to evaluate, and the mea
18、ns to evaluate( a classic model )Steps involved in designing a course (Nunan)wIdentifying learners needs and purposeswEstablishing goals and objectiveswSelecting and grading contentswOrganizing appropriate learning arrangements & learner groupingswSelecting, adapting, or developing appropriate materials, learning tasks, and assessment and evaluation tools.( a recent model )A framework of course design process (Kathleen Graves )Task 3 Discuss with your partner how you think this statement “designing a language course is a work in progress” means.